The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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“You okay over there?” Jake asked. “You seem a million miles away.”

“I kinda feel bad how I left things with Steven.” She stopped talking, but wanted to get it off her chest, and Jake seemed like a nice enough guy. “You know we were in a relationship for years, and he’s been nothing but honest with me. I guess our breakup was mutual, but he’s the one who initiated it. He wanted to pursue someone else, and he didn’t want to cheat on me. We’ll always be friends, but I dumped this move on him without talking to him about it. That’s not like me. He’s still my friend and I don’t treat friends this way.”

“It’s not too late. You can still talk to Steven about it.” Jake reached over and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I’m sure he’ll understand.” Her body tensed and her nub tingled at his touch.

God girl, get a hold of yourself. He’s just a baby.

Once at the gym, Jake parked in the back and propped open the office door for easier access. One by one they carried her belongings through the office and around the corner to the adjacent door up the stairs. Kristy had to stop a few times to get a drink and catch her breath.

In passing, she asked, “So I don’t have to work out today, right?
is my workout?”

“Not hardly. I will cut you some slack, though.” His lip turned up at the corner.

She didn’t laugh. Was he serious? She leaned up against his desk watching him move with ease carrying the heaviest box. The muscles in his arms flexed and the way his body navigated through the door and up the stairs screamed confidence and sensuality.
Stop it Kristy. He is just a boy, your personal trainer, and now your landlord.

Once he carried the last box up, he stood in her doorway looking at her across the room. “Do you need help with anything else?”

“No, I’m good thanks. I appreciate the help, and I owe you gas money.”

“No. Consider it a favor, or better yet, a friend helping a friend.”

“Oh…all right.” She walked to the door and gave him a quick hug, but not so quick she didn’t notice how good he felt. “Thank you.” She flashed him a smile and turned to work on unpacking. Leaving the door open, she watched him walk across to his apartment.
Wow, he sure is nice to look at, and he has a damn fine body to wrap around.

After about thirty minutes, she heard his door open and then he appeared in her doorway. Her face lit in a smile. He stood there in his gym attire, a grey polo shirt with the gym logo and a black pair of shorts.

“Gotta head to work, if you need anything you know where to find me.” He returned her smile, and headed down the stairs.

Grinning, she glanced at the door next to his apartment, Jake’s special gym, she noticed a brand new shiny deadbolt on it. “Hmm. That wasn’t there before.” She walked over to it and ran her fingers over the brass fixture. It made her more curious about the room.

After more unpacking, she didn’t think she’d be ready to hit the gym, but she actually felt like she needed it. She dressed in her new workout clothes and headed downstairs. She giggled before she pushed open the door.
Man this feels weird, home to gym in less than 30 seconds.

Disappointment washed over her when she found out she’d be working with Roy for the evening. He said Jake had errands to run. No matter, she worked just as hard for Roy. They were at it for ninety minutes and still no sight of Jake. She felt let down but knew she’d see him sooner than later. They lived across the hall from one another how could she not?

Chapter Eight


A full week went by and Kristy had only seen Jake a few times, mostly in passing. Was he avoiding her? She wanted to find out what was going on and put an end to it.

After work she raced home and changed from her work clothes and into her gym outfit. She listened by his apartment door and heard nothing but silence. Heading downstairs earlier than usual, she hoped to catch him. She pushed open the door and did a quick check around the building. He wasn’t in sight, nor did she see him in the office.

Deflated she trudged to the desk. “Hey, Roy.”

“Hey there, darlin’.” He treated her like one of the guys, except for calling her darlin’ all the time. He was younger than her by a few years, she guessed, but he had an old spirit.

“Jake around?”

Roy scrunched up his face like he was at war with himself over something. “He’s out for the night. I have you for training later.”

She couldn’t help but feel let down, and she knew her facial expression probably gave it away. She tried to cover it up with a smile. “He hasn’t been around much lately has he?”

“Been a busy week for him is all.” He smiled back warmly. “Tonight, however, he’s on a guy’s night out kind of thing. He needs to unwind every now and then and enjoy life. He works way too much.”

“I agree.”
He is here a lot, and deserves a night out. I’ll miss him this evening, though.
“I think I’d like to work out now. Is that all right?”

“I have an appointment in fifteen minutes, darlin’. But you pretty much know your routine. I don’t think we have any changes to make, but I’ll check in on you every now and then. Sound good?”

“Sure, Roy.”

The gym was unusually quiet with only a few people in attendance. After a non-enthusiastic workout, she treaded up the stairs. It was quiet up there, too. Kristy could hear the faint sound of music playing from the gym making its way up to her apartment. It wasn’t bothersome at all, she quite liked it. Being a 24-hour gym, the music played continuously and somehow it soothed her.

Showered with no plans, she thought back to a week ago and what she did.
Oh, Master Jay.
She sighed at the thought of him, her belly flamed up with excitement, and her pussy clenched.

She wanted to go out for the night, and texted Sherry to see if she had plans, but she didn’t answer. Putting on her sexiest dress and strappy sandals, she headed to the bar hoping Master Jay would be available.

The bar was hopping and she couldn’t get near Stan to ask about Master Jay. Frustrated she groaned.

“Can I get a drink for you, cutie?” An attractive young man looked down at her. Tall, dark, and lean, he had a great voice and a perfect set of lips smiling genuinely at her.

“Actually no. I wanted to speak to the bartender, but it looks like that won’t happen.” She could hear the disappointment in her voice.

“I have connections. Follow me.” He winked at her, grabbed her hand, and led her to the end of the bar. They stood next to the door leading downstairs.

