The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (4 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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Steven’s face went from surprised to shocked, and he was apparently turned on, judging by the bulge forming in his pants.

Panting she forced out the words. “Watch all you want…but no touching…you’re with Mona now, you can’t have this.”

At the mention of his new girlfriend he took a half a step back, but didn’t retreat or look away. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and he nodded his head.

Kristy continued to work herself and closed her eyes as her muscles started to spasm. “Oh, fuck!” Warm pleasurable waves built up from her center core and pulsed out through her sopping wet folds. Light flashed behind her eyes, and she felt as if she were flying, then she slowly came back down. Kristy lay tense enjoying the ripples of aftershocks. She couldn’t remember ever having such a powerful orgasm from masturbating.

Before she came back from her sexual bliss, Steven had backed out of the room quietly.




Kristy felt a little awkward at breakfast. Neither she nor Steven spoke. They exchanged small shy smiles while working to prepare their own plates.

Sitting down across from one another at the small square table, they ate a few bites before Steven broke the silence.

“Sorry to walk in on you last night, but I heard you yell and I thought you were hurt. Your door
wide open.”

“You weren’t supposed to be home.” She huffed, feeling a little more than annoyed.

“Mona didn’t feel well. I left her house early.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. What’s done is done.” Yet, she couldn’t look him in the eyes. “And it stays between us.”

They ate a few more bites before Steven took a deep breath and swallowed, causing his Adam's apple to bob. “You were really sexy last night. If I wasn’t with Mona, I would have jumped you. How come you never did that for me when we were together?”

“You never asked. I’ve been doing it myself for years.” She hesitated for a moment. “Yes, even during our relationship. Sometimes you were lacking, so I would finish off in the shower, or after you’d left for work, and sometimes after you fell asleep.” Relief washed over her for confessing what she bottled up for years.

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me? I would have tried something different, or used your vibrator to finish you off had I known.” The corner of his lip raised in a smirk.

“I don’t know, Steven. I just don’t know.” She shook her head looking down at her plate. “For some odd reason it’s easier talking with you since we broke up now that we’re friends.”

“It doesn’t make it any easier for me.”

“Oh, sorry. Thought we were on the same page.”

Steven shook his head. “No, apparently we’re not. This conversation is even more painful after the fact. I wish I had known. I’m not sure if it would have made any difference in our relationship, but we’ll never know.”




Jake thought he was ready for Kristy’s appointment, he jacked-off in the shower to relieve some sexual tension, but as soon as she walked toward him, his dick stirred. She smelled so good, freshly showered, and she looked damn hot in her new workout clothes, they hugged her petite, shapely body. Long brown hair pulled up in a ponytail hung high from the back of her head swinging back and forth as she walked. Jake wanted to reach up and let her hair loose, to run his fingers through it, or better yet yank it hard.

She started to warm up on the treadmill as usual, and Sherry came in shortly after taking up the spot next to her. He thought about going over to talk to Sherry, but then he remembered
Kristy questioning him last night. She had no idea he and Sherry knew one another outside of the gym and it needed to stay that way.

Jake walked around wiping down equipment and slowed his efforts when he was within earshot of the women.

“Really, I don’t know how much longer I can stay with Steven. He, ah, walked in on me. I need my own place,” Kristy said.

“What do you mean he walked in on you?” asked Sherry.

Kristy stepped off the belt and onto the footholds of the treadmill to lean in to whisper. “I mean, I was
myself, and he got a free show.”

Jake had stepped close enough to hear her quieted voice and his dick did more than twitch. It was half hard at the erotic image of her touching herself.

“You let him watch?” Sherry shrieked.

“Shhh, I was almost done, ya know, almost there. I didn’t care, I was beyond horny. Don’t worry nothing happened. It made breakfast the next morning awkward at first, but then I found I could talk to him as a friend. I told him how he didn’t satisfy me as much as he thought.”

“No, shit!” Sherry’s eyes were huge.

“Yeah, he said had he known he would have tried different things, and used my toy on me.”

“Wow, and you guys are still friends after
conversation?” Sherry scrunched up her face.

“Sure.” Kristy’s treadmill beeped and slowed to let her know her time ended. Once it stopped Kristy looked around.

“Right here,” he said, as he wiped down the machine directly behind her. “I’ll be right with you. Go ahead pull your log sheet and get started. I won’t be long.”

He needed a moment to calm himself before he went near her, so he could think his hard on away. He wiped down the same piece of equipment twice and then walked to the back office to stow away the cleaning products. He also required a trip to the men’s room to splash cold water on his face. Looking in the mirror, he gave himself a pep talk. “Come on, you can do this. Stay focused.”

Training went well; he stayed on track and didn’t stray. But he wanted to, boy did he want to. Kristy headed to the file cabinet to put her folder away and he met up with her there.

“Now that we’ve reached this milestone workout, how do you feel your routine is going?” Jake approached her from the side.

“Good. Some things I still struggle with, but a couple sets are easy.” She closed the file drawer, and turned to him.

“Let me know which ones next time and we’ll adjust them.”

“All right. Thank you.” She smiled at him and he felt a little woozy. Needing more oxygen he inhaled deeply, and then stretched to make it look like he was tired.

“So I hear your looking for an apartment?” His crazy thought just came out of his mouth before he could think it through. It had been something on his mind since he overheard the ladies talking.

“Where did you hear that?” Her eyes went wide.

Now it was his turn to freeze.
Oh shit.
“Uh, not sure, maybe I heard Sherry say something about it.”

