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Authors: E.S Hoy

Hidden Away (10 page)

BOOK: Hidden Away
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Chapter 15

After three days of recovery I was feeling well enough to go for a run, I had passed the days
working on my new Mac laptop throwing around marketing ideas on the phone with Lorna and
texting Morgan while he was working. Night times involved lots of food and lots of cuddles lovely
as they were I was ready for more now and didn't like being treated like a china doll, my bruises
had faded my cuts healed and my body had filled out a little, I decided I would time my run with
him coming home so he would get the idea I was fighting fit again, I did the first 20 minutes in
agony but my body soon found its pace and I ended up doing a decent 10 km, it felt wonderful, it
was a warm Spring day so I had on lycra shorts and a crop top with built in breast support of course,
I ran with my ear buds in to a bit of Beyonce’ and a touch of Rhianna, I was in a diva mood my
batteries felt totally recharged so I ran in to jump in the shower before Morgan got home, to my
horror he was already home stood in the middle of the room looking very cross with me. I ground
to a halt still out of breath, the first thing he did was stare at my chest! Typical then he whispered
“so you feel better I take it” I swallowed noticing the familiar darkening of his pupils
“you thought you could sneak in before I got back and I wouldn’t know?” actually I had timed it
almost to perfection but I wasn’t going to admit that to him so I just nodded sheepishly looking
under my lashes at him he walked slowly towards me and lifted his shirt over his head
“Morgan I’m all sweaty” he smirked at me
“best clean you up then” he unfastened his trousers and stepped out of them his arousal evident, I
was instantly throbbing with need, craving the feel of him inside me, my nipples hardened as he
drew closer and I was almost unable to stay upright, he swept me off the floor and marched me
into the bathroom turned the shower on and put us both under the huge jets lowering me down
so we were facing one another our lips found each other and he clawed at my top peeling it off me
to get to my breasts, his mouth left mine and sought my nipple my groans drowned out by the
water, he knelt before me and slid my shorts off kissing each inch as it was exposed then he
opened me up and his fingers found my wetness
”oh baby you are so ready I have missed your taste and your tightness so much I just want to get
inside of you right now” I pulled him to his feet my hands tugging his hair
“I got a shot two weeks ago you can take me anywhere you want now” he forced his tongue into
my mouth then lifted me up by my buttocks and rammed his full length deep inside me without
warning the feeling was incredible, pressing my back against the glass I cried out, the force was
almost painful but I wanted more
“Take me Morgan do me hard please” he growled at me then plunged in and out of me but it
wasn’t deep enough
“Turn me round” he opened his eyes then lowered me to the floor withdrew and then I turned to
put my hands on the tiled wall and he grabbed hold of my hips
“Ready baby?” I was so desperate I just pushed back at him as he entered taking it all the way, he
felt fantastic without anything between us the sensation more intimate somehow he pounded into
me and I was feeling the build-up to my orgasm, my knees buckled a little and I heard him cry out
for me that sent me over and the pleasure swept through me like fire as he pumped his seed deep
inside I felt my pussy squeezing him dry
“Fuck baby that was crazy” he withdrew turned me round and we stood locked together under the
water washing us clean.
It was the most intense love making we had shared and the mood was not diminishing it wasn’t
long before I became aware he was ready for round two I didn’t think my legs would hold out again
so I washed my hair quickly while he watched me and then I soaped him all over I sank to my knees
then treated him to round two courtesy of my mouth.
An hour later after drying my hair I slipped on my new silk robe and went out to find my lover
even an hour apart left me fretful thanks to my abduction, Morgan was talking on his mobile stood
wearing nothing but sweatpants that showed off his sculpted torso and my favourite spot the v
that led me to pure pleasure, my body reacted instantly our eyes locked I drank him in his tousled
hair asking to be played with “thanks Tanner update me later something important has just
popped up” I smiled as I could see exactly what had popped up! he waited for me to reach him
then he pulled the sash off my robe it fell open to allow his hands full access we reacquainted
ourselves this time on the rug in front of the fire. We lay there for a while but my stomach was
letting me know it was empty so I reluctantly peeled myself away and put my robe back on
“Food Drake its well past dinner time” I went to inspect the cupboards pleased to see a wellstocked fridge
“Don’t tell me you went shopping?” he smiled sheepishly
“I love Waitrose it’s a guilty pleasure I wasn’t sure what you liked but got a nice variety for us, the
freezer is stocked too” I was impressed, he slipped his sweats on and joined me sitting on the bar
stool to observe. I threw together a hot beef Thai noodle salad with lots of chilli and crushed
peanuts sprinkled on top we ate at the table with a Bud to wash it down,
“that was delicious like you, “ he cleared the dishes away while telling me about Tanners call that
Ricardo was being extradited to the States tomorrow so he would be gone for good
“I want to go back to the hotel tomorrow, I feel almost back to full health and am desperate to see
everyone, it’s Friday so I will have the weekend to recover if it wipes me out” Morgan didn’t object
so that was a relief I sat on the sofa with him and we watched the news but within minutes I was
resting my head on his shoulder fighting sleep, he turned it off picked me up and we slid under the
covers together sleep took me before he had even cleaned his teeth.

