Read His Secret Online

Authors: Ann King

Tags: #series, #50 shades, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary Romance

His Secret

BOOK: His Secret
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Ann King


Copyright 2012 by Ann King


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This book is a work of fiction. The names,
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persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.






To my heavenly Father, thank you for all you
have done for me.





Dear Reader,

This is part 3 in the
31 Ways to Catch a Billionaire
series and, as such, to get the full picture of events it is
recommended you first read parts 1 and 2. I hope you enjoy reading
31 Ways to Catch a Billionaire as much as I enjoyed writing


Ann King




The most sought after
, Carlos Kincade is young, rich
and devilishly handsome. He has everything he thought he could
possibly want until his grandfather’s will stipulates he must be
married by his 30th birthday to keep his inheritance. He’s suddenly
in need of a wife who can fulfill his every hot desire.


Struggling psychology
student Elsie Sherwood suddenly finds herself in need of another
job after a medical crisis in the family cost her family home.
Carlos Kincade offers her work for a
month but there are strings attached…and a diamond ring. She must
fulfill his thirty-one needs to play his wife until he fulfills his
grandfather’s will—but is the seduction too hot to


Part 3
– the seduction




Where are you taking me?”
Elsie asked whil
e they drove through
Manhattan capturing the magnificent view of the entertainment
district and tourists that filled the street.

To nourish your beautiful
body,” he said, his voice low and smooth like silk.

“Oh? Where might that be?”

“One of the finest seafood
restaurants on the continent.”

“Oh, my God! I loooove

He grinned.

“You knew that, didn’t you?”

A good man always pays
attention to a woman’s needs.”

“Or her resume?”

He smirked with a charming
smile. “You remember that employee survey you filled out a while

Oh, that one. Were you
stalking me then or do you just have an impeccable


If I didn’t know you had
a quirky sense of humor…”

“Oh, so now who’s stalking
whom?” he cocked a brow.

“Not fair. It’s my duty to
search for information about my employer.”

“Even the CEO’s personal

Okay, she was caught out.
She did at times use the company’s computer on her break to Google
Carlos Kincade and everything about him. She guessed it was a
two-way street after all.

“We’re going to Niagara

“What?” she said, alarmed.

“You like the Falls.”

“I know but…now?”

Why not

“But what I have on is…”

Adequate but we’re going
to stop off at one of our department stores and get you

Elsie bit her lip stifling her
anger. “You’re not going to buy me clothes are you?” she asked with
an air of contempt.

“And what would be so wrong
about that?”

“Because we’ve only just started
our…relationship…and I…we…don’t know each other that well.”

Come on now, don’t you
think what we did back at your apartment was a little more than
intimate. We both know more about each other than couples who meet
after two dates. I know you’ve been checking me out and researching
all about me and I’ve been doing the same with you. I just didn’t
know we would meet so soon in this way.”

Yes, which brings us back
to your needing a wife.”

His jaw clenched and he looked
away disgusted. Had she said the wrong thing? She’d hit a nerve
hadn’t she? They were having fun and she had to bring up this wife
thing. Was he in some kind of trouble? Oh, why did she open her big
stupid mouth? When will she learn to shut up?

“I didn’t mean…”

“It’s nothing,” he said as if
trying to save the moment. “What are your plans for the next couple
of weeks?”

“I…um…well, I was hoping to
start working at the new job.”

The official opening is
not until next month, and besides you’re not qualified.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because I know.”

“How do you know?” Elsie felt
her muscles twitch in her face.

“In the back seat, grab the Home
Pleasures catalogue.”

Sure,” Elsie said
reaching back to feel the smooth heavy catalogue with pictures and
descriptions of toys to pleasure its customers.

“Now…when we board the

“The what?”

“The plane, my dear. Do you
really think I’m going to drive to Niagara Falls now?”


He stifled a grin as he
parked near a hanger of the private airport.

All Elsie could think to
herself was—Oh. My. God! She was going
a private plane.

It’s 400
s to the Falls from here. That’s a
seven hour drive. We can fly on my jet in forty-five.”

“Forty-five minutes?”

He nodded as he drove
closer to the hanger where the Kincade A2200 awaited.

God, this man oozed money
and power. The sun was setting beautifully and the darkness was
settling in so romantically. Elsie didn’t know what to think. She
felt as if she were in some sort of weird fantasy dream or
or a movie.

“So this is how you live?”

Like what?” he said as he
walked briskly towards his destination after parking his car. One
of his men in a nice suit met him and greeted her also.