“Oh. Yes, I’m looking.” She nodded and seemed to be deep in thought.

“I have a place. Are you interested in seeing it?” He blurted the words out faster than his brain could keep up.

Snapping from her daze, she answered him. “Sure. When’s good for you?”

“Now is as good a time as any.”

She peered over his shoulder most likely at the clock, and said, “It’s late, maybe another time, but thank you.”

“It won’t take long. Come.” He turned away and he heard her following behind. Walking to the door next to the office, he used a key to open it.

“It’s here?” There was a tone of surprise in her voice.

“Yep, upstairs. Right across the hall from my place.” He smiled and his dick twitched again. The thought of having her so close every day made him happy.

“Oh, that would be convenient to keep up with my workouts!” She seemed excited at the thought.

“One would think, but when you live here you don’t want to work out. Just like the people who have exercise equipment in their homes, how many people use their treadmills as a catch all and to hang laundry on? They workout better if they remove themselves from things that can distract them. I have it doubly bad since I both work and live here.”

They walked up a flight of stairs into a hallway with three doors. He stopped in front of the very first door on the right and pointed. “That’s my place.”

“Wow, you have the shortest commute to work I’ve ever seen.” Her laughter surrounded him, and he enjoyed it, and a huge smile formed on his lips.

“I like it that way. I dreamed of owning a gym since my awkward gangly teen years. I never thought it would come true, so now that I have it, I pour all of me into it.” He was very proud of accomplishing his goals. His next goal? To get Kristy to really notice him as a man.

“It’s a great gym. The best one I’ve been to, and I’ve tried most within a few towns.”

“Thank you.” He wanted to reach out to hold her hand or touch her hair. Instead. he moved to the door across from his place, the rental.

“What’s in there?” She motioned to the second door next to his apartment.

“Oh, my personal gym.” He held his breath.

“Huh? Why?” Her face scrunched up in confusion.

“I saved up and built my own personal dream gym.”

“Can I see it?” Her eyes widened.

“Uh, it’s kind of private. My special place.” He hoped she didn’t step toward the door and open it. She would surely run after seeing his playroom.
I really need to put a lock on that door.
“So, let’s see the rental.”

Her attention went back to the rental across the hall.

He turned the knob and pushed it open. “It’s partially furnished, but I can remove anything you don’t need.”

“I don’t have much so I could probably use whatever’s in here.” She walked in the room, and her mouth popped open. The sight of her lips had him suppressing a groan. “Oh, wow! This is great. I would never have imagined this was up here.”
Kristy walked around taking in the contemporarily decorated apartment, a style she’d always liked. The geometrical furnishings were in black and white. She could see herself living there. After he gave her the nickel tour, he asked, “So, what do you think?”

“This is perfect for me. So now the question is—when is it available and how much does it cost?” She tilted her head.

He hadn’t thought this through, just went on a whim and it was exhilarating. He didn’t need to rent the place out; he did better than all right financially with the gym.
What the hell am I doing?
Doubts started trickling through his mind. Could he really survive with Kristy living so near to him? She was already on his mind a lot these days. Being across the hall, she would be all he thought of around the clock.

“It’s available right now, and as for the price; you think about it and make me an offer. Oh, and there’s a carport out back you can park under with a separate entrance into my office. So you wouldn’t have to walk around to the front of the building.”

“That’s very generous, but you want me to bargain for the place?” She held her hands out, palms up.

“Well, I don’t know your current financial situation, and I haven’t really done the research on what a place like this goes for. So I trust you to make an honest offer.”

“Tell you what. Let me think on this. Then I’ll get back to you.”

“Sure. That sounds fine.” He gave her a curt nod.

Chapter Five


Kristy listened as Sherry bragged about how wonderful her bedroom arrangement with Dan was. Kristy downed drink after drink for something to do with her mouth other than talk about BDSM with her friend. Before she knew it, she became tipsy. Looking around their usual hangout at the local club, the flashing pulsating lights made her dizzy.

“Hey! You aren’t listening to me anymore, are you?” Sherry snorted.

“Sorry, it’s not my cup of tea.” Kristy shook her head.

“I bet you would like a little kink in your life, and I bet I can prove it to you.” Sherry lifted her eyebrow in a mysterious way.

Kristy was so sick of her friend forcing the issue with her about kink. With the alcohol making her brave, she decided to end it once and for all. “I bet you can’t prove it, and how would you anyway? Let’s make a deal. You show me, and if I don’t like it you will
bring it up again.”

“Deal!” They shook hands on it. Sherry’s lips upturned in a mischievous grin, and then her attention turned to the bar tender. “Hey, Stan!” He stopped what he wa
s doing and walked over to her.

“Hello, Sherry.” He wrinkled his forehead, and then lowered his voice, “You called me Stan?”

“Uh huh.” She turned to Kristy and explained, “It’s a code word of sorts.” Turning her attention back to the bartender, she said, “My friend here wants to meet Master Jay. Is he in yet?”

Stan’s face lit up in surprise and then he smirked. Kristy shifted in her seat suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “Yeah, he got in about fifteen minutes ago. Is this a
encounter?” He waggled his eyebrows.

Sherry nodded while grinning. “Sure is.”

“Based on your status with the club we will allow her in as your guest. I will let Master Jay know.” Kristy watched as Stan walked over to the phone behind the bar. When he ended the call, he gave them a thumbs-up. “Fifteen minutes,” he called out.

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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