Read Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #scifi, #paranormal, #menage, #erotic romance, #multiple partners, #alien sex, #guardians of the galaxy

Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart
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Lovers of the Galaxy

Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart

© 2014 by Trinity Blacio and Ana Lee


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Digital ISBN 978-1-62601-126-7


First Edition October 2014


Chapter One


“Earth Base One, this is Miln, Head of Security.
Volund, Jaxxon, come in.” The communication device crackled within
the small command post inside the bank building that was the

The door swung open with a thud as Volund made his
way around the desk and flicked on the receiver. “This is Volund,
did you locate Oshki’s route?”

“Yes, a faint trail, but I may have forgotten to
inform you that I have my kin, Acwel and Badden, arriving at home
base within the next Earth hour or two. Since it’s obvious Oshki is
not going to perform his position, I’ve taken the liberty of
recruiting extra help for you to guard your family at this time. It
will be challenging to keep the children I transported there from
the 19th century safe. It is essential the extra help arrives as
soon as possible.”

He jumped up from the chair he’d been sitting in and
it flew back, crashing into the wall. “You should have informed me
before sending for them. You know how your kin and I do not agree
on much of anything.”

Miln’s distant laughter crackled through the speakers
before he responded. “Don’t have much time before going into the
wormhole. They are alpha males just like you. They were alone,
Volund. I am all the family they have left, and I trust you.” The
connection fell apart, and Volund knew there was no way to get him
back until he was once more within communication distance.

The sound of children playing behind him had him
sighing. One thing he could say about his friend Miln was that he
took his duty seriously, and if it meant that much to his friend to
have the last of his kin here at Earth base, so be it.

With nothing to do but wait, he went in search of

Stepping out of the small office and into the
hallway, Volund snatched the Slicer out of the hands of one of the
small orphan children. “No, little ones, you must not be playing
around here.”

One, a tiny girl who stood only to his waist, turned
and looked at him. Her big, brown eyes glassed over and her lips
trembled. The other child hid her face.

Running his hand over his face, Volund knelt before
the doll-like child and smiled. “I am not mad, sweetie, but there
are many different things here that you do not know about. Ask us
and we will tell you if it is okay to play with it.”

Turning, he smiled at Venus. She leaned against the
wall grinning. “I knew I’d lost someone. You’d make a good father.”
She held out her hands.

“Come, you, we have some food for you, then you need
to nap. You’ve had a long day.”

The one girl in front of him patted his arm, and he
smiled down at her. “What can I do for you…?”

“Angel, my name is Angel Copper. What’s that animal
in the there?” She pointed at the lab door behind which Venus and
Jaxxon kept the two Bone Eaters they had captured. There was
movement in the lab, and not from the two creatures strapped down
on tables.

In two nano seconds, he transhifted and placed Venus
and the two girls upstairs. Moving quickly, he locked down the
upper floors with the alarms they’d set up, he prepared himself for
the battle that lay ahead of him.

Before he could transport himself downstairs again,
Venus ran back into the room with her own personal arsenal attached
to herself.

“Where do you think you are going? You have children
to watch.” He snatched the gun from her.

She glared and held out her hand. “Give it to me,
Volund, I’m going with you. We’ve closed off the upper floors. In
lock down, the two sisters, Charlotte and Melinda, have been
instructed to keep the orphan children up here. Plus, Jaxxon is
with them working on their vaccines.”

Everything in him wanted to demand she stay put, but
he knew she would just follow him. He wrapped an arm around her
waist and yanked her up against him. The top of her breasts pushed
up, and he leaned down and ran his fangs across her cleavage.

“You will listen to every word I say.”

Muttering, she nodded. “I’ll follow directions.” She
inched her hands up and around his neck, before she kissed his
chin. “Let’s go before I climb on top of you. I swear, you two have
made me a nympho,” she mumbled.

“Nympho?” he questioned. He transhifted them
downstairs and placed her behind him the minute they

Leaning against him, she whispered into his ear,
“Nympho: needing—no wanting—sex non-stop. Craving it, tasting it….”
She whimpered and kissed his back. “See what you started?”