You do things on the spur
of the moment,” she finished.

“Life is to be lived when you’re
alive, my dear. You can’t do too much from the grave and you never
know when you’re going to leave this beautiful world. Enjoy every
second of it while you can.”

She grinned sheepishly as she
boarded the plane.

“I have my pilot’s licence but
Andre will be flying us tonight.”

Oh, okay.” Elsie was
gobsmacked. Would she have been nervous if Carlos was flying?
Probably not but at least his attention could be completely on her
and not on the skies.

There were two pilots and
one flight attendant
who seemed to know
Carlos very well. How often did he do this? Was she the only woman
he’d brought up there? Or was this a weekly or monthly

By the way, I don’t often
bring women up here.” His salacious grin melted her insides
confirmed to her that he must’ve been
some sort of mind reader.

She felt relieved and her deep
sigh was obvious. So obvious, Carlos chuckled. His dimpled grin and
smiling grey eyes sparkled and made her feel so warm in her heart.
She was really beginning to enjoy this. When was the last time
she’d ever done anything exciting like this?

Oh, boy, Dee would be
shocked if she knew what Elsie was up to now.

It was true
that Elsie’s mother’s last days were horrible
and to think her mother worked her butt off her entire life as a
single parent to provide the best for her and hadn’t lived to see
the fruit of her labor. Working two jobs and never taking a
vacation. Elsie squeezed her eyes shut and tried to dull the pain.
That was not how she wanted to live her life. She loved her mother
and wished she could have given her everything she’d deserved,
including a nice long vacation…but…

“What’s on your mind?” Carlos’s
deep, silky voice sliced through her walk down memory lane.

“Oh, nothing.”

Honesty.” Carlos warned
as he raised a brow, his voice was low and cool.

“Just thinking about how hard my
mom had it in life and you’re right. Live life while you can—as
long as you play safe and no one gets hurt, right?”

“That’s my girl. Bravery is a
crucial element.”

She smiled, “I guess I’m
earning points here.”

“Don’t bet on it,” he teased
her. His sexy gaze drifted to her cleavage. “You said you didn’t
have much plans for the week.”


“Well, we’re going to spend the
next week in the Presidential suite at the hotel overlooking the

Elsie’s mouth dropped open.

Don’t worry. You’ll have
everything you need. I need to get to know more about you if this
is going to work.”

She didn’t want to cause a scene
on the plane with witnesses but boy, was she heating up fast
inside. She’d agreed to this dom-submissive thing and to eventually
play his wife but this was a bit much for her.

Once they were safely into the
air flying through the beautiful red sunset just as if she were in
some romance flick, Carlos pulled out his Blackberry and called his
assistant, Marsha. My goodness, he really had his workers at his
command twenty-four-seven, didn’t he? He had instructed her to
cancel his appointments for the week and have Portia deal with the
press ahead of the grand opening of the Home Pleasures department
which would be sometime next month.

Carlos, unloosened his tie
around his neck
—the very same tie that
hours ago bonded her to his pleasure, Elsie could not help but grin
and flush as she recalled his soft, hot hands on her body. Her
inner thighs tingled as she watched him lean back comfortably in
his recliner.

The plane was gorgeous,
everything was golden, including the faucets. It looked more like a
spacious living room than a plane, right down to the beds and the
soft reclining seats and the large LED TV screen which looked more
like a home entertainment center.
décor was breathtaking, beautiful to admire.

So this was how the rich


While Carlos slept, Elsie took
the opportunity to study the Home Pleasures department

She carefully turned each
page and her heart pounded hard each time, her pussy throbbed
reacting to each product. This was what Carlos and his team had
come up with? Was Carlos planning to use these…items with her…on
her? Oh, God!

She carefully traced her
fingers down
one of the smooth pages
where the display of Dildos were located:


Realistic looking Dildos to suit
every race.


Those were actually molded
from real erect penises. Elsie had not idea. She wondered whose
erect penises they were.
Sexy male models
who worked in the nude? She read further down as she gaped at the


Silicone Dildos


Vibrating Dildos


Squirting Dildos


Double-sided Dildos


Strap-on Dildos


She couldn’t help but fan
herself from the heat driving up her body. She turned and glanced
at Carlos who seemed fast asleep. She’d read up on him that he was
a work-a-holic who rose a 4am each morning to hit the gym then
start his work day at the office when no one was around. Man, was
he dedicated. A man like that who worked hard deserved to play hard
to. Or fuck hard!


The Suction-cup Dildo
guarantees to deliver and amazing
realistic experience

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