Read Her Devilish Marquess Online

Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #sex, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romance, #scandal, #bride, #arranged marriage, #virgin hero, #wallflower heroine

Her Devilish Marquess (21 page)

BOOK: Her Devilish Marquess
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Well, when I went there,
things seemed rather boring.”

But with you there, things
got interesting. Oh, how I wish I had been there to see you tell
him that.”

He studied her, and there was nothing in her
demeanor that indicated she found his behavior insulting. “Just so
I understand things correctly,” Derek began, “are you actually
happy I told Warren that he and his friends are a miserable

I’ve been wanting to tell
Warren the same thing, but since I’m married to someone who thinks
the world of him, I don’t dare. The last thing I want to do is
upset Malcolm.”

Then you can understand my
dilemma. I don’t want to do anything to upset Danette, but since
you’re Malcolm’s wife, I’m afraid that’s exactly what will happen
if she finds out.”

Her smile widened. “It sounds like you love

He nodded. “I do, and the last thing I want
is to give her a reason to regret marrying me. She took a risk in
becoming my wife. I haven’t heard of a single thing that’s tainted
her reputation, but mine is less than ideal. A person’s reputation
means everything in London.”

Regan seemed to consider his words before
she offered, “A reputation means everything to certain people, and
I do agree the Ton is especially fickle when it comes to what we
should say and do. But there’s more to a person than their
reputation. What good is a pristine reputation when you’re
unpleasant to be around? As you so eloquently pointed out to
Warren, some people can be downright miserable. Quite frankly, I
pity the lady who marries him.”

I only hope Danette never
feels she ought to be pitied for marrying me.”

Oh, I don’t think that
could ever happen. You’re a wonderful gentleman. You want the best
for her, you’re good with children, and you do honest work. Few
ladies could ask for more. But,” she added when he opened his mouth
to say those traits meant little to the Ton, “I won’t speak a word
about yesterday to Danette. If Malcolm brings it up, I will suggest
he do the same. You did a good thing by helping Leonard with his
stomachache. He owes you one.”

Something in her matter-of-fact tone assured
Derek she would manage to smooth things over with Malcolm, if
Malcolm insisted on creating a fuss about it. As for Danette, Regan
had agreed to keep the matter silent. Relaxing, he returned her
smile. “Thank you.”

There’s nothing to thank me
for,” she replied. “Danette’s happier than she’s ever been. As for
me, I got the pleasure of knowing someone had the nerve to stand up
to Warren. From where I sit, everything’s better because of

If only all people thought this way. But it
was more than enough Regan had decided to support him, and he
wouldn’t take that for granted.


Chapter Sixteen


ater that day while Leonard was taking a nap, Malcolm trudged
into the townhouse. Regan was ready to call out a greeting to him
as he passed the drawing room, but he didn’t even look in her
direction. He merely proceeded on down the hall, shoulders slumped,
his gaze cast down.

Her eyebrows furrowed. That was odd. He’d
never done this before. Granted, they hadn’t been married for long
and she had a lot to learn about him, but even with how upset he
was when they first married, he hadn’t acted in such a way. One
would swear he learned he was going to die.

She put her book down and followed him to
the den. He didn’t even glance behind him as she closed the door.
He only went to the chair in front of the fireplace, put his feet
up on the ottoman, and let out a mournful sigh. It took all of her
willpower not to give into the urge to laugh. In all her life,
she’d never seen such exaggerated despair.

You have piqued my
curiosity,” she said as she went over to the ottoman and sat by his
feet. She placed a comforting hand on his thigh and offered him a
reassuring smile. “What’s troubling you?”

I can’t say,” he mumbled.
“It happened at White’s.”

Don’t be silly. Of course,
you can tell me.” If she was right, then this matter involved Derek
and Warren, but she’d rather hear Malcolm explain the matter. “I
can keep secrets. You don’t need to worry I’ll tell

I know you wouldn’t tell
anyone.” He rubbed his forehead. “It’s just… I don’t know how
things got to be so complicated. A month ago, everything was so
clear. I knew exactly where I fit in. Now I don’t know where I

Not having expected this, she couldn’t hide
her surprise. “I don’t understand. What does this have to do with

Everything. So much
business happens there, and there are influential gentlemen who
have important connections. It’s necessary to make the right kind
of friends.”

I thought you had those
friends.” God knew she did everything she could to help him with
those friendships, even if it pained her.

I do, at the moment. But,”
he finally made eye contact with her, “what happens if I can’t
bring myself to agree with a certain friend? What happens if I’ve
done something to betray him?”

Her jaw dropped. “You did something to
betray Warren?”

His eyebrows furrowed. “Why do you assume
I’m talking about him?”

Are you?”

Yes, but how did you

Maybe it’s because I know
you’re a caring gentleman who is capable of looking at both sides
of the issue. Whereas with Warren,” she shrugged, “he acts as if
the world revolves around him. He thinks everything he says and
does is perfect. He doesn’t have any sense of humility.”

Logan has said the same
thing about me.” His frown deepened. “Do you think I was like that
when we first married?”

Her smile softened as she sought to reassure
him, “You’re not as bad as Warren.”

As bad as Warren? That
doesn’t seem like a compliment.”

