One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance)
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Jason grins. “He does.” He needs her more than she’ll probably ever know. He brushes her hair to the side, so he can suck on her neck.

She melts into him as his hand slides up beneath her shirt, and he cups her breast.

“Make me forget,” he whispers. “Make me forget about the world for a little while.”

Kaia slides off his lap, and leads him over to the couch, where he sits down in front of her. Her long hair is all messy and sexy, and the v-neck of his t-shirt is hanging off of her shoulder.

He wants nothing more in this moment more than he wants her. In any and every way.

She drops down to her knees, then leans forward and scrapes her nails down his chest, over battered, scarred flesh that she treats like it was smooth as silk.

He relaxes into the cushions, watching the way Kaia’s fingers trip along the waistband of his pants. She tugs them down until his erection springs free, and she gives him a lascivious smile as she takes his cock in her hand.

She opens her mouth, flicks her tongue across his tip, then rubs it along the sensitive underside.

Jason sucks in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, and slides his fingers through her hair as she takes him in her mouth.

He’s seen it countless times at this point, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever see anything sexier than Kaia’s lips wrapped around him.

He wants to tell her that. He wants to tell her so many things.

Instead, he lets himself get lost in the warm pleasure of her mouth, and tries not to think for a while.

* * * * *

“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would,” Chase says, as he cuts a piece of steak and pops it into his mouth. “I’m still fucking floored.”

Jason grins, and settles back into the booth, before taking a sip of his beer. It’s been too long since the two of them have had a casual lunch together. He’s going to have to make an effort to make this a regular thing.

“I’ve had a few days to let it sink in.”

“I can’t believe it,” he says, shaking his head. “All this time.”

Jason nods. “All this time.”

“Elise must’ve been pretty gutted to tell you all that,” Chase says. He’s spent a fair bit of time with Elise throughout the years, and knows that she thinks of Jason as her own son.

“She was,” he replies, feeling regret settle in his bones. “I haven’t spoken to her since.”

Chase furrows his brow, and Jason knows what he’s going to say. He’s going to reprimand him for shutting her out.

“I just asked her for a little time,” he says quickly, wanting to spare Chase the lecture. “I was completely blindsided by it, and after the night I’d had, tensions were running high. It was better that way.”

Chase nods. “I’ve seen you angry, and I tend to agree. Better to get some space than say something you’d regret. Figure out what you’re gonna do about it yet?”

With a halfhearted shrug, Jason says, “Not yet.” It’s not like he’s planning to give her the silent treatment forever. He just needs some time to

“Anything she kept hidden, man, you know she did it because she thought it was what was best for you, right?”

Deep down, Jason knows that.

“And I’m not trying to guilt trip you,” Chase continues, “but my mom told me she’s pretty torn up.”

That surprises him. “Your mom knows?”

“No, no.” Chase puts his beer down and waves his hand. “She asked me if you’d talked to Elise lately, because she’s been kind of down lately. Not herself. She won’t tell my mom what’s wrong, though.”

That hits Jason harder than he anticipated. He loves Elise, he doesn’t want her hurting. Especially not when she only did what she thought was best for him, both in hiding the truth, and then in revealing it.

“I won’t let it fester,” Jason assures his friend. “I’ll get in touch with her.”

Chase grins. “Good. Seems like progress for you. Not too long ago, it probably would’ve taken years for you to come around.”

Jason grins and nods, taking his friend’s gentle teasing in stride.

“Things are…it’s easier with Kaia. Now that everything’s out in the open, she…she helps me in ways I never thought someone could.”

“I never thought I’d see the day,” Chase replies, gently shaking his head as he raises his beer to his lips. “You, settling down, and not even seeming the least bit freaked out by it.”

“I’m not freaked out at all. It’s actually nice.”

Chase dramatically clutches his chest. “Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”

“You better be careful,” Jason says, picking up his bottle, and pointing the neck in Chase’s direction. “If I fall into domestic bliss, I might just start trying to set you up.”

“Double dating.” Chase shivers, and makes a little retching noise.

“One day, it’ll hit you before you even know it.”

“Not a chance. I’m glad you’re happy, though. You deserve it, after everything.”

“I am happy. And I want you to meet her.”

Chase nods. “Name the time, name the date. I’m there.”


The time is 7PM. The date is that Sunday.

And Kaia’s so nervous that she wants to crawl out of her skin. Jason has two people in his life that he’s incredibly close to. She’s already met Elise, and liked her, and is well on her way to helping Jason mend his relationship with her.

Chase is the second. His oldest, dearest friend. She wants to make a good impression. She desperately wants Chase to like her.

She’s pretty sure Elise does, so she’s at least doing well in that department.

It doesn’t do anything to calm her nerves as far as Chase is concerned, and she’s not even really
doing anything
for this get together. Jason ordered dinner, it’s on its way. The red is uncorked and on the counter breathing.

The table is set, waiting for the food to be delivered.

All Kaia has to do is wait.

