Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series)
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     “Hey, can I ask you a question?”

     “Sure honey. What’s up?”  Elena said.

     I take quick stock of the week’s events, “Well, yesterday Damon and I were on the beach and things kind of went a little far. I think he wanted to have sex with me and I couldn’t, luckily it started to rain and it ended there.”

      Her mouth falls open in response to what I have just said.

I give her a minute, and then I say, “I just want to know if you think Damon and I’s relationship is going anywhere? Should I consider having sex with him or should I just talk to him about it and let him know that I don’t want to. If I do that, do you think he will break up with me?”

Elena contemplates her answer thoughtfully, “Well, I don’t think that you should have sex with him just because he wants to, you have to want to. I also think that you guys are going different places and I am not sure your relationship will make it past high school, but if he dumps you just because you won’t sleep with him than he is a bigger ass than I thought.”

     Nodding in agreement, “I guess you are right, I will just talk to him and let him know that I am not ready for that step yet.”


Lunch comes around and I meet Damon at his car. We drive over to the park not too far from campus. I’m not really that hungry because of the conversation I have to have with him. What if he gets mad at me? What if he wants someone that will just put out? I am so worried my nerves are making me nauseous.

     I sit on top of the picnic table and he sits below me on the bench seat. I peer down at him, “I need to talk to you about something and I am not sure how to do this.”

     He runs his hands through his hair, “Just tell me.”

     Feeling sick, I try to convey my concerns. “I love you and I don’t want to hurt you, but the other day I had the impression you wanted to have sex with me.”

     He signals for me to go on.

     “I am attracted to you, but I have always wanted to wait to have sex until I am married.”

     He looks at me and replies, “I did want to have sex with you. I would be stupid not to, but you have to know I wouldn’t force you into doing anything you don’t want to.”

     Feeling a little better about the situation, he leans up to kiss me and then ruins it by saying, “We will just have to get married sooner.”

    My eyes get very huge and I yell, “What? Are you kidding me?”

     He looks at me stunned.

    “Arissa honey, you already said that you want to marry me, remember when I gave you the ring?” as he twists it around my finger. 

Realizing, I did accept his ring. “But that wasn’t an engagement ring.”

“I know. My plan is to ask you after graduation.” 

     That worries me. I am not sure that I want to get married until after college, but I do not tell him that yet. I figure I have won one battle for the day, better to keep it that way and I revisit this one later.

     “Damon, I also want you to know that I am so proud of you. You have been doing so well with not drinking and spending time with me.”

He glances down, “It’s not that easy babe, I think about it every day and the stress with my parents doesn’t help. I am doing this for you; I don’t want to lose you.”


     After school, we go to my house and study for a while. My mom calls and says they will not be home for dinner. Damon overhears me tell my mom that I can just make something here.

     “I will take you out to dinner tonight.”

     I tell my mom that Damon said he will take me out and she says that was fine, as it will be a while before she can get home. She has a critical patient and she needs to do some paperwork and dad is going to stay with her. Therefore, I tell her I will call when I get home. 

     We go to the movies to see ‘The Lucky One’. I cannot help but to cry a tiny bit. It is such a sweet movie and when the little boy’s dad dies, I am heartbroken. I look over at Damon and he is tearing up a bit too, I think, maybe not such a bad boy after all.

     As we are leaving the theater, he runs into some friends of his from the pool hall and they are talking boring guy talk so I interrupt him, “I am going to go refill my soda,” and he hands me a twenty.

     Therefore, I am standing in line to r
efill my Dr Pepper when the feeling I am being watched happens again. I scan the room and again nothing. No one is staring at me. Why does this keep happening to me? I hear ‘can I help you’, I turn around and answer, “Sorry yes, can I get a refill?” As I hand her the twenty, she waves it off.

      “You don’t have to pay, you purchased the large and it has free refills.”

      I smile, “Sweet.”

      As I pocket the twenty. Taking a sip of my soda, I turn to walk back to Damon when this lanky blond guy stops me, “Hey what movie did you see?”

      Thinking he is such a geek, I try to be nice and answer, “The Lucky One, with my boyfriend.”

      Realizing his mistake he apologizes, “Oh, I am so sorry, please forgive me!” 

      Right about that time Damon approaches, “Is there a problem?”

      Worried for the poor geek I answer, “No, he was just talking to me about his girlfriend, she was upset over the movie and he didn’t know how to cheer her up.” 

      The geek looks at Damon, “Yes, she’s in the girl’s restroom and I can’t go in there and get her.”

      Damon gives us both an insecure look, “Well I suggest you go get her out of there and leave my girl alone.”

      The poor guy scurries off and says, “Sorry and I will.”

       He looks at me strange and says, “Do you know him?” 

      “No. He just came up to me and asked for help. I was probably the only girl walking around without her boyfriend, so I seemed approachable.”

He didn’t like that one bit his face turns red as he speaks down at me.

“I was just talking with some of my friends. I can’t fucking leave you alone to get a damn soda and some guy starts flirting with you and you just let him!” He yells.

  Waving my hands in the air, I snap, “It’s not like I want to fuck him. I was just trying to be polite and help him out, but you always go there! You think that I want every other guy, but you.”

“It sure as hell looked like you did.”

