Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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I get to the top of the stairs. It's a small square landing; three walls face me in a box design. Each wall has a door. I can tell the room right in front of me is the bathroom and I poke my head into the room on the left. It's obviously Kendal's, it’s decorated in red and blacks. I walk around and see she has cute little pictures of her and her friends. The flowers I gave her are on a small table in the corner of her room and the picture I had framed for her is in front of them.

I hear the door open downstairs and the sounds of Kendal talking to her mum. Quietly, I walk out onto the landing so I can hear better. My cue to go downstairs, is when Kendal tells Finley that she has someone she wants him to meet.

When I step onto the landing, I look at the third door. That must be Finley's room. I slowly open the door to another small glimpse of Finley. On the wall facing me is red wallpaper with small black guitars and drum kits scattered around. There are boys toys all over. Not in a mess, but where Finley obviously has his fun. I can tell he loves cars, but when I see the blue toy guitar and microphone with stand in the corner - I feel a little emotional. It's only a toy, but I feel as if it links Finley to me. The sound of a door closing downstairs brings me to attention. I walk back onto the landing.

"I can't wait for the cake mummy."

"You can have it after your dinner Finley."

Holy shit! That's my son’s voice. My heart is beating so fast I think it's going to take off. I can't help but smile as I listen to Finley begging Kendal for the cake.

"Later Finley. First there's somebody I want you to meet."

Shit, that's my cue to get downstairs. I've never been so scared.

On my way down, I see Kendal first because she's standing right at the bottom of the stairs. She smiles and reaches out to hold my hand. I'm grateful because my legs have suddenly gone stiff.

Kendal leads me further into the hallway where I see my little boy. I know straight away he's my son, he looks just like me. Poor guy even has the same messy hair as mine. Kendal leaves me and goes over to Finley. I watch as she crouches down to Finley's eye level. Finley looks at Kendal and then back to me. He tilts his head to one side. This little guy is cute as hell.

"Mummy...That man looks like me."

Smart too. I look at Kendal and she's looking right back at me. Her eyes are all shiny with tears. Finley takes his eyes away from me and back to his mum. I'm not going to lie, that felt weird thinking of Kendal as a mum. It's going to take some time getting used to.

"He looks like you baby because he's your daddy."

Kendal is now crying and Finley looks back to me.


I nod at him. How does he know my name? And how did he connect my name to his dad? Finley's eyes go wide and his face lights up in excitement.


I nod again with a little smile but I can feel my mouth shaking a little. Fuck I can't cry. Finley's going to think I'm a pussy. Suddenly, Finley has his arms out and running towards me. I crouch down in time for him to run straight into my arms. He wraps his little arms around my neck and squeezes.

"Mummy said I would see my daddy soon."

"I'm here buddy."

I hold Finley tight against me. I open my eyes and see Kendal crying her eyes out watching us. Finley pulls back and looks up at me. His eyes roam all over me - from my hair, down my body, all over my tattoos and to my shoes.

"My daddy is the coolest!"

I hear a sound from Kendal – a mixture of a sob and a laugh. I feel proud Finley already thinks I'm cool. He doesn't even know how cool I can be. I've missed four years of his life and I'm going to try my best to make up for that.

Chapter 2

"You're a rock star?"

I nod with a massive grin on my face. Kendal laughs beside me. I love how Finley is looking at me in awe. Just how a boy should look at his dad. We're sat around Kendal's kitchen table eating a pizza that I paid for. Me and Kendal had a little disagreement about who was going to pay. I won!

I've spent all afternoon with Kendal and Finley. Kendal hasn't really said much, just sat back and watched me and Finley. Conversation has moved onto me being in a band because Finley wanted to show me his guitar after the pizza. Kendal told Finley that I had a guitar of my own – so Finley’s never ending questions began again.

"Yeah, I'm in a band called Decoy. I sing and play the guitar."

Finley gasps with his mouth wide open. Good job Finley has no food in his mouth.

"Like me daddy!"

