Read taboo4 takingitpersonal Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

taboo4 takingitpersonal (3 page)

BOOK: taboo4 takingitpersonal
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When he finished, her ass was stinging so bad tears moistened her eyes. She never cried, but a combination of pain and sexual frustration made her come real close to letting those tears fall.

He rubbed her ass then placed kisses on each of her tender globes before helping her to her feet.

Sarah was breathless and filled with anticipation. Her spandex shorts were down around her thighs, her shirt above her breasts, and Drew’s cock was hard and ready.

“Bend over and put your hands on the bench,” he commanded as he released her wrists.

At this point she wasn’t about to argue about anything. It was hard to admit to herself, but the way he had taken control from the beginning was totally turning her on.

She placed her palms on the bench and he pushed her shorts down to her knees.

She looked to her right and saw their reflections in the big wall mirror and her pussy instantly ached even more. Just seeing herself mostly naked, her ass pink, and Drew’s erection ready to enter her made her lightheaded. She watched as he pulled a packet out of his pocket and in moments had a condom out and his cock sheathed.


Cheyenne McCray

“Don’t come without my permission, Sarah,” he warned. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, yes.” She wiggled her ass. “Please, Drew.”

Their eyes met in the reflection and he smiled, a carnal, hungry smile, right before he thrust his cock into her pussy.

Sarah couldn’t hold back the scream that tore from her lips. She almost came the moment he penetrated her, stretched her, filled her. Her core clenched down on his cock and she had to take deep breaths as he stayed still, his groin tight against her burning ass.

All the waiting, the teasing, the spanking—everything made her so on edge she didn’t know if she was going to be able to stop an orgasm the minute he started moving in her. Did she even want to hold back? Who was he to tell her—

He slapped her ass and she cried out. “Don’t even think about coming, Sarah.

You’ll be punished if you do.”

Yeah, right. When and how?

Drew gripped her hips and started to pump in and out of her body, slowly at first, then harder and faster. He pounded against her and she closed her eyes, lost in the sensations.

He slapped her ass again and she gasped as her eyes flew open. “Watch us in the mirror, babe.”

Sarah parted her lips as she looked at their reflections and saw his cock moving in and out of her pussy. He was so long, so thick, so big and it was incredible seeing him fuck her.

She needed to climax so badly that she thought she’d pass out from the power of it.

That dizzying sensation he caused within her came back with a vengeance, and she could barely focus on the images of the two of them. Her chest hurt from breathing so hard and she’d broken out into a full-blown sweat, as if she’d just had a hard workout.

Well, if that wasn’t what this had turned out to be.


Taking It Personal

The peak was so close she had to fight to keep from toppling over it. Why was she fighting it? Because Drew told her to. Why did she care what Drew thought?

He drove her hard. “What if someone walks in on us now, Sarah?”

The moment he said that, she lost it. The thought of being seen totally threw her over the edge. She screamed and her whole body shook. Her vision swam, her knees buckled and her arms didn’t want to hold her up anymore where she’d had her palms braced on the bench. Drew kept her from falling by grasping her hips as he continued to fuck her. He gripped her hard enough to keep her from dropping, but at the same time he was making her even weaker from the power of the spasms racking her body with every one of his thrusts.

Her orgasm wouldn’t stop. It was shaking her, making her almost blind by the pleasure and pain of it. Everything blended until she was one ball of sensation. Vaguely she heard Drew’s shout and felt the pulse of his cock in her core. He slammed into her a few more times and she cried out with every thrust.

Finally he stopped and held his groin tight to her hips. Through her blurry vision she saw his reflection—he was baring his teeth like a tiger claiming its territory. And she was his territory.

she thought as her entire body slumped.

Drew helped lower her gradually to her knees and she braced her head on her folded arms on the bench as she tried to return to her senses. She felt him pull up her thong, then her shorts so that she was no longer bared from the waist down. He did the same with her cropped top, bringing it down over her breasts so that she was now fully covered.

