Read Starved For Love Online

Authors: Annie Nicholas

Starved For Love (9 page)

BOOK: Starved For Love
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Shaking his head, Val stayed quiet but his disapproval was evident.

“I lasted almost a year. I’d lost weight and was weak. He thought I was sick and kept trying to take me to doctors. Obviously, I couldn’t control it anymore. He caught me with the mailman.”


“Oh no, don’t stop me now. You wanted to know. It gets worse. The mailman was married, but what mortal can resist a starving twentysomething succubus? He never had a chance.”

Val hung his head.

Oddly, incubi and succubi took marriage very, very seriously. It was an unwritten rule not to feed from married people of any race. “I broke three people’s hearts that day. I never heard from Pierre again and I never went looking. Shame sent me away. I left the city and hid from my family, refusing to feed.”

I smoothed my unwrinkled dress with trembling hands. “We done? Can I drive now?” Heat sizzled through my ears as my disgrace was laid out before him. “Am I taking you home?”

With a finger under my chin, he guided my face toward his. He gave me a chaste kiss. “I think I understand now. You’re walking a fine line.”

“Right, I don’t want to sleep around but having a boyfriend is out of the question. My suitors come into this agreement informed. They know they have to share. After that, I left things open.”

“Open? For what?”

“Well, unlike Pierre, they know I have other lovers, we’ve all just stayed friends and I wasn’t exactly shopping for a husband. It was working until this week. The contract doesn’t hold them to me. They can break it any time with no hard feelings.” Big lie. No matter what I told others and myself, I’d grown a little attached to my guys.

“Fine, I’ve accepted that you need suitors, but I want to go over all your contracts, then together we’ll decide who you can keep. Probably shop for more.”

“Do I get decide which wives you keep? Why is it okay for you to be in love with other succubi?”

He tapped a finger on his bent knee and stared outside the window. “I’m beginning to comprehend why most of our race avoids being in love. I wonder how your father does it.”

“It’s not easy.” My parents fought just like any other couples. They worked hard on their marriage. If I wanted the same thing then I should make the effort. “I think it’s compromise time. I’m willing to discuss my suitor choices with you, just like you’d discuss wife choices with me.” Our culture had rules and I did know them. Sex between feeding was considered cheating for the succubus. Incubus husbands only slept with his wives but there was no limit to how many he could marry. The more he fed, the more his wives would have to feed. The more wives he had, the less he’d have to feed off one wife.

“I’ll want to meet all your males.”

Great, I’m sure they would be so thrilled. Then something struck me as odd. He was looking for something different in our marriage. “Do you love your wives?”

He shrugged. “If you asked me that a few weeks ago, before I met your parents, I would have said yes. Now, I wonder if I really know what love is.”

I swallowed reflexively. Was I an experiment?

He gave me a thoughtful look, a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips. “If we marry, you want to live with me?”

I nodded, unable to trust my mouth.

“I think that would be nice. What if I annoy you?”

“I’ll yell at you.”

“And if I shower you with attention, you’ll have no emotional need for your suitors.” He grinned. “I’m very determined to keep you.”

I swallowed again. What had I done? I thought courtship was all about dating. Val was already walking me down the aisle to get my tattoos. Breathe, I had to breathe.


Resting my head on the steering wheel, I held on for dear life as the light-headedness cleared. “I’m fine.”

A siren blasted one ring behind us and almost made me pee my pants. I checked the review mirror. “Oh great.” A police car had parked behind us and an officer was approaching. I opened the window, my pulse pounding in my head. “Anything wrong, Officer?”

“No, I was just checking if you needed assistance.”

Val leaned across from me so the officer could see his eyes. Power pulsed from him. “We’re fine. We’ll be on our way soon.”

The cop’s eyelids drooped and a half smile formed on his lips. “Of course, sir.” He nodded and returned to his car.

I stared at my sweetie. My father could influence humans the same way, like judges and witnesses, all incubi could, but it usually took time. Who was Valerio Hunan?

Chapter Thirteen

We parked in front of Cooper’s cabin and I glanced at Val. “Be nice.” My new boyfriend was about to approve one of my meals, but I didn’t need him scaring Cooper away. It took me awhile to catch a cutie like him. I shook my head. Incubus and succubus relationships could hurt a person’s sensibilities. Maybe Val was right. My parents shouldn’t have sent me to mortal school. The amount of chick flicks and romance books I devoured didn’t help my mental well-being either. Why shouldn’t I have a soul mate?

