Read King of Clubs Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Romance, #Scientific/Technical/Professional, #Erotic

King of Clubs (6 page)

BOOK: King of Clubs
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Awai could swear Ty was purring like a tiger as he cupped both her breasts and flicked his tongue against one nipple while tweaking the other with his fingers. She yanked against her bonds, wanting to touch him, to unfasten his pants and to slip his cock out so that she could ride him. She never knew how exciting it was to be tied up and under someone else’s control—someone she didn’t fear and hate.

His mouth and hand left her nipples and she whimpered as his tongue slowly traveled from between her breasts to her bellybutton. He knelt as he licked her falling star charm then slid his tongue inside her navel.

“Majesty!” Awai gasped as the sensation traveled straight to her pussy and caused her juices to flow along the inside of one thigh.

“Quiet, tigress,” he murmured while he slid each of her half boots off and tossed them aside. He pushed her skirt up around her waist then slid her thong down to her ankles.

It was so erotic to be on a hillside with his palace in view…practically naked…to feel her panties around her feet, to have her pussy exposed to Ty’s gaze, to have the charms keeping her nipples hard. And that puff from the
pipe made the experience even more exciting.

When he scented her, she trembled, waiting for his mouth to go down on her slit, to taste her. With his fingers he spread her lips and Awai felt cool air over her clit. Then with a single swipe of his tongue, she almost came.

“So sweet your juices flow for me.” He nuzzled her bare mound. “You wish for my cock. You desire me.”

Awai pulled against her bonds, feeling wanton and excited and more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

“Tell me,” he demanded. “What do you want?”

“I want you to fuck me, Majesty.” Awai loved saying the word fuck. She reveled in it, the hard sexual sound of the word and what it meant.

He growled with obvious pleasure. “Later I will give you my cock.” He licked her mound that she kept waxed and smooth. “For now it pleases me to taste you.”

When he laved her clit again, she moaned. Her voice trembled as she said, “I’m going to come, Majesty.”

“You may not climax without my permission.” His blue eyes met hers as he paused, leaving her hanging at the edge. “Or I shall have to punish you.”

Well, that certainly came as no surprise. She’d done that to her submissives a hundred times.

A sensual thrill shot through her belly as she wondered what kind of punishment he had in mind for her. The way she was feeling, so relaxed and uninhibited, she was ready for anything and everything.

Ty grabbed her silky thong. His muscles flexed as he easily ripped the material and tossed it into a patch of flowers. He placed his hands on her ass and lifted her so that her feet no longer reached the ground. “Hook your legs over my shoulders,” he commanded.

Awai obeyed him as he helped her. Now she was hanging from the golden ropes with nothing to keep her from dropping but the rope and Ty.

When she was spread out before him, her pussy open and at the same level as his mouth, Ty began devouring her. Oh, god, it felt good having him eat out her pussy. He thrust two fingers into her channel as he sucked and licked her. And then to her amazement, he slid a finger from his other hand into her ass. She’d used dildos and butt plugs in her ass before, but having Ty thrust into her this way was even more arousing.

She gasped as waves of heat rushed over her body, from her toes to the roots of her hair, telling her that she was close to orgasm. “I’m going to climax, Your Majesty. Please let me come.”

“No.” He muttered the word as he continued to fuck her pussy and her ass with his fingers and lick her clit. It was like he had an extra pair of hands the way he was able to do what he was doing.

And then he did the most amazing thing—he growled against her pussy, sending vibration after vibration of pleasure through her body. Her thighs began to tremble, and she clenched his head tight between her knees.

Awai arched her back, struggling to control her hips, fighting off the orgasm that was building and building, driving her mad with the need to come.

As she squirmed on his shoulders, she looked up to see two bare-chested gorgeous men—one with golden hair, the other with black—mere feet away. They had huge bulges in their pants, their arms folded across their chests.

They were watching her and Ty.

Chapter Five


The sight of the two men watching Ty licking her pussy threw Awai over the edge into an orgasm of gigantic proportion. A shout ripped from her throat as her climax rocked her body. Like a firestorm, heat flushed over her from head to toe and burned beneath her skin. Her hips pumped against Ty’s face as she stared wide-eyed at the two men who studied them with obvious satisfaction and arousal.

