Read Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) Online

Authors: Aneta Krpekyan

Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) (7 page)

BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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“I guess I overreacted again.”
Isabel sighed, hand pressed to her forehead.

First seagulls and now rats
. Luke lightly laughed. “Well I better get going.”

“Thanks again.” She gave a shaky laugh back as she walked him towards the door.

As they stopped at the front entrance he turned around facing her. Subconsciously he brushed her hair away from her face lightly touching her cheek. She had such delicate bone structure. For a moment he studied her face and watched her nervously shift her weight from one foot to the other. She must have been spending some time on the beach for her face was slightly tanned. He let his fingers caress her cheek no longer denying himself the temptation of the slightest touch. Slowly lifting her chin, he lightly kissed the corner of her mouth, dangerously close to her lips. It took every willpower he could possess to not brush his lips against hers. What he would give to just taste that beautiful mouth. He pulled away and stared into her eyes and sensed no hesitation. Heat rushed to his brain when he realized her eyes were inviting him to take more. If this was a date Luke would have greedily took her lips and pushed his hands up her shirt with no reluctance. It alarmed him how physically attracted he was to his own assistant and her body language showed she was no stranger to the enticing lure between them. He scrubbed his hand over his chin. He couldn’t take another step. He either had to have all of her or none at all. He waited for her to speak but she didn’t. As he began to talk she interrupted him.

“Don’t apologize
. It will just make things awkward.” She pausing for a moment then released a muffled laugh trying to grab a hold of her jumping nerves and racing hormones. Without saying a word he gave her a crooked grin, shuffled his hands through his already unruly hair and watched her eyes light up in amusement. He walked away and heard her close the door. Luke counted the sound of numerous clicks. She must have at least five locks on that door he thought. As he walked back to his car he promised himself someday soon he would find out why Isabel Stamos felt the need for that much protection.


The days flew
by rapidly fast inside the exciting walls of B. Pentagon Corporation. Isabel realized she was more productive in an energetic, high paced environment verses a quiet office. She had become better acquainted with the staff and enjoyed working with them. As for Luke, she tried not to dwell too much on what happened the night of the bon fire. Especially since he hadn't made anything of it himself. Isabel wondered if Luke was avoiding her deliberately. He hadn’t called her into his office as often as he used to. And when he did, he’d barely look into her eyes. Three times this week she had arranged a dinner for two reservations at local swanky restaurants and knew there was nothing business related about it. But she convinced herself she was once again overreacting because Luke was a busy man and had his reasons to be locked up inside his office.

Isabel had a good view of Luke from her desk when his double doors were open.
Occasionally she’d find him standing with his hands in his pockets, gazing out his window towards the sea just as he had the day they met. A serious frown molded his face when working countless hours in front of his computer. When on the phone with an old client, his tone would become light and friendly as he'd lean back in his chair and discuss business casually. And when negotiating, he’d become calculating and persuasive. Isabel couldn’t imagine anyone denying a business proposal from Luke. In fact she couldn’t imagine anyone denying any type of proposal from Luke. He certainly had his way with people as if his voice was just as hypnotizing as his good looks. Isabel scolded herself each time she caught herself daydreaming about her boss.

              Always on queue to interrupt her racing thoughts, Linda appeared at her desk. "Not planning on leaving yet? It’s Friday." Linda gave a wide excited grin. "So what are your plans this weekend? Any hot dates?" She wiggled her brows.
              "Nope. Not this weekend." Isabel laughed lightly. She didn’t remember the last time she even had a date yet alone a hot one. Before joining the law firm she dated occasionally and had a moderate social life. Then her world had darkened once she was an associate of Preston Scotts.
              “Then in that case a few of us are going over to Clay’s tonight for some drinks. It’s our usual hang out spot in downtown. Best bar in town. You have to join us I promise it’s worth it.” Linda continued in her energetic tone.
              Isabel had heard numerous workers talk about Clay’s. They said it has a nice bar, an old karaoke machine and a small dance floor. Not her usual scene Isabel thought. But when she moved away from L.A she promised herself and more to her mother that she would have a life outside the office. “I don't drink but I’d love to check out the place. What time?”
              "9pm. Drinks and dancing. And I don't want to hear any of that I don't drink or dance crap when you get there tonight." Linda said as she placed her hands on her hips and wondered what the hell this chick did for fun. "Here's the address. Where something sexy and don't be late."


’s cab pulled into the busy parking lot of the well-known Clay’s. After a few outfit changes she had settled for a deep plum cocktail dress exposing her slim tanned legs and nude colored pumps. Walking through the crowded doorway, Isabel spotted Linda and a few others laughing at the bar. Linda’s gaze immediately caught Isabel’s and she came dashing towards her.

“You made it.” Lind
a grabbed her hand leading her towards their group. “Wow you look great. I love the dress.”

“The same goes to you. You cut your hair.” Isabel spoke loud to be heard over the
music and loud chatter amongst the large crowd. Linda had chopped off her medium length blond hair to a short sleek bob revealing her long neck. She wore a short black dress with strappy black heels. Isabel looked around and noticed the rather racy attire the rest of the women were wearing and for once was glad she took the risk and put on the shortest dress in her closet. Isabel giggled shyly as she watched Linda wave and wink at a few men before they reached their group.  

Everyone was excited to see Isabel
and it warmed her heart how easily she’d made friends. She waved to Matt who was sitting on a stool and openly flirting with the cute bartender he’d just met. Since he wasn’t in the office and was currently sporting a t-shirt versus his usual dress shirts, Isabel noticed both of Matt’s arms were covered in sleeved tattoos. He sent her an instant smile and raised his beer to salute.

“So what are you having? I already started a tab.” Linda told Isabel.
“Your first night here at Clay’s needs be unforgettable and I’m buying.”

