Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel (7 page)

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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So that was what this club was. A place for vampires to lure their prey to and feed off them.

I shook my head and looked down as dread poisoned my insides. I knew Ellis wasn’t a good guy and I did nothing to stop us from going with him. I shoved the feeling aside and let her convince me that I was only being paranoid because of what I had been through last night. I went along, thinking that I could protect her if I needed to, and failed her. Now my best friend was dead.

The knife that was embedded in my heart was slowly twisting, sending waves of pain throughout my body as it slammed me in the pit of my stomach. My gut felt heavy, filled with so much misery that it hurt to even breathe. I wanted to cry. I could feel the pressure to release my sorrows build, so I swallowed the pain, refusing to let myself cry in front of Silas.

The door to the club swung open and two men, one with sandy blond hair and the other brown with the same blue eyes as Ellis, stormed out of the club.

“What do you think you’re doing? You know no humans are spared here, so hand her over now!” the brunette said.

Silas exhaled as he looked behind him then averted his gaze back to me. “Two on one; I better change for this fight.”

Confused, I shook my head. Change into what? “What?”

My eyes widened as his eyes turned blood red and a pair of small horns came out of his temples. I jumped, gasping in horror as bat like wings flew out from behind his back. They were black and green. Just like his hair. What in the hell was he? I pressed myself up against the wall even more than I already was, afraid of the creature that stood before me. I had to remind myself that he was the good guy and I wasn’t his target.

When he opened his mouth to talk, I saw a mouth full of long, pointy teeth. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

I nodded, too shocked and speechless to say anything.

A smile slipped out on his lips as excitement burned in his wicked eyes. “Time to play.”

He discreetly slipped Ellis’ car keys in my hand before turning to face them. My feet were practically glued to the ground as I stood there, too shocked and afraid of what was to come if Silas fell to his enemies.

He ran toward them in a flash; his body was nothing but a blur as he became one with the wind. The brunette was already prepared as he swung at Silas. Silas ducked, punching him in the ribs, and as he leaned forward, grunting from the blow, Silas bit into his neck.

I could feel his eyes on me before I had the courage to even look, but as my eyes hesitantly looked at the blonde, who looked at me as if he was a lion about to pounce on his prey, I spun around and made a run for it. My heart raced and adrenaline pumped through my veins as the determination to survive the night took over. I wasn’t going to die! Not tonight!

I ran through the tunnel, desperate to get to the door to shut him in. I felt a gush of wind breeze by my body, gasping as I suddenly slammed into the blond, who stood blocking the door. I winced as I fell on my back, scraping my elbows on the concrete. His face shined with victory, giving me a crooked smile as he closed in on me. My heart leapt into my throat from the shock of Silas leaping over me, his body crashing into the blond’s as he tackled him to the ground and sunk his long, sharp fingernails deep into his throat, ripping his throat out. The blond rolled onto his side, holding his throat as he struggled to breathe…struggled for his life.

I stood, feeling the sting on my elbows as I wiped away the blood from my scrapes. “What are you?”

Silas turned, facing me. His eyes were cold as ice, and burned like fire as he pinned me with a glare. “Why didn’t you run? Do you think this is a game?”

I shook my head. “Of course not. I just want-”

“Go!” he screamed, cutting me off. His voice was so deep and ferocious that I jumped, letting out a gasp from the intensity and anger that poured out of his tone.

He wasn’t himself, and I was fearful of what he would do if I pushed him any further, so without another word, I ran past him and out of the alley. When I got to the car, I exhaled, feeling my muscles tighten as tension set in. I started the car and got the hell out of there.

With tears dripping from my eyes, I squeezed the steering wheel, holding on for dear life as I sniffled. I was absolutely horrified with what I had just gone through, yet felt so overwhelmingly sad that I left Andie there to die. It hurt to leave her behind. God, it cut me so deep. She was supposed to be alive, dancing and partying the night away, not lying in a booth bleeding. I felt like the world’s most terrible friend. I didn’t protect her, and I sure as hell couldn’t save her life. I tried, but it wasn’t enough. I survived the night, but Andie did not, and after everything that I saw tonight, home was exactly where I wanted to be.

Chapter Six


The tires screeched as I made the turn into my driveway, relieved to see the lit up mansion in my sights. I jumped out of the car and ran to my home.

“Dad!”  I screamed.

Before I had time to open the front door, Taylor came running out of the house with Eli and Chelsea right behind him.

With weak knees, I grabbed hold of Taylor’s arms for support and burst into tears.

“What happened?!” Taylor shook me, urging me to talk.

I couldn’t breathe. I gasped for breath as tears spilled from my eyes whilst trying to get the words out.

“You’re not going to believe me.”

He pulled me to his chest as his hand ran over my hair, trying to soothe me. His arm tightened around me, and for a moment, comfort covered me like a blanket.

“Paige, it’s okay. You’re safe. Just calm down.”

“I saw fangs.”

He pulled me away from his chest. His brows pulled together as his surprised eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

I nodded and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. “He bit her neck. She was bleeding everywhere, I swear. It was a vampire. Vampires are real, Taylor. I’m not making this up.”