“Ty.” She could hardly take a breath and she couldn’t take her eyes from the golden-haired man with the kingly bearing or the rough, dark man to his side. “There—there are two men watching us.”

Ty slid her legs from his shoulders and settled her bare feet on the ground. If she wasn’t still tied to the tree, she was sure she would have fallen because her legs didn’t want to hold her up.

Without looking at the men, Ty’s eyes met hers. “You have now earned two punishments, Awai.”

“Two?” she blurted, but clamped her mouth shut at Ty’s stony expression.

“You climaxed without permission and you referred to me by my name,” he said sternly.

But what about the men?
She wanted to scream the words, but she was afraid he’d add another punishment.

“Yes, Majesty,” she murmured, trying not to look at the men who stood silently by.

As Ty slowly got to his feet Awai’s nipples ached and her pussy dripped moisture just from knowing the men had watched them. And the fact that they were still looking at her body with hungry expressions caused her to be even more excited.

The puff from the
pipe also made it easier to admit to the fantasy she’d been having so often lately.

What would it be like to have sex with all three of them? To fulfill those fantasies?

Because of the hazy, relaxed feeling the pipe had given her, it was like she had no inhibitions at all any longer. It was what she wanted, and she could admit that now to herself. Maybe even to Ty.

Awai rolled her eyes to the lacey green leaves above her. She didn’t even know who these men were and yet she was fantasizing about having them and Ty all at once.

Her man—her King now that she had pledged to be his submissive—took her chin in hand and forced her to look at him again. He brushed his lips across hers and she caught her scent on his mouth and tasted her flavor on his lips. “Remember, my tigress, you must follow my rules. You must do whatever it is I tell you to do, unless it is beyond your comfort level. Do you understand?”

Awai nodded. “Yes, Majesty.”

Ty released his hold on her chin and turned to the men. “Lord Kir.” He gave a deep nod to the golden-haired man. “Rafe,” he said to the dark, untamed looking rogue, giving him a nod as well. Awai stared in amazement as Ty greeted them like it was no big deal, as if it was perfectly normal for the men to watch Ty giving oral sex…

Maybe it’s something they’ve done before. Maybe Ty planned it.
The thought made the skin prickle at her nape, but then her anger vanished as she realized how much she had enjoyed it. How much she liked having them look at her now, her skirt up around her waist and her blouse above her breasts, completely exposed to their gazes.

No wonder subs got off on this. The experience was powerful. She had total control over the arousals of these three men.

“I did not expect you for several days yet,” Ty was saying to the men, bringing her attention back to the conversation.

“We were hunting in your woods,” the man named Lord Kir said then gave an untamed smile as his gaze traveled over Awai’s exposed body. “But we heard sounds we were compelled to investigate.”

I’ll bet you did
, Awai thought, yet shivered beneath Kir’s intent perusal.

He stepped so close that she caught his scent of forest and something far more wild. “May I touch this fair one?” Kir murmured.

Awai’s gaze shot to Ty to see him give a slow nod, his golden earring catching the late morning sunlight. “This one is special, Kir. Awai is to be my Queen.”

Her eyes widened. “Wha—” she started, but at his frown she shut her mouth and turned her attention back to the golden-haired man who was reaching for her.

“Ah, yes,” Kir said as his warm hands cupped both her breasts. “She is a beautiful find, indeed.” Gently he caressed the full globes, his callused fingers sending thrills straight from her chest to her pussy. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning. But when he tugged on her nipple rings, Awai couldn’t hold back a whimper of pleasure.

Kir gave a satisfied smile and stepped back. When she glanced at Ty, his face was a mask and she could only wonder how he felt about other men touching her. Part of her wanted him to be jealous, but part of her wanted to know what it was like to enjoy the pleasures of three men at once—and to know that Ty would enjoy seeing her pleasured.

The dark and brooding man called Rafe moved to where Kir had been standing a moment before. He raised an eyebrow at Ty.

Ty gave a slow nod but this time there was a predatory look to his blue eyes. As if he didn’t trust Rafe.