His cock hardened, and he cussed mentally as he
stalked towards the lab doors, but not before he scanned her from
head to toe, stopping for an extra few moments on the swell of her
breasts with a promise of more later.

The little thing motion she did with her eyes drove
him crazy. Venus did the little roll thing with her eyes and it
took everything in him not to respond. If only she knew how hard
his sapin grew every time she did that. He took a deep breath,
snapped his jaw shut and adjusted his sapin as he proceeded towards
their laboratory.

They would have to change the location of their lab,
move it out of this building. He did not want the children living
in a building that had experiments on infected Bone Eaters going on
on the ground level. The thought of the children wandering down
here sent
up and down his arms, and he let a
small snarl escape.

“What?” Venus whispered next to him, trying to look
into the room.

“By the Twelve Galaxies, get behind me now,” Volund
ordered and slid in front of her.

A quick movement to his right stopped him in his
tracks. Instantly assessing the threat he activated his armor with
a push of a button. “Stay until I make sure everything is clear,”
he said without looking over his shoulder. Quietly, he stalked
toward the noise.

From the doorway, everything appeared to be normal.
The two Bone Eaters were strapped down on their gurneys, but
something was off.

The small cry from the corner of the room drew his
attention. He spun around ready to destroy whatever threat that
would harm anything that was his. What looked like half woman, half
Bone Eater lay curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth.

“Hurt,” the creature mumbled, her eyes closed. At the
same time, she clenched her fists.

“Do you think she’s the one that escaped after I gave
her the antidote?” Venus stepped forward, but he pushed her

“Don’t, she could still be dangerous. We need Jaxxon
down here.”

“I’m here,” his brother snapped and frowned at Venus.
He slid up beside her. “You and I are going to talk about how you
always seem to place yourself in danger. Now stay put while we help

Volund grunted. He wasn’t about to take his gaze off
the creature. Volund knelt in front of the half-changed woman. His
brother stepped up beside him.

“We’re not going to hurt you,” Jaxxon said, “but we
need to get you up on a table. We only want to help.”

Jaxxon carefully gathered the woman’s arms, and
Volund latched onto her legs. Cautious of the spikes on her back
and the sharp fangs that now dangled from her open mouth, they
slowly arranged her on the table and strapped her down.

“This is for your protection and ours. You’re going
through the conversion, changing back to human form. Do you
understand me?” Jaxxon placed a pillow under her head.

“Am I allowed in now? Or are you going to keep me
from my work, too?” Venus inquired from the doorway, glaring at

In the background, Volund heard the transmitter go
off and knew a ship had arrived.

“Our newest security team is here. Jaxxon…” He looked
at his brother, who waved him off.

“I’ll deal with this. Go and greet Miln’s kin, but
Volund, try not to be argumentative with them. The last time you
were around them, all three of you ended up with broken bones. I
have enough to keep me busy right now.”

“Miln notified you before he left? I’ll make sure to
have a talk with him about who is in charge of this base next time
I see him. I should have been informed ahead of time.” He clenched
his hands and stood slowly.

“He knew this would be uncomfortable and wanted me to
be aware of their pending arrival.”

“There will be no confrontation this time. I know
what has to be done to keep the peace.”

“ We should change passwords to the doors,” he
continued. “That is the only way this Bone Eater…uh…female could
have come through them, though, how she could have learned them is
disturbing. That is, unless she never left the building. If that
was the case, why hasn’t she attacked us before now?” Volund
stormed out of the room mumbling about Miln.

If the Bone Eaters were getting smarter, their
security needed to be upgraded, if he was going to keep everyone
safe. Venus would also have to quickly learn how to operate more of
their technology. He smiled and remembered the time he tried to
teach Venus how to use a Slicer. Even though she hit the objects,
she almost zapped Jaxxon twice, swinging around with it in her hand
after hitting each target.

Stepping back into the tiny office he and Miln had
set up for security, he made his way again to the small
communication station.

“This is Acwel and Badden calling Earth Base, come
in,” the older officer, Acwel, said.

The instant he heard the man’s aggravating voice, it
set him on edge.

“This is Earth Base. Coordinates are being sent to
your ship now. Be careful coming in. Hostiles are stirring,” Volund
ordered and sent their location to Miln’s kin.

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart
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