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration, “You know what Damon, that’s right I wanted that geek in my bed and I bet he has a big dick!”

     I really pissed him off then. He grabbed me by the arm and pushed me out the doors. I hear a man’s voice, strong and stern as he s
ays, “Get your hands off her!”

Damon whirls me around and I see a tall muscular man, with dark hair and a scruffy face, with green eyes. I stand there feeling venerable.

Damon grasps my arm tighter and says, “Mister you better mind your own damn business.”

I watch as the man’s face goes from just somewhat pissed off to full-blown anger and concern. “You have about three seconds to take your hands off the lady or I am going to make you regret ever being born.”

Damon cockily answers, “I am not afraid of you.”

The other guy laughs and says, “Well you should be, now let her go,” as he peels away his jacket.

You can see his arm muscles and they are huge. I think he could have snapped Damon in half with little effort. I believe Damon understood that too because he was quick to let go.

The stranger looks to me with concern in his eyes, as I rub my arm in an effort to make it stop hurting.

“Are you ok miss?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Damon walks off towards his car in frustration.

“You are welcome, now I would suggest you dump this loser and find someone who will treat you right. No man should ever put his hands on a woman out of anger.”

“Thanks for the friendly advice I will think about it.”

The man walks off as I stand there for a moment wondering what to do. Damon is leaned against the car waiting for me. I am too scared to get into the car with him. He is so angry. I turn to walk back to the theater and Damon yells, “Hey, where in the hell do you think you are going?”

“I’m not getting in the car Damon, you are too upset and I am not riding with you.”

     Damon slams his hands on the roof of the car, “Fine, I hope you can find your own way home.”

     I turn to continue to walk off and yell, “I bet that geek will give me a ride

give a dramatic pause, “…home.”

As I watch Arissa walk away from the concession stand, she gets stopped by this dorky looking guy. I chuckle a little, as I watch how this plays out, he does not have a chance. I glance over at Damon and I see his anger build, I laugh a little at this; how do you like it, but then I remember he has an awful jealous streak. I watch as he approaches them and he seems to be holding his temper. Once the dorky guy leaves, I see that he is furious and yelling at Arissa.

  I watch her yell back and I am so proud of her for sticking up for her. It isn’t until I see him grab her arm and drag her out the parking lot that I get furious. I had to intervene I couldn’t watch him harm her. It took all I had not to beat the crap out of him. I was so angry it felt like my insides were on fire. Then to see her holding her arm in pain it was just too much to bear. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and make it all better for her. I probably shouldn’t have intervened, but I couldn’t stand by and watch as he hurt the girl I love.  

When I see him drive off, I feel so relieved that things didn’t escalate further after I left. I am so thankful she decided not to get into the car with him. I decide to stay close by and wait for help to arrive. I notice that she is so lost in her thoughts on the phone. Tears start to fall again and it breaks my heart to have to stay away. I want nothing more than to go to her and embrace her in my arms and wash away all the bad things and make better memories, maybe one day, but for now, I must keep my distance. I see her friend’s car and I watch as she goes to her and I am glad that she has a friend like Elena to help her though this.

     I walk off, thoroughly pissed off. I grab my cell and call Elena. “Elena, hey babe can you come get me?”

     “Why? Where are you?”

Starting to cry, “I was at the movies with Damon and then some geeky guy approached me. Damon saw the whole thing and thinks I was flirting with him. I wasn’t but you know how jealous he gets.”

     I hear her grab her keys as she replies, “Yes, I still remember the last time he did this stupid shit.”

     “I know, but this time was worse.”

     “Honey, I know you really love him, but you don’t need him if he is going to make you feel this bad. He should trust you by now. You have been together for months now. I don’t think he is going to stop this stupid stuff. The last time he almost beat the shit out of the quarter back for hitting on you.”

     Tears running down my face I just sit outside the theater door and listen to her. She is right, why do I keep putting myself through this.

    “I’m here, where are you?”

      I stand up and walk towards the dreadful parking lot. When I see her, I run right into her soothing arms. I cry harder this time. She just holds me and lets me get it all out. We eventually make our way to her black BMW. She clicks the clicker and I crawl into the front seat. She walks around, gets in and turns on some music, and we sit there in silence for a while. Once I think I can go home and face my parents I tell her, “Okay, let’s go.”

     She smirks at me, “That a girl.”

She puts on some club music and we are worry free by the time she pulls into my drive. Reaching over the center console, I hug her tight, “Thank you so much for coming to rescue me and talking this out with me. I love you for it, I really do.”

     She clenches me tight, “Anytime I love you too, now dump that asshole.”

    Laughing, “I will think about it.”

   It is a little after eleven and my parents still have not made it home. I called my mom and let her know that I got home safe. I go up to my room and run a hot bath. Emptying my pockets, I find the twenty and laugh. “Ha, well at least I got something out of him.” As I sit in the tub, I think about what happened and what Elena said. She is right; he is excessively possessive of me. He needs to get over it, we have been dating and I have not ever once looked at another guy. I really do not understand where his insecurities come from. Maybe it is because of what is going on with his dad. I mean that maybe he feels like I will cheat on him. I don’t know, but whatever the reason he needs to stop his BS.

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series)
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