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Authors: Annie Nicholas

Starved For Love (8 page)

BOOK: Starved For Love
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Chapter Eleven

Val and I strolled back to the house in a comfortable silence. He carried the basket and I carried the shoes. Something had changed between us. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what, but I liked it.

I used the garden hose to wash excess mud off our feet and hands. Trying not to completely hose my new boyfriend down turned out easier to resist than I’d thought. He’d been so kind to me so far. The fortress walls around my heart cracked, leaving the tender bits exposed. Like a fragile egg, I wanted to cup my walled heart in my hands and keep it safe, except Val kept squeezing between my fingers, coaxing those cracks to widen.

He set the basket by the back door and took his shoes from my hand. “I don’t want to track mud in the house, just send Hoel out to the car.”

“You’re leaving so soon?” I pouted. Sometimes it worked. I really didn’t want him to leave. We’d had so much fun.

“I have business to attend to.”

“Like that?” I gestured to his mud-covered clothes then grabbed his sweater. “Come in and shower. My parents would be furious if I let you leave in this state.” Pulling with all my might, I got him to take a step closer to the house.

“I don’t have any clothes to change into.”

“I’ll find you something. Come on. I smell baking.” I sang the last plea.

Smirking, he leaned in until our noses touched. “Do you always get what you want, Pia?”

“Yes, but I don’t want much. I promise.” I led him inside the mudroom where we set the shoes. The scent of cinnamon hung heavy in the air and the fire alarm appeared intact once more. Adele must have taken over the cooking.

I strode ahead of Val into the kitchen and stopped short. My sisters sat at the counter sipping tea while Hoel rolled out pie dough. His golden locks looked as if fingers had been run through them. A lot. With flour.

Rose twisted on the stool, her blouse buttons askew. “Took you long enough, we were worried.” A flush pinked her cheeks. “He bakes.” She pointed to Hoel then she blinked. “Did you both fall in the marsh?”

“Sort of. We caught some frogs.”

“Pia!” Adele’s voice rose with horror. “I’m so sorry, Valerio. She’s very impulsive sometimes.”

I stomped my foot and it made a wet slapping sound. “It was his idea.” I grabbed Val’s hand and pulled him away from my sister’s judgmental glare.

He chuckled under his breath.

“I don’t see what’s so amusing.” We climbed the stairs.

“You are,
ma chère
.” When we reached the guest bathroom, he took me in his arms. “I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.”

“You must lead a very dreary life if chasing frogs tops your list.”

“Hmm…” He leaned his forehead on mine. He seemed to like doing that and I didn’t mind. “The frogs were a small part. I admit I’m a little surprised you joined me. None of my wives would have moved.” He snorted. “Most wouldn’t have wanted to picnic.”

“I chased frogs as a kid too. My father has had to fish me out of that pond a few times.” I didn’t mention that the last time was a few weeks ago. “Do you like amusement parks and roller coasters?”

“I don’t know. But I’m sure I’ll be finding out.”

I showed him where the soaps were kept and how to work the shower. “I can stay and wash your back. You never know, some mud may have strayed there.”

“No, and you will not weasel your way around this.” He spun me and slapped my ass on the way out, then locked the door.

I raided my father’s closet, choosing some sweatpants and a T-shirt for him. I’d only seen Val dressed in suits and designer clothes. A change of outfit could mellow a man. I left them outside the guest bathroom door and raced to take my own shower.

Speeding through my wash, I ran through a mental list of my outfits. I wanted something casual yet alluring, but not slutty. I jumped out of the shower stall, dried my hair and then wrapped a towel around my body. Exiting the bathroom, I noticed my bedroom door was closed. I’d left it open. I turned to face my bed and found Val lying on his side without a shirt.

I clung to my towel. “Hi.” I tried to pry my eyes from his abs but they wouldn’t comply. Our race was naturally attractive. It came with the need—but six-pack abs didn’t magically appear any more than D-cup boobs. Mine were only Cs and I had to make do.


“Did you change your mind about speed bumps?” I raised an eyebrow, trying not to sound too hopeful.

He ran his hand through his wet locks. “I thought we could compromise.”

