Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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That sounded reasonable, so Sasha looked at Jenna, “Yes, Ma’am, I’ll spend the evening under their control, if that’s what they wish.”

“Very well then,” Jenna said with a small smile. Then she looked at the men, and the smile vanished. “There will be no intercourse tonight since we don’t have Sasha’s medical paperwork on file. Beyond that, I would appreciate that you keep your activities confined to the main room tonight.”

“Agreed,” the men answered in unison.

“Very well, then, carry on,” Jenna dismissed them but grabbed Antony by the bulge filling the front of his thong and pulled him close. “Later on, you and I will have a long discussion about your punishment for overstepping your bounds as my slave.”

Sasha did not hear his response as each man reached down and claimed a hand. Then Peyton led the way across the bar to a curtained doorway. She followed docilely, not sure where they were going until they were through the curtains and she found they were in the front lobby. Peyton walked them over to the far corner of the room and released her hand. Gavin did the same then moved to stand beside him, shielding her with their bodies from the rest of the room.

She looked from one to the other, nerves jangling at what she suspected was about to happen. She expected Peyton to continue leading the way, and it took a moment to sink in when instead Gavin said, “Strip.”

Chapter 3


“Excuse me?” The words popped out before Sasha could filter what she was saying.

Both men frowned at her response, amping her nervousness up to fear. She stepped back, only to find herself pinned into the corner with nowhere to run to.

Gavin leaned down until they were nose to nose. “The only words I want to hear from you, little lamb, are ‘Yes, Sir’ unless you are calling red, at which point we will return you to Jenna and our time together will be finished. Do you understand?”

Sasha’s eyes went so wide she was afraid they would pop out of her head. Swallowing hard, she nodded quickly.

“Not good enough, cupcake. You must use your words to answer questions,” Peyton said, his voice dropping even lower than it had been before.

“Yes, Sir. I understand,” Sasha whispered.

“Then do as you’re told,” Gavin said as he straightened and crossed thick arms over his chest.

“Yes, Sir,” Sasha said softly.

As she toed off her shoes, she wished she had put on prettier underwear. Hell, she wished she owned prettier underwear. Everything in her wardrobe was sturdy, functional, but hardly erection inspiring.

Her fingers fumbled at the waistband of her jeans, but the button finally slipped through the hole. After easing the zipper down, she wiggled out of her jeans. She took her time folding them, but was unsure what to do with them until Peyton held out his hand. She handed them over and then hesitated a long moment before pulling her shirt over her head to expose her plain white bra and utilitarian white granny panties.

Would they refuse her now that they had seen her ugly underwear?

After folding the shirt, she laid it on top of her jeans. Wrapping her arms around her middle, she hoped to ease the nervous knot developing in her gut as the two men looked her up and down. They did not immediately demand she continue her striptease. Instead, they looked her up and down with unreadable expressions.

Her eyes flitted from one to the other, waiting, expecting, almost hoping they would hand her clothes back and walk away. She was stunned when they both began to smile.

Before either could speak, an arm slid between them holding a deep-blue scrap of silk and lace. “Excuse me, Sirs, but Mistress Jenna said you might need this as tonight is Lingerie Night.”

The men shifted to the side, half-turning to acknowledge Antony. As Gavin took the whatever-it-was from the slave, Antony caught sight of her.

“Damn girl, that is some fugly shit you’re wearing,” he blurted out. “We have got to go shopping and get you some appropriate club wear.”

Her face burning with embarrassment, Sasha spun around and tried to become one with the corner. Though she did not see their reaction, she could tell by their voices that her two Doms were not pleased.

“Tell your mistress we thank her for her thoughtfulness,” Gavin’s deep voice said.

Then Peyton said, “Also tell her you that you insulted our sub and require attention for your loose lips.”

“Yes, Sirs. I am so sorry. Please forgive me, Sirs.” Antony said, his voice growing softer as if he were quickly backing up.

Sasha closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the walls, wondering if she would ever live down this night. Or if she would survive it. She jumped as a large hand slid under her bra strap. Two racing heartbeats later, the band loosened around her chest. Other hands brushed the straps off her shoulders and down her arms to where her elbows stopped their descent.

“Turn around,” a deep voice whispered into her ear.

She sucked a breath and froze as hot fingertips stroked up the backs of her arms and across the top of her shoulders. Her will was no longer her own but now belonged to these two men. Taking a deep breath, Sasha turned to face them but kept her focus far away from their faces.

That allowed her to see both men had large, thick erections pushing at the front of their jeans. As she watched, Peyton’s twitched and seemed to grow even bigger. Gavin’s disappeared for a moment behind a hand that stroked it before shifting it to a more comfortable position. She closed her eyes and focused on keeping her own hands from touching nipples, clit, or cunt, all of which were demanding some serious attention.

But even with her eyes closed, she could imagine what their cocks looked like. Her body responded to the mental vision with another gush of fluids from her pussy. Her already-soaked panties overflowed, and her juices began to run down her upper thighs.

“Look up here, little lamb,” Gavin demanded in a gentle voice.

Raising her gaze took effort, but she did it. When she licked her suddenly parched lips, both men groaned in response. “Yes, Sir?”

“Finish. Once you’re dressed appropriately, we’ll go back inside and talk over a drink before we test out exactly how submissive you are,” Peyton said.

Sasha’s fear had pulled so tight she heard it go
as it broke, flipping around and transforming into intense excitement about what was to come.