I was dressed in a smart grey tailored trouser suit with heels and a lemon chiffon blouse sat with
my gorgeous man heading off to work, Graham was there to collect us in the Bentley bang on 8am
the hotel only had a handful of reporters left so it was relatively easy to enter unscathed. Mrs Flint
was waiting and gave me a warm welcome, I could see Kate on duty so I excused myself to say
hello I hadn’t seen her since the kidnap,
“Elisa hi you look better, how do you feel” she appeared nervous probably my relationship with
Morgan making her feel she needed to keep her distance
“Kate its lovely to see you is it karaoke tonight?” her face lit up
“Oh are you still going to come to those, fab we are all dying to hear you sing again” she looked
genuinely relieved I decided she needed me to confirm our friendship again
“do you fancy meeting me at lunch I really want to explain all the craziness to you personally
rather than gossip and media, I don’t want our friendship to change just because my name has”
tears sprung to her eyes and she nodded
“I am on break at one” I agreed to meet her at the entrance.
Morgan had set me up with my own little office space adjacent to his I had brought my mac in with
me so I made myself a coffee then rang Lorna to let her know I was now set up, we were planning
the launch of a brand new web site that meant people could book in on line and preorder all food
and extras at the same time, it would mean all special requests could be already in place on their
arrival, we were really excited about it. The morning passed quickly and I went to inform Morgan I
was meeting Kate for lunch he followed me down to the foyer stopping to take a call as I met Kate,
I turned to wave to him when three things happened at once Morgan had a sudden panicked look
on his face and gestured me to wait, his face turned to horror and then I felt a hand round my neck
and a sharp knife held up to my throat
“remember me bitch” Kate screamed and stepped aside then two FBI agents ran in with guns
shouting for him to release me, I was guessing the phone call to Morgan was a warning but a bit
late for me as it happened
“Ricardo lovely to see you” I wasn’t scared this was a basic manoeuvre for me to deal with but I
wanted payback, my left hand reached round and I dug my fingers into his scrotum which made
him scream but also relaxed the grip on his knife, I took the knife with my right hand twisted out
from his arm still digging my fingers in I and put the knife against his neck,
“yes shit face I remember you” one more squeeze and his knees buckled the agents took over
handcuffing him and dragged him away still shouting profanities at me. Tanner had arrived just as I
had made my move he stood with his hands on his hips
“Like I said any time you want a change of career” he nodded an apologetic look at Morgan and
they left immediately, I turned and saw that Morgan still frozen to the spot and I winked at him
Kate was cheering as was the rest of my audience including the few reporters who had seen
Ricardo’s arrival. Morgan strode over and he pulled me in his arms and practically squeezed the life
out of me kissing the top of my head
“You can let go now you know I am fine” he looked at me and shook his head “yes you are fine
aren’t you” Kate walked over and patted me on the back, I was hungry
“Come on Kate let’s do lunch” I linked her arm
“She will be 10 minutes late as we had an unavoidable delay” we sauntered out leaving everyone
staring after us. Lunch was lovely and Kate now knew all there was to know about Elisa Marcelli,
including how I was able to handle a psychopath with a knife, we arrived back spot on the hour but
the place was full of reporters again I decided to stop and answer some of their questions to keep
them happy, there were lots of stupid remarks but the general impression I got was that they
thought I was some kind of female Jedi warrior, amusing but highly exaggerated. Back in my office I
had a note from Morgan ordering me to report straight to him, I went next door straight away, I
knocked and entered he glanced up and the look he gave me made me tremble
“Close and lock the door” I swallowed but did as he asked then approached him
“ baby seeing you almost killed in front me was the scariest moment of my life I felt utterly
helpless, but seeing you dispose of him so easily was also the most sexy thing I have ever
witnessed and you have made this hour very uncomfortable for me” I licked my licks as I noticed
his bulge
“come here” I stepped closer and instantly he was upon me my trousers unbuttoned fell to the
floor he pushed me back against his desk and ripped my panties off he was inside me before I was
even aware of him unzipping his fly he lifted my legs and pushed my back onto the desk furiously
slamming into me, the way he devoured me was such a turn on it wasn’t long before both of us hit
our orgasms that left him collapsed on to me, my legs still wrapped around his hips
“I’m sorry baby I had to have you as soon as you got back the wait was killing me, are you okay?” I
was still enjoying being debauched in such a manner, the desperation in his desire made me feel so
wanton and very sexy.
“well it was certainly not what I expected to happen when I got your note, but any time you need
a bit of shorthand doing again then I’m your gal!” he laughed suddenly and gently put us back
together, fortunately he had an adjoining toilet so I could clean up a little, when we were
presentable I sat on his knee
“The phone call you got in the foyer that was telling you he had escaped wasn’t it?” he looked