I hesitated in my steps. “Like what?”

He patted the mattress. “Come find out.”

“Let me dress first.”

“Why?” He sat up.

“Ha, I wasn’t born yesterday. I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours first.”

“Daughter of a negotiator.”

I stepped into my walk-in closet, grabbed the first nightgown on the shelf and dressed. “Very much so.” I crawled onto my queen-sized unmade bed with its floral sheets and overabundance of pillows. “So, Mr. Hunan, what are you willing to offer?”

He laughed. “I love how playful you are. I, Ms. Blyton, am offering oral sex.”

“Excellent offer.” I propped the pillow against the wall and sat with my back against them. “Come here and straddle my hips.”

His eyes went wide. “I’m flexible but I don’t see how I’ll be able to reach you like that.”

want to give it to
I think that’s an unfair proposition.” I was going to sprain some brain cells if I had to keep searching for business-type words. “I’ve already climaxed this afternoon. Quite spectacularly, I may add. I suggest you allow me to indulge in pleasuring you.”

“You’re twisting my arm.” He complied by straddling my lap with his groin facing my mouth. “I want to feed from you.”

I ran my hand over the bulge loosely restrained in his pants, one hundred percent hard, male flesh. “If I feed you, won’t that mean my need will rise early again?”

“Yes.” He rested his hand over mine, guiding the way I stroked him.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m short on suitors.”

“You push at me and drive me to do things against my better judgment but not this? Use Hoel. He doesn’t mind.”

“The man-whore in my kitchen who just fucked my sisters? I don’t think so.”

“You’re so fussy.”

“Very. I pick my suitors. Not you.”

“I heard your father chose them for you.”

“That would be weird, but he does co-sign all my contracts. If they don’t meet his approval then I can’t keep them.”

“The contract with Zur-Sin doesn’t bear your signature at all.”

“That was a different situation. I want you to feed from me but I need to find John and maybe…” I sighed. “Maybe I’ll shop around for a fourth suitor since I’ll have a new mouth to feed.” I squeezed his cock, enjoying the way his eyes closed and he arched into my touch.

Breathless, he ran our hands over his shaft. “I’m curious about these relationships you hold with your suitors. This conversation isn’t over but I won’t feed. Not today.”

Easing the waistband of his sweatpants over his hips, he took his time revealing his package. Apparently his tan was natural and not from sun exposure. His thick cock grew as I stared.

My mouth went dry at the size. I’d never been with a male that big and that’s saying something. I licked my lips. “Lean your hands against the wall and come closer.” Could I swallow that much?

He understood how I wanted to do this and took a shuddering breath.

I met his intense and serious gaze as I licked the tip of his cock. I preferred it when my male partner had control. It satisfied me on a primal level. This was no different. The position I’d chosen would give Val the power to thrust into my mouth. From the heat in his eyes, I could tell he liked the idea as much as I did.

Hot and heavy, he filled my hands as I wrapped my fingers around his stiffening cock. As I stroked it, he grew so hard I could feel his pulse slamming in my palm. A drop of liquid beaded on his tip and I flicked it with my thumb.

Groaning, he arched his back as I spread the moisture over his smooth cap.

I longed to taste him though I’d have to time my breathing right and relax if I didn’t want to choke. I shifted to give him better access yet allow me space to maneuver him in my throat. Slipping his tip into my mouth, I leaned back into the pillows and allowed my jaw muscles to go lax.

Sex had changed over the years to become only a means to feed myself. I wasn’t proud of it but I had no choice. Until we matured—which happens at varying ages for succubi, but I hit it around eighteen—we acted and appeared like most mortal children. Sex in high school had been about fun, not food. Even with my first prey it hadn’t solely been about feeding. The last few years, every third day, I took a suitor to bed and it meant nothing but survival.

Now, I was taking a chance and wanted to pleasure someone who seemed interested in me as a person. Maybe our intimacy could mean something and we could grow to love one another, but my fragile heart couldn’t handle another blow. I had to be oh so careful.

Valerio had a hold over me, and it seemed to be increasing.

