Read Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) Online

Authors: Aneta Krpekyan

Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) (10 page)

BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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“And you need me to write down these details and terms.” She finished his sentence.


He couldn’t help but grin at her. “Oh you know me well. I’m sorry I know it’s the weekend but I promise it will be one hell of a dinner and wine. Heck you can have the whole bottle if you want.” He laughed.


How could anyone resist that face she thought? Isabel drew her brows together as if considering his offer. “Hmmm. Very tempting. I’ll take it.”
Not like she had better plans.


“Good. Knew you wouldn’t let me down. We’re meeting at Marcio’s at eight o’clock sharp. Here’s the address.” He said as he jotted down on her note pad.


              “Marcio’s? Never been there but heard a lot about it. Very upscale.”


“Like I said. A potentially very big client.  So dress to impress. Don’t be late.” He winked and left back to his office.


Isabel went quickly home to get ready for her dinner plans with Luke. She knew it wasn’t a date yet couldn’t control her giddy excitement. She showered, dressed, styled her hair and made sure her eye shadow was the right shade of smoky. She grabbed her purse and rushed to the kitchen and placed a call for a cab. Last event she drove to she got lost and would not risk running late on Luke again. As she ended her call she noticed the window above the sink was lifted open.


That’s strange
she thought as she fiddled with her diamond stud earrings. She didn’t remember opening that window. It was cold and she hadn’t cooked for days so why would she open the window? Frantic waves of panic shook her body.
No it couldn’t be.
She alarmingly looked around the house. Everything was in place. If someone breaks in don’t they usually do it to steal? Unless it meant someone hadn’t come for her possessions. They were here looking for her. Wild hysteria shook her to the bone as she frantically ran out her door.


You’re overreacting and hallucinating again Isabel
You promised to no longer live in fear.


She forced herself to composure and quietly waited for her cab on the street ordering her breathing to become normal again. An hour later Isabel walked into the grand entrance of Marcio’s. The place was as classy as these restaurants could be with rich Italian décor, sleek glossy floors, high ceilings and dimmed chandeliers. The restaurant was lit by candles and decorated with white orchids in every corner. She heard her own Prada heels clicking on the white glossy marble as she approached the large reception desk.


“Hello. Here to meet Mr. Luke Brady.”


“Right this way Miss.” The tall red-haired hostess gestured towards the grand double doors.


Luke immediately turned his attention to the entrance as if he sensed her presence. She was dressed in black cocktail dress hugging her petite curves that revealed those same tanned legs that had yet to leave Luke’s mind since seeing her at Clay’s. She looked sexy, yet breathtakingly classy. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He had seen many beautiful women but he did not understand what it was he felt inside every time he set eyes on her. He liked having a hold on his emotions but when it came to Isabel Stamos, he lacked control.


“You’re guest has arrived Mr. Brady.” The hostess quietly announced as she led Isabel to him. “Would you like to be seated now or wait for the rest of your party?”


“We’ll be seated now thank you.” Luke answered without taking his eyes off Isabel.


“Right this way please.” The hostess noticed Luke’s hot gaze and felt an immediate twitch of envy towards the other woman as she led the way.


“You look stunning.” Luke whispered in her ear as he helped her to her seat.


“Thank you.” Isabel spoke softly. He was dressed in one of his black power suits again and she told herself not to gawk at him. He sat next to her as they were approached quickly by one staff member after the next. It didn’t take long to realize he was a highly admired customer.  


Their client arrived shortly after their drink order was taken. Mr. Benjamin Steins was the owner of a major technology company. Naturally he wanted to discuss business first and dinner later. Steins had started in a small local office but in a matter of two years had grown his empire into a very large corporation. He had new products to advertise and wanted to take his clients by a storm.


“Smart and brilliant advertisement is what I want.” He said. This is where Luke came in. Isabel took quick notes as Luke and Mr. Steins discussed business. He wanted billboards everywhere, his company name printed and advertised in every major magazine and even a magazine of his own. Based on his research, he admits to Luke that he was informed B. Pentagon had the best graphic designers. He wanted Luke to have his company name printed all across the nation.


Isabel quietly listened as Luke executed the deal smoothly. Mr. Steins hadn’t cracked a smile all night and by the end of the deal he had transformed his cold exterior into a more friendly expression. Isabel was amazed at Luke’s sharp tongue. He knew exactly what to say to make the deal work. Finally business was discussed and dinner was served. All three became more relaxed once the agreement was settled and Isabel began to enjoy their luscious steaks and the fabulous Chianti as promised by Luke.


An hour later, Luke escorted his now happy and satisfied client to his waiting limo and returned back to Isabel.


              “That went well,” she smiled to him.


He sent her a glorious grin that once again made her heart beat faster. “I think I’m going to consider you my good luck charm Isabel. Mr. Steins is one hard ass to impress but the deal went smoother than I expected.” His eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “Thank you for joining me tonight.”


“Oh it was my pleasure,” she smiled back as she gestured to her empty wine glass.


Luke laughed, “Would you like another glass?”


“I’m okay.”


“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Luke whispered as he leaned in dangerously close.


“I don’t mind hearing it again.” she murmured and watched his eyes light up with appreciation. She didn’t mind showing the lack of hesitation in her eyes. She wanted this man. Wanted him more than she was verbally willing to admit. If words couldn’t speak for her then she hoped her eyes would send a clear message.