Taylor, Eli, and Chelsea all shared a look. I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me and accuse me of taking drugs. I mean, who in the hell believes vampires are real, anyway? But they were, and I was desperate to make them believe.

“Please, believe me,” I begged.

“Paige, calm down. We know they’re real,” Taylor said.

“You know? How do you know?”  I asked, surprised.

Then I remembered…the impeccable strength he obtained. The bruise he put so effortlessly on my arm when he grabbed me up. His speed. When I was trying to escape from the house, he stopped me just in time. It had me wondering how he got to me so fast. I should have made it out. His nasty temper. He, however, didn’t have the blue eyes vampires had. When he lost his temper with me, I thought I saw them begin to turn orange, the same color as Eli’s eyes. I didn’t know exactly what my brother was, but I knew he was a supernatural.

I took a step back as a rush of trepidation coursed through me. Taylor noticed my sudden nervousness and reached out for me, only to stop when I held my palms up. It was all too overwhelming for me to take in. I had just been through a vampire attack, only to come home and find that Taylor and his friends were a part of their world as well…I just couldn’t deal with everything hitting me all at once.

I looked at Eli. “You don’t wear contacts.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m a hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf.”

I shook my head as my eyes fell on Taylor. I couldn’t believe this was happening. “You’re a hybrid!”

“No. I mean, if I get bit I could turn into one.”

I frowned. “Then what are you?!” I yelled, demanding an answer. I couldn’t take the secrets. I needed to know.

“It’s a long story. Not one I’m willing to tell at the moment. Long story short, I used to be a vampire hunter. I’m still technically a human. I just have supernatural powers.”

“You hunted vampires!” Shock poured out of me as I raked my hand through my hair. “This is crazy.”

“You have no reason to fear us. We are not the bad guys. You have to trust us and tell us where you went,” Chelsea said.

Deep down, I knew I could trust them. My gut was urging me to. There was no reason to not trust them, especially Eli. Despite my resistance, I had to accept that Taylor was no longer the person I knew. Instead, he was someone who obtained supernatural powers and hunted vampires.

I sighed. My body was drained from the night’s events.

“He took us to this underground club. We were only allowed in because of Ellis. We had to wear this necklace.” I took it off and handed it to Taylor. “You have to get Andie out of there. Dead or not, she doesn’t belong there.”

Taylor pulled me in for a hug, and I melted in his arms, comforted by his embrace. He kissed my head. “I’m really sorry about Andie. You lost another friend. I hate that and I wish I could change it, but please don’t let it ruin you more than you already are.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried so hard not to cry. The grief was unwelcome. I didn’t want to break down in front of everyone, so I pushed it deep down within, where I knew it would only poison me more.

With worry on her face, Chelsea exhaled. “You’re about to enter a club with a huge target on your back.”

“It has to be done. If it was one of our friends, we wouldn’t hesitate to get them back, even if they were gone,” Taylor said.

Eli’s eyes shifted from Taylor to Chelsea. “We’re going to need Athena and Lucas.”

They nodded in agreement as a spark of hope filled their face, as if Athena and Lucas were the missing pieces to the puzzle. I guess, in a way, it was essential that they be involved in the dangerous plan to get Andie out of there.




I sat on my couch in the living room with my foot tapping on the floor as I impatiently waited for Taylor’s friends to arrive. I found myself looking at the clock as time ticked by. I was trying so hard to focus on the movie that was playing on the flat screen, but my mind kept wandering back to Andie.

Eli sat down beside me, carrying two black mugs in his hands. “I come in peace.” He shot me a smile before handing me the mug.

Even though I was feeling glum, I couldn’t help but to return the smile. How could he make me feel good when I was practically living a nightmare?

I couldn’t find it in my heart to be afraid of him. Despite him being a hybrid, he saved me and comforted me at my time of need. He was a good guy and I trusted him completely.

“I’m not afraid…at least I don’t think I should be.”

“Only when I’m angry.”

“Oh, what, does the monster come out to play?” I chuckled as I joked.

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “Yeah.”

My smile broadened as he said it so casually and without any concern as to whether or not he would scare me away.

“Well, then I guess I better watch out. Wouldn’t want to anger you, or anyone else for that matter.”

“Isn’t that what you do best?” With humor in his eyes, he winked my way.

I wiggled my eyebrows and grinned. “My specialty.”

He laughed and shook his head.

I leaned into the steam from my mug and took a drink of my freshly brewed coffee. The taste of cinnamon filled my mouth. It was warm, sweet, and so incredibly delicious.

I smiled at him. “Cinnamon.”

“I remembered.”

My heart fluttered. I liked that he remembered.

“Thank you for the coffee.”

“Well, you look like total shit so I thought maybe a little coffee would help cheer you up.”

I chuckled, taken aback by the bluntness. “Well, thanks. I feel like total shit.”

He shook his head. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. Do you want to talk about it?”

What was there to talk about? I was a wreck because I lost yet another friend. I watched her bleed out all over the booth as she lied there, helpless and afraid. I couldn’t save her, just like I couldn’t save Tessa, and that killed me.

