Read King of Clubs Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Romance, #Scientific/Technical/Professional, #Erotic

King of Clubs (9 page)

BOOK: King of Clubs
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“No, slave.” He shook his head, denying her once again. But his grip on the edge of the altar was so tight his fingers ached. Damnation, what this woman did to him!

Awai held her breath, staring in amazement as Ty gestured to the low ceiling and a large mirror seemed to melt through it. One moment it hadn’t been there, and in the next she was staring at a large reflection of herself. She was spread wide, her wrists and ankles bound by the golden ropes, dribbles and drops of wax swirling over her body in the most unique patterns, unlike anything she’d seen in the clubs before. It was like she was a palette for Ty’s work of art.

While she watched, he peeled off the wax in a single thick sheet that felt as supple as her thigh high boots. The wax tugged a bit at her nipple charms, and around the star at her belly button, but otherwise it came off easily. Her skin felt smooth and pampered, and in the mirror very pink. Ty laid the wax art over a nearby leather covered bar. When he turned back to her, he flicked one of his wrists and her bonds vanished.

While he helped her to a sitting position, Awai asked, “How do you do magic like that, Ty?” Realizing her error, she hurried to add, “Your Majesty.”

Ty shook his head in a slow motion and his frown indicated his disappointment in her. “Slave, you must learn not to ask questions out of turn. And you must learn not to refer to me by anything but Majesty unless I have given you leave to do so.”

Awai lowered her eyes, her gaze landing on his huge cock outlined by his leather pants. “I am sorry, Your Majesty.”

He hooked his finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. “This means I will have to punish you another time.”

“But—” Awai bit her lip then said, “I understand, Majesty.”

Ty assisted his little tigress down from the table, half-wishing he could take her right now, and half-pleased that he would be able to draw out her arousal until he made her so filled with desire for him that she would climax as she never had before.

Again using his magic, he retrieved a white satin blindfold. Awai gasped as he fastened it securely around her eyes, eliminating her sight completely. “There, my sweet,” he murmured. “Now we are set for your third punishment.”

He led her to a crystal bar, suspended with magic, just high enough that it would force Awai to hang with her hands over her head, and her feet would barely touch the ground. He strapped her wrists to each end of the bar, using the magical golden rope. When she was secured, he again used his magic to retrieve another spreader bar and rope, and knelt before her.

He paused for a moment, scenting her juices, wanting to taste what was there for the taking. Instead he forced himself to set about removing her white boots and tossing them aside. In moments she was completely naked, save for her collar, nipple rings, the charm at her belly button, and her blindfold.

She remained quiet, obviously fearing yet another punishment if she spoke out of turn. Ty smiled as he fastened her ankles to the crystal spreader bar. Anticipation would never feel so good as it would when he finally took Awai…for both of them.

While Ty strapped her wrists above her head, Awai trembled with excitement and fear as she hung in the air, visually blind to everything around her, but attuned to every touch, every sound, every smell. The scent of her own juices mingled with the raspberry and almond perfumes of the candles, still on her skin. She caught Ty’s male musk and the smell of the leather furnishing and equipment.

The air stirred and caressed her skin. The soft sounds of Ty binding her met her ears, as well as his boot steps as he moved from one side to the other. He teased her with gentle brushes of his skin against hers. God, what this man was doing to her. She had learned how to bring her subs to the very edge, but Ty had perfected the art.

His callused palms secured her naked ankles to what had to be another spreader bar. He fastened her so that her feet were firmly on the bar that felt smooth and cool as glass. Once again she was spread eagle, only this time she was upright.

And then she was rising in the air. By the brief movement she could tell she only went up perhaps a foot above the marble floor. But it still was enough to make her heart pound just a little bit faster.

What was Ty going to do to her?

In the next moment she felt something freezing cold and wet on her buttocks and she realized it was ice. “How does that feel, tigress?” he murmured as he moved the ice down the crack of her ass.

Awai swallowed. “It feels amazing, Your Majesty.”