She chooses to do her waiting in front of the mirror that hangs on the back of Jason’s bedroom door, checking that her hair is in place, that her dress isn’t wrinkled.

It’s not like she’s trying to look good for Chase, she’s just trying to look good,
. Both his and Jason’s romantic histories have been splashed across the pages of the city tabloids. She’s not trying to compare to those other women, exactly, it’s just that she knows there have been a lot of others, and she wants to rate somewhere.

It’s ridiculous, she knows this. She has Jason’s heart and commitment, and that’s the most important part. There’s just a not-so-small part of her that wants his friend to agree with his choices.

Some wine would probably help stop this train of thought right in its station.

“Relax,” Jason says, walking up behind her. His presence startles her. It doesn’t take long until she’s calmed by the look in his eyes.

Appreciative. Wanting.

He’s dressed casually, in a Henley and a nice-fitting pair of jeans. She’s wearing her favorite sheath dress. Not too fancy, but she looks like she gives a damn about her appearance, which is what she’s going for.

It’s black, and hugs all the right curves. Jason loves it on her, which was one of the reasons she chose it, if she’s being honest.

“You look beautiful,” he says, clasping her wrist as she goes to smooth over her skirt for the thousandth time. “Amazing.” He leans down and presses a kiss against her bare shoulder. “Gorgeous.”

“If you’re not careful, your friend is going to walk in on something pretty indecent.”

He laughs, a hot breath that glides across her skin. “He’s not going to just walk in. The door’s locked.”

Kaia arches against Jason’s chest as he sucks on the curve of her neck. His hand slides up to her breast, and right on cue, the doorbell rings.

Kaia pulls away from Jason with a laugh, and he just lets out a long-suffering groan.

“What’s the opposite of being saved by the bell?”

With an angry little grumble, Jason replies, “Cockblocked by the bell?”

“If tonight goes well, I just might make it up to you.”

Jason’s eyes light up. “Promise?”

Kaia shakes her head, takes his hand, and leads him to the front door. “C’mon.”

* * * * *

“I’m so glad I’m finally getting the chance to meet you,” Chase says with a genuine smile.

He’s sitting across from her at Jason’s table, empty takeout containers and empty plates all around them.

They’ve gotten into the wine, and all the nervousness Kaia felt earlier has melted away. It’s a little bit because of the alcohol, and a little bit because Chase is even more charming and friendly than Kaia could’ve imagined.

Things are going
well, and she doesn’t feel at all like a third wheel, which is something she really worried about.

“It’s good to finally meet you, too.”

“I told Jason that I’ve never seen him this happy. I was almost convinced that you weren’t real. This is one instance where I’m happy to be proven wrong.”

“I’m very real,” she replies, sliding her hand down to cover her stomach. “And very stuffed. That was delicious.”

“It was,” Jason agrees.

“Knowing the owners helps,” Chase explains, leaning back in his chair. “One call, and they’ll make anything for you. Just tell them you want a special meal for dinner with a special woman.”

There isn’t an ounce of flirtation in the way he says those words, but Kaia feels a smile creeping across her lips just the same. She can’t help but laugh, and shake her head.

“What?” Chase asks.

“You’re very charming.”

Jason laughs. “He’s laying it on a little thick this evening.”

Kaia turns her head so she can get a good look at Jason, where he’s sitting beside her. She narrows her eyes. “You don’t think I’m a special woman?”

He leans in and gives her a quick peck. “You’re the most special woman I know,” he replies quickly. “But I’m the only one in this room who’s allowed to think that.”

Kaia doesn’t mind Jason’s possessive streak, really. In fact, she thinks she quite likes it when it comes out amongst friends. Especially when it makes him slide his arm along the back of her chair, and gently trail his fingertips up and down her bare arm like he’s doing right now.

Yeah, she likes that
a lot

She smiles despite herself, and looks between the two old friends. “You two together are quite a force to be reckoned with.”

“It’s a good thing we went to college across the country from each other,” Chase says with a laugh. “The world might never have recovered. In prep school, though? That’s a different story.”

“We were partners in crime,” Jason replies.

“Yep.” Chase nods, then takes a sip of his wine. “We got into a ton of trouble.”

“And charmed our way out of it.”

all of it,” Chase amends.

Kaia figured as much. Chase and Jason are so naturally charismatic individually, and she’s only just starting to get a taste of what a force that is when they’re together. She can only imagine how concentrated the powers are when they’re together and actually

“What kind of trouble did you two get into?”

Chase laughs. “Oh, you know. Typical asshole teenager stuff. Breaking into the headmaster’s office and bringing his furniture out onto the school’s front lawn, ditching school to steal my father’s boat and take it for a spin on the bay.”

Kaia laughs so loud and so suddenly that she actually has to cover her mouth.

“What?” Jason and Chase say simultaneously, both looking pretty confused. It’s cute, Kaia thinks.

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire: Book Four (A Billionaire Romance)
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