The wolf shifter was pulling out camping gear from the back of his beat-up Jeep and tossing it toward the open garage door. He jumped from his vehicle as I exited mine and scooped me into a bone-breaking hug. “Today’s my day.” He swung me around then stopped at the sight of Val. “And you brought a friend? I’m not into that kind of thing.” He plunked me on my feet and blocked Val’s path. “Sorry, man.”

The lack of amusement on Val’s face didn’t bode well for the meet and greet. And my bearing Cooper some bad news would be a total killjoy for him. “Coop, it can’t be your day.”

“What?” He spun, his shaggy, sun-streaked hair whipping with the momentum. “You dumping me for an incubus? That’s low, Pia.”

Val reached over and tapped my chin, suggesting I close my mouth.

My jaw snapped shut. “And how did you know what he is?”

Cooper tapped his nose, grinning like a pleased pup. “The nose always knows. I take it he’s leaving now.” He pulled me back into his overly possessive arms. Shifters and their territory issues could be cute when a female needs to feel wanted, but not at present. Not with Val glaring daggers at my suitor.

“Today’s not my day three anymore. My schedule’s all screwed up. I’ve been trying to call you.” I gave him a punch in the shoulder, which probably felt like a nudge to him. “You need to get a cell phone. I really needed you. John vanished and I had to crawl back to Sin, which lead to…” I pointed to Val.

“Man, that vampire is such a dick. That doesn’t explain how you’re off schedule, though. I could set my clock by your need.” Cooper came off as a goofball on first impression but he did that on purpose. He’d earned a Master’s degree in Philosophy and taught at the local community college. Not a complete egghead, but close.

Of all my suitors, he was the only one who cared. We both knew he wouldn’t keep me, though. I wasn’t his soul mate, but while he searched for her we kept each other company until the day she showed up and stole him from me. Since Val was courting me, it made him my boyfriend, possible future fiancé, and I had to introduce him to Cooper.

“I was knocked off schedule. Your day is tomorrow.”

“That’s not fair.” He enveloped me in his strong arms, bending close to my ear. “I had plans for a bubble bath, maybe some foot massages.”

I moaned. Those were my favorite pastimes. “You’re not playing fair either.” Suddenly, my body jerked and Cooper’s warmth vanished.

“Hands off until it’s your day, wolf.”

Cooper lay sprawled on his back in the dirt driveway. “Hey man, turn down the alpha attitude. If you haven’t heard the news, you need to learn to share if you want to play with Pia.”

I dropped my face into my hands. “Val’s not into sharing.”

Cooper scrambled onto his feet and dusted off his worn jean. “You’re pretty strong for a sex demon. John couldn’t toss me like that and he’s a mizza-something.”

“We’re not demons.” Both of us said it. The response was reflex, something we were all taught since childhood. Once upon a time, succubi and incubi ranked among demonkind but because we, like vampires, were parasitic to humans, we needed a better way to blend with the mortal world. In exchange for human form, our people sacrificed our wings and our ability to use magic. Demons didn’t consider us part of their hierarchy anymore. We’d become our own kind.

“And John is mazzikim class. Well, supposed to be anyway.” I shrugged. John didn’t fit the profile. Mazzikim were the pillaging, rain-fiery-brimstone-on-the-world types. Not Xbox addicts or crossword puzzle experts. I guess that’s what attracted me to him in the first place—neither of us fit into our cultures.

Val regarded me and shook his head in disbelief. “Mazzikim?”

“He’s harmless.”

“No, he’s a
. They usually don’t like existing on this plane.”

I shrugged again. “John’s different.” I squeezed Val’s bicep, testing for muscled yumminess. “Your toss was quite impressive.”

“My strength comes from the power my wives feed me.” Val placed his arm around me. “Pia and I are considering marriage. I want to meet her food.” He eyed Cooper as if the shifter were a bug.

Cooper scratched his head. “You want to marry him? I thought you weren’t into that lifestyle.”

“I agreed to let Val court me. It’s time for me to grow up.”

The shifter went back to unpacking his camping gear. “You should have come camping with me. The place we stayed at was breathtaking.”

