Read Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) Online

Authors: Aneta Krpekyan

Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) (31 page)

BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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Isabel was shocked at what Marcy had just said. Her mother had never mentioned Marcy again or the fact that all this time not only was she keeping track of her therapy sessions, but also paying for them. Isabel’s heart swelled with pride and love from her mother’s kindness, making it difficult to speak. 


Marcy’s eyes began watering with unshed tears, “I don’t have a mother. So I hope you don’t mind I’ve been borrowing yours from time to time. She checks on me weekly.” Marcy took a deep breath as the uncontrollable tears escaped from her eyes and poured down her cheeks. “She’s my guardian angel.” She sobbed.


“Oh sweetie,” Isabel cried and pulled her into her arms. She held onto Marcy as if her dear life depended on it. “She’s my guardian angel as well.” She whispered as they both clung to each other, silently crying and soothing the pain away. To think all this time they could have helped one another, but both were scared to face a menacingly disturbing man.  After what felt like hours had passed by, as each woman gained her composure, they heard the soft knock on the restroom door and Luke’s gentle voice saying they had to proceed. Marcy and Isabel gave each other confident, reassuring smiles and walked their way towards a room that held the very man who’d scarred them deeply.































The tranquil April sun shone and brightened the private beach, making the little specs of sand glitter like tiny diamonds. The soft wind carried a sense of sedative calmness through Luke’s open bedroom
balcony doors, making the white curtains gently dance to the mild blows of the wind. Daylight had arrived with promises of reassuring yet another pleasant spring day. Isabel moved in her sleep, forcing Luke wide awake. He woke with a jolt only to find her still snuggly pressed to his naked chest. He released a sigh of relief and rested his head back on his pillow. He turned to watch Isabel’s beautiful face and smiled to himself when he realized her naked, sedated body was still a willing prisoner of sleep. Time had most definitely been on their side. With time he had struggled yet helped the woman he loved, not only face but overcome her biggest fears and finally find peace and harmony. A once panic-ridden woman, Isabel was now the opposite. It was difficult for Luke to watch her adjust to her raging emotions. He’d awake at night to find Isabel, curled up into the fetal position, crying from her haunted dreams. But the nightmares had evaded her as so had the very man who’d planted that seed of panic inside her brain. 

The trial against Dean Scotts had irrevocably ended. Isabel had witnessed their attorney, Travis
Reed, reveal one immaculate piece of evidence after another, shocking the jury along with the judge. He’d kept the trial going, hoping to continuously add to Dean’s sentence and had succeeded tremendously. Trial after trial, Isabel sat in between Luke and Jake, clutched to Luke’s hand, as both masculine men protectively sandwiched her. Neither let Isabel out of their sight for months in worry that Preston Scotts might become desperate and try something stupid and harm her.

The astonishing evidence found in the hotel room Dean was staying was presented to the jury, revealing the menacing steps he had taken to plan an explicit attack on Isabel. Hundreds of pictures of Isabel were found as he had clearly followed her and psychotically noted her every move. Luke had forced himself to not dwell on the facts presented before him in worry he might jump out of his seat and kill Dean, regardless of where they were. Isabel had started losing weight as she relived that frightful night when having to approach the bench and testify. After her testimony, Luke had asked her to no longer join them during the trials, but Isabel had refused. While Marcy Brooks had quickly fled the courtroom after her duties were fulfilled, Isabel had realized staying and witnessing every bit of information had become a coping method for her. She’d faced the last wrath of her demons until they had finally surrendered and left her in peace.

But what sent a wild tremor quaking throughout the entire courtroom was the surprise witness Reed had presented. It was an unknown witness to even Luke and Jake and they exchanged an amazed look of wonder. A man they did not recognize approached the bench, placed his hand on the bible and swore his oath. Isabel recognized him though. Her breath
choked in her throat as she heard the security from the night of Marcy’s attack, confess he had helped Dean destroy any footage the cameras had captured in exchange for a large sum of money. This being Reed’s final witness, and after delivering his closing statement, Dean was justifiably sentenced to rot in a prison cell for decades to come.

Finally, Luke and Isabel were gifted with more peaceful nights. The threat that had heavily hung over their heads was eliminated out of their lives. Luke brushed his hand on Isabel’s bare back and lightly kissed her naked shoulder. It hadn’t taken much convincing to persuade Isabel to move in with him once the trials had started. Now he made sensual, sweet love to the woman who’d captured his heart, every night and every morning.

Isabel fluttered her eyes open to see Luke’s mesmerizing green gaze watching her. One of the greatest benefits of living with Luke was seeing the intensity of his green eyes amplify once he’d awake from sleep. Not to mention the explicit things he did to her body before and after they went to bed. She gleefully smiled at him and Luke leaned in to kiss her plump lips. He brushed his thumb softly over her rosy cheeks as he deepened his kiss and released a low chuckle when Isabel hummed from satisfaction.

“Good morning love.” He murmured.

