Read The Darkest Pleasure Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

The Darkest Pleasure (7 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Pleasure
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"Wow.” It was all I could say as he pulled up to the front door and got out. He didn't give me a chance to open my door and was right there, pulling it open for me as I reached for the handle.

"I bet you thought I was taking you to some decrepit old cabin, huh?"

There was laughter in his voice and I smiled up at him as I took his hand. “Well, to be honest, yes, that's exactly what I thought."

"I had the whole place updated and remodelled. I thought the house needed a facelift. Although most of the items inside, including the woodwork are original."

"Wow.” Again, it was all I could say. He walked me up beautiful stone steps and to a set of dark cherry double doors. The glass in the centre of the doors was intricately etched with flowers and curving vines. “Who designed this place? They did a beautiful job.” He was silent and I turned to look at him. I smiled as a light blush coated his cheeks and he cleared his throat.

"I did. I dabble in a little bit of architecture every once in awhile."

"Wow, a doctor and an architect. I really hit the mother lode.” I laughed at my stupid joke and waited for him to open the door. He led me inside and my breath caught in my throat. If I thought the house was beautiful on the outside, the inside was spectacular. I stood still and looked around. A giant chandelier hung from the twenty-foot ceiling, giving off an ethereal glow. Dark hardwood covered every inch of the floor and continued on up the large, winding staircase. Plush white carpet ran up the centre of the stairs and into the top floor, which was easy to see since it was a loft. Several doors were closed off on the first floor, with intricate designs carved into them that matched the flower pattern on the front doors’ glass.

"Do you want to go into the sitting room and have something to drink?"

I nodded absently, since I was still too amazed to pay any real attention to him. He led me to one of the closed doors and opened it. My attention was now centred on what he called the ‘sitting room', and I was just as stunned as when he had opened his front door. A huge fireplace in the centre of the room was blazing hot. The fire licking through the logs gave a wonderful wood scent to the room. Two black leather couches were across from each other in front of the fire, and a small table sat in between them. A small bar was in one corner of the room, and looked well enough stocked to intoxicate a whole houseful of men. Built-in shelving held photos from different eras, as well as books that looked quite old.

"What would you like to drink?"

I wasn't really a drinker, so I told him to surprise me. I walked over to the photos and looked at them. Most were black and white, and looked as if they were on their last legs. It was clear they were ancient. Many of them showed a man in different time periods, but the man in all the photos looked the same—looked just like Kerian. I had no doubt they were his ancestors.

"The resemblance you have to your ancestors is uncanny. I feel like I'm looking at you in these photos.” I felt his presence behind me and turned around. He held a fragile-looking wine glass with a bubbly liquid inside.

"Yes, well, our genes are quite strong.” He smiled faintly at me. I couldn't put my finger on why the act seemed so forced.

"I thought champagne was a good choice. If you don't like it, I have other things."

I took the glass and smiled up at him. “No, this is fine.” I actually liked champagne. I sipped it and it was pleasantly sweet as it slid down my throat. “Mmm, that's delicious.” I didn't realise I had said the words aloud, but as I looked up at him, he was staring at me intently. He reached out and ran his index finger along my bottom lip. Then he brought his finger to his mouth and ran his tongue over it. He didn't take his eyes off me, and I was so stunned, I knew my mouth had dropped open. I was shocked and embarrassed that I apparently had champagne dribbling down my face, but when I saw a look of rapture cross his features, as if he savoured what he had just done, I thought I'd have an orgasm right then and there. Apparently, I was missing more then I knew by not drinking.

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Chapter Seven
* * * *

He took my glass out of my hand, the smoothness of his movements making it slip easily from my grasp. I watched as he took our glasses and set them on the bar before coming back to me. He ran his finger across my cheek, as if imprinting my skin in his memory. He took hold of my hand and led me to one of the couches by the fireplace. I didn't know what he had in mind, but who was I to argue with something that felt so right? He sat down on one of the plush couches and, to my utter shock, pulled me down onto his lap. He brought me close and nuzzled his face in the hollow of my neck. I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck, and then made his way towards my mouth. He kissed me softly on the lips and moved back to my throat again. I wanted to moan because what he was doing to me was so arousing.