His sharp intake of breath drifted down to me, followed by another as he pushed his cock farther into my mouth. He watched me with a sultry, half-lidded gaze.

Rich, spicy flavors flowed over my taste buds where his flesh slid against my tongue. Tingles traveled through my mouth and down my throat, straight to my core. It was like a chemical reaction between our bodies, a powerful recognition.

Every gentle stroke and desperate groan became magnified. It was as if my body was capturing all his sensations and funneling them straight to my pussy. I clenched my thighs, squirming to ease the dark ache, but I only made it worse. My jaw quivered at the challenge of his size. I wanted more of him, and I sucked with a hunger born of greed.

He met my demands until he slid deep in my throat. “Yes.” He stayed there for moment as if unable to move, before withdrawing to his tip. “We can stop.” He panted.

“No,” I said around my mouthful of Val. Determination to stick to the rules of our courtship kept me from tearing off my nightgown and riding him into oblivion. Insatiable desire drove me to stroke my hands over his washboard abs, caress his tight balls and draw his cock back into my mouth. I wanted more of those sensations he inspired.

“Tap my thigh if I’m too aggressive.” His voice had grown husky, rough. He rocked his hips, progressing deeper and deeper until I could take all of him.

My muscles stretched with a burning ache and I struggled to match my breathing with his strokes. However, his labored moans and the growing pressure inside my core drove me not to stop.

His pace became erratic. He whispered my name over and over in a litany of lust as his fluid filled my mouth.

I swallowed greedily, moaning at the taste of him…bold and sinful, totally male. I climaxed with him, the ache inside of me releasing.

He rested his upper body against the wall. “We need to do this more often.” He slid onto the bed and gathered me into his arms.

“I told you so.” I fondled his softened organ, enjoying the silky texture until he pulled his pants over it. “Spoilsport.”

He chuckled. “I heard a car pull up to the house. Expecting anyone?”

I sat bolt upright, yanking from Val’s embrace. “My dad is home.” I’d lost track of time. We really weren’t supposed to have free-for-all sex in the house. My parents did make an effort to raise us in a mortal manner. The house was for living, not feeding. My sisters and I usually followed the laws our parents made, but like any rules, they were meant to be broken. I hope Rose had fixed her blouse and wasn’t groping Hoel between pie baking. Never mind a half-naked Val in my bedroom wearing my dad’s clothes. “We’re fucked.”

“We’re also adults.” Val rose to his feet, straightening his pants. “Honestly, you’re succubi.”

Yeah, with a half-naked incubus and a male fallen angel in the house. This would so not go over well. We’re succubi but what Val didn’t understand was that we were also my father’s little girls, no matter how old chronologically.

My stomach shriveled into the size of a raisin. My perfect day was turning into a terrible one. “Don’t go down there.” I had to trust my sisters to take care of Hoel.

“Pia?” Val’s confusion was adorable and annoying at the same time.

“Try to remember we were raised differently than you. My dad will
be happy to find you in my bedroom.” I opened my window and climbed out on the roof of the wraparound balcony below. “Hurry up.”

Val stuck his head out of the window. “Are you insane?”

“Stop being a chicken. I’ve done this a hundred times and only broke one bone.” I whispered and waved him down.

Rolling his eyes, he followed.

“Where is your shirt?” I stared at his bare back.

He landed next to me. “In your bedroom.”

“You’re not very good at this.”

He gaped. “I never had to—”

I pressed my hand over his mouth. “Quiet. The point of this is to sneak out. Not draw attention.” I watched Rose hustle Hoel out the back door toward the car parked close to the orchard.

She twisted and tripped over her own feet when she spotted us.

“Follow.” I lead Val to the tree I used to climb off the roof. I wasn’t lying about the sneaking out routine. My parents were pretty strict. The house was for family, not sex. Once on the ground, we ran to the car.

Adele must be distracting our father with pie.

Before climbing inside, Val swept me into his arms. “This was a—a fun day.” He grinned wide and happy. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Breathless, I leaned against Rose as we watched them drive away. “Think Dad knows?”

“Yep, but we didn’t get caught so he won’t say anything.” She ruffled my hair. “I think you’re perfect for Val.”