But then he moved the ice to her pussy and she whimpered. It felt so cold against her clit. So cold it was like it was freezing her yet burning her, too. She felt the brush of his heated skin as he moved around her, somehow keeping his hold on the ice cube. He moved it up to her mound coating the bare area with the cold, cold moisture. In a slow movement he trailed the cube up her abdomen to her belly button, leaving it on her star charm for a moment until it was cold, too. Then he worked his way up the centerline of her belly to the area between her breasts. For a moment he simply circled each breast with the ice cube, but then he moved it to one nipple and pressed it tight.

Awai could almost feel her body heat melting away the ice, imprinting her nipple in its cold surface. The sensation was painful, yet a deep satisfying pleasure followed. Slowly he moved the cube to her other nipple, icing it in the same manner. Sharp pain shot from her nipple to her belly, then followed with a satisfying feeling.

Then the ice cube was gone and she held her breath, wondering what Ty would do to her next. Would he cane her or flog her? Maybe even spank her?

But the next thing she felt was a whisper soft brush against her cheek…like a feather yet not. Her heightened sense of smell told her it was something from the outdoors.

“Do you know what this is, my sweet?” Ty brushed her nose with the feathery thing again.

Awai caught her breath then said, “A leaf from a
, Majesty?”

“Yes.” Ty brushed her cheeks with the leaf then slowly, lazily stroked it down her neck to her breast. “One of our most prized trees.”

While Ty stroked and teased her body with the feathery leaf, Awai gave herself up to the sensations. He moved the leaf over her nipples and further below. Awai found herself on a journey from the here and now, drifting into another time and place. As if she was traveling through the tunnel that had brought her from her own planet to this one. In that faraway place she thought of winter and holidays, summer and sailing, fall and pumpkins, spring and cherry blossoms…

And then she was traveling back, back through time and space, back from the otherworld to find herself in the arms of her King, her Dom, her soon to be lover. Through a sort of haze she realized she was no longer bound or blindfolded, and he was sitting on one of the room’s white leather couches, with her in his lap.

“Where were you, my love?” Ty murmured as he stroked her hair from her face in a gentle movement that belied the power and strength in the man.

“Subspace.” The word came out as a whisper. Awai could hardly believe it. She had ended up slipping into what was known as “subspace” to those familiar with BDSM. Being a Domme, it was something she had never before experienced, although one of her subs had.

Ty smiled. “Wherever that might be, I am most pleased to have you back with me.”

He leaned down and touched his mouth to hers, his kiss soft but his lips firm against hers. His long blond hair brushed her arm as he brought her tighter into his embrace and kissed her with far more intensity than he had ever kissed her before. He slipped his tongue through her lips, taking everything she had to offer, then drawing her tongue into his mouth and lightly sucking on it. When she moaned, he nipped at her bottom lip, lightly, then harder and harder until she was sure he would draw blood.

And she loved it.

She wanted to slide her fingers into his hair and pull him down and kiss him with all the intensity she felt in her soul. But she let him control everything that happened. He was the Dom and she had agreed to give herself up to him for his pleasure.

Was this what she’d been missing in life? Trying to prove that she was better than a man by being a Domme? She hadn’t had to do that at all. She had proved herself through years of hard work in the corporate world, taking a man’s world by storm.

But Awai Steele felt that part of herself separate from the woman inside. The woman who wanted to be loved and cherished.

The woman who enjoyed being Ty’s submissive.

Chapter Eight


Ty pulled away from the kiss and studied his beautiful tigress. He tasted her on his tongue, smelled her desire and her unique scent. In more ways than he could count, he wanted her, desired her, needed her. She was like the blood in his veins, rushing through him and giving him life, fulfilling his destiny.

In ways that had pleased them both, he had punished her, had made her wait for him to fill her. But now he could wait no longer.

Ty stood in a fluid movement with Awai cradled in his arms. She gasped and clung to him as if he might drop her.

Giving her a firm look, he said, “Do you trust me, slave?”

Without pause, she replied, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Then show that trust,” he commanded.

