Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel (9 page)

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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I exhaled. “Great, Paige. Didn’t really think this through, did you?”

“Hey!” a stern, deep voice yelled from behind me.

I gasped. My heart leapt into my throat as a hand gripped my arm and spun me around, and I came face to face with a furious Lucas.

“What in the hell are you doing?!”

“I’m going in there to stay by my friend.”

As I turned around to walk, he grabbed me and pushed me against the brick wall. I winced as my head bounced off the wall. His hands, strong and firm, pinned my arms to my sides. I pressed my lips together, pushing against his strength, but I was too weak to break the hold he had over me.

“Let go of me, damn it!”

“Why are you being so defiant? We’re here to help you, and you’re making an ass out of yourself. Just let us do what we have to do!”

He didn’t understand. They didn’t understand why I had to be there. I had to get in that club, and I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me. I brought my knee up and hit him in the groin. He yelped and bent over in pain, cussing me out as I grabbed the dagger that hung out of the back of his pants and ran down the alley. I entered the tunnel, coming to a halt on the other side as my mouth fell open and I stared in shock at the bouncer who laid face down in a puddle of blood.

My hand gripped the hilt of the dagger so tight that my palm screamed in pain as I cautiously walked down the hall. I could hear the chaos from the battle grow louder as I inched my way to the first floor of the club. Blood curdling screams, shattering glass, thumps so loud that I was surprised it didn’t make the floor shake. It was a full on war, and I was half tempted to turn around when Andie’s face flashed through my mind. I knew I had to push forward and force myself to go on so I could stand by her.

I gasped, fear swishing through my veins as a vampire, a tall, dark haired, man, stumbled toward me. He had his hands pressing against his throat as he struggled to breathe. His skin was turning grey and cracking. He was dying. I jumped back, trying to dodge his hand that reached out to me, and I stabbed him in the chest. He gasped, blood spilling from his mouth as he slid off the dagger and fell back on the floor, struggling for life as he took his last breath. I lingered in the hall, staring down at him in shock. I couldn’t believe I just stabbed a vampire. I didn’t think I had it in me.

I took in a breath and moved forward. I stepped down into the first level, absolutely horrified as to what I was witnessing. There were people literally stuck to the wall as they struggled to break free of the invisible force that prevented them from moving. Violet was swinging her arm as some kind of wind slammed into the group ambushing her, and forced them back as they soared through the air.

In the middle of that battle stood a black, large wolf that leapt in the air, sunk its teeth into a vampire, and flung him over the balcony as he fell to his death.

My stomach knotted in nerves when I spotted Eli taking on both an Incubus and a woman, who had the same bat like wings and claws. With his swift movements, he was able to block any hits that came his way and swung his dagger in hopes of injuring one, but they were just as fast as he was. I was afraid for him. It was two against one, and very soon, I knew one of his attackers would slip through his shield. All they needed was one hit to throw him off his game and kill him. I felt a pull, deep inside of me, urging me to go to him. I knew I had to help. Even though I was nothing but a human, I had a dagger that could do damage.

I ran to his aid and came up behind the woman, stabbing her in the back. She tensed and screamed. She spun around, swinging her arm and backhanding me. I flew back on the floor, grabbing my cheek as it throbbed and a sharp pain soared down my face. Eli elbowed the incubus in the throat and drove his dagger straight into his heart. I stumbled to my feet as the woman came toward me with her razor sharp teeth. Her fingers began twitching, dying to sink her claws in me. Eli grabbed her black and red thick hair and sliced her throat. He panted, trying to catch his breath as he grabbed me, his fingers squeezing my arms as he shook me. My eyes widened at the sight of him. His face had sunk in to where his cheekbones now stuck out farther than what they should have, and he had two sets of long, viscous fangs

“What are you doing?”

He had the same unique blue eyes that I only saw on vampires. They were so cold and angry that I looked down, cracking under his glare.

