Read The Sheik's Love Child Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Sheik's Love Child (14 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Love Child
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“Showing you…” Dani couldn’t get the words out through her fury. “I’ll show you my anger whenever you make me angry,” she spat back at him.


“I would caution you against that,” he said and stepped closer to her. “We still have not resolved what is to be your punishment for trying to escape from me last night.”


“You’re not going to punish me,” she said forcefully. “I was doing what any other person would do under the circumstances. How would you feel if you were trapped in my apartment back in London?”


“But you aren’t trapped. You are free to move about the entire palace.”


“Right!” she snapped, not believing him.


“Try it,” he said. “But do so tomorrow. For tonight, we dine and we talk,’ he said, handing her a glass filled with bubbly liquid. Dani looked at the glass and then thought of her baby. She hesitated a moment, wondering if it was safe to drink champagne when she was pregnant. She didn’t want to bring it up to Kalil, thinking he would consider her silly for such a small amount. But she’d heard that the first few months were the most crucial for development.


“It is ginger ale,” he said, his eyes twinkling with his amusement.


The relief came quickly. “Are you also drinking ginger ale?” she asked hopefully.


“No,” he replied.


Dani’s smile faded. “Oh. I can see we’re genuinely sharing this experience.”


“What do you mean? I’ll be here for you and you’ll have the best doctors.”


“That’s wonderful. Meanwhile, I’m making all the sacrifices.”


“What sort of sacrifice are you making?”


“I can’t drink wine or caffeine and who knows what else. I can’t do everything I used to do,” Dani tried to keep the tears from her eyes but she knew that he could tell she was close to tears. “I’ve been forced to give up my whole future simply because…” she hesitated then turned away. “Oh, never mind. You wouldn’t understand.”


“I don’t understand simply because you haven’t told me. If you want me to understand, then continue with what you were saying.”


“No. It is pointless.” Dani had been about to say that she’d given up everything for one incredible night of sex but that would reveal too much. She could also say that she’d fallen in love with a man who couldn’t possibly love her and it more than she dreamed it could. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be the good wife for however long you deem it necessary. Then you can go marry your lovely Lina who,” Dani stopped and shook her head again, “and I’ll be the woman who gets to visit her child whenever there is time.” She wasn’t going to bring up the fact that Lina was in love with his brother. Let them wallow in their own misery just as she was doomed to do for the rest of her life.


“These are just hormones talking, Danielle. And let’s not discuss the future. It will take care of itself. Why can’t we just enjoy the experience of waiting for our child to come into this world?”


Dani sniffed. If she was going to leave this relationship with any dignity at all, she’d have to learn to get over her feelings for Kalil. And now was as good a time as any to start. “So, let’s go on as we mean to continue. How is the champagne?” she asked, picking up her glass of ginger ale and taking a sip. The cold liquid felt good as it moved down her throat.


“If it would make you feel better, then I will not drink the champagne.” Without a second word, he set the glass down on the coffee table and moved over to the French doors. “Are you ready to eat dinner? You must be starving.”


Dani realized that she was hungry. She’d had only bread this morning and nothing since. “Yes, thank you.” They moved over to the patio. The dinner was tense and Dani was actually relieved when a servant arrived with a message which meant that Kalil had to attend to an urgent matter.


The following morning, Dani woke up feeling miserable. Rushing into the bathroom was her first priority and she barely made it before her stomach emptied itself into the toilet. She felt a gentle hand pull her hair back from her face and a moment later, a cool wash cloth was handed to her. “Thank you Alea,” she said, assuming it was her assistant who was always on hand as soon as she woke up.


“Alea is not here yet. I sent her to the kitchen to get some tea for you.”


The idea of tea, or anything only made her stomach lurch again. “Nothing. Please, don’t let her bring anything,” she said, sitting down on the cool tiles. Even speaking was too much work so she just lay there, hoping she would die quickly.