“It’s always a good morning waking up next to you Brady.” Isabel smiled.

 “Is that right?” He teased and leaned into her, sinking them deeper into the mattress.

Isabel clung to his biceps. “Yup. You make my mornings very memorable.” She purred as she traveled her hands up and down his back feeling his muscles tense. Her eyes hungrily admired his hard chest and abs as if she was preparing to devour him.

Luke raised a brow and feigned disappointment, “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m being used for my body.”

“Oh, that’s because you are.” Isabel sighed casually as she allowed her hands to dip lower causing Luke to growl.

“Well in that case I better live up to your expectations Ms. Stamos.” He grunted and kissed her lips with a bit more force, causing Isabel to gasp. Just as his hands began to roam and pleasure her naked body, Isabel’s stomach picked that very instant to loudly growl from hunger. Luke pulled away and laughed. “Talk about a cock-block.”

“I’m sorry.” Isabel giggled.

“Don’t be.” Luke kissed her forehead. “As punishment you get to make breakfast.”

“Hey.” Isabel frowned making Luke laugh again.

He kissed her pouty lips before rising to sit up, pulling Isabel with him. The covers fell, pooling around her waist but she didn’t bother covering her revealed breasts. Her confidence with nudity carried no boundaries when with Luke and he thrived on that fact.

“So why am I stuck making breakfast?” She continued.

“Because you’re so cute when you cook,” Luke tapped the tip of her nose while enjoying her reaction.

Isabel yelped in disbelief, “Cute? You think I’m cute? Jesus Luke, you’d call your sister or cousin cute, not the woman you’re sharing a bed with.”  She crossed her arms under her chest.

Luke threw his head back and laughed. “The fact that you’re so bothered by the word is cute itself.” Though he was enjoying teasing her, Luke grabbed Isabel and hauled her against his chest when she attempted to leave their bed. He cupped her face and kissed her before she could escape. He wasn’t satisfied until he heard her whimper when he parted her lips and greedily swept his tongue over hers. He pulled her far enough to stare into her widened eyes, “You’re the sexiest and most beautiful woman I know and your sensuality makes me so incredibly crazy that sometimes I question my own sanity.”

His words had stumped her. “Wow,” she whispered. “You deserve a breakfast buffet for that one.”

Luke chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Ok, but before you go I’ve got something for you.” He reached over and opened the side drawer where he took out a white envelope. “This is for you.” He handed it to her.

Isabel furrowed her brows when Luke gave her a sly smile. “What’s this?” She hesitantly took the paper.

“Only one way to find out sweetheart.” He gestured for her to open it.

Isabel nervously smiled and pulled out the neatly folded paper that was tucked inside. She became further confused as her eyes scanned the writing, “This is your private plane’s flight schedule for the next few months.”

“Keep looking.”

“Well at least tell me what I’m looking for.” Isabel shook her head. “Is there a problem with the…” She stopped breathing as her entire body became as still as stone. Her eyes froze at the center of the paper on two specific words. She blinked a few times thinking if she adjusted her vision, the words would disappear. 
But they didn’t.
 Right there, listed under the upcoming June month, stating on Luke’s official flight plan, was a scheduled round trip flight to Naxos, Greece.

The very Greek island Isabel had told Luke about on their flight to New York. The island that held her most cherished childhood memories. It was where her father was born and her beloved grandparents buried. She hadn’t stepped foot on that land since her father passed away. Her and her mother both hadn’t had the heart to return. But now Luke was asking her to go with him, to visit the very place that defined who she was and to rekindle her roots. Her heart swelled with vast emotion as she attempted to blink away the tears but failed.

               “Why?” She managed to ask.

Luke gently ran his hand
up and down her arm. “Because I’d like to go there with you. I’d like to visit the one place you’ve spoken so fondly of and add our own memories.”

Isabel covered her sob with her hand as tears flooded down her face. The overwhelming joy and
liberation she felt was indescribable.

              Luke pulled her closer and her feeble body went willingly as
she instantaneously wrapped her arms around his neck. “This is the most incredible gift I have ever received.” She cried. “Thank you.”

              Luke gently swept his hand down her hair while his other arm wrapped around her waist, bringer her closer. “Oh sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me.” He murmured. “Just be with me. That’s all I want.”

              “I’ll always be with you.” She vowed as Luke’s embrace tightened.

              Isabel held onto Luke as memories of her past and present sprinted through her thoughts. If it wasn’t for Luke Brady, the man she had spontaneously met on a destiny filled July afternoon, she’d still be the lost soul she was before. But now, she was cradled inside the arms of the very man who’d saved her in every possible way. A man who had restlessly persuaded and challenged her to become stronger. He’d fought her battles and clashed with her demons and now he presented her a life full of happiness. It was safe to say that Isabel had found her other half, and Luke Brady had filled the emptiness in her heart. 











About the Author


To learn more about this author, visit her on


Stay tuned for Andrew’s and Amanda’s love story as Part II in the Brady Trilogy















BOOK: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)
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