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Authors: S.C. Ellington

Unsettled (19 page)

BOOK: Unsettled
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“Maybe you should,” I challenged. Logan was now intimately hovered over me. I reached from underneath him, fumbling to hit the outlet switch on the base of my lamp.

“You know, I can’t admire your beauty in the dark, Miss Caldwell.”

“Flattery really won’t get you far,” I joked, brushing off his compliment.

He found my ear in the darkness, “Well it’s hardly flattery when it’s the truth,” he murmured, and then my eyes were blinded by my lamp revving back to life.

“Better,” he commented as he pulled back the sheet and stared at me in the bright light. He brushed his fingers through my hair and leaned down to kiss me. Our tongues met and twisted delightfully, and before I knew it I was unsheathed and wrapped in Logan’s arms, panting and pleading for every touch. He ran his hand down my thigh as he lightly suckled my breast.

“I want you badly, Brooklyn, but only if you’re ready,” he breathed as he massaged the entrance to me. The brush of his fingers made me writhe like a fish in desperate need of oxygen.

“Oh God…y-e--s” I stuttered under his touch as he relentlessly rubbed my clit, “it’s been a rea-l-l-y long time.” I tried to sound coherent in my speech as he continued his skilled coup over my body.

“Then it’s my honor to reacquaint you with the pleasures of being with a man,” he murmured as he nibbled on my other breast.

“Puuhlease…go slow…” I murmured in between breaths as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted to remember every time he touched me.

“Don’t worry baby, I can handle that.”

Logan released me and made his way down to my now heated core. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to feel him there again. The years of self-imposed celibacy had caught up to me. His tongue moved over my swollen flesh, and I jumped slightly at the sensation. God, he was good. He ran his tongue through my slit mischievously.

“You taste good,” he said. Our eyes locked briefly as my fingers played in his brown locks. I was too wrapped up in the feeling of my muscles becoming slack to be embarrassed by his comment.

I could feel an orgasm building rapidly. “I want you to come for me” he murmured, as he engulfed my flesh with his mouth.

“Oh…yes…” I breathed. I let go of his hair and clutched either side of the bed sheet. A familiar tightening came over me and I climaxed with a throaty cry. Logan released me from his mouth and crawled back up my body.

“The look in your eyes says you liked that” he said, pecking me sweetly on the lips.

“How could I not?” I responded sleepily. What time was it? I was so spent. Two orgasms in an hour was not what I’d planned on when he showed up at my door.

“We’re still not done” he said slyly, “I can’t keep my hands to myself—it’s been too long.”

“No Logan, I’m so…” He brought his mouth down over mine, and I was silenced. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled me on top of him so that I was straddling his waist.

“You can do it.” He was right. I wanted to do it. I grabbed the gold foil packet off the nightstand and rolled the condom onto his twitching shaft.

I mounted on top of Logan slowly, letting him fill me. I took a few deep breaths as I inched down. Logan gripped my hips, and I began to slide up and down his length.

“Ah…you feel so good Brooklyn.” He leaned into the pillow that was supporting his head and thrust slightly into me. With his thrust I fell forward, supporting myself with my palms pressed into my mattress on either side of his head. I clenched down and rocked back and forth. I found his lips and bit down softly.

Hearing Logan’s moans spurred me to want to take him over the edge, the way he’d done for me. I sat upright and grabbed both of his hands, entwining our fingers.

“Ready?” I asked, taunting him by clenching and releasing my muscles around him. I liked the control that riding him gave me. I could feel my body beginning to mist from the exertion of riding him.

“Don’t stop,” he said, gulping in air. At his request, I rocked back and forth, up and down. Logan’s eager fingers roamed around as I took him on a collision course to ecstasy. As I rode him, I could feel yet another climax building. When Logan’s greedy fingers found my sweet spot again, I had trouble holding on.

“Oh God…stop… I’m going to lose it before ...”

“It’s okay, let go baby. I like hearing you.” He moved his hand away from my clit and grabbed my hips. He plunged upward to meet me thrust for thrust, filling me to the hilt. He was making it hard for me to breath. My jaws clamped down as another climax engulfed me. I bit down on the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from screaming his name in case Alex and Jay were home. Thank God her room wasn’t directly next to mine.

I rode out my climax on him. I could hear Logan’s breaths becoming uneven. I knew he was close. Mid stride I relentlessly clenched my muscles down on him. Logan closed his eyes and tensed, shuddering violently as he spilled into me while hissing my name.

For a while afterward, we were both silent, letting our breathing return to normal as I hunched over him, resting my face on his shoulder. After we finally separated from each other and he disposed of the condom, Logan slid back into bed with me, pulling me into him and kissing me on my forehead.

Once I regained all of my bodily functions I changed into a nightshirt and retrieved one of Jay’s shirts and basketball shorts from the dryer. Logan was a bit bigger than Jay, so the shorts fit rather tight, showing off everything south of his navel.

After we were dressed, we climbed into bed.

“That was...amazing,” he cooed, planting another kiss on my temple.

“Ditto,” I agreed, as I reached over to turn out the light, “Nite hot pants,” I joked, as I turned over in bed, leaning into him.

“Haha, not funny. Good night.”

Eventually I heard Logan’s breathing even out and then realized that he was asleep.


my body was awakened by kisses on my shoulder.

“Ughh,” I grumbled as I cracked my eyelids. It was still dark in my room and I could barely make out Logan’s figure. Logan laughed at my unenthusiastic greeting.

“It cannot be time to get up yet. What time is it?” I whined, stretching and groaning again as I felt the tightness of my muscles—and other areas.

“Just after five,” he murmured.

“You’re out of your mind,” I muttered. “Good night.”