When Kalil’s strong arms lifted her up, Dani wanted to protest, but she was feeling too miserable to even speak and the tears moved quickly down her cheeks. He laid her on the bed, then disappeared to get another cool cloth. He wiped her forehead and neck which felt wonderful. Unfortunately, Dani couldn’t tell him that so she simply closed her eyes and prayed that he would get the message.


When he started to stand up, she grabbed his hand. Her eyes snapped open and she pleaded, “Don’t leave. Don’t stop. Please,” she begged. She was feeling miserable and knew that he probably had a thousand things to deal with right now but she felt too awful to let him go right now. “I’m sorry, you probably need to work, don’t you?” she said and released his hand.


“I have a few more minutes before my next meeting,” he said and continued stroking her with the cool cloth. Eventually, Dani must have drifted to sleep because she woke up several hours later feeling wonderful. Dani sat up in bed tentatively and looked around. The drapes were drawn together to keep the bright sunshine out so the bedroom was in mostly darkness. Dani stepped out from under the covers and smiled to herself. “Wow!” she said to the darkness. “What a difference.”


There was a soft knock on the door and Dani called out to come in. Alea appeared, nervously looked through the dim light. “How are you feeling?” she asked softly.


“Great,” Dani said and stood up. “I’m not sure what happened this morning but I feel fine now. It must have been something I ate last night.”


Alea laughed softly. “Or perhaps it is our future king making his presence known?”


Dani’s eyes widened and she chuckled at her lack of astuteness. “Well, yes. I guess it could be. What a little tyrant,” she said.


“He will have to be in order to follow in his father’s footsteps.”


“It could be a girl, you know.”


“Nonsense,” Kalil’s deep voice said from the doorway. “Our son is strong and demanding.”


Dani didn’t feel like arguing with him so she simply laughed and nodded her head. “I’m sure you know what you’re talking about.” Turning to Alea, she inquired, “Is there any breakfast left? I’m really starving,” she said.


“You may have anything you’d like. I’ll have the kitchens send in some fresh fruit and juice.”


“That sounds heavenly. I’ll get into the shower,” she said and shyly stepped into the large bathroom, aware of Kalil’s eyes watching her the whole time.


Over breakfast, which was actually lunch for Kalil since it was one o’clock in the afternoon, he explained that she was to see the royal obstetrician this afternoon. “We’ll make sure our son is healthy and developing.”


Dani only smiled and ate more strawberries, uncaring of the agenda as long as she could eat strawberries for the rest of the day. “That’s fine.”


“And I’ve arranged for a secretary for you. She will start after your doctor’s meeting but you can work out a schedule with her later.”


She was grateful to him but also not wanting to take any favors from him. “Thank you,” was all she said, slicing another strawberry to eat.


“Is there anything else you’d like?”


Dani thought about it for a long moment. Could she say it? Would he understand? She decided to risk it. Otherwise, she’d spend her whole brief marriage to him bored out of her mind. “A purpose?”


He didn’t say anything to her immediately. “I’ll assume that would be something other than taking care of our son?”


Dani smiled and ate another strawberry. “I’m relatively sure I can be pregnant and still do something else.”


“Our wedding is in three days. Perhaps you could work with the wedding coordinator to explain your preferences?”


“Wedding?” she said, a strawberry suspended halfway to her mouth.


“Yes. It must happen. I realize that this conversation precipitated your ill-conceived exit from the palace two days ago, but we must be married. I will not have any aspersions on my son’s legitimacy.”


“Ah. Yes. We must consider our son’s future.” She emphasized the ‘our’ part of her statement. She’d been afraid it would irritate him but he only smiled slightly.


“How about if we consider this discussion after the honeymoon?” he asked.


“Honeymoon?” she gasped. “Is that really necessary?” She didn’t want to be alone with Kalil for an extended amount of time. “Don’t you have to run Basir and attend important meetings? Run an army or something?”