Maybe, but was he perfect for me?

Chapter Twelve

I tossed the empty pie pan in the dishwasher and listened to my sisters’ fading voices as they left the house. They were going to catch a movie and dinner. I had refused their invitation.

Cooper was expecting to feed me this evening but my cycle was off. It wasn’t my day three anymore. Val had screwed my schedule. I thought it best to inform him face-to-face. I had one suitor who’d abandoned me and one who would exact a price for more visits; I couldn’t afford to upset Cooper. I really needed him tomorrow.

The dishes done, I glanced at the clock on the wall. My shifter should be home by now. In the front hall, I scrounged through a basket full of loose change and junk where I’d tossed the keys to my car. Maybe we could do something fun together. He owned the best collection of board games, some of them dating back to the seventies. I loved those retro games.

Key-shaped metal slipped along my fingers and I snagged it, yanking out the set. I skipped to the door, swung it open and my heart just about jumped out of my chest. “What are you doing here?”

Valerio stood on the stoop, hands in pockets, and eyes wide.

I cringed at my rude comment. “Not that I mind. You scared the poop out of me.” Brushing my hand over my chest, I checked my sternum to make sure it was intact. Val was the last person I expected on my doorstep. He’d left only a couple of hours ago.

He gave me a shy smile and shrugged. “My meeting finished early and I don’t feel like spending my evening alone. I thought we could do something.” His gaze traveled to the keys in my hand. “You have plans.”

The male apparently didn’t know what a phone was. I
plans to visit a certain sweet shifter. “Uh…yes. I was going to go visit one of my suitors.”

His eyes narrowed. “But you fed from Hoel yesterday.” He stepped inside the house, cornering me against the side table where my I’d found my keys. “Pia, when we agreed to a courtship I expected you not feed any others but me.”

“You think I fed another incubus? Dude, how much of a slut do you think I am?”

His scowl deepened. “Then why do you need to feed again so soon?”

I blinked. “I don’t need to feed. I’m just visiting.” What was with the attitude? He acted like—like… “Val, are you jealous?” I slid my hands around his waist and watched a blush creep up his neck. He was so cute I wanted lure him to my bedroom once more. “You know, after I go see Cooper, maybe we could discover a few more compromises to speed bumps.”

Heat ignited in his eyes, burning away any hint of shy. “Ms. Blyton, I think you’re trying to seduce me instead of answering my questions.” He ran his hand through my curls and gripped them as he drew close enough to share my breath. “Why do you need to see him if not to feed?”

My heart quivered. Maybe jealousy wasn’t something I wanted to encourage. Things between an incubus and succubus were complicated enough. With him needing wives and me needing suitors, fidelity couldn’t be an option. I’d never really taken the time to think about it. Even though my sisters and I helped feed my father, our mothers had other lovers to keep themselves and my father fed. My father had to share them just as much as my mothers had to share him. In a sick way, it was a balance. But it wouldn’t work so well if they allowed the green-eyed monster into their lives.

I ran my fingertips along Val’s jaw. “Don’t be this way. It’s not natural for our kind.”

He jerked from my touch and retreated, a cool expression masking his face. “You’re right, but if we’re to pursue this relationship I think I should meet your suitors.”

Raising an eyebrow, I studied my new boyfriend who wanted to meet my lovers. This was a terrible idea on so many levels.

“Traditionally, a husband used to control his succubus’s suitors.” He assessed me with cooled eyes, the heat of seconds ago extinguished by…what? All I’d mentioned was how it wasn’t natural for our race to care for each other.

“None of your other wives follow the old ways of suitors. You don’t monitor their eating habits. Why should you worry about mine? I’ve learned to take care of myself, even if my parents don’t agree.”

“Why not call him? Then I can take you down to the river and we can rent a boat. We could bring more wine…” He trailed his knuckles over my breasts. “Maybe I can convince you to show me yours.”

I laughed but it came out shaky. “Wow, do you always get your way?”

His gaze darted to pin mine. “You doubt it?”

