Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“She’s disappeared?” Antony asked, earning a jerk on the leash attached to the leather collar around his neck. “Sorry, Mistress.”

“We were taking a break. She needed to use the ladies’, so I escorted her there. I was out of sight for a few minutes, and now she’s gone. The only people that came out of there were those two.”

This time Antony looked to Jenna and waited until she nodded before glaring at the two Doms. “What did you do to her?”

“Nothing that would make her run away,” Peyton answered dryly.

“Don’t be so sure of that,” Antony said, giving them a look that said he knew a lot more than he was willing to share. “With Sasha it’s hard to tell what will set her off. She’s not like the other subs that come here to play. Her ex ground her self-esteem and confidence into dust. Frankly, I was shocked when she came to me wanting to post her Dom Wanted sign.”

“So why did you let her?” Jenna asked, raising one eyebrow in query.

“Because she was curious and determined to test out the lifestyle. She said that if I didn’t help her, she was going to post it online,” Antony explained. “I knew she would be safer here. I also did not actually expect anyone to respond, much less you two.”

“So what do we do now?” Gavin asked.

“If you are serious about her, and not just for an evening of kinky games, might I suggest you give her a few days to process what happened tonight and then give her a taste of the vanilla side of your lives?” Jackson offered from behind the bar as he set two bottles of beer on the counter in front of Peyton and Gavin. “She needs to relearn how to trust a man on all levels and not just while playing here in the club.”

Chapter 8


By Monday afternoon, Sasha had almost convinced herself that Friday night’s encounter with Gavin and Peyton had been just a pleasant step out onto the wild side. Something she could dream about later in life when she was lonely and sexually frustrated.

Saturday she had earned her father’s ire by sleeping late and not reporting to work until nearly noon. When she then told him she was too busy working on the Saturday evening catering order for Club Esoteria to help him finish an order of a hundred and fifty cupcakes for a birthday party, he grew sullen and nitpicky to the nth degree.

Sunday was supposed to be their day off, but at the last minute Saturday evening, her father decided she needed to help him clean the shop from top to bottom, which took the two of them all day and most of the evening.

Since neither Peyton nor Gavin called, Sasha’s conviction she was just a convenient one-night stand solidified.

By Monday afternoon, her father’s continued overly critical moodiness had become unbearable. Everything she had done was wrong, from mixing the bread dough to timing the cookies so they were golden but not too brown.

Finally, Sasha reached her limit. When her father turned his back to answer the phone, she slipped out the back door and walked the perimeter of the parking lot trying to relax. At the far side of the small lot, she stopped with several perfectly positioned bushes and a large SUV hiding her from the bakery’s back door.

Shoving her knuckles into her mouth, she bent at the waist and screamed.

“That is not a happy sound. Are you okay?” a familiar deep voice asked from right behind her.

Straightening so fast it took a few seconds to find her equilibrium, Sasha slowly turned to find Peyton standing just a few feet away. He looked droolworthy, wearing a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a white T-shirt advertising a local baseball team. His black hair gleamed in the sunlight. When he stepped closer, a hint of the same spicy masculine cologne he had worn Friday night wrapped around her.

By comparison, she felt rumpled and dowdy in her bakery shop polo shirt and black jeans that had smudges of food and flour covering them.

“What are you doing here?” She flinched at her sharp tone, but Peyton did not comment on her lack of proper respect.

“I wondered if you would like to go fishing with me,” he said. Sliding his hands in his pockets, he looked much more innocent than she knew he was.

“Fishing? With you? Why?”

Was he using some kind of code? Did fishing mean going back to the club and being punished for leaving Friday night without permission or telling anyone?

“Yes, fishing. I like to fish and thought you might like to drown some worms with me.”

“Um.” She looked down at her clothes and brushed at the flour that streaked her right thigh. “I need to clock out and change my clothes.”

“That’s fine. I’ll wait.” He took her right hand as they walked across the parking lot. Her breath caught as heat surged up her arm and shot straight to her pussy. “Just shorts and a T-shirt. Nothing fancy. The fish and birds don’t care what we’re wearing. We’ll stop for dinner on our way back to town.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied with a sassy grin and a sloppy left-handed salute.

Peyton smiled, but there was a gleam of the powerful Master in his eyes. “We’ll discuss that salute later, cupcake.” When they reached the bakery shop door, he released her hand and smacked her ass. “Now get a move on while the fish are still biting.”

Sasha jumped with a squeal. With one hand rubbing her smarting ass cheek, she returned to the bakery. Her father was busy at the front counter, so she waved at Kate, one of their part-time employees, who acknowledged her with a smile and a nod. After filling out her time card, she slipped out the back door without her father seeing her.

Seeing Peyton leaning against his big gray pickup truck, she hesitated as her manners kicked in. Instead of hurrying upstairs, she walked to him.

“Would you like to come up?” she asked.

He never moved a muscle, but his smile turned hot and predatory. “Sweetie, I would like nothing more, but if I did, we would never get to the river. And that is not what today is about. Go on and get changed.”

Sasha nodded, before turning and hurrying up the stairs to her apartment. Once in her bedroom, she froze. What the fuck was she doing?

Had she really agreed to go fishing with Peyton?

Sure, he was attractive. Both men were damn sex gods. But after her actions Friday night, she had not expected to see or hear from them again. Was Peyton really interested in getting to know her outside the club? Or were they trying to lure her back to use her some more? She had to admit she had not felt misused while with them.

Being honest with herself, she had to admit Gavin and Peyton made her feel sexier and more cared for than she ever had in her life. Had she been a fool for running away?