"You smell so good, Ashliyn, like honeysuckle."

His compliment made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I shifted slightly around on him to relieve the ache between my legs. As if he read my mind, his hand moved slowly up and down my thighs as his mouth continued to lick and nip at my neck. I couldn't help it then; I moaned and let my head fall back as his hand made its way farther up under my dress. His fingers skimmed along the edge of my panties, and it made my clit tingle. I didn't want to confess just yet that I was a virgin for fear he'd be turned off at how inexperienced I was, although in the back of my mind, I hoped he would find it endearing. He brought his mouth back to mine and as our lips fussed together, his finger slipped beneath the edge of my panties. I know I was soaking wet, could feel it against my skin. His finger slid against my folds easily and he groaned into my mouth as his finger circled my clit. The way it felt as his fingers teased my pussy was indescribable. He made me feel alive and excited. Never had a man touched me down there, and the way his fingers felt on my clit were far different than how it felt when I touched myself. He was gentle as he flicked my clit back and forth, then swooped his finger down to gather more moisture at my opening. I spread my legs wider as our kiss went deeper. His tongue ran along mine in an intimate wet caress that made me pant.

I felt him slowly bring his finger back to my clit and run little circles around it. It was more a tease than anything else, and I wanted to scream in frustration. The pleasure was so intense, something I'd never felt before. If it felt this good without any penetration, I knew I wouldn't last one minute when his body joined with mine. It was then he let his finger slip into my passage. I was so wet down there, his large finger slid in smoothly. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him feverishly as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of me. He didn't go very far, just to the first knuckle. I ached to be filled completely; his finger wouldn't do it. I couldn't believe how my thoughts had become so explicit when I had no experience with sexual situations. Abruptly, he pulled his finger out and broke our kiss. I was panting and could feel my lips swollen from his kisses. He leant his head against the chair and stared at me with half-lidded eyes. His lips also were swollen and red from our ministrations, and his breathing was fast and shallow. I wanted to ask why he stopped, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt his huge erection pressing against my bottom and wanted to run my hands over it.

"If I didn't stop, I would have taken you right here on the couch,” he murmured.

I wanted to tell him I was all for that, but that was a little too blunt, even for me.

"You deserve a bed made of silk and velvet for when I make you scream with pleasure."

He brought his face so close to mine, I was sure he was going to kiss me. His breath drifted over my skin, the smell of champagne on his lips making me feel drunk with lust. I heard myself make a little sound to his comment, and then his lips descended on mine again in a soft, gentle kiss. He lifted me off his lap and held my hand as he led us out of the room and into a grand dining room.

"I hope you're hungry. Hunter is an exquisite cook."

I must have looked like I was in shock, because frankly, I was. How could he just go from one thing to the next? My body was still on fire, my pussy so saturated I wanted nothing more then to impale myself on his cock. I took a calm, steadying breath and looked around the room. My gaze finally settled on the large oblong-shaped table. The thing could easily seat twenty people, and was exquisite. There were two place settings, right across from one another. “Hunter?” I didn't know who he was talking about, but I assumed it was a butler or servant.

"Hunter is my dear friend. I've known him for ages, it seems. He enjoys cooking, and is marvellous at it, but has no one to cook for anymore."

I was confused by his statement. I wanted to ask why this Hunter fellow just didn't cook for the two of them, but maybe there were underlying factors that made that situation unworkable.

"When I informed him you were coming tonight, he all but jumped into the kitchen to prepare a tantalising meal for us."

I smiled and let him escort me to one of the place settings. He pulled the chair out for me and folded the napkin over my lap, like a true gentleman. I wasn't used to such chivalry and was flattered he'd treat me with such respect. My body was still humming with pleasure, and I hoped after dinner we could pick up where we'd left off. Kerian took the seat across from me. I heard soft music start to play, something classical, or maybe it had always been on and I just now noticed it. Taper candles were on the table in front of us, making the crystal of our glasses cast rainbows across the pristine white linen tablecloth. I looked down at my place setting and took note of the variety of utensils that lay in front of me. I didn't know what half of them were for, aside from the fork. I heard Kerian chuckle and glanced up at him. He was staring at me with his mouth quirked up at the corners. I felt my face heat as I realised he knew I had no idea what any of the things in front of me were for.