Sarah couldn’t stop shaking and her pussy continued to spasm. She didn’t know what just happened to her, but she wanted the license plate number of the truck that just hit her. Or more likely the phone number of the man who’d just turned her world upside down and inside out.


Cheyenne McCray

When she managed the strength to raise her head, she looked over her shoulder to see Drew had his shorts up and he was tossing something into the garbage can by the door. Probably the condom.

He returned to her and caught her under the arms, bringing her to her feet with the power and grace of the tiger she’d seen in him when he climaxed. She barely managed to stand on her own two feet and had finally regained her vision so that everything wasn’t so blurry anymore.

The smell of sex and sweat was heavy in the room and she was so hot. Sweltering.

She needed a nice cold shower to bring herself back to reality and to douse the flames that continued to run through her body.

Sarah looked up at Drew as he put his arm around her shoulders to steady her as they walked through the door. A man stood just outside the door when they opened it and she saw Drew slip him what looked like a twenty.

Sarah’s mind tried to process that little piece of information as they reached his office. She looked up at him and he had his usual expression.

“Time’s up for today, Ms. Fairland.”


Taking It Personal

Chapter Three

“Time’s up, my ass!” Sarah paced the length of her office and clenched her hands into fists so hard her nails dug into her palms. Her office was fairly new and the smells of new carpeting and wood added to the headache building at her temples.


Yesterday, after his statement, Drew had left her standing in the doorway and strode around his desk to sit in his chair. He had opened his date book and studied it.

She had stared at him, incredulous. Her body had still hummed from their

“workout” and she had to grip the doorframe to stand straight.

He’d glanced up, his expression the same as if they’d had a normal workout.

“Tuesday next week?” he asked without the slightest hint in his voice about what had just happened.

“Fuck you,” she’d said with venom under her breath.

“You just did,” he’d replied, not even fracturing his calm expression. “I’ve got you down on the calendar for your regular workout.”

Sarah stopped pacing and clenched her teeth as hard as she was clenching her hands as she stared at her desk. That glass paperweight of a bird in flight would look real good buried in the wall across the room.

Last night, unable to believe any of what had happened—or his response—she’d slammed Drew’s office door shut, stormed off to the locker room and grabbed her things. She’d gone straight home instead of taking her usual shower at the club. Due to the way he’d dismissed her, she’d gone from boneless to so stiff she could hardly walk.

When she reached her home she’d filled a glass with chardonnay and took a long, hot bubble bath to try to control the anger and tension in her body.


Cheyenne McCray

What really pissed her off, though, was that despite her fury at Drew she kept reliving every moment, every touch, the way he felt inside her, the way he

Sarah shook her head at the thought.
Absolutely fucking unbelievable.
She held her hand to her forehead and rubbed her temples. The best sex she’d had in her life regulated to appointments?

She snorted and hiccupped, which almost led to maniacal laughter. As she thought about it, she wasn’t sure what had happened, but somehow she didn’t regret it. Who could regret once-in-a-lifetime sex like that?

After last night, today had been an interesting day. As pissed as she’d been, she’d barreled through every appointment she’d had, controlling each meeting with her usual directness and I-don’t-put-up-with-shit demeanor. She had taken care of some difficulties by firing an attorney and ensured a general manager was now up shit creek when she’d exposed his incompetence to his employer.

A knock at the door to her office had Sarah jerking her head up and composing her features into her business mask. “Yes,” she said firmly.

The door handle clicked and her assistant, Tammy, pushed the door open. “Ms.

Fairland, this came for you.” The petite blonde walked in carrying a long white box that looked like it might have come from a florist. She set the box on Sarah’s desk.

“Is there anything you need right now?” Tammy asked, her gaze meeting Sarah’s.

The thing Sarah liked about Tammy was that she never acted intimidated around her.

Tammy was extremely competent and held her ground well.