Hurrying to her dresser, she opened several drawers then closed them again. None of the clothes there were sexy enough for spending time with one of her Sirs. Turning to her closet, she pulled out an oversized denim jumper. After stripping off her work clothes, she decided her red sports bra would work, but the purple granny panties had to go. After taking them off and tossing them in the laundry, she paused only a moment longer before pulling on the jumper and shoving her feet into her non-work sneakers.

As soon as she pulled it on, she felt better. The little denim dress was one of the few outfits she owned that made her feel sexy. After running her fingers through her hair to fluff it up a bit, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

Peyton was right where she had left him, leaning against his truck. When she approached, he straightened with an approving smile. “Mmmm, that’s even better than shorts. Makes things much more accessible.”

Not sure what to expect, he surprised her by opening the passenger’s door and helping her climb into the truck. Only after she was settled and he had fastened her seatbelt around her did he brush a quick kiss over her lips.

“Yep, just as delicious as I remembered,” he said. His low sexy tone made her squirm in her seat as her pussy warmed.

She frowned in confusion when he stepped back and closed the door instead of taking things any further. As he rounded the front of his truck, she pulled the hem of her dress down her thigh, wondering if she had made a mistake in wearing it without panties.

Peyton did not speak as he started the truck and drove them out of town.

Sasha grew nervous as the minutes of silence ticked by. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She needed answers. “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“This,” she waved her hand at the truck. “You’re acting as if Friday night never happened. Why?”

Peyton glanced at her with a compassionate expression before returning his attention to the road. “A relationship, especially one like Gavin and I want with you, must be based on more than sex. So today I want us to learn more about each other.”

Sasha sat and processed his words. “But I thought…” Her words trailed off. She was not sure how to put her scrambled thoughts into words he would understand without offending him.

“You thought that because you disappeared on us Friday night we wouldn’t want anything more to do with you?”

Sasha nodded. “Yeah, something like that.”

How could he be so relaxed when she was anything but?

“That is something we will discuss another day. What you need to understand is that both Gavin and I are attracted to you for more than just your delectable body. We want to get to know all of you and we want you to get to know us as well.”

“Okaaaay,” Sasha said, as the nervous tension across her shoulders eased and she relaxed somewhat.

Peyton drove them to a secluded spot beside a creek about fifteen minutes later. Sasha had no idea where they were, but her knowledge of the backroads and creeks in the county was limited.

“A friend owns this land and lets us come out here whenever we want,” Peyton explained as he parked.

Sasha nodded and climbed out into the knee-high grass, again wondering if she shouldn’t have worn shorts. Or at least panties. Her pussy was wet, her nipples rock hard, and she had to fight the arousal that just being with Peyton created in her.

She was surprised that over the next several hours Peyton acted as if they were on a first date. He asked questions, encouraging her to talk about her life, her work, even her disastrous marriage. When she realized she had shared her entire life’s story, she started asking him the same questions he had asked her. He answered them with short answers, as if hesitant to expose much of himself.

She learned that he had been in the Army, had come close to marrying once, but realized his wife-to-be was too conservative and unwilling to expand her boundaries to even talk about trying some of his kinkier fantasies. Sasha learned his favorite color was blue and that he and Gavin were closer than most brothers were. They talked sex in general terms, but nothing specific, and he acted as if her disappearance Friday night had never happened.

As the sun began to set, their attention turned from fishing to slapping at mosquitoes. When Sasha’s stomach rumbled long and loud, she blushed. Peyton laughed.

“I do believe it’s time to give up and find my sweet cupcake some food.”

Chapter 9


After eating burgers and fries at a country café and talking for another hour, Peyton took her home. During their entire time together, he did not touch her in any way that could be termed sexual, which only wound Sasha’s growing need tighter.

When he pulled in and parked behind the bakery, she was relieved to see her father had left for the night and not stayed and worked late on the books.

“Would you like to come up?” she offered with a smile, hoping she could push him into scratching the fiery itch of need that had taken up residence just behind her clit.

“Not tonight, thanks. We’ll have lots of time for playing games. Have you seen the doctor yet for your club paperwork?” he asked, half turning in his seat.

Sasha shook her head. “I wasn’t sure I should since…”

Peyton’s demeanor shifted. “Cupcake, I am ordering you to see a doctor and get the club’s medical form filled out. And I would love for you to show up at the club Friday night wearing only this sexy little dress. But only if you want to continue exploring a relationship with both me and Gavin.”

Sasha found herself straightening as she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” Peyton smiled before leaning over the center console and giving her a long, deep, thorough kiss that did nothing to soothe Sasha’s hunger. “Now get inside before I decide to find out whether or not you’re wearing panties under that sexy little dress.”

Sasha could not help smiling as she climbed down from the truck. Just before closing the door, she looked across the front seat and met Peyton’s eyes. With a grin and a wink, she said, “That wouldn’t be such a bad thing either.”

She closed the door with a giggle. As she started up the stairs to her apartment, she lifted the back of her dress far enough to flash Peyton a glimpse of her bare ass before she smoothed the dress back down again. Once she was inside with the door closed and locked, she peeked out the window to watch Peyton start his truck and pull out.

Once he had driven out of sight, Sasha stripped her dress and bra over her head as she headed to the bedroom. Dropping the clothes on the floor in her wake, she crawled across the bed and reached for the basket sitting under the small table by the bed. She looked through her toy collection, trying to figure out what would be most effective. She needed relief, and she needed it now.

Pulling out her deep purple vibrator, she turned it on low before running it over and around her clit. Gasping as muscles throughout her body clenched in response, she shoved it deep into her pussy while thinking about Friday night. Closing her eyes, she envisioned Gavin and Peyton there with her, playing with her, fucking her, demanding she submit to them as they gave her intense pleasure while at the same time finding their own.

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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