“Andie.” Her name came out so low, but he still heard me.

“Can’t you ever do what you’re told?”

“No; I do what I want. I helped you, didn’t I?”

“Go home!”

My breath hitched as I saw a tall, bulky, vampire come up behind him. “Behind you!”

As he spun around to face his attacker, swinging his clenched fist, I ran. Not to get out of the club, but to get to Andie. I ran down the steps, getting hit from behind as someone or something came rolling down the steps and I went tumbling down the rest of the hard steps with them. I winced, feeling a sharp pain in my hip as I landed on the floor with a woman with pink hair and bloody claws lying on top of me. One of her wings was broken from the fall. I could feel her panting beneath me, growls coming from her throat. I tried to push her off me, but she sat up by herself, realizing then that I was human as her mouth set in a hard line. Her hand came up, ready to strike me with her long, sharp claws when Taylor ran up from her behind her, grabbed her arm, and twisted it until the bones in her arm and shoulder cracked. He pulled her by the hair and threw her off me. His big, piercing eyes looked down at me as he shook his head and pulled me to my feet.

I gasped in shock as I saw a petite hand balled into a fist strike Taylor on the side of his face. It was the woman who tried to kill me. Taylor may have injured her arm, but nothing seemed like it was going to stop her from retaliating. She was determined and angry as hell. He shoved me back, trying to keep me out of harm’s way while he took her on. He swung his weapon, the sharp, spiked ball hit her on the side of her face, ripping her skin as blood spilled out of her mouth. She fell, dying instantly from the sudden impact.

I looked around, scanning the room for the booth Andie was in. I couldn’t remember the exact booth; everything happened so quickly. Athena came up beside me, her face alarmed as she looked at something beyond me. I gasped as she pushed me to the floor and drove her bloody Morningstar into the face of a male vampire who was coming up behind me. Yet another came charging at her. She swung her Morningstar, only to miss when he ducked and punched her in the ribs, not once but twice, and I heard her sharp intake of breath before crying out as one of her ribs cracked.

I quickly stood and grabbed the can filled with garlic from the holder on her waist and sprayed it in the vampire’s face. He gasped, wiping away the liquid. It took all of his strength as he struggled to lift his arm. The garlic was working fast, taking total control of his limbs. No longer able to hold himself upright, he fell to the floor, immobilized. Athena grabbed him by the hair and bit into his neck. She wiped the blood from her mouth then backed away, watching as he gasped for air. His skin began to turn grey and crack.

I looked at her, amazed yet horrified that she had the power to end a vampire with just one bite. “The poison that is in the other can is also in your bite.”

She faced me, spitting out the blood that filled her mouth. I stared at her with wide eyes. She had taken a nasty hit. The side of her face was bruised and swollen. She spit once more and wiped her mouth. I noticed that her eye color had changed to blue as well…the eyes of a vampire. She looked just like Eli did…like a monster.

“She’s over there!” she yelled, clearly annoyed with me being here.

She pointed to the right of me, to the booth that was covered with the drapes, and I ran as much as I could in a hectic, bloody club. I yanked the drapes back, relieved to see that Kyle was already with her. My breath hitched as my heart, once filled with sadness and glum, came alive with hope as I stared down at Andie. She was breathing, more like panting, but she was actually breathing. She was still alive yet he bit her…she was changing. I didn’t lose my best friend like I had thought.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Her shaking hands were fisted at her sides and sweat poured off her as she groaned. I walked closer to her, my eyes stinging with tears of joy.

Kyle’s eyes widened in surprise. “You couldn’t stay away, huh?”

“No way.”

He shook his head. “Your brother is going to flip his lid.”

“Oh, I know.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s in pain.”

She arched her back off the booth, groaning once more as tears escaped her eyes and ran down either side of her face.

“For how long? Can’t you at least do something about the pain?”

“She’ll be turning throughout the night, and, unfortunately, she’s just going to have to deal with the pain.”