Rafe’s mouth quirked and it made him look more dangerous than ever. Awai trembled as the man reached up and slipped his hand into her hair then brushed his lips slowly over hers. She tasted his breath and felt its warmth upon her lips. He gently nipped at her lower lip, causing Awai to gasp just before he pulled away.

Ty narrowed his eyes and wondered if he could truly share Awai with his brothers-at-arms. If Awai wished to enjoy the pleasures of three men at once, he would allow it.

But only once.

And definitely not at this moment. Not before he had her completely to himself.

When Rafe stepped back, Ty caught a loose strand of Awai’s hair in his fist. He knew the
would allow her to speak freely of her soul’s desires. It would only compel her to tell him what she wished him to know, but no further. If she desired something but did not want him to know, then it would remain her secret.

Ty tugged on Awai’s hair, causing her to gasp. “Would you enjoy having three cocks at once, my tigress?”

“If it pleases you…” Awai’s eyes locked with his, and he could see the intense desire burning in her gaze. “It is one of my fantasies, Your Majesty.”

Kir and Rafe both gave low rumbles, and Ty smiled despite the jealousy that threatened to drive him to pummel his brothers-at-arms. He had never been jealous before, and had always enjoyed sharing women with Kir and Rafe or his brothers. It was an enticing sight, to see a woman being pleasured in every way.

“Then that wish shall be fulfilled.” He turned to Kir and Rafe and spoke in the old werewolf language, instructing them. “
Rorah dumai catuch

Both men gave low bows. “It will be,” Lord Kir said.

Awai stared with surprise as the men transformed into gorgeous wolves…skin to fur, arms to legs, and bushy tails. Kir was blue-eyed and a gorgeous golden color, and Rafe was black as the darkest of nights with equally black eyes. With amazing grace and speed, the two bounded into the woods and vanished.

She turned back to Ty and saw his expression of desire, yet was that jealousy?

“Well, you asked,” she murmured. “Your Majesty.”

“Indeed I did.” He smiled and hooked his finger under her chin. “It gives me great pleasure to know your fantasy will be fulfilled…one time and one time only.”


After they returned to the palace, Ty took Awai on a tour. She enjoyed exploring the bright rooms, from his extensive library and his den, to the bathing rooms and bedchambers, to the servants’ quarters and kitchen.

The palace was filled with living and growing things…plants with green leaves, some with red leaves, and still others with blue. Flowers tumbled from small alcoves above and around them, the blooms in shades of white, red, purple, pink, and orange.

Ty’s palace seemed an extension of the hills around them, bright and filled with undeniable happiness. Even his servants walked by with smiles and laughter, but always with respect and reverence for their King, and Ty seemed all the more impressive and powerful.

Awai was amazed at how comfortable she felt with Ty. While they strolled through the palace, he invited her to tell him about her life in San Francisco and about her nieces. They laughed over stories Awai told and Ty shared with her his experiences with her nieces.

Part of Awai felt left out, not having been with them as they experienced this world, their marriages, and their children. But another part of her was proud of her nieces and so pleased that they were happy. Her gut told her that Ty was telling her the truth, and her gut instincts were what got her to the top rung of the advertising ladder.

When it was late, Ty again left her alone in her room. “Be prepared,” he murmured before he left. “Tomorrow I will begin your training.”


* * * * *

The following morning, Ty entered Awai’s bedchamber with Kalina, the beautiful dark-haired woman, at his side. “Kalina will prepare you for me today, tigress.”

He took the sorceress’s hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles. “She has served Tarok for many years and is most loyal to all our Kingdoms.”

Awai’s gut clenched as the gorgeous woman gave a small bow and a secret smile to Ty. “As always it has been my pleasure.”

Jealousy almost caused Awai to break her oath of obedience and kick the woman’s ass—and Ty’s. Instead she managed to keep her face a calm mask, even though her hands were fisted at her sides.

Ty released the sorceress’s fingers and had to keep back a grin at his future mate’s obvious discomfort. It was a good sign that she did not wish for another woman to touch him. He could sense it in every manner of Awai’s bearing, even in her scent.

BOOK: King of Clubs
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