Read taboo4 takingitpersonal Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

taboo4 takingitpersonal (4 page)

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It was embarrassing to admit, but it didn’t take long before all fight left her as she fell under the magic spell of his kiss. He held her ass tight with one hand, pressing her to him, and ground his erection into her belly, making her pussy ache to have him inside her. He felt warm and surrounded her with barely leashed power.

Her nipples grew to hard, painful peaks, her breasts heavy, and the wetness between her thighs at an all-time high. Still kissing her, he brought her into the house and slammed the door behind them, probably using his foot, because he never took his hands off her. No, he took complete control and didn’t let up one fraction.

That damned dizzying sensation took over again and she felt as if she was his to play with, his to command. Vaguely she heard the loud clatter of her car keys on the tile of the foyer as they slipped from her fingers. It was like she didn’t have command over her own body or her mind as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

His kiss was so masterful, passionate, and she simply melted under his assault. She tangled her fingers in his long hair, the strands so soft while his kiss was so hard. Those annoying whimpering sounds rose up within her but she couldn’t hold them in.


Cheyenne McCray

He stepped back, bringing her with him, until her heels sank into thick carpet. She was too busy kissing him to have any idea what the place she was now in looked like.

She could have been in front of fifty people for all she knew. All that mattered was his kiss.

Drew sank down, bringing them both to their knees. She had the sensation of falling, then her back was on the floor, his mouth still ravaging hers, and his knee between her thighs.

A groan rose up in him, almost like a growl as he shoved her skirt to her waist and she felt cool air above her thigh-high stockings and touching her damp thong. Drew’s hand quickly warmed her pussy as he rubbed her through the material.

Not this. No, he wasn’t going to bring her to the edge and then leave her hanging again.

She squirmed, trying to get away from his touch, but he slipped his hand beneath the thong and slid his fingers into her wet folds. She cried out against his mouth and he thrust two fingers into her channel and started slamming his knuckles against her pussy.

Sarah gripped her hands tighter in his hair but he broke their kiss and moved his lips along her jawline to her earlobe then ran his tongue over the edge of the delicate shell of her ear.

“Grab my cock, Sarah,” he commanded, his breath whispering over her ear and causing her to shiver.

The urge to obey came too easily. She moaned and released his hair to move her hand between their bodies. She was more than willing to touch him. His cock felt so damn hard beneath his jeans and she wanted him inside her so badly she squirmed beneath him with need. It pleased her when he groaned as she squeezed his erection.

“You’re so beautiful.” He moved his hand from the back of her head, brought it to the lapel of her fitted jacket and began to unbutton her top one by one. “I love the way 28

Taking It Personal

your nipples tighten and grow larger in my mouth. I love the way your pussy looks when you’re bent over.”

She shivered from his erotic words and from his fingers touching her bare skin as he took care of the buttons. He moved his mouth from her ear to her throat and released all the buttons while continuing to thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy with his other hand.

Sarah felt like she was on another world, like all of this was happening to someone else. It almost felt surreal. But it was happening to her and being honest with herself, she
it. Only because it was Drew. No one else could touch her, control her, dominate her like him.

He pinched the front clasp of her bra with his fingers and it fell open, revealing her breasts. “Perfect,” he murmured before suckling one of them. She arched her back, whimpered, and rubbed her hand harder and harder up and down his erection, imagining him plunging in and out of her like he had at the health club.

The images of the two of them, and how he’d made her watch him fuck her by looking at their reflection in the mirror, brought her closer to orgasm. She writhed against Drew’s hand as she pictured that moment and remembered the feel of his cock deep inside her.

Her body vibrated against his hand. “I’m going to come,” she cried.

He slowed his strokes and their gazes met. “You already have one punishment coming for climaxing yesterday without my permission. Do you want another?”

Punishment. There was that word again.

Sarah could barely think. The woman she was outside his front door was not the same woman who writhed beneath this man now. No, this woman was different. She wanted to please him, was willing to do whatever he asked of her.