I swear every time he calls me daddy my chest puffs out in pride. The way Finley looks at me makes me feel like I’m the best man in the world. I love him so much already it's unreal. Kendal laughs again and takes a bite out of her pizza. How can a woman look sexy eating pizza? I had to hold back a groan of need when I walked into the kitchen before we ate. She had wandered off, leaving me and Finley alone, so I went to find her. When I walked into the kitchen, she was picking up some of Finley's toy off the floor. Her perfect-plump-behind was high in the air.

After spending some hours with Finley, I realised that I love her even more. Not only has she brought my son into the world, but she did it alone. Kendal has raised an awesome little boy, I'm so proud of her. My anger has all gone. Apart from the bit where she left me.

"Mummy? Can I get my guitar?"

"Have you finished your pizza?"

"Yep. All full."

"Then yes you can."

He jumps down from the chair and darts out the room. I see Kendal look at me out the corner of her eye. I rest my arm on the back of her chair and lean in close, so my nose touches the bottom of her ear. I feel her shiver.

"You're a fucking fantastic woman."

Kendal turns to face me. Her eyebrows frowning a little.


I look down to her luscious lips and fight not to take them when she runs her tongue along them. Our faces are so close that I could attack them.

"I said you're fucking fantastic Kendal."

Before anything else can be said, Finley shouts from his room.


I smile and Kendal giggles. Kendal stands and walks to the bottom of the stairs.

"What's the matter Fin?"

There's just silence. Me and Kendal look at each other through the doorway and wait for a reply.

"No, I need my daddy."

Kendal huffs and walks back into the kitchen. She has a smile on her face as she picks up the takeaway boxes.

"Your son needs you Jax."

I still can't believe all of this. It's unreal, but I get up and walk towards the stairs with a big stupid smile on my face.

When I pass Kendal, I let my hand innocently glide across her bum-cheek softy. I feel Kendal freeze and hold back a laugh.

What I see when I go into Finley's bedroom - makes my smile widen. He has his guitar under one arm and holding a microphone, whilst trying to keep a hold of the microphone stand too. The poor guy.

"I need help daddy."

I take everything off him, hold the toys under one arm and lift Finley in the other.

"Wow daddy, you're strong!"

My life has definitely changed for the better.


I watch Jax run up the stairs to help Finley. It was so cute when Finley asked for Jax and the excited look on Jax's face was adorable. Having him around the house hasn't been weird at all. In fact it's felt quite nice. Finley hasn't found it all weird at all
he has taken to Jax so well. Like he's always had Jax in his life, which is good for everyone.

I'm putting plates into the sink when I hear Finley’s laughter. I turn around and my heart leaps out my chest for two completely different reasons. One reason is because Jax is holding the toys under one arm and Finley under the other. His muscles are bulging through his top. Wow, he looks so good in that tight white shirt!

The other reason is because Finley looks so happy and Jax is looking down at him with the same smile. Jax sets the toys down and adjusts Finley so he's holding him upright.

"Jax don't move."

I grab my phone and snap a picture of them both smiling at me. I look at the picture and feel all kinds of emotions. Their first picture as father and son.

"You OK mummy?"

I look up from the picture and to Jax and Finley. Jax sets Finley down and picks up his toys.

"Come on buddy, how about you set up and wait for me and your mum OK?"

Finley nods and follows Jax into the living room. As soon as I'm alone I feel my tears. I'm sick to death of crying all the time! Before I can wipe them away Jax reappears in the kitchen.


"I'm fine."

"No you're not. What's wrong?"

I can hear Finley playing his guitar and singing loudly.

"I feel like shit. You two are perfect together. You should have had years of this, not a couple of hours."

He takes me into his arms and holds the back of my head so I can't escape.

"I'm happy Kendal. Now come on, our son is waiting to perform."

That whole sentence felt bizarre. It's going to take some getting used too.

"You're loving the fact Finley thinks your a God, aren't you?"

He holds me at arms length and beams the totally charming Jax Parker smile. I admit. I swoon.

"A God huh?"

