Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..." (3 page)

BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
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Before enrolling in a yoga class, apply the examples shown on your video or book. Practice the poses at home. This way, you will be more confident in your first yoga class since you’re already familiarized with a few moves.


Find yoga classes in your area. Choose the teacher with whom you have the best rapport. Try to ask your friends, colleagues or family for recommendation.

Before attending a yoga class…

Now you have finally chosen a yoga class to enroll to. Before attending your first session, there are certain things that you need to prepare yourself for. Use the following tips as guidelines for a more enjoyable yoga experience.  


The best time of the day for yoga is early morning (before breakfast time) or late in the evening.


For easy and convenient movement, it is advisable to wear comfortable and loose clothing. Avoid wearing any accessory since this will just get in the way of your poses.


To avoid any inconveniences during yoga class, make sure to empty your bladder and bowels. Make it a point to observe this habit before attending your yoga class.


Since yoga sessions are performed in sequence, refrain from getting late for class.


Avoid any food intake approximately 2 hours prior to your yoga class. This is to keep you from feeling heavy and tired during the session. If you have to take something, simply go for a light snack.


Take time to master the basic poses first before moving on to the more complex ones. Never rush yourself. It isn’t surprising at all if you encounter difficulties in your first few attempts. Even the most basic yoga poses takes time and constant practice before you can master them.



Other things that must be considered when doing yoga…

Yoga, just like any form of physical activity, could expose you to risks or injuries if not executed the right way. As a beginner, you need to know what you can possibly do to protect yourself.


Inform your yoga teacher regarding any health condition you may be suffering from. This way, you will be guided accordingly as to how to modify different poses to complement your condition.


Any health condition or permanent injury may end up getting worse with yoga, without proper guidance that is. To avoid this, refer to your doctor first before enrolling in yoga so you’ll know what poses are allowed and which ones to avoid.


Be attentive to what your body is telling you when doing yoga. Never disregard any feeling of pain. This may be a warning sign that you’re not doing the particular pose properly. Bring this to your teacher’s attention.


Never force your body to do something beyond its limits. You may want to do the poses exactly the way the instructor is doing it, or how it’s shown on the book or video. You may feel awkward with how you do it, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not executing the pose right. In time, you will look as good as the yoga video you are watching or just like your yoga instructor.

Warm-up Exercises

efore doing any form of physical exercise, it is always advised to do deep stretching to warm up the muscles for increased flexibility. This is always observed in every yoga class. In this chapter I listed the most common yoga warm-up exercises.

Forward Bends


Widen stance with feet pointed forward.


Keep both legs and knees straight.


Breathe in. Slowly stretch your back up. Keep both arms straight and extend above the head.


Breathe in. Slowly bend forward, still keeping the back straight. If possible, try touching the ground.


Try pulling your head down through the legs. You can use your arms and abs for this to help achieve this.


Hold and stay in this position for 10 counts.



Back Bends


Widen stance, 1 meter apart. Keep feet pointed forward.


Put hands over buttocks with fingers pointing at the floor.


Pull elbows and shoulders back to open chest.


Slowly breathe in.


Bend as far as comfort allows.


To stay balanced, bend the knees to deepen stretch.


Breathe slowly and normally. Stay in position for 10 counts.


Release. Slowly bring your body to stand straight.

Arm Swings

Hold arms at shoulder level.


Swing forward and backward.


Cross arms in the front and in the back.


Repeat step 10 times.

Hip Rotation

Put hands on the hips.


Make big hip circle rotations all the while keeping legs straight. Do the rotations as far out as you possibly can.


Do clockwise hip rotations 10 times.


Do counterclockwise hip rotations 10 times.

Full Body Traction

Stand straight keeping feet together.


Interlock both hands and raise arms overhead with palms facing up.


Bring arms close to ears. Breathe in.


Rise on tiptoes pulling stomach in.


Hold position for 10 counts.


Slowly exhale for release as you put your heels back on the ground.


Repeat process 10 times.

Arm Rotation
BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
12.3Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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