One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance)
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Each movement pushes him closer and closer to the brink. He’s going to come soon, and he wants to be inside of her when he does.

,” he manages. “I want inside of you.”

She must see the desperation in Jason’s eyes, because she lifts off of him with a quick pop of her mouth, then gives him a long, slow kiss, grinding against him
where he wants to be.

,” he says again, not missing the fact that even though he wanted her to beg him for more, he’s entirely happy that the tables have turned. “Ride me.”

Blessedly, she gives in, and Jason’s head lolls back as she slowly lowers herself down onto him. He lets out a long, unsteady breath. Thinks,
This feels like home

He pushes himself up, and sits cross-legged, wrapping Kaia’s legs around his waist until she’s comfortable situated in his lap. He can’t get as deep in this position, but the intimacy of it is what he’s craving. Kaia rotates her hips, sometimes alternating the motion as he gets lost in the paradise of her body. She wraps her arms around him, their chests rubbing together as they move,
his thumb rubbing quick circles on her clit, making her back arch and her breathing ragged.

Jason kisses her breasts, up the valley between them, before settling on her perfect lips.

Neither one of them is in any particular hurry to come, but eventually it becomes impossible not to chase the pleasure that’s building up inside of them.

“Jason,” Kaia breathes, as she presses her forehead against his. “I need…”

“What? What do you need?”

,” she begs.

She rocks against him desperately, and he picks up the pace to help her along. He’s steadily losing the thread, but he’s going to hang on until she comes.

“Come on,” he whispers, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. Then he sucks on the sensitive part of her neck, and she’s coming, holding onto him for dear life as her hips rock onto his. He fucks her through it, unable to hold on much longer, burying his face in her neck as he spills into her.

They collapse onto the bed, still tangled around each other, Kaia’s head pillowed on his chest.

“Wow,” she says, smiling.

“Wow,” he replies, because he’s too blissed out to think of any other words right now, and that one covers it just as well as any others would.

She grins, and snuggles up closer.

“Thank you,” he whispers, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“For what?” she asks, eyebrows drawn together.

“For being here. For loving me.”

Kaia balances herself on her elbow, then slides her hand up his chest until she’s cupping his cheek. She leans in and gives him a soft kiss.

“There isn’t anywhere else I’d rather be, or anything else I’d rather be doing.”

He smiles against her mouth.

“Would you do something for me?” he asks.

Kaia nods. “Anything.”

“Come to California with me. I need to go and talk to Elise.”


“So, you’re not ever coming back, right?” Janine asks, as she fiddles with the zipper pull on Kaia’s suitcase, which is lying open on top of her bed.

“What?” Kaia asks. Her voice is muffled from somewhere in her closet, where she’s trying to decide whether she should bring the red dress, or the blue one. Then she realizes that she and Jason are flying to California on his
private jet
, so she can bring whatever in the hell she wants.

She takes them both off of their hangers, and tosses them over her arm before walking back into her bedroom.

“You’re not coming back, are you?”

Kaia laughs. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Janine reaches up and twirls a lock of hair between her fingers. “Cause a hot, rich guy who’s totally in love with you is taking you to San Francisco on a private jet. Why would you come home after that? He’s probably got some ridiculous, to-die-for oceanfront mansion that you’re going to fall in love with and never come back.”

“Wow,” Kaia says, carefully folding the dresses and placing them in her bag. She walks over to Janine, and makes a show of putting her hand on her forehead, like she’s checking for a fever. “Are you feeling okay?”

“No!” Janine says with a laugh. “It’s happening. I mean, I’ve been prepared for this for a while now, but…it’s really happening.”

Kaia is completely lost. “I have
idea what you’re talking about.”

Janine shakes her head, and gives Kaia a soft, sad smile. “Don’t mind me. Just having some weird best-friend-slash-roommate separation anxiety. It’ll pass.”

“What’s really going on?” Kaia asks, as she takes a seat next to her friend.

“I’m just sad,” Janine says with a little shrug. “You’re leaving.”

Still completely perplexed, Kaia says, “Yes. To California. But it’s just for a few days. I’ll be back on Monday.”

“But you won’t be back here.”

“I’ll stay at Jason’s for a while, yeah.”

Janine gives her a sideways glance. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

“That I’ll be staying at Jason’s?”

Janine laughs. “No, that you’ll start staying at Jason’s more and more, and then you’re basically just paying rent for a place to keep your stuff. It’s like…it’s like a really expensive closet.”

“You’re getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”

With a little shake of her head, Janine says, “Nah. I think you’re a little behind. It’s already started, Kaia. And I’m happy for you, I really am. I’m just…it’s totally selfish, and I get that. I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m just a little sad for me. I feel like I’m losing you.”

“You’re not losing me,” Kaia says emphatically.

“The last time we had a movie night was when Jason fucked up and you found out he had secret security guards tailing you.”