“Sounds like you had a nice time. Did you meet any prospective mates?” I rubbed Val’s back before breaking from his hold.

“No. Nothing. Nada. My alpha is organizing a singles mixer this weekend with another pack.” He glared at Val, then glanced at me. “Want to come?”

Val stiffened behind me. “She’s attending my banquet this weekend. Suitors are for food, not socializing.”

“Look, you can’t waltz into our lives and demand changes. Pia’s my friend and I’m not going away. If she wants to come over on book club night, she’s more than welcome to. You shouldn’t try to take over her life.”

“I—” Val hesitated and turned his head toward me with a smirk on his face. “You’re part of a book club?”

I rolled my eyes. “Coop, Val’s concerned you’re going to seduce the panties off me between our feed days.”

“I don’t do that now. I didn’t think I could. You can have sex without feeding?”

Groaning, I shoved past him and opened a cooler by his Jeep. “Beer, thank God.” I popped a can open and chugged.

“Is she always this dramatic?” Val helped Cooper shut the tailgate.

“Yes. It’s worse on feed days. She gets very demanding.”

“I’m right here. And no, I feed every time I reach an orgasm except when I’m with an incubus. He steals the energy I make with others from me.” I tossed my empty can in the recycle bin. The alcohol helped. Having a boyfriend meet a suitor could raise a female’s blood pressure.

Cooper regarded Val. “Cool.”

“I don’t steal it. They have to give it to me. We already discussed this, Pia.”

“Is he the reason you’re off schedule? He—um—fed from you?” asked Cooper.

I belched. “Excuse me. Yes, and if we continue to stay together I suspect my feeding schedule may get erratic. Are you still willing to be my suitor?” I kicked a rock.

“Sure. I’m easy.” He winked at me. Cooper was attractive in a rugged, outdoorsy way. His shifter nature could make him wild and untamed at times but he was shy around most females, especially those of his race. Our contract included a clause for me to help him overcome this, which my father grudgingly agreed to. A year ago Cooper never would have gone camping with his pack.

“Pia should find a few more suitors to compensate her increased needs and to avoid what happened this week.”

“So John’s missing?” Cooper took a beer and offered it to Val.

He shook his head. “One of us has to drive.”

“He left a note on my door the other day saying he had to leave town. I haven’t heard anything from him since. He’s not answering his phone either. It’s not like him.” I rubbed my arms to ease the shivers. John could fight off mortals and some vamps but he was fresh meat for stronger demons. He kept a low profile and did his best not to attract attention.

“I don’t know how to help. Demons are out of my league.” Cooper sat on the cooler and tipped back the beer.

Val frowned at us, a perplexed expression on his face. “If you’re so worried I can hire someone to summon him. He’ll transport within the pentagram and be safe.”

I hugged him. “Wonderful idea. I don’t know anyone who practices the dark arts but I’m sure one of my sisters do.”

Cooper choked on his drink. “You do know someone.” He coughed another time and cleared his throat. “Zur-Sin. And I hear he’s very powerful.”

I gasped. “No.” That sneaky vampire, I never suspected he did magic. “He won’t do it out of the kindness of his heart.”

“Bastard doesn’t have a heart.” Cooper threw the can into the bin to join mine.

Val pointedly stared at the shifter. “The last thing Pia needs to do is make more deals with Sin.”

My spirits sank. “He’ll want something.” It would be something bad, I just knew it.

“We’ll find someone else.” Val hugged tighter.

“I agree with Val. You shouldn’t go. I don’t like you being around Sin.” Cooper nodded to my incubus as he rose and offered to shake hands. Male bonding, what female could understand it?

“Whatever, neither of you know him.” I crossed my arms and faced Val. “Do I get to keep him?

The incubus shrugged. “I just met him. We should set up an interview.”

Cooper’s eyes went wide. “I don’t do well under pressure.”

I rolled my eyes at Val, then, on tiptoe, I gave Cooper a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“Me too.” Val added. “We’ll make it informal.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Are you becoming my shadow?”

“If these males are part of your life then I need to know them.”

“Uh, but I’m coming here to feed.”

“And I’ll watch.” Val gave both of us a no-nonsense glare.

Cooper sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “That’ll be weird.”

Val slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you some pointers.”

BOOK: Starved For Love
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