What’s wrong with me?
went through her mind, followed by,
Who cares? I need him. I


Cheyenne McCray

Her body was going crazy as he moved his finger from inside her core to stroke her slick folds and her clit, bringing her closer to an orgasm she didn’t think she could stop.

He was biting her nipples now, hard enough to make her cry out and arch her back.

“Fuck me, Drew.” She slipped her hand from his cock to the button of his jeans at the same time she gripped his biceps with her other hand. All that rock-hard muscle, and that rock-hard erection turned her on beyond belief.

He brought his fingers out of her thong and knelt between her thighs, forcing them wider with his palms. His gaze took her in and she could imagine how she looked.

Flushed with arousal, her breasts completely bared, her skirt up around her waist exposing her thong and her sheer thigh-high nylons.

He slowly stroked the insides of her thighs from the sensitive place beside her pussy, all the way to her knees and back.

“Please.” A part of her couldn’t believe she was begging. Right now she’d do anything to have him inside her.

“I told you that when we play, we play
way.” Drew’s expression grew stern, shocking her out of her dazed stupor. “Is that understood?” he asked.

The need for him was so bad that Sarah hesitated only a moment before she nodded. Yesterday evening the spanking had actually been pretty hot and had made her orgasm even more spectacular.

He bent one of her knees, held her ankle in his hand and slipped her shoe off before tossing it aside. “You’re a powerful woman, Sarah. We both know that.” He brought her other knee up and got rid of that shoe as well. “But when it comes to sex,
the one in control.” She held her breath as he peeled off one of her stockings. “You do what I say, and if you disobey me, you will be punished.”

The pounding in her ears and the beat of her heart told her how much his words excited her at the same time they pissed her off. But the excitement outweighed the anger, even though her mind told her she was crazy.


Taking It Personal

“Do you understand what I’m saying, Sarah?” He pulled down her other stocking, easing it down her leg and over her foot then tossed it aside. “In the business world you’re in control. When it comes to sex, I am in control.”

Her mouth and throat were too dry to get a word out.

“Answer,” he commanded. “Do you understand that I am the Master when it comes to sex?”

She swallowed. This was the truth of it, where she would cross that line she never dreamed she would pass over. “Yes,” she managed to get out.

“Yes, Master.” He gripped her thong on either side and started to pull it down. He moved out of the way and she arched her hips a bit so that he could take it completely off her. “You will refer to me as Master every time you speak to me.”

Sarah’s mouth opened and her eyes widened.

He leaned forward and braced his hands to either side of her arms as he looked down at her. “I won’t tolerate any kind of disobedience, Sarah. And that includes not addressing me properly.”

“Yes, Master,” she said but immediately thought,
who is this woman and what has she
done with the real Sarah Fairland?

Drew gifted her with a sinfully sexy smile as he unzipped the side zipper of her skirt. “Good girl.” He tugged her skirt down over her hips and knees until he had it all the way off and she was naked from the waist down. “Now pay attention to the ground rules.”


Cheyenne McCray

Chapter Four

Ground rules?

Drew took Sarah’s hand and helped her sit up. Her mind spun a little as he pushed off her fitted jacket and bra. She was completely naked save for a pair of half-carat diamond studs at her ears.

“As I’ve already said, you’ll refer to me as Master at all times.” He reached behind her head and pulled the pin holding her hair up so that her brown hair fell to her shoulders. “You’ll do anything I ask of you without question. You’ll let me do anything I want to do to your body without argument. If you break any rules or fail to follow my instructions, you’ll be punished.” Her heart beat faster with every one of his words.

This was all so unreal. “Now you need to choose a safe word.”

Confusion about everything whirled within her. She wrinkled her brow. “A what?”

Drew gave a heavy sigh. “Master. That’s your last warning.”

Shit. I can’t believe I’m doing this!
“I don’t know what you mean, er, Master.”