My damn cheeks burn. Jax just laughs at me and holds my hand as we walk into the living room - where Finley is waiting excitedly. We both take our seats on the sofa, Jax sits very close, one of his arms goes around my back and his hand rests on the top of my thigh. Very smooth Jax! When I give him a questioning look, he just lifts an eyebrow in a sexy manor. That's right, even Jax's eyebrows are sexy! Finley starts jumping around and shouting. He’s totally oblivious to the change of atmosphere between me and Jax.


An hour later, Finley’s very loud performance has ended and it was time to settle him down. Jax had a glimpse into his certain stubbornness in his wardrobe area. Yes, he still has total control when he selects his pajamas. Jax had a lot of fun tormenting Finley with his pajamas, mixing them up, nearly causing Finley’s head to explode.

Now I'm listening into Jax reading Finley his bedtime story. I thought I would feel a little jealous of Jax reading to him, but I'm pleased to say that I don't. Listening to Jax reading - has made me so happy. There were some nights after I had read to Finley and he had fallen asleep, that I would think about Jax. I would think about where he was and what he was doing. Other times I wondered if he would’ve loved Finley’s bedtime routine as much as me. By the enthusiasm Jax is putting into reading the book, I would say he does.

I take a quick peek and see Jax is laying next to Finley on his bed, with his head angled up on the headboard. Finley’s little head is peaking over his quilt, resting on the crook of Jax's arm that is behind his head - with his eyes closed. Jax looks up at me and winks. I feel so guilty not telling him sooner. Finley should have had Jax in his life a lot sooner.

I leave Jax to it and creep downstairs. I sit in the living room and check my phone. I have a few messages from the girls to see if I'm OK.

Five minutes later Jax returns from Finley’s room looking very happy with himself.

"I didn't think I would enjoy that so much."

I know exactly what he means. As a parent it's a wonderful feeling reading as your child falls asleep. Giving them that kiss on their forehead and tucking them in.

"I know."

He comes to sit beside me.

"Thanks Kendal. Today's been fantastic. Finley's an awesome kid."

"It's OK. He's loved today as much as you have. He will be sad to see you gone in the morning."

Shit, I shouldn't have said that! It makes it sound like I want him to stay. Well, I do, but he doesn't need to know that. Jax looks at me and smiles a little. It's not a happy smile. I've upset him.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's just….I was wondering, when can I see him again?"

"Well, he has school tomorrow. You can come with me to pick him up if you like?"

His smile is back and I'm relieved.

"That’s great. Where shall I meet you?"

We agree to meet at my work so Jax can follow me there. I finish at 3:00 tomorrow, just in time to be able to fetch Finley. We start to laugh about old times; I fall back against the back of the sofa laughing so hard. Jax is still sitting forward looking at me with a heated look. I’d know that look anywhere. It does delicious things to my body and my stomach tightens in anticipation.

"You don't know how many times I thought about seeing you again."

"You did?"

He nods and leans in a little closer. Oh my, can I kiss him again? I lick my lips and his eyes watch my tongue.

"I thought a lot about you too."

"Did you now?"

He flashes that cocky grin at me before he closes the space between us, and he kisses me with enough passion to light a fire. His tongue demands attention from mine. I hear myself sigh, Jax feels so good. He pushes me to lie down on the sofa and Jax falls on top, supporting his weight with his arms. How many times have I fantasied about this over the last four years? Too many times!

I grab onto either side of his face and deepen the kiss; his grunt of approval pushes me on to let my hands wander over his muscled body. I grab onto his tight arse and Jax presses his groin into me, I groan in need. The last time I had sex was with Harley, over six months ago. When I feel Jax's hard cock against me, I pull down on his arse to make his hardness press into me more. Jax trails his kisses onto my jaw and neck, it feels so good. I need more. Jax whispers against my skin.

"I've missed you so bad baby."

"Me too."

I grab his face again and pull him back to my lonely mouth. I’m about to demand that Jax end’s my burning need – when there is a knock on the front door.

"You expecting anyone?"

I shake my head but I can't ignore it. I get up on my shaky legs and gather myself together. I walk to my door with Jax behind me. I'm surprised to see its Jessica with Sam standing behind her - looking like he really doesn't want to be here.

BOOK: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)
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