Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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"So, I came here to check in on you seeing as I’ve had no replies to my texts."

"I was busy Jess."

She glances at Jax behind me and quirks an eyebrow.

"I came to check on you because last time you were together you were crying on the floor, but it looks to me like you're getting on just fine."

I bite my lip and try to think what to say, but Jax steps closer and wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Hey Jess, Sam."

Sam and Jax do the man head nod.

"Sorry Kendal, I tried to stop her coming over."

Yeah I bet he did, but Jessica's the type of girl that when she's on a mission - nobody can stop her. Not even Sam. They say their goodbyes and leave.

"I should probably get going too."

"Oh OK."

Damn. I wanted to finish what’ we’d started. Jax gives me a strong armed cuddle and I relax into him.

"Thank you for today baby. I'm gonna be by your side from now on. You can't get rid of me now."

"I wouldn't want too."

I mean it. Seeing Jax and Finley today has made me see they need each other. Jax probably needs Finley more than Finley needs Jax to be honest.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?"

"Half past eight. Why?"

"You better get some sleep then. I'll see you tomorrow."

He gives me a kiss on my mouth and I lean into him, wanting more. Jax leans away chuckling, the bastard knows what he's doing to me.

He gives me one last peck on my mouth before he leaves and gets into his flashy car. I shut the door and hear the roar of the engine as he drives away. Leaving me very unsatisfied.

Chapter 3

When my alarm woke me the next morning I was shocked. That hasn't happened for about two years!

Where is Finley?

I sit up in my bed and look around. As if I'm going to find my son on my bedroom floor or something. I get out of my bed and tip toe over to Finley's room, just in case he's still sleeping.

When I see him sitting on his bed my heart breaks. Finley has his legs crossed with the toy guitar on his lap. His head is bowed down and he keeps flicking the pretend guitar strings. Finley looks so sad it makes me want to cry. I slowly walk into his room but he doesn't even look up.


His head slowly looks up to me and he catches my breath. He's been crying! And I've been sleeping! I quickly walk and sit beside him on the bed. My arms wrap around him and I smooth his hair with my hand.

"What's the matter Finley?"

He snuffles a little so I give him a little kiss on top of his hair.

"My daddy is gone."

Oh my god! My poor little baby boy. He thinks Jax has gone for good. I won't let that happen. Now that they have found each other they will never lose one another. That's my mission for keeping them apart for nearly four years. I scoot away from Finley a little and place my hands on either side of his face.

"No baby he's not gone."

"I went downstairs and daddy gone mummy."

His voice breaks and he rubs his eyes.

"Daddy has gone home to sleep. He has a house with his friends honey. Daddy will be here again when you finish school."

Immediately his tears are gone and he smiles a little weak grin at me.


"Yes. Your daddy is not going away again Finley. He will always want to see you. OK?"

He nods and gives me a cuddle. Maybe I should have explained this to Finley before he went to sleep last night. After all, he did go to sleep while Jax was still here. He was bound to think he would still be here when he woke up.

After breakfast and a few cartoons Finley seems back to himself now.

When I text Jax to tell him what Finley had said this morning he rang me straight away worrying about Finley. They spoke on the phone and ever since Finley has been his usual chirpy self. He's going to be a daddy's boy I know it. I knew he would.

I shout for Finley to come upstairs when I'm ready for work so he can get dressed for school. When I've spiked his hair a little he frowns up at me.

"Why don't daddy live in our house?"

What can I say?

"Erm. Well, Finley, it's because....."

"Logans daddy lives with him and his mummy. And they have a baby. If daddy lives with us will we have a baby? I want a baby mummy."

Oh fucking hell. One thing at a time Finley.

"Logans mummy and daddy live together because they're boyfriend and girlfriend."


I laugh. Give it twelve years or so Finley, then you won't think the idea of girlfriends and kissing is disgusting.

"So if daddy lives here. Daddy would be your boyfriend?"