He chuckled again. “I know it’s early, but I have to go. I have a breakfast meeting at eight thirty.”

“Logan?” I whispered hoarsely. Now that I wasn’t being smothered by lustful thoughts I wanted to speak with him candidly. Last night had undoubtedly been the best sex of my life, but outside of my physical desires being met, I still had qualms. He’d openly admitted that he may not be the greatest at being in a relationship and I was deathly afraid of being wounded in the process of him finding his way.


“What—” I was cut off by his warm lips.

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” he murmured when he came up for air. He placed a light kiss on my forehead and I heard him open my bedroom door and shut it.

As I lay silently in the darkness, a smirk came across my face. I guess his cryptic message meant he was in it for the long haul. I quietly did a happy dance under my blankets until I felt my body slip back into unconsciousness.


was so excruciatingly tired it was pathetic. I threw on the first thing I could find that was clean and presentable. I didn’t know what time we went to bed, but it seemed like the night had sped by and I was now being forced to drudge through two more days at work. Last night had been—unexpected, but definitely fulfilling—although I was tremendously sore. My tenderness served as a reminder of where Logan had been.

When I arrived at Copple I booted up my computer and dropped my bag into my desk drawer with a thud. Just as I was settling into my chair Anna popped her head into my cubicle.

“Good morning Brooklyn.” She was all smiles in patent leather heels and a pleated blue dress that matched her eyes perfectly.
Why was she here?
I wondered. Ninety-nine percent of the time she barely even noticed we breathed the same air.

“Good morning Anna.” I said, my voice equally phony. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“Oh, no biggie, Trent just wanted me to coordinate with you to find out when the cost of sales analysis would be sent out to the board of directors.” As the marketing manager, Anna was responsible for going over the sales numbers with her subordinate staff.

“They’ll be going out later this afternoon,” I answered flatly.

“Oh, perfect! Now I can schedule my meeting with staff. Coincidentally, I actually wanted to ask you one other thing, you know, woman to woman—”
She and I had never confided in one another as gal pals.

“Oh…yeah…sure. What’s going on?” I asked, playing along.

“I know Trent’s been working with Logan Colton, and I heard he was going to be in the office again today. Is that true?” she asked. Her eyes brimmed with optimism, and I wanted nothing more than to shut her down before she even got out of the gate—but I didn’t want to reveal anything related to my private affairs with Logan.

“Oh...I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything yet. Maybe I have an e-mail,” I said. I shook my mouse to wake up my monitor.

“Well, do you know if he’s single?” she asked. Her question brought my mind back to his late-night visit.
He isn’t single anymore
, I crooned silently.

“You know, I don’t really know,” I lied. “My roommate told me she’d heard that he was a womanizer…or gay, I can’t quite remember.” I shut my mouth to let my sentence full of lies sink into her brain, keeping my game face on. I felt slightly bad that I just implied he was batting for the other team, but whatever, it was a dog eat dog world, and I was very territorial.

“Probably just rumors,” she concluded, “but if you happen to talk to him, feel free to drop a couple hints about me.”
As if!

“I’m definitely interested,” she continued. “He would be a massively great catch.” My insides smiled at the thought that he was actually mine.

“I thought you and Patrick were an item?” I asked innocently, trying to piece together where her mind was. It was a known fact that Anna was linked to Patrick Danley, a vice president from Graphix Media.

“Patrick who?” was her answer. “He and I are together, but comparing Patrick to the likes of Logan Colton is really apples and oranges …one hundred and fifty thousand a year versus millions a year…no comparison there.” Anna’s brazenness regarding Logan agitated me. I would never understand the notion that money bought love or affection. I doubted Anna thought anything wrong with her comments, although she should really be ashamed of her behavior. I guessed women like her were what Logan was referring to last night. My heart ached at the thought that most people only saw him as a dollar sign.

“Oh okay—well I should get to work so I can send out those reports,” I said, effectively ending the less than savory conversation.

“Sure, no problem, Brooklyn. Nice chatting with you,” she said with a flourish, and then she daintily sauntered away until she was out of my sight.

I blocked a yawn with my hand as I opened up my work e-mail to see what was on the agenda for the day. Anna’s information was wrong, there was nothing related to Logan’s company on the calendar. I was deleting junk mail when my phone vibrated next to me. I picked up my phone to glance at my e-mail inbox.


From: Logan Colton

To: Brooklyn Caldwell

Subject: Friday

Thurs, May 10, 2012 at 8:54 AM

I hope you slept well—I did. ;-)


I know I said we could do dinner tonight, but I’m tied up. I’ll be free Friday evening. Thinking about you until then.


His e-mail brought back thoughts of the night before, and the long session of nipping, licking, and sucking. My heart also leapt at the last line of his message. I hit respond, and typed out an e-mail to my…boyfriend?


From: Brooklyn Caldwell

To: Logan Colton

Subject: Am I to assume that we are in fact going steady?

Thurs, May 10, 2012 at 8:57 AM

Good morning—


I had a peaceful sleep. Maybe that is due to all the calisthenics last night? Too bad I had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and join the masses who work for a living. I could have benefited from a few more hours of sleep. :-p


Friday sounds good—that will give me a chance to recover. ;-)

See you then—



From: Logan Colton

To: Brooklyn Caldwell

Subject: RE: Am I to assume that we are in fact going steady? Answer: MOST DEFINITELY

Thurs, May 10, 2012 at 9:01 AM


Love the subject title. It took me back to my days on the playground in fifth grade.


Mercifully, the rest of Thursday went by relatively fast. I was so exhausted by the time I got home that I collapsed onto my bed without changing. I was sound asleep until I heard a persistent tapping on my bedroom door.

“Brooklyn?” Alex called through my door.

BOOK: Unsettled
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