Before Isabel could object
Linda gave her an exasperated
don’t start with me look
. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

Good girl. Hey sweetie give me two double shots of your best tequila.” Linda called out in an alluring voice to a male bartender. His name was Josh and he had tattoos covering most of his arms and parts of his neck. It didn’t take long observation to figure out he was one of Matt’s friends. Josh gave Isabel a quick teasing wink at the sight of her alarmed face.

ila?” Isabel stressed. “I’ve never had a tequila shot yet alone a double.” She laughed nervously.

“Isabel we’re here to get a little tipsy, meet a few fine men, dance
our sexy heels off and have a good time. Look around you. The place is swarming with hot guys. If you’re going to hang out with me tonight you have to pick up the pace so let’s go.” Linda said as she handed Isabel her glass. “Now follow my lead.”

watched as Linda licked her wrist, sprinkled some salt, threw her head back taking the shot and bit into a lime. “Well, here goes nothing.” Isabel shrugged and mimicked Linda’s lead. She squinted her eyes and sucked in her cheeks from the sour taste of the lime causing Linda to burst into laughter.

“That’s more like it
rookie. A few more of these and you’ll be pulling
to the dance floor.” She laughs and orders another round. “Speaking of hot guys, there goes our boss.” Linda said as she bumped her shoulder to Isabel. She noticed Isabel tense and instantly turn towards the door. Linda was right. Their little Isabel had developed a crush on Luke.

Luke hadn’t
spotted them yet. Isabel tried not to stare but she couldn’t help herself. Especially since she was excited he was there. She hadn’t expected Luke to show up to the same bar his staff was always occupying during weekends. She took quick glimpses from the corner of her eye and noticed the way his arm was wrapped around the tall leggy blonde he’d walked in with. She wore a skin tight black mini skirt with a white tank top revealing her voluptuous breasts. A few, including Matt approached Luke to greet him. The blonde had a smug look on her face knowing many recognized the man she had walked in with. Isabel’s heart fluttered as she caught Luke’s surprised look when he saw her. She flashed him a quick smile and turned her attention back to Linda. She couldn’t help but feel a tang disappointed. She didn’t want to feel jealous but couldn’t help it. It was for these exact inappropriate reasons she had to overcome her attraction towards him because he could never be hers.

“Why am I not surprised?
” Linda shook her head. “That whore finally got her paws on Luke.” She looked at the blonde with disgust.

“You know her?”

“That’s Stacey.” Linda said in a sickened voice. “She used to work at B. Pentagon in the mailing room. Making occasional bullshit excuses coming to the top floor, just to flirt with Luke. Rumor has it, she quit the second she figured Luke wasn’t going to sleep with one of his own employees. Can you believe her?” Linda said with a disgusted laugh. “People kill to get into that company and she quit to bone the V.P.”

“You really don’t like her huh?” Isabel noticed Linda’s
instant change of mood.

“No I don’t. She got me in trouble with Luke’s father
, our CEO. He had specifically ordered some editorial prints from me saying it was urgent. I worked on it all night and the next morning. Handed it to her when she came collecting the mail, I made it crystal clear it was vital and needed to be sent out certified. Leave it to that brainless bimbo to misplace the file. I had another rough draft copy but by the time I realized Mr. Brady Senior hadn’t received it, it was too late. We lost the potential client and I was called into Luke’s office having to explain myself. I always wondered if it was intentional on her part or if she really is as that careless.” Linda sighed. “Any ways we’re here to have some fun not talk about that little whit.” Linda immediately changed her mood and placed her bright smile back on. She liked Isabel and didn’t want to bore her with a sob story and had promised her an entertaining night. And when Linda promised, she delivered. “Let’s get drunk and dance.” She wiggled her hips.

Luke hadn’t expected to see her there. He’d become completely oblivious to the woman next to him as he watched Linda hand Isabel a shot and nudge her to drink. She lo
oked good he noticed. Really good. The way that dress hugged her body was causing a reaction below the belt he didn’t want to acknowledge. And he was right; she definitely had been spending some time on the beach. Her long beautifully tanned legs were proof enough. Luke noticed he wasn’t the only guy staring as Linda caught the attention of a few guys and gestured them towards them. After a few more drinks he noticed the newly formed group turn towards the dance floor. Isabel hesitated but Linda lightly pushed her towards one of the men they had attracted. One who didn’t pass the opportunity to grab Isabel’s hand and walk her towards center stage. Luke’s Irish blood boiled as the man ran his hands up and down Isabel’s back after pulling her close.

Linda, with her eagle eyes, caught Luke’
s furious look as he watched Isabel.
Well well,
she thought to herself, seems like the feeling between these two is mutual. Things were going to get quite interesting in the office soon she mused.

He cursed
himself for being irritated. After almost kissing her at her front door, Luke had become more determined to stay away from her. He forcefully turned his attention to his date. Unfortunately the woman couldn’t hold a decent conversation and her only talents were revealed in bed. Luke told himself he would only stay there for a while longer and then continue his date as planned. But his raging curiosity had him staying behind and secretly watching Isabel most of the night like some kind of obsessed creep. He didn’t like the way her head fell on the shoulder of the guy when he made her laugh. He didn’t like how she giggled when he attempted to dip her while dancing. And he sure didn’t like the way the douchebag didn’t take his hands off of her by caressing her back and teasing her hair. But most of all he didn’t like the way all of this made him feel. Why did he care who she danced with and how they touched her? It was none of his concern. She was his employee not his possession. He knew he could never be that free with Isabel. It just wasn’t set out that way for them. Yet he almost broke into a wild frenzy when he watched Isabel leave the scene with that same man’s arm draped over her shoulder.


BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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