He caught the tips of her hair between his fingers slowly twirling it and was was close enough to smell the sweet scent of her perfume. That wild jasmine scent that filled his lungs, leaving him light headed and yearning, every morning when he’d walk past her desk. All he had to do was lean in a bit closer and his lips would be on hers. The look in her eyes was inviting him to do just that. It surprised him how welcoming her glance was as if she could read his mind and silently willed him to kiss her. The moment was overwhelming and he almost caved in. But he’d come this far without ruining things with her so he lifted her hand and kissed her fingers instead.


“Come. Let’s get you home.” And just like that the moment was broken.


He closed the bill and they walked outside towards valet. “Where’s the ticket for your car?” Luke asked as he handed his to a young gentleman wearing a red vest.


“I came with a cab. I didn’t want to risk running late again.”


Luke chuckled, “Well the least I can do is drive you home. My car is already here.” He casually took her hand and walked her to his car. He couldn’t resist the urge so he kissed the back of her hand once more before opening the passenger door. He bit back a groan as he watched her dress rise seductively up her slender tanned thighs as she slipped into the seat.


“Why do you torture yourself Brady,” he muttered to himself.  He tipped the red vested gentleman generously and sat behind the wheel.


Isabel examined the expensive interior of his black BMW M6 convertible. “New car?” she asked when he sat inside.


“Yes it was an early Christmas bonus I gave myself.” He grinned and took the road.


Isabel was silent most of the ride back home. Luke watched as she clung to her small purse. She didn’t make any small talk and just kept her eyes straight on the road. He felt the immediate switch of moods and wondered what was making her unsteady. In his opinion the evening had went well. But as he pulled near her house, he noticed her breathing become unstable and heavy and how her hand trembled when she reached for the door.


Isabel silently cursed herself supremely for being a coward. She’d become weak and frightened once again. She thought she was stronger now but couldn’t push away the unwanted fearful thought of someone slipping inside her kitchen window, waiting for her to return. She shut her eyes tight and told herself to control her breathing. She felt Luke’s hard hand on her shoulder.


“Isabel what is it?” his voice was in deep concern. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out and panic struck her even more.
Oh God,
she hoped she wouldn’t hyperventilate again. Luke looked at the empty dark house and immediately realized her problem. “Are you scared to go in?” he began to gently rub her shoulder. “Come on,” he said as he got out the car. He opened her door and put a protective arm around her waist pulling her out. She leaned against him limply still failing to gain her strength and felt mortified.


Luke walked her to her door. “Keys in there?” He gestured to her purse. She nodded and he took it from her stiff hand and dug out her keys. Once they were inside Luke turned on every light and lamp he could find while still holding a tight arm around her waist. “It’s alright.” He quietly said and moved her to face him. “You’re safe I promise. I’m right here,” he whispered.


“I’m sorry.” She finally caught her breath. “I’m stupid. Don’t mind me I’m just being ridiculous.” She managed to release a weak laugh. She looked up for an answer only to find his eyes searching hers.


“What the hell happened to you? Tell me.” Luke quietly demanded. “What has hurt you Isabel?” he took a strand of her brown hair and gently tucked it behind her ear. It pained him to see her so pale and scared.


 “I think someone tried to break in today while I was at work.” She managed to say with a shaky voice.


“WHAT?” his voice rose in alarm. “You’re fucking kidding me. Did you call the cops?”


“No” she whispered.


“Why not? Why didn’t you at least tell me earlier or called me to come get you Isabel?” His grip on her tightened. He could sense his own fear chocking him. He didn’t want to allow his mind to comprehend with what could have happened if Isabel walked inside alone and was faced with an intruder.


“I didn’t want to overreact. I saw the kitchen window open and couldn’t remember opening it myself and panicked. I’m sure I’m the one who opened it and I just forgot. It’s happened before.” She shut her eyes.


Luke became silent. He pulled her into his arms and held her firmly against his chest for quite some time. He finally pulled her away, gripped her face in both of his hands and looked into her deep brown eyes. “Well I’m not leaving you alone tonight. And don’t bother arguing with me because I can assure you I will win. Go get ready for bed and I’ll bunk here on the couch.”


“Luke, really. You don’t have to…”


“I mean it Isabel, don’t argue with me. Go to bed. You need to get some sleep.”


Isabel thought in reality this should be the most awkward situation she could possibly find herself in.
A sleep over with the boss.
How out of place does
sound? She waited for the discomfort to kick in but she was oddly at ease. She threw her arms around his neck and tightly embraced him in relief. “Thank you.” She whispered.


He stroked a hand down her hair. “You can thank me by going and getting some rest.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek and headed upstairs. Once Luke was alone he looked around the house making sure all windows and doors were locked. He didn’t notice any tampering or evidence of a possible break in. He looked for an alarm system but failed to find one.


“Unbelievable.” He muttered to himself. “The woman has her mother’s art pieces worth 20k each lying around with no damn alarm.”


Luke stripped down to just his boxer briefs and sprawled on the wide couch. His mind pondered upon all the unanswered questions regarding Isabel’s behavior and wanted to know what triggered her panic so easily.
Was she getting any help? Is this why her mother was so concerned?
He finally drifted to a light sleep. Two hours later he was awakened to the sounds of sobbing. He sprung to his feet and realized the sound came from upstairs. He followed the noise to Isabel’s bedroom and realized she was crying in her sleep. It broke his heart to see her distressed. She struggled and continued to cry in a helpless voice, too drowned into her dream to separate it from reality. Her hands fisting the sheets, she shook her head trying to wake herself up. The sight was too agonizing to watch. Luke kneeled to her bedside and began to wake her. He just couldn’t stand there and watch her being tortured.

BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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