"Erm. Yes Finley bu-"

"You need to be daddy's girlfriend mummy. So daddy can live here and we can all have a baby."

"What? Finley that's not-"

"I want a sister mummy. Not a brother."

Oh dear Lord what the hell are we talking about?

I manage to take the topic away from babies to Finley's birthday. He wants a party and of course now I have to invite Jax. I wonder how the guests are going to deal with Finley's dad being a rock star. No doubt Rhys, Leo and Max will want to come too. Imagine that article in the paper, hilarious.

When it's 08:25 Finley and I are all ready to leave. I manage to fit in a quick morning cup of tea when there's a knock on the door. What the hell, who can that be?

Nobody comes by in the morning, unless the postman is delivering a package. But I'm not expecting anything today. Finley doesn't move from the TV, he probably hasn't even heard the door.

I'm shocked when I unlock and open the door.


Standing there looking totally fucking sexy is Jax with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

He leans in and gives me a long kiss on the lips. I don't realise that I'm moaning against him until he laughs. I guess I'm still a little sensitive from last night. Those lips of his can work wonders and last night whilst I was lying alone in my bed I ran through all the memories I had stored away.

Jax steps into the hallway while I just stare at him. Why is he here? I told him we leave at this time.

"I decided I wanted to see my little man before he went to school."

On Jax talking Finley had snapped out his cartoon daze and ran out the living room.


Finley runs right up to Jax and grabs his legs. Jax reaches down and lifts him into a hug. I listen as Jax reassures Finley that he's not going anywhere and he will always be with Finley. I can't help but think about what will happen when Jax goes away on tour again. I'm going to be left with a heartbroken Finley. To tell you the truth, I will be sad to see him leave too, it's weird how fast I'm getting used to seeing Jax again. I'm hoping Finley doesn't start talking about Jax moving in and having a little sister. That would be a little awkward.


I already secretly planned to come back here this morning but the look on Kendal's face is fucking priceless. Yesterday was one of the best days in my life, if not

Last night with Kendal was pretty amazing too and I'm glad Jessica came knocking when she did. As much as I would have loved to have had my way with Kendal last night I couldn't. I need to do this the right way. Today is the first step in getting to know my son more, getting Kendal back and therefore having my family. There were times when I daydreamed about still being with Kendal and starting a family and my wish has come true. Kendal doesn't realize but this was my dream. The band, Kendal and us. Having a family and making us permanent.

This morning I wanted to surprise Kendal. The look on her face assures me I have. My son is bouncing in my arms. I look at Finley, my perfect little boy. How many times I imagined what my son would look like, if I had one. Here he is, my little mini me. When Kendal text me earlier telling me what had happened this morning my decision to come back here was final. I won't let him think I'm not here for him.

Finley is beaming a huge smile at me.

"Mummy said I can have a party."

A party? Does he mean a birthday party? Kendal said he was nearly four but I didn't think so soon. Shit, I should have asked when his birthday is last night.

"A party? You're a lucky boy."

I see it's now 08:35 and I know Kendal likes to keep to a time limit. That was always her thing. She hates being late. Kendal is still standing by the open door, silent but smiling at me and Finley.

"Don't you have to get going?"

"Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you two. You look cute together."

She has a little shine in her eyes and I know she's feeling emotional again.

"We have to take this little man to school then."


"Well now I'm here I might as well come with you."

She doesn't need to know I came here for that reason. When I asked her what time she usually leaves in the morning, I knew what I was going to do.

"Erm, OK. Fin come and choose your shoes."

Kendal told me Finley has a certain way with his clothes and shoes and I think it's hilarious. It's only natural my son would have swag. He's three and he knows what clothes he likes and how to wear them. He's one cool kid. I watch as he takes his black high top Converse to Kendal.