Surely that couldn’t be right. But when Kaia stopped and thought about it, she realized that Janine was right.

“Oh god. Janine, I’m-”

“It’s okay,” she says, finally smiling. “I don’t know if you’re in some kind of denial, or just really incredibly dense, but you and Jason, you’re…you’re it for each other.”

Kaia is neither of those things. She’s just been afraid to talk about everything that’s going on because it’s perfect right now. And she’s worried that if she voices how perfect it is…something will go wrong.

Which is ridiculous, of course. But she and Jason have been through so much together in such a short amount of time, she doesn’t want anything to jinx it.

But none of that excuses her for not making time for her best friend.

“When you come back, you’re basically going to be living together,” Janine continues. “And you’re totally going to get married. Which I honestly can’t wait for, because I know the bridesmaids dresses will be killer, and the meal will be amazing, no doubt. So, I’m excited about all those things, but…I just want to make sure there’s room for me in all of it.”

“Of course there’s room for you in it,” Kaia assures her, leaning over and wrapping her arms around her friend. “I promise I’m going to be better about finding a balance here.” Her work is picking up; new jobs are flowing in almost faster than she can handle them, but if she’s going to make this all work, she’s got to learn how to maintain a healthy balance.

And that starts with making that commitment right now.

“We’ll make time for girl time,” Kaia suggests.

“Like a platonic date night?”

With a laugh, Kaia replies, “Yeah, something like that.”

“Okay,” Janine agrees. “I think that would work.”

“We’ll make it work.”

Janine bumps Kaia’s shoulder with hers. “Yeah, we will. Know what would make it easier to spend time together?”

Kaia knows she’s up to something, but she plays along anyway. “What’s that?”

“If you…I don’t know, set me up with one of Jason’s hot, eligible bachelor friends? Or even the head secret bodyguard.”

“Paul?” Kaia asks, incredulous.

“Yeah! He was pretty cute.”

Kaia laughs. “I’ll look into it.”

That placates her. “Cool. I’m going to nag you about it again, just F-Y-I.”

“I would expect nothing less.”

“I’m going to get serious for a minute.”

That makes Kaia sit up straight, preparing herself for whatever’s coming next. With Janine, she never can be too sure.

“Despite what I said earlier,” she begins, taking Kaia’s hand. “He makes you happy. And that makes me happy.”

happy. I never thought we’d get here, but…”

“Here you are.”

Kaia nods. “Yeah.”

“There’s nothing I’d want more.”

“Except for a…what was it? A hot, eligible bachelor friend?”

Janine laughs. “

“I’ll see what I can do.”

* * * * *

From the terrace of Elise’s gorgeous condo, Kaia can see the Golden Gate Bridge. Kaia’s lounging on one of the most comfortable chairs she’s ever had the pleasure of sitting in, sipping one of the best wines she’s ever tasted.

Elise is sitting on the chaise next to her, doing the same.

Jason is inside, taking care of some business that needed to be tended to when they landed.

A billionaire’s work is never done, it seems.

“This view is gorgeous.”

Elise smiles. “Isn’t it? I’ve lived in this city my whole life, and I don’t think I’ll ever tire of it.”

“I can’t imagine you would. I’ve only lived in New York for a couple of years, but I feel that way about Central Park. That piece of heaven right in the city. It’s one of my favorite places, and I don’t think that’ll ever change.”

“It’s nice to have your own little sanctuary.”

“I think we can toast to that?”

Elise smiles, and gently taps her glass against Kaia’s.

“I’m incredibly sorry that we didn’t get the chance to spend more time together when we met.”

Kaia shifts in her seat, feeling ever-so-slightly uncomfortable that Elise has decided to broach this subject with her. She was hoping Jason would talk to her about it and that would be that, considering that conversation is the whole reason why they’re here in the first place.

“I’m sorry, too.”

“I’m embarrassed of what happened that night. That you had to witness it.”

Kaia gets the sense that Elise might be trying to break the ice here, hoping that Kaia will give her some insight into what Jason’s thinking. About how he’s feeling about the whole thing. Of course she’s on edge, and Kaia would like to soothe her frazzled nerves if she can.

She wonders if she can do that without taking some of the wind out of Jason’s sails, or betraying his confidence.

“I don’t think you have anything to be embarrassed about. Wanting to protect the people we love makes us do some crazy things sometimes,” she says, thinking back on the whole security detail debacle. Even though Jason still insists on keeping Paul and company around, just in case, it was an eye-opening exercise in learning the lengths to which Jason would go to hold on to someone he cares about.

It doesn’t surprise her at all that he would’ve learned something like that from Elise.

“Yes, it can. Doesn’t make it right, though.”

Kaia nods. “I think it’s easy to forgive someone for loving you so much that they’d be willing to do whatever it was they thought was right for you, no matter how difficult. Even though those things might change over time.”

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance)
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