“A safe word is an out for you.” He leaned close and sifted his fingers through her hair, fluffing it. “If you want to end our play, then you say your safe word. Everything ends and you go home. Now choose a word.”

Sarah felt so out of her element that she had a difficult time thinking, much less choosing some kind of safe word. She took a deep breath. “Wall Street,” she said, then added, “Master,” as an afterthought.

His lips twitched as if he wanted to smile. Instead, he swept his hand over the top of the long white box they’d dropped, knocking off the lid, and pulled out the black leather flogger. He took her by her hand and brought her quickly to her feet. Her legs felt shaky as she looked at the flogger and stood.


Taking It Personal

He slapped the straps of suede on his palm as his gaze traveled over her from head to toes and back. His voice was low, husky. “You have the sexiest body.”

Sarah’s cheeks warmed. She knew she looked good—she worked hard to maintain her fit body. But somehow it was different the way Drew looked at her and the way he said it.

“Thank you…ah, Master.” Damn, that Master thing was not coming very easy at all.

He slipped his fingers through hers and she felt a little electrical jolt when he led her from the room they were in. It was the first time she’d had a chance to look around, and she took everything in with a sweep of her gaze. A well-built home with an expansive great room and kitchen with hallways leading in either direction. Oak furniture and everything done in navy blues, with a taupe-colored carpet. It was obviously a lived-in home with his things casually strewn over the couches, chairs and coffee table, such as clothing, newspapers and books. It wasn’t what she’d call messy—

just lived in.

Drew took the left hallway that had at least twelve-foot ceilings like the great room and kitchen. Strangely, he strode ahead of her with her tagging behind, holding onto his hand and barely able to keep up with his long strides. He’d always been so gentlemanly at the club, but now he was apparently playing a completely different role. He was the Master and she was subservient to him.

Her stomach twisted at the thought. Over and over she wondered what she was doing.

Subservient. Her?

Yet he’d made it clear he understood that she was a high-powered businesswoman and expected nothing less of her. But he’d also made it clear that when it came to sex, he was the one in control.

She padded down the carpeted hallway after him, completely naked while he was dressed only in jeans. She watched his tight ass and wanted to see it, touch it. When 33

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they’d been in the health club, all she’d gotten a good look at was his cock. And was it ever good to look at. Not to mention taste.

They reached a room that was brightly lit and when he brought her up beside him, at first she thought it was a workout room—until she really took a look at it. Yeah, there was a bench and free weights, dumbbells, an exercise bike and other workout machines.

But what caught her attention and took her breath were the things that were definitely
your average workout machines.

There was some kind of “furniture” with two A-frames separated by a bar that was about five feet in length. It had chains and restraints hanging from it, and the frames were taller than she was. Some kind of leather and chain sling hung from one corner and there were a variety of tables and benches. The thing that struck her the hardest was seeing the great X-shaped cross up against one wall. It was wooden with restraints at all four ends of it.

Mouth open, she looked up at Drew and he gestured with the flogger toward the cross. “Time for your punishment.”

She stared at the cross. “I don’t

“Sarah,” Drew said in a barely tolerant tone. “You have two choices. Accept your punishment and continue. Or say your safe word and leave.”

Crap. One thing she never did was back down from a challenge. And God, after their kiss and the way he’d touched her, she was so fucking horny, she could hardly stand it.

She raised her chin. Paused. Then said, “Okay.”

“Okay…what?” Drew asked, his voice even firmer. “You’ve already earned a second punishment for having to be reminded again.”

? Her gaze snapped to his and she met his smoky brown eyes. “Okay,

He pointed the flogger at the X again. “Face forward on the St. Andrew’s cross.”

So that’s what it was.


Taking It Personal

Her belly fluttered. “Yes, Master.” She slowly walked up to the cross feeling like she was approaching her doom. She pressed one of her cheeks flat against the X as she moved herself against it.

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