"Just watch me, Ashliyn. Half of them are just for show."

I nodded, but couldn't get my damned blush to subside. A door opened and I turned. A man entered holding a silver platter. From across the room I couldn't see him very well, but as he came closer, I realised he was elderly. His hair was snow white, but immaculately styled. If I had to guess, I say he was in his seventies, but the way he walked and held himself suggested he was as young as forty. He set the platter in front of us and smiled at me.

"Ashliyn, this is my very dear friend Hunter Caldwell,” Kerian said.

Hunter walked around the table and picked up my hand. I thought he would shake it, but he brought it to his lips and kissed the back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady. I'm so happy Kerian has brought you home for dinner. I hope you enjoy the meal."

I smiled at him and assured him I would love it. His eyes were the purest blue colour I'd ever seen, or maybe it was just because his skin was so fair and his hair so white. He lifted the platter and revealed a roast with vegetables laid around it. It smelled delicious, and until then I hadn't realised how hungry I was. He left and when he emerged again, he had another platter. He did this several times, but even when Kerian and I both offered to help, he scoffed at the idea. When he brought out the last platter, the table, or at least our end of it, was packed. He lifted lids to reveal soups, salads, and side dishes. When he started to serve us, Kerian gently pushed him to the side and started to do it himself.

"Please, won't you join us?” I asked. “There's so much food, and you went to so much trouble to prepare it, you might as well enjoy the fruits of your labour."

"Oh, you're a sweet girl, but alas, no, my dear. I've already eaten and must be on my way. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to see you again soon.” He and Kerian exchanged a look I couldn't decipher, and he disappeared through another door and didn't return.

We ate and talked about ourselves. It was strange how alike we were, and how much we had in common. After dinner, I stood to take my plate into the kitchen. After telling Kerian I was more than capable of cleaning up my own mess, he reluctantly agreed. I pushed the door open and wasn't surprised how modern the kitchen was. Stainless steel appliances were placed strategically around the room. There were dark cherry cupboards, black marble counter tops, and the same hardwood floor I'd seen throughout the house. I rinsed off my plate and searched for the dishwasher. I saw a stainless steel box-like appliance, which I thought might be it. I noticed it opened from the top instead of from the front, like most dishwashers. I lifted the top, and white frosty air puffed into my face. The chill from the deep freezer—which I now realised this appliance was—had me shaking as I peered inside. I saw bags—hundreds of them, it seemed— with deep red, almost black liquid inside each one. I set my dishes down and grabbed one of the bags, hissing as the coldness of the plastic bag stung my hand. The bag was unmarked, but it was an IV bag, that much I could tell. I wasn't a moron and knew what I was looking at was blood. Maybe Kerian was anaemic, or had a rare blood disease. I felt a little spooked, holding a bag of blood, so I put it back where it belonged, located the dishwasher, and placed my dishes inside it. I washed my hands and walked back out to the dining room. Kerian was nowhere to be seen, so I tried the sitting room.

The fire was still going strong, the flames licking at the crackling logs. I had noticed there were no pictures of other family members, just pictures of that one man, but taken in different time periods. I thought that was strange. I continued down the shelves and when the pictures ended, I came upon stacks upon stacks of books. Most had old, leather-bound spines. Some looked like they had seen a lot of hard use, but others were in such mint condition, I wondered if they were originals or just replicas. A lot of them were in foreign titles I couldn't even begin to pronounce.

"Do you like to read?"

I jumped, startled. Kerian was right behind me and I hadn't even heard him come into the room. I spun around, my heart beating a fast rhythm in my chest. “I did in school, but not so much now.” I looked at the books again. “Do you understand all these languages?” I turned back to him and noticed he was staring at the books as well.

BOOK: The Darkest Pleasure
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