Read More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5) Online

Authors: Anna Lowe,Elianne Adams,Vella Day,Cristina Rayne,Sloane Meyers,Amber Ella Monroe,D.D. Miers,Emma Alisyn,J.K. Harper,Jacqueline Sweet,Kallysten,Kayleigh Malcolm,Kim Faulks,Marie Mason,Olivia Arran,Sloane Meyers

More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5)
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It was the sexiest thing Sebastian had ever seen in his life. His hands clutched her hips so tightly where they fused together he thought he might be hurting her, but her eyes were still latched on his, wide and vulnerable yet also heavy with longing. “Lacey,” he groaned, fighting the deep unfurling inside he knew was his dragon. Desperate to get out. To surge forth and claim this woman.

She moved her hips just slightly, his name tumbling off her lips again in a fierce, impatient whimper, and he was lost. Something hot and rich and dark moved through him, gaining force and power as it unleashed savage emotions that shattered his control over himself.

Possession. Yearning. Tenderness. Primitive desire. The undeniable need to thrust into her again and again, to drive himself so deeply into her that he would mark her as his.

His thinking brain pretty much shut down, operating from a place of untamed urgency that blasted through him like a dragon in exultant flight, Sebastian did exactly that. As he plunged into her slick heat, Lacey met him each time, even when he slammed into her so hard he thought he might slide them both across the massive desk. Her eyes still on his, face flushed to a rosy glow, she fought to keep her eyelids from fluttering shut as she panted from her beautifully open mouth.

“Sebastian.” Her voice, throaty and uninhibited, whispered over him like a thousand tiny shimmering wings, leaving goose bumps in their wake as he tightly held onto her. “Sebastian!” she screamed, still looking at him even though he could tell she was about to fracture apart and tumble over the edge.

White-hot lightning crackled and seared through him as everything important in the world suddenly coalesced into this one moment with this one woman. “Yes,” he growled back, hearing his dragon’s deep bass shudder through his own voice. “With you. Lacey, yes, Lacey!” he shouted, watching her face tense and stretch into sheer ecstasy as her sweet inner muscles abruptly convulsed around him.

His voice was a hoarse, guttural yell as he exploded inside her, feeling her shudder around him as she gasped and keened, never once dropping the scorching gaze they held with one another despite feeling like his eyes might roll back in his head from the gorgeous force of his release.

Still caught in the orgasm, feeling Lacey still shake against him as she half-cried his name in whimpering sobs of bliss, Sebastian dropped onto her, bringing his lips to her neck. Powerless to stop himself. He didn’t want to stop. Everything in it felt deeply, perfectly right.

His thrilled, defiantly roaring dragon side bent his head down, opened his mouth to send superheated breath onto her delicate neck.

Etching a shadow of his name into her skin, her bones, her soul, with the fire of his heart.

Claiming this woman, and only this woman, as being irrevocably his.

Damn the consequences.

From the Author

To find out what happens to Sebastian and Lacey as they battle black market enemies as well as their own reckless desires, pick up a copy of
, the first book in J.K. Harper's new dragon shifter series.

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Fresh Air

A sizzling bear shifter romance to make your heart soar!

by Sloane Meyers

A bonus epilogue to
Grizzly Flying High

Part of the
Air Bear Shifters

About this scene

Alpha Grizzly Shifter, Sawyer Williams, and his lifemate, Amanda, were lucky enough to find each other in the wilds of Alaska several years ago. But the passage of time hasn’t done anything to dampen their fervor for each other, and Sawyer has a special, sexy surprise planned for their anniversary…

In this all new bonus epilogue to
Grizzly Flying High
, readers get an exclusive glimpse into Sawyer and Amanda’s happily ever after. Sawyer uses his exceptional piloting skills to fly Amanda to a secret spot where they can be alone and reconnect with the passion that first brought them together.

Fresh Air
A bonus epilogue to
Grizzly Flying High

Amanda Williams adjusted her headset as the Cessna 182 rose above the runway and quickly began climbing into the Alaskan air. This aircraft was the newest in the small fleet of airplanes that her lifemate, Sawyer, maintained for his air tour company. Usually, on a beautiful July day like today, he would have been ferrying tourists around so they could take in the spectacular wilderness views from the air. But since today was the anniversary of the day he and Amanda had met, Sawyer had surprised her by taking the day off from work to give her a private tour in his new plane.

So much had changed since the day destiny brought Sawyer across Amanda’s path. Amanda had made the big decision to move to Alaska and marry Sawyer, and now they had a sweet, five year old daughter named Storm. Storm was the center of their universe, but, sometimes, it was nice to get away for some adults-only time.

Amanda smiled as she took in the landscape below them. She loved this time of year. The wildflowers were in full bloom, blanketing the open fields with a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. The forests were the thickest and greenest they would be all year, since the deciduous trees currently had branches full of deep green leaves. The temperatures were warm and pleasant, and the sun shone almost every day. In the distance, the mountain peaks still offered a view of snow, contrasting vividly against the deep blue sky.

The view in every direction was spectacular. Six years ago, Amanda had quickly fallen in love with this place, and with the handsome grizzly alpha who was currently sitting in the pilot’s seat next to her. A short hiking trip had turned into her moving permanently to Alaska, and who could blame her? The place was magical.

As they approached another large meadow of wildflowers, Sawyer began the plane’s descent. Amanda looked over at him in surprise.

“We’re landing here?” she asked into the mouthpiece of her headset.

Sawyer nodded. “Yup,” he said, his voice crackling as it came through Amanda’s earphones. “I wanted to stop and let you enjoy the wildflowers for a little while. And there’s a small landing strip at the right edge of this field. Not many pilots know about it, because those of us who do try to keep it a secret. We don’t want every tour pilot in the state showing up here and bringing in horde after horde of tourists to trample the flowers.”