Awai loosened her grip, sure he wouldn’t drop her. Yet she couldn’t help that out of control feeling that made her want to grab onto him again.

I do trust him
, she reminded herself.

He carried her to a device that was A-framed like a sawhorse, only richly made, padded and covered with white leather. Ty set her on it so that her chest, belly, and mound pressed to the padded crest of the A that was as wide as her hips. Her knees and arms rested on padded surfaces that were to either side of her, like shelves.

Awai shivered, wondering what he was going to do to her now. Would he fuck her like she wanted him to? Or would he make her wait longer?

Ty came around in front of her, and she saw that his face was a mask of concentration as he produced more golden rope. He hooked it through a loop she hadn’t even seen, and before she knew it he had tied her wrist in front of her. Her pussy and breasts ached as her body pressed against the padded surface. In short order he had tied her other wrist, then was behind her where she could no longer see him.

“Are you ready my lovely?” he asked as he trailed something rough down her spine, something that felt like the rope he used to bind her.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” She was more ready for him than she wanted to admit. She wanted to scream,
Yes, damn it, fuck me now!

But likely that would only get her more torturous waiting.

He trailed the rope over her back, down to her ass where he teased her, then moved it along the inside of her thigh, down to her knee, over her calf and finally to her bare ankle where he proceeded to bind her.

It was all Awai could do not to scream her frustration. She could feel her juices wet against the leather. Her nipples ached, the charms digging into her breasts as they were smashed against her chest.

By the time Ty had finished teasing her and had tied her other ankle, Awai was close to sobbing. She was on her hands and knees, her ass and pussy exposed to him. She was at the right height for his cock, and all he had to do was slide into her.

He caressed her butt cheeks with his palm. “What would you like me to do to you now, little tigress?”

“Fuck me.” She sucked in her breath. “Please fuck me!”

“I am disappointed in you, slave,” he replied in a cool, even tone. “You forgot your manners.”

. She dropped her forehead down to the padded surface and was tempted to bang it a few times. She raised her head up, and with as much remorse in her voice as she could muster, she said, “I am very sorry, Your Majesty. It will not happen again.”

“Of course not.” He continued to caress her ass. “But to ensure you learn your lesson, you must be punished. Do you understand?”

Shit shit shit
. She was never going to get laid. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she said through gritted teeth.

In the next second, Ty swatted her ass so hard she yelped in surprise and pain—not to mention it just about made her come. Again he spanked her as he said, “Do not climax or I will have to punish you far more severely than I have.”

Ty spanked her ass again and again—first on one cheek then the other, high then low, almost to the small of her back and down as far as her thighs. It turned Awai on so much that she squirmed to keep from coming. She clenched her teeth and dug her nails into her palms, doing everything she could to hold off the climax that was just at the edge. She was so close she had to bite her tongue.

Finally Ty stopped spanking her and her body went limp with relief that she’d made it, yet at the same time she was wound up inside so tight she might just explode.

Awai heard a whisper soft movement behind her and then Ty pressed something cool and hard to her anus.

“Do not climax until I give you permission, my sweet,” he murmured as he pushed the lubricated device slowly up her ass.

It felt cold and smooth, like a glass cock. She’d enjoyed experimenting with various anal devices in the privacy of her home, even though she’d never allowed her subs to use them on her. She’d always been the one in control…or so she’d thought.

Ty pushed the crystal cock into Awai’s ass, going slowly to make sure his mate was feeling nothing but pleasure. He also wanted to ensure she would be ready when he would help her fulfill what she had expressed as her greatest fantasy—to be pleasured by three men at once.

“How does that feel, slave?” Ty asked, surprised at how easily the thick crystal phallus was sliding into her.

He could tell it was difficult for her to speak by the breathiness of her voice. “It feels so good, Your Majesty.”

Ty slid the crystal cock as deep as it could go and Awai gasped. “Have you used such devices before?” he asked.

“Yes, Majesty.”

“Good. You will be prepared then.”

BOOK: King of Clubs
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