I shook my head and held her hand. I hated that she was in agony and there wasn’t anything that I could do to help take the pain away.

“Hey.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. “Don’t worry; she will be just fine.”

I nodded and exhaled. “I hope so.”

Right before my eyes, I saw a blinding, flashing, red light that lit up the entire booth and all of the madness that I once heard was now quiet.

Alarmed, I stood up, feeling a surge of panic take over as I feared for Taylor and Eli’s lives.

“What was that?”

“Athena must have set off the flash grenade. When it goes off, a mist of wolf’s bane pours into the air. It’s one of Violet’s potions. Alright, let’s get her out of here.”

He stood and eased Andie into his arms, and I followed behind him as we walked out of the booth, stepping over the dead bodies that covered every inch of the club. Taylor and Eli stood by the flight of stairs. Taylor had his shirt off, showing the many bruises and cuts that covered his body. His shirt was balled up in his hand as he applied pressure to his bleeding mouth. His glare faltered, slowly turning into shock when he focused on Andie, who squirmed in Kyle’s arms.

“She’s alive,” Kyle said.

Taylor’s eyes closed briefly and his face filled with relief. “I’m glad.” He then turned his focus on me, his face turning stone cold. “I should have known you wouldn’t listen.”

“Hey, I helped out, didn’t I?”

Kyle looked at me then at Taylor, sensing that an argument was coming. “I’ll be at the car.”

“We didn’t need your help. We needed you to stay put, but I guess that’s too damn hard to ask for. You drove here without a license as well, and with your background, Daddy wouldn’t have been able to bail you out this time.”

“Hey, I served my time on house arrest. Plus the guilt I have to live with for the rest of my life!” I screamed at him. The palms of my hands burned as my nails dug into my skin from squeezing my hands too tight.

“Bad decisions and consequences go hand in hand. Think before you do something.” He shook his head with a look of disgust on his face. “I’ve had about enough of you for one night.”

I gave the sweetest smile I could manage. “Aw, just one night.”

He laughed, but it was a frustrated laugh. He was at his wits’ end with me. “Just walk away, Taylor; just walk away,” he said to himself.

So he walked away, storming up the steps to get far away from me.

I sighed, casting my eyes down. Would we ever have a good relationship?

“Don’t sweat it. He’ll get over it. You were actually pretty decent in the battle tonight…for a human, that is. Thanks for helping me—not that it was necessary, but I appreciate it.”

I grinned and patted Eli’s arm. “Oh, you know you needed my help.”

He smirked. “Oh, of course.”

“You’re not angry with me anymore?”

“Not now. I took a lot of my anger out on my attackers. Besides, I do believe I grabbed you up and yelled.” He shrugged. “That’s enough for me.”

“Well good. I need someone on my side.”

“Just don’t do it again. You’re playing with fire.”

“We’ll see. I have an urge to rebel when someone demands me to do something.”

Eli sighed. “This is going to be a very long summer with you here.”

He playfully bumped me on the arm as we made our way out of the club.

I drew in a much needed breath of the fresh night air. My tight muscles relaxed as we walked farther away from that nightmare of a club. Everyone was standing at the end of the alley, waiting for us to arrive.

“You!” Athena yelled.

With her eyes wild and penetrating, she stormed over to me, raising her fist to pop me one when Violet quickly grabbed her wrist at the same time Eli pulled me out of harm’s way. Long, sharp fangs peaked out from behind her lips as she panted.

“Athena, just calm down,” Eli said, his voice stern and demanding.

“No. Let me go, Vi!”

“No way; you’re stronger than she is. You hit her and she could die. You know that.”

I brought my hand up to my face, gently gliding my fingers over the cut by my eye. “But I was hit…I didn’t die,” I said to myself.

“You weakened the succubus when you stabbed it. She wasn’t able to put all of her force in that smack. If she did, she would have broken the bones in your face.”

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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