“Yes exactly that how did you guess” I told him it was his facial expressions that gave him away
then I asked how the hell he had gotten away from the FBI in the first place!
“the little shit bribed a police officer into passing him a knife as he left, he was being driven by just
one man with the agents tailing them, he pulled the knife on the driver and insisted he brought
you to the hotel after first losing the tail, luckily the car was fitted with a tracker so Tanner was five
minutes behind as he got dropped off outside the rest as you say is history, and thanks to my little
warrior he was back in custody faster than I could make love to you!” I giggled glad to hear his
sense of humour had returned.
“I have said I will be at the karaoke tonight if you don’t mind, I need to rebuild my staff relations
and quash some gossip” Morgan was quite happy and promised to join us later on he had a
meeting with an old friend first, he didn’t give me any info on who but I let it pass and went back
to my website designing a big smile on my face for the rest of the day.
The staff weekly get together was starting down in the bar I had brought a mini dress and heels
with me to change into, my hair looked fine loose so I got dressed and went down to the bar,
everyone was there and I was totally bombarded with congratulations, well dones and a lot of
wow’s it was very flattering, Tony was off his crutches now and his arm was in a sling but out of the
cast, he was overjoyed to see me but gutted he had missed the drama, being off work was
frustrating him, only a week to go and he could return. A few Cosmo’s later and I was dragged up
to sing Whitney with Kate whom I found out later had turned off her microphone so she couldn’t
be heard, cheeky thing I danced then while the karaoke man had a break and the DJ took over, I
loved to dance and was really getting into it when I felt Morgan's presence behind me he put his
hands on my hips and we danced together it was very erotic and I was thrilled he was such a great
mover. He joined us at the bar for a bit to get a round of drinks
“Has your friend gone?” he shook his head
“he is sat at the back with his associate he’s going later I will go and join them again in a moment I
just couldn’t resist you gyrating in front of me in that tiny dress, if I didn’t have company you would
have been back in my office checking out my desk!” I gave him a slap
“Behave perv” he kissed my cheek and left me again when Kate returned from the toilets.
“Song come on your turn” I objected as I had done one already but they gave me no choice and
had already chosen me a song apparently
Christ I hope I knew it
. The microphone was handed to
me so I asked the guy what I was supposed to be doing “Titanium” oh I loved that song but had
only ever sang along in the car, it had some huge power notes I hoped I could do it without
murdering the melody as the music began people cheered and straight away started dancing the
lights were low so I didn’t feel at all self-conscious and I gave it my best shot I could see Morgan
and his two companions standing at the back one of them on his phone (how rude) cheers went
up when I finished and someone else took over so I went back to my drink. One of the two men
who had been with Morgan came over to me
“Elisa I am honoured to meet you, Morgan has told me all about you” I gave him a quizzical look
he was very handsome blonde and grey eyed nice physique, not that I was staring much!
“I am Simon Westlake an old friend of his we went to Oxford together and have stayed close, I am
a wine merchant hence we do business quite a lot” Simon smiled and I warmed to him
immediately It was nice to meet someone who knew Morgan better than myself I was about to ask
for some funny stories when Kate barged straight over, she was jumping up and down with
excitement but halted when she saw Simon
“Simon Kate, Kate Simon” she blushed furiously and I noticed Simon did too, but she carried on
with her story
“Elisa you are not going to believe this Tony put you on you tube singing Titanium and it has had
over 100,000 hits in its first 5 minutes you have had loads of positive reactions, you are going to be
famous” I was going from deliberate obscurity to fame and notoriety too fast and it was making me
dizzy, but I smiled at her I introduced the two of them and we chatted for a while the bar was hot
and sweaty and being squashed in amongst all the warm bodies made me feel a bit light headed so
I said my goodbyes leaving Simon happily entertaining my friend and went off to search for
Morgan to take me home. My head was fuzzy my breathing ragged and my outer calm was
crumbling I struggled to get my breath and felt hot and nauseous I stopped outside the bathroom
to catch my breath just as Morgan rounded to corner
“Elisa what’s the matter” he knelt down beside me
“ccan’t bbreathe ssick” I was going to throw up I stumbled into the toilets thankfully they were
empty I launched myself into a cubicle as the contents of my stomach deserted me, when I was
done my breathing was still erratic Morgan helped me out and removed his jacket to wrap around
my shoulders
“let’s get you home angel I think you are not quite as tough as you like to believe” my breath was
back to normal but I felt disorientated he called Graham to meet us outside the rear exit to avoid
press, he carried me like a child and I snuggled into his shoulder enjoying the feel of safety.

BOOK: Hidden Away
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