Read The Darkest Pleasure Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

The Darkest Pleasure (16 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Pleasure
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He looked down at me and I could see the dark red of my blood smeared along his lips.

"I love you, Kerian.” The words were whispered softly but I knew he heard me nonetheless.

"No, I love you, my sweet."

He was still inside me as I watched him take his elongated nail and slice it across his neck. A crimson line appeared, and he cupped my neck and brought my face to the gash. I knew I needed to suck on the cut or he would heal. My face was so close to the wound, I could smell the dark scent of his blood. My mouth watered at the aroma and I wavered.

"You must do it now."

I knew he was right. He had taken a lot of my blood, and if I didn't do this now, there was no telling what my fate would be. I slid my tongue out and ran it across the cut. I felt Kerian's big body shake, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good he tasted, like a spicy, yet sweet wine. I latched my lips around the cut and sucked hard. At the first full taste of him, I moaned and clutched his shoulders. His blood was thick as it went down my throat and tasted exquisitely delicious. I could feel him grow hard inside me and I felt a gush of wetness coat my insides. He moved inside me and I wrapped my legs around his lean waist. I felt my body flash hot, as if I lay under the searing sun. The heat built until I was forced to pull my mouth away from his neck and gasp for air.

"What's happening?"

Of course I knew what was happening, but everything seemed so confusing. As the heat retreated, my whole body started to prickle with awareness.

"It's the change; it'll be over with soon."

I could hear everything Kerian was saying, but the tingle and prickling in my body gave way to a buzz in my ears. He continued to thrust inside me, his cock sliding along my channel with purpose. It was as if I could feel every ridge, dip and vein that made up his shaft. The pleasure intensified, burning brightly inside me until I thought I would go blind. I could hear him growling above me, speaking a language I wasn't familiar with. He slammed into me once, twice, and on the third time I threw my head back and screamed at the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. I was dimly aware of Kerian's grunts of release and could feel his hot semen exploding out of him. I took a deep breath, not realising I had been holding it, and then sighed. My body started to cool, my limbs feeling insubstantial as I closed my eyes. The last thing I was aware of before I passed into oblivion was Kerian placing his hands on either side of my face and kissing me softly.

* * * *

I woke to the gentle strains of classical music. I smiled and stretched. The satin sheets beneath me felt as though I were lying atop silken waters. I could feel every fibre and hear every detail of my movement. I sat up and my memory of the night before assaulted me. I looked down at my naked form, expecting to look different. Everything looked the same, felt the same. I got out of bed, standing for a few moments and taking everything in. The wood beneath my feet felt smooth and cool, like blown glass. It was like I could feel every grain, could imprint it into my memory. I walked to the bathroom, flicking the light on and staring at myself in the mirror. I looked exactly the same. I didn't know if I were disappointed or relieved. The only thing that looked any different was my pale, flawless skin. It reminded me of a porcelain doll I once had when I was a child. I stepped out of the bathroom and slipped on a pair of pants and a knit shirt. I could hear the music so well, it was as if it were playing right in front of me. Every note came to me as if I were reading the music, the melody dancing in front of my eyes. I wasn't sure where Kerian was, but I had an idea. I had half-expected him to still be beside me when I woke, but I had no idea how long I had been out. I stepped off the last stair and made my way towards the greenhouse. Kerian stood with his back to me, looking out the crystal-clear glass. The moon was full and cast its silvery glow over him. I didn't have to say anything because I knew he knew I was there. He turned around and smiled at me. He held out his hand and I walked towards him and took it. In his other hand, he held a white rosebud.

"How do you feel?” He looked me up and down before looking into my eyes again. “You look even more beautiful then I remembered."

I always blushed at his compliments, and looked down at the tiled floor. “I thought I would look different. It's over, then? I'm like you?"

He lifted my head with his fingers and made me look at his beautiful green eyes. I felt him place the rosebud in my hair, right above my ear.

"You're still you. The most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on, and yes, you're like me now."

He brought his lips down to mine and we kissed passionately. He broke the kiss and ran his thumb over my lower lip.

"Come, I have much to teach you."

He led me out into the night, and I knew from that moment I would follow him anywhere. I was barefoot and the dew-laden grass felt like magic between my toes. The air smelt clean and fresh, the trees and flowers surrounding the property washing through me with such clarity, it was startling. I inhaled deeply, every scent, every particle that made up the night air infused me, made me stronger. I looked up at Kerian and smiled. I know I must have looked like an awe-filled child experiencing something for the first time. That was how it felt, though, like everything was brand new.

We made our way towards the surrounding forest, everything so pristine and clear that it was as if I walked during broad daylight. I stared at everything in wonder. I could hear a mouse scurrying through the underbrush, and heard an owl hoot a mile away. We started moving quicker, our feet barely touching the forest floor, the trees a blur. I laughed, unable to control myself as euphoria coursed through me. Kerian led us to a small opening, the trees making a circle around a field of flowers as if they worshipped them. The moon was visible in the sky, the canopy of leaves opening up to let the silvery light through. We stood in the centre and I turned around. This place reminded me of one of my dreams, but there was no sadness or heartache to be found here.

Kerian turned me around and pulled me close, dipping low and brushing his lips across mine. His green eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight as he gazed down at me, wonder filling his expression.

"Will you always stay by my side, my love?"

I smiled up into his darkly handsome face and brought our intertwined hands to my chest, right over my heart.

"Until the end of time."

He brought my body more flush with his and cupped my head to his chest. His heart beat a slow, steady rhythm beneath my ear.

"You are my heart, my soul, my reason for living. Without you, I am nothing. You complete me. I love you, Ashliyn."

I smiled into his shirt and closed my eyes. “I love you too, Kerian.” I knew this was only the beginning for Kerian and me. I knew he was my destiny, and I his.

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About the Author
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Who is Jenika? Nobody special, just a girl who loves to read and write. She is a free spirit that thinks outside of the box and wants to break the mould. Don't believe that? Just take a look in one of her stories to find out the truth. You might be surprised, you will probably be shocked, but it's ok to like the's only natural.

Email: [email protected]

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Jenika loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at


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Also by Jenika Snow
Eternal Promise
Feral Cravings

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BOOK: The Darkest Pleasure
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