Kalil chuckled. “Are you afraid of being alone with me, Danielle? Why would that be?” he asked, his voice silky and husky. His eyes wandered over her features, dropping below her neck to her breasts which were already reacting to the idea of a honeymoon. She’d been without him for two nights and already her body was craving him with a desperate need that was heating her body.


“I’m not afraid of being alone with you,” she lied, her chin going up a notch. “I’m just wondering at the utility of the time away from your duties.”


His smile deepened and she suspected that he could see right through her bravado and read her mind. “That’s very sensitive of you but I can assure you that I can take some time away. Jasim will be able to cover everything while I’m gone. He’s a very competent man.”


Dani sighed and pushed her plate of fruit away. Her appetite was no longer intense and she needed some time to think and figure out what her next move was.


“If you’re finished, are you ready to see the doctor?”


“I thought my appointment wasn’t until this afternoon.”


Kalil shook his head. “You need to start thinking like a princess, Danielle. Being a member of the royal family means that people make an appointment to see you. Not the other way around. The obstetrician is waiting your convenience.”


“Good grief! The doctor is waiting? Why didn’t you say something? I wouldn’t have kept him waiting.”


Kalil grabbed her hand as she rushed past him. “Danielle, what did I just tell you?”


Dani tried to slow down but it just wasn’t in her to keep someone waiting for any reason. “Fine. I’m ready. Can we go now?”


Kalil wiped his perfectly clean mouth and stood up, placing his napkin on the table behind him. “I didn’t think you were so eager to see the doctor. Why this sudden change?”


Dani smiled broadly. “You mistake me. Initially, I didn’t believe I was pregnant and all of this was unnecessary and would mess up my life and my future. Now I know I’m pregnant and my life and my future are irrevocably changed. But I’ve always wanted to have children.”


Kalil gently touched her cheek. “I’m glad something is to your liking then.”


Dani looked up at him, his gentle touch affecting her deeply. “Have I been such a chore?”


Kalil laughed. “You ask me that after yesterday’s fiasco?”


“Well, forget that. That was desperation. But before.”


“No, Danielle. You were not a chore.” He looked at her as if he really meant it. Danielle decided to accept him at his word this time.


“What is the doctor’s name?”


“Isiri,” Kalil replied. “He is an old family friend and a wonderful doctor. He’s delivered all of my sisters’ children as well.”


Dani instantly liked the kind gentleman who quickly made her feel comfortable both about his credentials and his knowledge. She felt odd being examined by a family friend, but at least Kalil left the room so that indignity was avoided. But as soon as he used an instrument to hear the baby’s heart, Dani demanded that he come right back into the examining room.


“Listen,” she said when he walked in, his eyes worried and looking for the source of Dani’s new tears.


Dani nodded to the doctor who placed the Doppler microphone close to her womb again and there was the faint beating of the heart. “Isn’t it wonderful?” she asked, one tear slipping off her lashes.


She could tell that Kalil was affected too. He was gripping her hand and swallowing tightly.


The moment passed and Kalil stepped back, the stern face of the strong ruler firmly in place. If Dani hadn’t been feeling the same emotion, she might have missed it cross his face.


At the door to the examining room, Kalil immediately excused himself and walked purposefully down the hallway towards what she now knew were the palace offices.


The doctor excused himself and Dani dressed once again, feeling alone and sad now that Kalil had left.


Dani sighed and looked around, wondering what she was supposed to do now. That decision was quickly taken away from her as Jalla arrived. “Good morning!” she called out, linking her arm with Dani’s. “Was that not the most exciting moment of your life so far?” she asked.


Dani swallowed hard, remembering how wonderful it had been. “Yes. It was.” Dani looked at the woman strangely. “But I don’t understand why you are so happy with this situation,” she finally said, voicing the issue that had been on her mind for so long. “It should be you giving birth the Basir’s future king with Kalil. I’m sorry that it isn’t you,” Dani said sincerely.

BOOK: The Sheik's Love Child
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