I looked down as sorrow washed over me, pulling me under like the current in the ocean. I didn’t want to feel this pain. It became apparent to me that death would always surround me. As much as I tried to hold myself together, I couldn’t keep the tears from flooding my eyes.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Teardrops fell from my eyes and onto my legs.

“It helps to talk about what’s bothering you. Bottling things up is never good.”

“I didn’t save her.” The amount of sorrow that poured out of my voice only showed an inkling of how deep my emotions ran.

“You couldn’t save her. You aren’t the huntress. You don’t have the kind of power and skills needed to survive a vampire attack.”

I sniffled and bowed my head as tears soaked my warm cheeks. “This is crazy. This isn’t supposed to be happening. None of this is supposed to be real.”

“Paige, it’s going to be okay.”

I shook my head. It wasn’t going to be okay.

He cupped my chin, and as our eyes locked, there was an overwhelming desire, an urge to kiss him, and I knew he felt it as well. He looked at me, entranced and unable to look away. My breath hitched as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. I liked his touch. He was going to kiss me, and, as much as I wanted him to, I couldn’t let it happen. I couldn’t bring him into my messed up world. As he leaned in even more, I could already taste his lips, and it killed me to pull away from him.

“I’m sorry. I can’t.”

His brows furrowed as he shook his head, confused.

I knew I was giving mixed signals. I didn’t mean to. It was just so easy to get lost in him. I normally wouldn’t mind bringing guys into my circle, but it was different with him. Those guys were just party friends. Sex did sometimes happen between us, but I never let them in. They knew next to nothing about me. All of the important stuff was never brought up, and that was how I liked it. I actually felt something for Eli. I showed him the hurt that I carried with me all the time. I liked him, and he had no problem showing interest in me. Because of that, though, he was in dangerous waters with me.

“So you kiss me earlier then push me away when I try to kiss you.”

“I was trying to piss my brother off.”

“You wanted to kiss me, though. It wasn’t all about your brother.” I could hear the anger seep out as he spoke.

Okay, so I did, but I wouldn’t have kissed him if it wasn’t for Taylor.

“I am
It’s for your own good.

“You don’t do the love thing.” He was repeating my words from earlier.

The disappointment on his face was enough to make my heart soar into my stomach. I looked away, not able to see the hurt I was already causing.


I looked up as a gorgeous, white blonde woman, sporting a bob with bangs, walked toward us. She was the kind of girl you just couldn’t resist looking at. She was the definition of beauty; soft, glowing skin, a beautiful smile, and curves in all of the right places. A man with a sun kissed tan and medium-length, dark brown hair followed behind her, while the other two—a guy with dark brown hair, and warm green eyes and a petite, cute woman with violet hair and pale skin—stood by the doorway.

“Hi,” Eli said, his voice low and sad.

Her smile faded as she knitted her brows together. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” He turned his attention on me. “This is Paige, Taylor’s sister. Paige this is Athena, Lucas, and the other two airheads standing by the doorway are Violet and Hunter.”

Hunter and Violet gave him a smirk.

Athena folded her arms and sized me up. “Oh, so you are the troublemaker.”

I sighed. “Is there anyone that doesn’t know of my reputation?”

She shrugged. “We all have skeletons in our closet. I’m only teasing you, anyway. I once rebelled. Who doesn’t, right?”

I nodded. “You’re absolutely right.”

My eyes shifted to the entryway as I heard someone come in the house. It was another one of Taylor’s friends. He came walking in, pushing his wavy, medium length, walnut brown hair behind his ear as he carried a black duffel bag in his other hand.

“The goodies have arrived.”

He sat the bag on the coffee table as his pretty, light blue eyes looked up at me, giving me a smile. “Hi, I’m Kyle.”

He was super cute and fit. My eyes immediately fell on the diamond ring that dangled from the silver necklace around his neck. I knew instantly that he either lost a fiancée or he lost his mother and was wearing it to remember that person.

My lips lifted into a half-smile. “Paige.” I pointed to the ring. “You lost someone?”

His smile faded as he looked down at the necklace. “Yeah, my fiancée.”

My heart ached for him. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded and forced a smile.

I reached for the duffel bag, curious to see what was inside when Athena’s hand gripped my wrist. I looked up into her intimidating, orange eyes. She had the same eyes as Eli. She was a hybrid as well. So she was a supernatural killing the supernatural? There were so many things that I didn’t understand.

“Wouldn’t want to mess with weapons you have no idea how to use. There are a few weapons in here that are laced with wolf’s bane. It’s deadly to some of the people here.”

I snorted.
Relax a little, would you? I’m only looking.
“I think it’ll be okay.”

She narrowed her eyes and released my hand. She reached behind her back, pulling out a weapon with a spiked club from the weapon holder around her waist and handed it to me. “You’ll like this one…but if you happen to accidently kill one of my friends while playing around, I’m going to kick your ass.” So much promise poured out of her tone, and I knew immediately that she wasn’t someone to mess with.

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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