Liquid pooled in my panties. Damn, I’d have to buy them in bulk if I ever wanted to stay dry while around Val. “No.” I cleared my throat and scraped together the shreds of my dignity. “I need to go. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

Val watched me for a moment then nodded.

I pushed by him and escaped outside. I’d been around humans all my life. I saw them in school, on TV and in books so I
about what made relationships work but knowledge and practice were worlds apart.

Val followed close behind. “But I’m accompanying you.”

I tossed a glare at him over my shoulder. “We’ll take my car.” This wouldn’t go well. I couldn’t allow my dominating incubus to scare away my gentle shifter. I stomped by Hoel waiting in Val’s car. “I’ve got him. I promise to return him in good condition,” I informed the fallen angel before he could exit the vehicle.


“It’s fine, Hoel.” Val chuckled. “I think.”

Beeping my car unlocked, I went to the driver’s side.

“I don’t see why Hoel can’t drive us in my car.” Val folded himself into my VW Bug.

“Because Cooper likes his privacy and my taking you will be bad enough. Why do you need to meet my suitors?” I jammed my key in the ignition and started the vehicle, then kicked it into drive.

“Making sure you feed properly will fall on my shoulders. I want to meet the…flavors you prefer.”

He sat with his back to the door, his knee bent on the seat so he could face me. “Do you love him?”

I snorted, then glanced at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he frowned at me. “You’re serious? Of course not.”

“But you care about him.”

“He’s food.”

“I’ve seen how you react to chocolate. Is he chocolate?”

More like macaroni and cheese but from Val’s expression I didn’t think that was the answer he wanted. “What are you expecting? If you want me to promise they mean nothing to me then I’m the wrong succubus to court. I don’t like sex with strangers. It hurts me on all sorts of levels.”

“So you do love him.”

“No!” I shook my head since he didn’t seem to understand the first time I answered this question. “I choose suitors who I won’t fall in love with, but I like them. As friends.” I rubbed my forehead. “This is complicated.” Of all the days that Val decided to tag along, I was going to see the suitor he’d disapprove of the most. Cooper was territorial and caring.

“It’s only as complicated as you make it.” He still frowned at me and seemed unhappier.

I wanted Val to see beyond our culture’s emotional boundaries. If I could open him to the possibilities of love, we might both get what we desired from this courtship. First, he had to trust me and I needed to earn that trust. “I was just going over to tell Cooper we had a change in schedule.” I poked him in the stomach. “Some incubus is mixing me all up.”

His scowl grew deeper

“Look, it’s a long story. Maybe over a bottle of wine one night, we can talk about it.”

“Maybe we should conclude the courtship. This seems more convoluted than I’d thought.”

I slammed on my brakes and pulled off the road. “What is your problem? I just don’t get you.”

He leaned forward, pointing his finger at me. “I don’t understand you any better.”

Resisting the urge to bite that offending digit, I forced myself to take a deep breath. “You’d break up with me over this?”

“It’s important, Pia. I need to know I can trust your commitment if we marry. I don’t accept infidelity with any of my wives and even divorced a few because of it.”

I blinked. “Okay.” I pursed my lips, chewing the inside as I stared at him. Divorces happened among our people just like mortal couples—some differences could not be reconciled.

He flopped back against the door, his head leaning on the window as he gazed at the car’s ceiling. “I was intrigued when I found out you only feed from suitors. It seemed… sweet. But after today and yesterday, I find myself unwilling to share you with anyone.”

I opened my mouth but snapped it shut then stared out the windshield at the gravel-strewn shoulder. “Well, how the fuck am I supposed to feed, Val?”

“I don’t mean sexually. You can feed as needed but
as needed. Sex between feedings, with anyone besides me, is as good as cheating.”

“I understand that. My parents sent me to mortal school. They didn’t lock me up in a closet my whole life. I know the rules of how marriages work among our people.”

“What bothers me is your close relationships with these males.”

My already shriveled stomach shrank some more. Any smaller and it would turn into a black hole, consuming me. “You want me to have one-night stands.”

“Like every other succubus I know. Yes. What’s so hard about that?”