Today Finley has long style denim shorts on and a black t-shirt with white skulls on. When he has his shoes tied onto his feet, he dashes upstairs shouting he's forgotten something. Kendal laughs as she grabs her bag and puts on her shoes. She's looking super sexy today in her work uniform. I'm so glad no guys go into her work place because I know they would be fucking all over her.

Finley comes running back down the stairs and I see he now has a black flat peek hat on. On the front is a white star and under the peek is white, this kid has some serious swagger. He looks cool as fuck, better than me actually.

"Wow Finley, you look like a rock star."

"I know because you are."

"He asked me this morning to see pictures of you. So I searched you on the internet."

I cringe. I hope he didn't see the bad ones. Kendal leans close as she walks by me.

"Don't worry, I made sure he only saw certain ones."

Thank fuck for that.

"Yeah daddy. I wanted to see what you wear."

This kid makes me feel like the best fucking man alive more and more.

"I saw the pictures of you and mummy. Will I be in pictures?"

Oh shit. Me and Kendal share a glance. I hadn't thought of the press getting their greedy hands on information about Finley. Lucky I sorted Kendal so they will think she's a long time girlfriend but I need to protect Finley. I won't let him be hurt and I don't want him harassed. Me and Kendal need to talk about this and I need to ring Angie, my Media manager who deals with all this shit.

Kendal reaches for her car keys from the bowl on the kitchen counter and I walk quickly by her side and take her keys from her. She gawps at me and frowns a little.

"Jax what are you doing?"

"I told you, we're taking Finley school."

"Yes but I need my keys to drive."

"Nope. You're coming in my car."

"No I'm not. I need to get to work."

"I know. We're taking Finley to school then I will take you to work."

She rolls her eyes and tries to reach for her keys but I hold them high so she can't reach. I hear Finley giggling.

"Jax come on."

"No, I'm taking you and I'm picking you up from work."

Kendal is now frowning at me. Is it weird that I'm strangely turned on by this?

"You can't take me to and from work. That's ridiculous."

"Call it what you like but it's happening."

I put her keys in the inside pocket of my leather jacket and walk by her.

"I'd hurry if I were you."

I catch a glance of her panicked look when she realizes the time. I try and hold in my smile because I know I'll get my own way. I know how to work Kendal and it feels so fucking good to have her back. Hopefully it won't be too long until she's 100% completely mine. Finley's jumping around in the hallway.

"Yay! Going school in daddy's car!"

Every time I hear Finley call me daddy makes me feel happier than the last. How could my fantasy finally come true?

When me and Finley walk out the house hand in hand I hear Kendal behind me huffing as she locks up her house and gets Finley's car seat. A wild thought pops up when Kendal finally drops herself heavily onto the seat next to me.

"What are you smiling about Jax?"

I can't tell her what I'm really thinking. She will freak out.

"Nothing baby. Now tell me where the little rock stars school is."

Kendal guides me to Finley's school. I'm impressed. Not by what the school looks like, I knew Kendal would choose a good school for our son. It's the fact it's a very private looking building. High fences covered in green shrubbery surround the school so that you can't see through. The front gates are open but Kendal tells me they only open five minutes before you collect the children and the only people who can pick up a child are the people that are listed. I'm pleased with this for security reasons for Finley, seeing as he probably will have his media debut some time soon. Maybe we need to move him to a school that's more experienced with celebrity kids. Is there even such a place?

I'm surprised how emotional this whole first school drop of is. Finley introduces me to all his little friends.

I notice some parents who take in who I really am. They probably didn't think that a rock star would be at a school at 9:00 in the morning. Kendal is off talking to a teacher while I watch Finley walk around his classroom. My kid is seriously fucking cool. He walks around his class with two boys following him everywhere. Little girls taunt him and I see Finley getting annoyed. I can't help but smile thinking about his years to come. His annoyance with girls will only progress as he gets older, only for a whole different reason.

We say our goodbyes to Finley, who gives both me and Kendal huge hugs and wet kisses. When we get back into the car Kendal huffs.

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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