It’s funny how the door never had any meaning before last week. Now it made her heart hammer and dampness pool between her legs.

Stan looked up at the two of them, but his eyes focused on her. She felt her cheeks warm. He finished up with his current order and headed their way.

“Well, hello, sweetheart. Back so soon?” He smirked.

“No, well, yes. Is
in tonight?” She looked around to be sure no one else heard her. Across the room she saw Jake with a few guys standing around a table. He didn’t look like he was having fun, and his eyes were locked on her. Surprised at his being there, she felt bad for him since he didn’t look like he was enjoying himself.

“Not tonight. Sorry sweetheart, but
is available.” Roy nodded to the gentleman who led her over. “I gotta get back to work. Tell me what you decide.”

She turned to the tall stranger and grinned. “You?”

The tall man reached over and ran his fingers along her arm leaving a trail of tingles. “Yes. Me. I had nothing better to do this evening so I came in on my night off. So what do you say? Wanna go
” He waggled his eyebrows, and she laughed.

She thought for a moment. “I’ve only been once before. I’m new at this, and still uncertain.”

“That won’t be a problem for me.” His arm wrapped around her lower back, and pulled her close to him. He whispered in her ear. “I’d take it nice and slow for you, cutie.”

He backed her to the door, reached down, and teasingly rubbed the globes of her ass. She closed her eyes and a soft groan escaped her lips. “I—I don’t know.”

“I know you want it, your body gives you away. What holds you back?” He continued his assault on her body. She wasn’t going to complain. What seemed like harmless caresses to the onlooker were smoldering hot touches to her.

“Like I said, I’m uncertain.” Her voice wavered.


“And you. Sorry,
I was hoping for someone else.”

The man didn’t stop touching her. His fingers trailed along where her thighs met her ass and she could feel the moisture between her legs building.

He pushed her firmly against the door, and leaned in as if to kiss her, but spoke in her ear instead. “My loss, but if you change your mind ask for Master Jonathan.” He pressed his forehead to the top of her head and then walked away.

The noise in the bar came back into focus. For a few minutes, only she and Master Jonathan had occupied the room. Getting her breath back, she pushed off the door and Stan handed her a glass filled with white wine. She looked around for somewhere to go. Her first instinct was to look for Jake. He no longer stood with the group of men.

A chair opened up against the wall and she darted toward it. A few steps away from the seat, a hand wrapped around her upper arm. “Not so fast, cutie.”

“Huh?” She jerked at his touch, taken aback because she told him she didn’t want him, and here he pursued her again. Was he angry at her rejection?

“Stan told me to escort you downstairs. He has a surprise for you.” She looked over at the bar and Stan nodded. She wasn’t going to give in that easily. Jonathan sighed. “Cutie, Master Jay heard you were inquiring about him at the bar.”

“Well, all right.” She swigged half her wine down and let Jonathan take her to the door once again. Her stomach was in a ball of nerves and excitement.

Smiling, Stan buzzed the door open for them. Kristy kicked back her wine and left the glass on the counter. “Let’s go.”

This time she ended up in Room Four, a small private room with unfamiliar furniture, a standalone closet, and
a bed.

“Master Jay wants me to prepare you for him. If you are in agreement, kneel.” His voice took on a tone of authority.

Her stomach fluttered with butterfly sensations. She dropped to her knees with thoughts of Master Jay in her head.

“Very well. You will keep your eyes on the floor, and address me as Sir. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Excellent. I’m glad you’re here. I’ve wanted to do this since I laid eyes on you.” He dropped to her level in front of her and yanked her head back by her hair. She gasped from surprise and fear. “You have great hair.” He raked his fingers through her long hair, unforgiving the occasional knot.

He must have sensed her fear. He asked, “What’s your safeword color?”

“Green, Sir.”

He nodded. “Good. Now, I have a certain way I like my girls to kneel. I will teach you in case we cross paths again. Sit up on your heels.” She lifted slightly adjusting her buttocks to the backs of her heels.

“Now sit up really tall and keep your head down almost to your chest, because you may never look at me unless I tell you.”

She adjusted to his liking, or so she thought.

He grabbed her hair and pulled it up toward the ceilin
g. “Straighten your back,” he commanded.

She sat as straight as she could. It was uncomfortable, but she had a feeling she shouldn’t mess around with this guy. She felt his dominance over her, but nothing like she had with Master Jay. Jonathan had a completely different manner, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.

“Hands behind you, and arch your back.” He pushed his knee gently in the center of her spine.

She did as told and arched her back until it hurt. She was sure that’s what he wanted because she could see her breasts jutting out forward, and it did look sexy from her vantage point.

“Very nice. Now get up and take your clothes off except your bra and panties.”

She did as instructed without looking at him. She could feel his eyes on her every move and it unnerved her, she wasn’t used to getting undressed in front of strangers.

“You have a lovely body.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Now, kneel.”

She dropped and got into the position he showed her.

“Lay your hands next to your thighs with your palms facing up and wait until I tell you what to do.”

A squeaking noise came from across the room. He must have opened the closet door, and then she heard what she thought were chains. He
r heart leapt in fear. “Yellow, Sir.”

The noises stopped immediately and she could hear him walk toward her. “What’s wrong cutie? I thought you wanted to see Master Jay.”

“I do, but I hear chains, it’s scaring me.”

He chuckled. “You have no worries. The chains are harmless, but they are noisy. Stand and look at me.”

She rose slowly and saw the kind man from the bar. He smiled at her and it relieved some of her tension. Then he rubbed his knuckles across her cheek and she relaxed even more.

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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