Amanda laughed. “You are such a rascal,” she said. And he really was. But she couldn’t fault him for that. He was alpha to his clan, and he was the biggest grizzly shifter around. He was also revered as the best pilot in the area, known for flying through weather that would have caused other pilots to lose their shit. Sawyer was strong, capable, and used to getting his way. Amanda was a strong personality herself, which occasionally caused quite the fireworks in their relationship. But, overall, they got along really well. And when they did fight, well…let’s just say Amanda wasn’t going to complain about the make-up sex.

Sawyer brought the Cessna to a smooth landing beside the field of flowers, then killed the engine. He quickly hopped out and reached to help Amanda climb out of the plane.

“My lady,” he said, bowing dramatically before offering her his hand.

Amanda giggled, then took his hand and jumped down to the ground. She breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly with a satisfied sigh. The air out here always smelled so fresh, and today it was perfumed by the scent of thousands of wildflowers.

Sawyer was digging around in the small cargo area of the plane, and a few moments later he came back triumphantly holding a large picnic basket in one arm and a folded up blanket in the other.

“Sawyer!” Amanda exclaimed. “You packed a picnic? How did you get it into the plane without my seeing it?”

“It wasn’t easy, and I had to be fast. Remember when Anderson stopped you to ask a quick question about the latest marketing campaigns for the tour company? I snuck the basket into the plane while you were talking to him.”

Amanda grinned. “Sneaky, sneaky,” she said.

Sawyer grinned back, then started spreading out the blanket on the ground several feet away from the airplane. He opened the picnic basket, and produced an elaborate spread of cheese, crackers, and sparkling lemonade. It was the perfect summertime picnic, and Amanda didn’t wait for an invitation to dig in. She plopped down on the blanket and promptly popped a strawberry into her mouth, savoring the way its juicy flavor burst across her taste buds.

“Mmm,” she said. “Is there anything sweeter than strawberries in the summertime?”

“Only you,” Sawyer said, leaning over to kiss her strawberry lips before popping a handful of blackberries into his mouth. Amanda laughed, but she knew Sawyer was serious. The heat in his eyes gave away his plans for a post-picnic activity, and Amanda felt a thrill of anticipation ripple through her body.

For the next hour, the couple sipped their lemonade and grazed on the food while discussing everything from their daughter’s recent interest in dinosaurs to the newest tour packages Sawyer’s company was offering. Amanda enjoyed the conversation, food, and view, but her mind never completely wandered away from the thrill of Sawyer’s kiss. His mind hadn’t wandered too far, either, it seemed. After eating and drinking his fill, he leaned over and kissed Amanda again, longer and deeper this time. She melted into his touch, enjoying the warmth and strength that emanated even from just his lips.

When he finally pulled back, she looked up at him, slightly breathless, with a seductive expression.

“Is that all you’ve got, big guy?” she asked.

Sawyer didn’t even bother answering. With a deep grunt, he reached over and swept aside the remaining food, making space for himself on the blanket next to Amanda. He pushed her down on her back, and lay next to her with his palms on her cheeks. He kissed her again, letting his tongue slip past her lips and dance with her tongue. He traced a line across her teeth and across the roof of her mouth, then nibbled on her bottom lip. His movements were slow and purposeful, and Amanda felt the thrill that was rippling through her body growing stronger.

No matter how many times he kissed her, it never got old. She loved the feeling of his strong hands on her face, and of his tall, muscular body pressed up against her. She began to feel warm in the very center of her core, a heat that steadily grew during each moment that Sawyer continued kissing her.

Above them, the deep blue sky was cloudless and sparkling. A soft breeze blew across their faces, continuously drenching them in the heady perfume from the flowers that surrounded them with a rainbow of color. Amanda felt like the moment could not have been more perfect. And yet, she wanted more. Just Sawyer’s kiss wasn’t enough. She needed more of him, and she wasn’t going to be patient about taking what she wanted.

With a low moan, she reached down for the hem of Sawyer’s t-shirt, and pulled it up and over his head. She let her hands run down his chest, all the way from his collarbone, past his nipples, and to the perfect six-pack that made up his abdomen. His skin was rough, and his body strong. She drank in the magnificence of her bear, as he continued to kiss her and nibble on her lips.

She reached down and unbuttoned the button on his jeans, but before she could reach for the zipper, Sawyer grabbed her hands and stopped her.

“Not so fast, you little tease,” he said. “I think it’s only fair that you lose your shirt, too, since you got rid of mine.”

Amanda didn’t argue. She let out another soft moan as Sawyer pulled her t-shirt off, and then reached behind her back to unclasp her bra and slide it off. She trembled with delight as the warm breeze ran across her bare nipples, and she felt the heat within her growing as Sawyer looked down at her breasts and growled appreciatively. He dipped his head so that his lips were even with her breasts, taking her left nipple into his mouth and nibbling on it. He began gently, but soon increased the pressure, stopping just short of where he would have caused true pain. While he worked on that nipple with his mouth, he took the other nipple and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger. He matched the pressure of his mouth with the pressure of his fingers, so that Amanda had equal amounts of hot, tingling ecstasy shooting through her body from each nipple. His touch set her on fire, and she loved the way he made her burn. She arched her back and writhed at the nearly unbearable pressure from his lips and hands, but he showed no mercy. He continued to lick, bite, and massage her, occasionally alternating which breast he was using his mouth or hands on.

Amanda began to lose track of time, and of where she was. All she could think about was the gorgeous grizzly of a man who was holding her spellbound with his touch. She could feel herself growing wet as the warm juices of her passion began to spill from between her legs, in anxious anticipation of the moment that Sawyer would find his way into her warm channel.

BOOK: More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5)
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