Everything. Nothing. “I’m thinking you’re right, Val. I should drive you back to your cold, empty hotel room and we should just call this off.” He wasn’t the one for me. It was obvious. Better to cut ties before I grew more attached. I tried to gear the car back into drive but his hand stopped me.

“If you don’t love them then what is it? Talk to me. It’s what people in
do, isn’t it?”

“I have a contract with each suitor, we stick to it and if we don’t, then I can break it.” Except for Sin; I couldn’t break his. “I get to feed from them and they get to have sex with me. If I start…” I swallowed around a lump in my throat. “If I become too attached to them I might hurt them.” I rubbed at my eyes, cursing my weakness. Why couldn’t I have been born more like Adele or Rose? “But I crave intimacy.”

He gathered my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. “I want more too.” Running his thumb along my cheek, he wiped a stray tear. “I don’t know how to describe what I see when I watch your family together except I want to be part of it. This intimacy you describe. It’s what we shared at dinner last night and at the picnic? I’ve never met anyone like you, Pia.”

I sighed. “You want me to hand over my heart but it’s all broken and duct-taped together. With the slightest wrong move, Val, you’ll crush it. I’m not ready to give it to you yet. That’s asking a lot on the third date, don’t you think?”

He flopped back in his chair again as if I’d pushed him.

“Look if it’s about sex—”

“I don’t cheat on my wives. I’m courting you because I want to add you to the family, not for sex.” He chuckled. “Well, not
for it.”

I finally let go of my death grip on the steering wheel. Family. That was an odd word from Val’s mouth. “I don’t really see what you have with your wives as family. Not unless you have some other home that you share with them?”

“No, I tend to live in hotels. I visit them at their homes or the other way around. Every other family of our race lives like this. Your parents are—different.”

“Yeah, unfortunately they’re the example I grew up with. I expect a lot more from a husband. Maybe you should think about that before preaching to me about my suitors.” I glanced at him. “That’s it, isn’t it? You’d set me up in some apartment after we were married and come visit, but between these visits, you’re afraid of what might develop between me and my suitors since they’re the ones who’d be around for me.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not down with that.”

He tilted his head, the corners of his eyes crinkling in consternation. “What would you want?”

“To live with you, of course, like a husband and wife should, with your other wives if they want.”

He made a strangled noise. “I doubt any of them would desire that.” Drawing closer, he took my hand.

I gazed at the cars speeding by on the highway.

He squeezed it. “What ghosts am I battling, Pia? It’s not fair to expect me to fight for you and not tell me who I’m against. What drives you to these extremes? What has your father so tied in knots when it comes to you?”

“A human male.” I sensed Val grow stiff next to me. “Oh, I don’t love him anymore, but there was a time when I thought the universe revolved around him. Looking back, I see how young and stupid I was. I just don’t want to repeat my mistakes.” The quiet grew heavier as Val waited. I could escape by running out of the car into traffic but even that would be temporary. Eventually, I’d have to talk about it.

He gave me a small reassuring smile. “We were all young once.”

“I never liked feeding from strangers. Impersonal sex left me feeling cheap and empty. To support the need I dated mortals. I was just reaching my maturity and didn’t understand how out of control the need could get. I met Pierre in college. He was a medical student and I was on my way to dropping out.” I had to smile. “He was smart and kind and all the right things a girl could want. I fell hard. We moved in together. My family never knew. They assumed I was still living in the dorms at the college.” It was only after everything fell apart and I was tied to the contract with Sin that my father confessed he’d known. He once loved a mortal too in his youth, before he’d met my mothers, and had learned the value of caring for someone else. But he’d grown up in harder times and developed a stronger soul than mine to deal with the heartbreak.

I was feeble. My mistake had harmed so many, including my father. He blamed himself for my near death experience. That’s how Sin was able to make him sign that contract, proving to my father that love really was a weakness. Guilt now drove Dad to hover and shelter me.

Two years later, those emotions had faded but I should have known better. “I tried really hard to be a good girlfriend. I only fed from him.”

Val gasped. “Pia.”

“I know, I know. Stupid. It almost killed me. But he didn’t know what I was and our laws said I couldn’t tell him. He would have seen it as cheating, so I tried for our sake.”

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