* * * *


Though Gavin had to agree with Antony that their little submissive’s bra and panties were fucking ugly, his cock did not give a shit. Her baggy clothes hid a lush, curvy body that was, to him, the perfect example of sexy femininity. By her response to undressing in public, she obviously did not agree. When she met his eyes, he saw arousal as well as a hunger for the knowledge he and Peyton were more than willing to share with her.

He could not wait to test how submissive she really was, and how much pleasure they could give each other. Or would she call red during the challenge? From past experience, he and Peyton could become nearly insatiable, each feeding off the other’s need in a way that could keep them playing with a shared submissive for days. Or at least until the woman begged for a reprieve.

Spending the evening confined to the main room of the club and not being able to fuck this cute little sub would be no problem for him. He knew Peyton would not mind either. There were lots of things to teach her about being submissive and gaining pleasure from just foreplay without having sex. Problem was, from her reactions so far, she would be hesitant to put on a show for anyone who might happen to stop and watch them. And he was not certain he wanted anyone to see her in action.

With a deep breath, she dropped her bra to the floor then pushed her panties down over her hips until gravity took over and they hit the ground. He gasped as pre-cum spurted from the head of his cock as she straightened. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Her breasts were large and stood out proudly, almost too big for the rest of her full and curvy body. They were capped with soft pink areolas with erect, deeper rose-colored nipples that he could not wait to taste.

Dropping his gaze, he saw a mat of fur covering her mound several shades darker than the strawberry-blond hair on her head. For a moment he debated whether he wanted to just trim that hair or shave her bald. He and Peyton would have to discuss that, if they decided to keep her for more than just the evening.

Sliding a look to his left, he saw that Peyton was just as enthralled with the naked woman as he was. If she proved properly submissive and easily trained, maybe they had found the woman they had been looking for since they had moved back to New Bern three years earlier.

The door to the parking lot opened, and several people walked in laughing about something. Suddenly he wanted her covered up so no one else could see what a prize he and Peyton had caught.

“You’re beautiful, little lamb,” he said, looking deep into her eyes. “Now put this on.” He held out the slinky whatever-it-was that Antony had brought them.

She blinked and smiled in grateful response. “Thank you, Sir.”

She took the silk and lace from his hand, and held it up between them as she tried to figure out what it was. It took a moment, but finally she slipped it over her head and smoothed it down her body to her mid-thighs. The slip chemise hugged her, lovingly clinging to her curves though it fit tighter across her chest. He had to swallow hard to keep from groaning in appreciation as she adjusted her breasts behind their lacy covering.

Before Gavin could give in to a sudden urge to unzip and have her suck off his painfully hard cock, Peyton stepped in and took over.

After handing their woman back her clothes, Peyton said, “After you pick up and fold the rest of your things, you will check them in under my name and then join us at the bar…if you are really interested in continuing. Otherwise you can go into the locker room, dress, and go home right now.”

“Take your time and think about it,” Gavin said. “But don’t take too long, little one.”

Chapter 4


Sasha watched in wide-eyed silence as the two men turned and walked away. She continued watching until they entered the bar. Only then did she take a deep breath, which she held for several seconds before releasing it in a rush.

They had given her an out and left the final decision in her hands. She could either turn her clothes over to the man behind the counter across the lobby, and join them for what would undoubtedly be an educational evening, or…

The alternative of changing back into her own clothes and going home was not acceptable. She would never have an opportunity like this again. But was she brave enough?

Her ex-husband had criticized, degraded, and verbally abused her during their entire three-year marriage. Over time, she had become convinced that she would never be good enough. How could she trust that these men, these two strangers, would not do the same thing?

“You’ll never know what you can do until you try,” she whispered to herself. “So get your ass in there, relax, and learn something.”

Besides, they would be in the safety of the club, in full view of everyone. She also had no doubt that Antony, or Gentry, or Whitney would be under orders to stay close by and keep an eye on the situation.

It only took a few seconds to pick up her bra, panties, and sneakers. In another two minutes, they were secured in a basket under Peyton’s name. Then she headed to the curtained doorway.

“Stop being such a cream puff,” she whispered when her feet stopped a foot from the door, refusing to go any farther. “You want to do this. You can do this. Now get in there and do it.”

While her head, clit, and pussy were all for running in and begging the two masters to toy with her, her feet seemed to have other ideas. As a couple brushed by her and entered the club, a familiar figure stepped out, looking worried.

“Are you okay?” Antony asked as he crossed to stand in front of her.

Sasha nodded. “I want to go in, but—”

Antony smiled, his expression understanding. “How about if I walk in with you?”

“Would you?”

Antony nodded and held out his hand. Sasha took it gratefully, and suddenly her feet unstuck themselves from the floor.

“So what do you know about these men?” she whispered as they passed through the curtain.

“They’re best friends and business partners. They’re straight but have shared subs here in the club before. They’re good men and from what I understand from their past subs, very good lovers,” Antony said as they slowly crossed to the bar where the two men sat at the bar talking to the bartender. He stopped far enough away that they could not hear his next words. “If you get scared or need anything, just give a shout and I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

“Thanks, Uncle,” Sasha said, squeezing his hand before releasing it.

Though the chemise she wore was nearly a foot shorter than she was comfortable with, she kept her head up and locked on the two men as she walked the last few yards. It took work, but she was almost able to block out everyone else in the room, especially when Peyton looked at her and smiled.

They parted and pulled her to stand between them. She fought to remain silent and not beg for their immediate attention. After all, according to Antony, patience was one of the virtues every submissive must have, and if they did not possess it, their dominant would take great joy in teaching it to them.

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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