I know it doesn’t seem like
a compliment, but it is. Malcolm, I married you because I knew
that, deep down, you would make a good husband. I don’t believe
Warren will ever make a good husband. He doesn’t have the capacity
to think of anyone but himself. But you cared about Leonard, and
from talking to your sister, I knew you were devoted to your family
and friends. You’re not like Warren. Warren is only devoted to

He straightened up in the chair, looking as
if he was ready to argue, but then, he let out a resigned sigh and
collapsed back into it. “I know some people find him difficult to
like.” Then, his expression growing sad, he added, “And it’s
difficult for people to like me, too.”

You can’t please everyone,
Malcolm. You can’t possibly get along with everyone you meet. We
all have different interests, and some personalities mix better
together than others.”

But I am a lot like him. I
don’t understand how you can love me.”

You two might share an
abnormal pleasure for making money, but when I talk to you during a
dinner party, you have the sense to acknowledge me. Besides, you
are much more fun than you let on when we’re in public.” Hoping to
lighten his mood, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at him.
“Just as I sensed you’d be the evening I met you.”

I did nothing to encourage
you that evening.”

But you danced with

To be polite.”

She shrugged. “Or perhaps you wanted some
excitement in your life but didn’t realize it. Either way, it
doesn’t matter. We’re together and we’re happy.”

He finally smiled and took her hand in his.
“Yes, we are.” After a moment, he added, “You want to hear a

His voice was so low she had to scoot closer
to him. “What is it?”

There was a vote at White’s
not too long ago, and the gentlemen were voting on whether or not
to let Lord Edon bring your book there.”

It took her a moment for her
to realize which book he meant. “

He nodded. “The results were very close. In
fact, it was by one vote that the book is still allowed at

Really?” Never in a million
years would she have expected the gentlemen to vote on such a
thing. She’d thought all gentlemen would welcome it. Well, almost
all gentlemen anyway. “I take it that Warren didn’t want the book

No, he didn’t. He wanted it

Why is that considered a
secret? I already knew he has no interest in making a lady happy.”
And that was in, or out, of bed.

I voted in favor of

Her smile widened. “You did?”

Warren doesn’t know. I
don’t know if I should tell him or not. He’s greatly upset by it. I
know Robert voted against the book because I peeked at his paper.”
After a moment, he asked, “You won’t tell anyone how I voted, will

Of course not. You asked me
to keep it a secret, and I will.” She hesitated to question him
about the matter that happened between Derek and Warren yesterday,
but since he was willing to share secrets with her, maybe—just
maybe—he’d share more with her. “Malcolm,” she began, shifting
closer to him in an attempt to get him to better open up to her,
“did Warren say anything about an incident that displeased him
yesterday at White’s?”

He and Robert are at odds
with each other. To be honest, I don’t see how that one will ever
be resolved. When Warren introduced Anthony, that is, Viscount
Worsley, Robert suggested Warren stop surrounding himself with
people who agree with him all the time. He then went on to say
Warren will continue to alienate people if he doesn’t start putting
other people first.”

Robert and Warren weren’t friends anymore?
This wasn’t at all what she’d expected. But then, she remembered
Robert had developed an interest in Miss Carlisle, and Miss
Carlisle had quickly befriended Lady Iris. Regan had seen the two
ladies at the market the other day and had joined them for the
afternoon. Regan suspected the two would eventually be as close to
each other as she was with Danette.

The whole thing is very
tense,” Malcolm continued. “I don’t even want to go to White’s
until it’s resolved.”

She bit her lower lip. Did that mean he
didn’t know what happened with Derek? Did she dare ask?

I can’t choose between
Warren and Robert,” he added. “It’d be like asking me to choose
between my mother and my father. That’s what Warren did today when
I went there. He caught me talking to Robert and demanded I pick a
side. I decided to come home instead.”

She tapped her foot on the floor. This
didn’t seem to have anything to do with Derek. From all
appearances, Derek seemed to be the last thing on Malcolm’s mind.
But to be sure, she ventured, “You wouldn’t mind if we had Derek
and Danette for dinner again, would you?”

That would be fine, but
Derek and I don’t have much in common. After dinner, we need to go
to the drawing room with you and Danette. It’d be less awkward that

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him
why, but she supposed it didn’t matter. He was willing to let Derek
into their home, and that being the case, he couldn’t be upset with
him over what had transpired yesterday. So at least that was

You and Derek may join us
in the drawing room,” she assured him. “There are plenty of games
we can play, and we don’t need to do the rhyming game

I thought you enjoyed it,”
he said, sounding surprised.

I did, but I don’t think
you liked the rhyme Derek added.”

He shrugged. “It’s not something I would
have picked, but I thought it was funny.”

Surprised, her eyes widened. She moved onto
his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Now see? That right
there is a big distinction between you and Warren. Warren would
have thrown Derek out and banned him from ever returning.” She
kissed him. “You’re a wonderful husband, and I’m very glad I
married you.”

Looking happier than he had since he came
home, he returned her kiss.




A week later, Derek had put the whole matter
at White’s completely out of his mind. In fact, he was whistling
after leaving one of his patient’s homes when a familiar voice
called out his name.

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