Read The Sheik's Love Child Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Sheik's Love Child (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Love Child
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He fed her more food, interspersed with feeding himself.


“I still don’t like you,” she said between mouthfuls, but she sat down in one of the chairs and filled her plate. “You’re manipulative and man.”


Kalil chuckled as he sat down opposite from her. “Tell me about your work. Why do you like being a teacher?” he asked.


Dani didn’t want to eat in silence, so she relented and spoke of her children, the classes and what parts of the work she liked, loved or hated. He was a good listener, she thought as the delicious food filled her aching stomach. She relaxed and sipped ice water, laughing as he told her stories of his education. He was very charming, she thought as the plates were cleared away and a sweet, warm dessert was brought in by mysterious servants. How they knew the meal was over, she had no idea but she was also too tired to worry about it.


“You must sleep,” he said about an hour later, their laughter at one of his stories dying down and an awkward silence following.


He stood up and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. “Thank you for sharing your meal with me,” he said softly, looking into her eyes as if he were searching for some answers.


Dani didn’t know what the question was, but she didn’t like feeling this small and vulnerable. He was too tall and too muscular and she wanted to run away and hide somewhere. Somewhere that her body could hide the betraying feelings she was experiencing. She didn’t want him to fold her into his strong arms and carry her over to the bed. She didn’t want him to kiss her and make her forget all the worries that were ricocheting around in her brain. She wanted to be oblivious and just his soft touch around her fingers was sending sparks up her arm, indicating that the intensity of their passion was still there, bubbling under the surface.


Stepping back, she smile self-consciously. “Thank you for dinner. It was truly delicious.”


“You’re very welcome.” He lifted her hand and kissed her wrist, his eyes watching the expression on her face as she gasped with the explosion that shot up her arm, her eyes looking up at his, terrified now that he would do more, but also praying that he would continue.


“Good night,” he said softly.


Dani watched him leave, her body vibrating with sexual tension from his soft kiss and the promise of what could be if she’d just let it.


She was glad he’d left, she told herself as she brushed her teeth and got ready for bed. She was not in the market for a husband right now, and especially one that had the power to kidnap her with impunity. No, Kalil was not in her league and she was not going to fall under his spell.

Chapter 7


“Good morning!” Alea greeted, waking Dani up out of her comfortable dream where she was making love to Kalil and he was professing his intense love for her. She rolled over and opened her eyes, allowing the bright sunshine to disperse the remains of her unrealistic fantasy.


“It is morning. I’m just not sure if it is good or not,” Dani said, wondering how Alea could be so bright and cheerful. “What time is it?” she asked.


“It is nine o’clock in the morning. His highness has requested that you breakfast with him as soon as you are awake,” she said, walking back from a closet and handing Dani a robe.


“Where did that come from?” Dani asked, eyeing the crystal blue satin with a malicious glare.


“It is yours!” she exclaimed, holding out the robe for Dani to wear. “Many clothes arrived early this morning. I have already placed them in your closet,” she said, smiling brightly.


“My clothes?” Dani replied, shocked. “But I didn’t bring any clothes.”


“These are all new clothes, arriving from all over the world,’ she exclaimed. “It was all arranged yesterday.”


“Is that so?” Dani was too grumpy to worry about clothes. They were so minor in comparison to the rest of the issues that were piling up. There was also the issue that her period was due any day now. Worrying about it would only delay the onset so she had to relax. She considered just getting a pregnancy test but each time she’d thought about it at night, she rejected it. She was not going to be dictated to by that overbearing man.


“You have an appointment with a dressmaker this morning right after breakfast with His Highness, and then Arabic lessons this afternoon.”


“Arabic lessons? Dress maker? What are you talking about?” Dani demanded. She was trying to be polite since Alea was only the messenger but things were rolling out of control.


“Yes! Isn’t that wonderful?”


“That’s one word to describe it.”


Alea’s smile faltered slightly but she perked right back up. “I’ll go run your bath,” she said and disappeared into the marble bathroom.


Dani sat back down on the edge of the bed, trying to assimilate everything that was happening. She was basically a captive in this gilded cage. There must be some way she could get out. She just needed to think hard enough.


Pushing her hair off her face, she looked around. The room really was lovely and the courtyard was filled with beautiful flowers and a trickling fountain that soothed the soul. It would be wonderful to give in and just savor the time here. But a part of her knew that the surroundings were never the problem. It was being around Kalil and the wonderful things he could make her feel with very little effort on his part.


He probably had a harem somewhere. And if not a harem, then mistresses all over the world and women throwing themselves at him. He was too gorgeous for anything less. How was she supposed to compete with all those other women? Staying here would only mean heartache and Dani had never considered herself a masochist.


She just needed to be more creative in her escape methods, she thought. Perhaps if she started to learn more about the palace, she would learn more about its escape routes. And who would know better than Alea what was going on within the palace walls, and out of them?


Dani followed Alea into the bathroom, feeling self-conscience of becoming naked around the other woman. She was throwing scented powder into the large tub. When Alea saw Dani, she smiled brightly again and bowed. “Just call me when you are finished. I’ll get your clothes ready,” she said and disappeared into the other room.


Dani was grateful for the privacy and she sunk into the wonderfully warm water, lowering herself to her neck. The water felt perfect and she allowed herself to float carefree for a long time, just reveling in the luxury of the scents and silky feel of the water. After fifteen minutes, she stepped out and showered, rinsing off all the bubbles and shampooing her hair.


Alea had chosen a lavender pantsuit that brought out the color of her eyes and the soft brown of her hair. Alea even twisted Dani’s hair into a complicated knot that made Dani feel incredibly sophisticated. With just a touch of makeup, Dani felt confident enough to face even the Prince of Basir.