But today Sarah waved Tammy away, barely paying attention to her assistant. “Not right now.”

As soon as Tammy closed the door behind her, Sarah picked up the box, raised it and almost pitched it across the room. No doubt morning-after-regret-the-way-I-acted flowers. Well, fuck him.


Taking It Personal

She gripped the box, ready to heave it, and looked down at the lid. Just a simple white lid with nothing on it.

Out of sheer, morbid curiosity she opened the box—

Inside, nestled in red tissue paper, was a black flogger with suede straps.

A flogger?

She raised it and felt the weight of the leather handle and trailed the soft straps over her fingers before looking at the box again.

A small white card lay in place of the flogger she’d just picked up. It pissed her off that her fingers trembled a little as she opened it. The card listed an address then below it was written in bold male handwriting:

Tonight, 7:00 p.m.

If you dare.

She blinked and read the card again. If she dared?

Her jaw tightened. Oh, she’d show up all right.

She’d put Drew Bennett right in his place.

* * * * *

Sarah parked her Mercedes in front of the home that had the address Drew had given. The card hadn’t been signed but she had no doubt in her mind that it had been from him.

When she cut the lights, darkness stole over her, the only light coming from a single streetlight at the end of the cul-de-sac, and from the lights along the walkway to his front door. His home was on the northwest side of Tucson and from the outside looked gorgeous with its high arched entryway and bay windows to either side.

Despite herself, a strange fluttering sensation in her belly caused her nerves to be on edge. She didn’t like the feeling one bit. It made her feel out of control, out of her element.


Cheyenne McCray

She’d kept on the power suit she’d worn to work to give her added confidence, a lipstick-red fitted jacket with a matching slim-fitting skirt that reached just above her knees. Her red heels were a modest two inches but made her long legs look even sleeker.

After taking a deep, calming breath, Sarah put on her best boardroom face and exited the car holding the white florist box containing the flogger under one of her arms. She didn’t bother bringing in her purse since she wasn’t staying. She would let Drew have it up one side and down the other and rip him a new one.

Out of habit, she locked her car after closing the door behind her. Keys in one hand and box under her other arm, she strode up the walkway to the home. Her gaze took in the manicured desert landscaping and the spotlights that illuminated the walkway as well as illuminated the big saguaro and other cacti in his front yard. His home was on a good-sized lot, not too close to his neighbors.

When she reached his front door, she ground her teeth and punched the doorbell hard enough that she jammed her finger. She didn’t have to wait long before the door opened and Drew stood in the doorway.

A sexy smile tilted the corner of his mouth and his shoulder-length hair hung in soft waves to his shoulders. But what got her was the fact that he was bare from the waist up. Oh God, he was even more gorgeous than when wearing clothes. Every muscle was so clearly defined. He was barefoot, wore only faded jeans, and had a definite bulge beneath the worn cotton material.

Her mouth watered.

She had to force anger into her expression and push away thoughts of him fucking her at the health club. The images, the memories, were enough to make her knees weak.

Sarah thrust the box against his chest, hitting him hard with it. “I think this belongs to you.”

“Oh no, baby. It’s yours.” His grin only became sexier and he didn’t take the box.

Instead, he grabbed her arm and jerked her into the foyer. Her heels made her stumble 26

Taking It Personal

with the movement, and she found herself up against him with the box crunched between their chests. He grabbed the box from her hand and tossed it aside. She heard a dull thump on the tiled foyer. She tried to jerk away and opened her mouth to verbally let him have it.

But he caught her by her head with one of his big hands and her ass with his other, and crushed her up against him before taking her mouth in a fierce, dominating kiss.

Sarah fought against him, banging her fists on his hard bare chest, only making him laugh against her mouth before biting her lip and causing her to cry out. He thrust his tongue inside her and she tasted him along with the hint of a beer he must have been drinking. His scent seeped into her senses. Outdoor breezes and some kind of musky cologne.

BOOK: taboo4 takingitpersonal
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