She walked into the long office area of the palace where Alea had said Kalil was working and they would have breakfast. She felt odd stepping into what was really just a male domain with heavy furniture and dark colors. But as soon as she stepped in, Kalil stopped the conference he was having with several other men and walked over to where she was standing.


“You look lovely,” he said, taking her hands in his.


For a moment, Dani thought he was going to bend down and kiss her and her whole body was yearning for just that. Then, as soon as the last man closed the door, he did just that. But it wasn’t the short, simple kiss she’d been expecting. It was a long, sensuous kiss that emptied her mind of everything but his lips and his breath caressing her cheek.


“You slept well?” he whispered in her ear.


Dani could only nod her head, closing her eyes and wishing her dream was reality.


She cleared her throat, opened her eyes and stepped backwards out of his arms. The extra space helped her recover her senses and she was able to answer coherently. “Yes. Thank you very much. I understand you’ve asked me to join you for breakfast.”


Kalil smiled in amusement. “That was about two hours ago. I’m starving,” he said and pressed a button on his desk. Immediately, a servant pushed in a tray covered with white linen and breakfast foods, then just as quickly left them alone.


He led her over to the chairs placed near a large, Palladian window, then sat down across from her. “Have you thought anymore about our situation?” he asked, pouring coffee for the two of them.


“Yes. I’ve thought about it, then get angry again so I stop thinking about it,” she said as calmly as possible. If he could feign indifference, so could she.




“And I’m still convinced that you are wrong in this situation.”


Kalil laughed softly. “You’re very refreshing, Danielle.”


She eyed him over the rim of her china coffee cup. “I’m guessing not many people tell you you’re wrong, right?”


He shook his head. “No one has told me I’m wrong.”


“Then it is high time someone brought you down a peg or two.”


“And you think you’re the person to do that?”


“Absolutely. When is my flight home?”


He popped a strawberry in his mouth and chewed, watching her the whole time. “You need to learn to be more round about when you approach something. It is an art, conversation. Why not start with the pleasantries and work your way towards your issues. Subtlety is also a virtue.”


“That’s a wonderful lesson in culture but you forget, I’m not from your culture. And I don’t want to be. I want to go home to my own culture. If you don’t like me, then send me home as I’ve asked.”


“Who says I don’t like you?” he replied, looking at her lips, then dropping his gaze down to her breasts covered in the soft, silk sweater. “I can assure you, Danielle, there are many things about you I like. I believe that’s the whole reason for our….situation.”


“Stop doing that!” she said, struggling to keep herself from covering her breasts.


“What?” he asked, looking at her innocently. “Stop remembering how wonderful it was to be with you? To kiss every inch of your body and hear your sighs of longing? To feel you move beneath me or to feel the softness of your body close around mine?”


“Stop it!” she demanded, her hands clenched in fists on her lap.


“Why? I want that again.”


“No! We can’t do that. We can never do that again. I don’t want this world and you don’t really want me. You just want any woman who is available. I was just too naïve to understand what you really wanted but in reality, any woman will do, won’t she? You don’t just want me, just a willing body.”


“You’re wrong, Danielle but I can tell that I won’t be able to convince you of that right now. Why don’t we change the subject? We’ll return to our mutual desire for each other later. Right now, you were telling me how much you like your rooms and are eager to start learning my language, correct?”


“You are impossible,” she said and stood up. She was about to turn around but she swayed, her mind losing balance and becoming dizzy.


“Danielle! What is wrong?” he demanded, standing up and wrapping his arms around her waist.


“Nothing,” she said, putting her hand against her forehead. “I’m just hungry, that’s all,” she explained. “I’ll go find something to eat,” she said and tried to slip out of his embrace.


“You’ll do no such thing. Sit down now and eat something here where I can be assured that you’re actually eating.”


Dani would have argued, but she wasn’t sure her legs could carry her out of the room so she sank down gratefully onto the comfortable leather chair she’d just jumped up out of.


Her mind was finally clearing when Kalil placed a plate piled high with fruit and several pastries. She looked up just in time to hear him press the button on his desk again. When the servant entered instantly, Kalil gave him and order to which he bowed quickly and departed.


“Something more substantial will be brought to you immediately. Please eat the fruit while it is being prepared.”


Dani didn’t argue this time. She really was hungry. Last night’s dinner was delicious but it was almost noon and she hadn’t eaten anything yet. The fruit was incredibly sweet and the pastries were light and buttery. The whole time she ate, Kalil asked her questions about her past, her education, her fiancé which Dani finally explained was her ex-fiancé now.


A plate of delicious smelling eggs arrived and Dani tried to eat some of them but after the fruit and pastries, she really was full. “Thank you, Kalil. I appreciate the breakfast but I’ve taken up enough of your time. Can we please discuss what I’m doing here?”


“I think we’ve already covered that,” he said gently but his eyes showed no possibility of relenting.


“I’m not willing to accept your dictate on the issue.”


“I understand. I wonder who is going to win in this situation?”


Dani didn’t like the confidence in his voice. “This is ridiculous.”


“I agree, and I would love to continue this conversation but unfortunately, I am expected in another meeting. Perhaps we could talk over dinner tonight?” he asked, pulling her to her feet and holding both her hands in his.


“I’ll check my calendar to see if I have any free time,” she said, trying to pull her hands out of his.


Kalil laughed. “You do that.” He bent over and kissed her cheek gently. “And we’ll discuss the other topic as well, if you can spare the time,” he said.

BOOK: The Sheik's Love Child
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