Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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“Here, let me help you put it on.”

“I can’t take this.”

“I had it made for you.  You have to take it.”

Beth looked into Grace’s determined blue eyes and saw she was not going to win this argument.  She touched the beautiful stone set in a silver heart.  She wanted this necklace.  She took it out of the box and handed it to Grace. 

“Lift up your hair.”

Grace did the clasp, and Beth looked in the mirror.  She couldn’t help but smile.  There was a knock on the door and Jack walked in.

“Beth, you’ve got to pack.”

“Just one last hug,” Grace insisted.

“Yes.” Beth smiled.

Jack shook his head at the women.  He waited, and then he gave his mom a hug as well.

“Be safe Jack, and take care of Beth.”

“You know it.”

“I do.”

Chapter Nine


eth packed two suitcases, and Jack packed a duffle bag.  They took the helicopter to San Antonio, and met a man who handed them envelopes with new IDs.

“How is this possible so fast?”  Beth looked bewildered.

“Mason’s team has some serious connections.”

“But the US Marshals took a couple of days to set things up,” Beth said as they were driven to the airport by the same man.

“Miss, there are some heavy brass working on this mission.  Lieutenant Gault is getting everything he wants.  He intends to keep all of you safe.”

“Just sit back and enjoy the ride, so to speak.”  Jack stroked her arm in comfort.  He knew everything was going pretty fast.  All he wanted was to get her settled into their new location in Santa Monica.  The faster she could see Lydia, the better she’d feel.

They were on the plane before she could think, which was his plan to begin with.  LAX was a mess, as always, and why he usually flew into San Diego Airport.  It might be an International Airport, but it felt more local.  LAX was just crazy.  When he said as much to Beth she laughed.

“You need to fly out of the Mexico City International Airport.  Especially when you are on the run.  Then you’ll see crazy.”

“Good point.  You win.”  He could still see she was anxious, she had a habit of clenching her fists.  He kept his arm around her while they were at baggage claim, with one eye on the carousel and the other on the door.  Darius Lane and Drake Avery walked in.  They were the men from the Midnight Delta SEAL team he’d been waiting for. It was easy to recognize them from the pictures Mason had sent in an e-mail.  Jack breathed a sigh of relief but it was short-lived.  He hugged Beth closer, and worried how she’d handle being surrounded by two more large men.

They approached while scanning the baggage claim area.  Jack spotted their luggage as the men stepped forward.

“Beth!  You look beautiful, beautiful!”  Drake pulled her out of Jack’s arms and immersed her in a hug.  She immediately stiffened and struggled backwards. 

“Jesus Avery, how fucking dense are you?”  Darius pulled Drake back, and Beth fell into Jack’s arms.

“But...I don’t understand.  Blondie’s holding her.”

“Did you even ask?  No, you just assumed.  It’s a wonder you don’t get punched on a regular basis.” Darius shook his head in exasperation.

“Dare, I don’t need this shit.”  Drake turned towards Beth, and took note of her tentative smile.

“Honey, I’m so sorry.  I saw you cuddled up to the Viking and thought you were better.  After all, he’s a freaking giant.”

The idiot just kept putting his foot in his mouth.  “Back off, Avery,” Jack growled.

“Hey, I know Beth.  She and I have quite the history.  We spent long sultry nights under the stars.  Beth, tell the man.”

Now the dumb shit had two feet in his mouth. 
  Before Jack could say anything, Beth giggled.

“It’s okay, Jack.  Drake is Drake.”

“You better believe it.  And I’m going to be the first man who will beat the ever loving shit out of anyone who harms one hair on your head.  You have my number don’t you, gorgeous?”

Jack stared in disbelief.  He looked at Beth and saw her look of resignation. 

“Drake.  Shut the fuck up,” Darius said as he pushed him aside and stepped forward.  “Hey Beth, how are you doing?”

Beth took a deep breath and smiled at Darius.

“Hi.  I see Drake hasn’t changed.”

“Not a bit.  But, if his phone doesn’t answer you call me.”  Darius winked, and she laughed.  “You look good, the ranch must have agreed with you.”

“Mostly it did, except for the rattlesnake.” 

Jack grabbed the luggage, and Darius grabbed one of Beth’s suitcases.

“I heard about the snake,” Darius said, as he gave her an encouraging smile. 

“That was damn good work, Preston,” Drake said.

“He saved my life,” Beth said, as she leaned into Jack.  Now she was back in his arms he could appreciate the men’s concern. 

“That’s the reason he’s getting a pass,” Drake said.

“Oh can it already,” Jack said shaking his head as they exited the terminal.

Darius laughed. “Seems like Jack has your number, Drake.”

“Maybe,” Drake admitted.

“The car is out this way.”  The men surrounded Beth as they exited the terminal.  Darius assured them it wasn’t far to Santa Monica, but it seemed to take forever.

“This traffic is hellish.  I thought San Diego was bad,” Drake complained.  “We’ve only gone seven miles.  Aren’t there some side streets we could have taken?”

“Stop your bitching.  We’re committed to this route.  We’ll be there shortly,” Darius replied.

“I knew I should have driven,” Drake muttered.

“I wanted us to get there in one piece.”

“At least I don’t drive like somebody’s grandmother,” Drake scoffed.

Jack listened to the banter in the front and watched Beth looking out the window.  She seemed lost in her own world.

Finally they arrived at a little bungalow-style house.  There were two men, obviously military, waiting for them.  This time Beth turned to him with trepidation.

“I know them, they were sent by my lieutenant.  They’re currently in training.  Trust me, you’ll like them, they’re good guys.

“We know them too,” Darius assured her.  He got out of the car and opened Beth’s door.  Jack followed her, and she immediately sidled up to him.  He liked it.  They walked up to the front door.

“Gentlemen, please introduce yourselves.”

“Petty Officer Third Class, Lou Griggs, Ma’am.”

“Petty Officer Second Class, Mike Ingram, Ma’am.”

Beth looked at him.

“This is Beth Llamos.  She’s who you’re going to be guarding.  I don’t want anyone you don’t personally know, or who hasn’t been cleared by one of us to be let into this house.  Am I clear?”

“Clear, Sir.”  The men answered in unison.

“Do you have the keys to the house?”

“Right here.” Griggs handed the keys to Jack.  “We checked inside, it’s fine, Sir.”  Jack nodded, and motioned to Darius who held Beth back as Jack let himself inside.  The house was nice and homey.  He checked every room, closet, and hidey hole.  Finally he went back outside and nodded.  Darius escorted Beth inside.

Jack watched as Beth looked around and gave a slow and delighted smile.  “This is lovely.”

“This is my buddy’s girlfriend’s house,” Mike said.  “Her grandmother used to live here.  Anyway, she stocked the refrigerator, and she said to tell you she changed the sheets.”

Beth’s smile turned into a frown.

“Where’s she going to be?  I didn’t mean to put anyone out.”

“Are you kidding?  Jerry is happy as a clam.  He’s been trying to get Claudia to stay with him for over a year.  Now they get to do a test run before he proposes.  Everything’s cool.”

“Come on, Beth, let’s take a tour.”

“We’re going to take off.  We’ll see you tomorrow down in San Diego.  In the meantime, Mike and Lou will be stationed outside.”  Darius and Drake took her hand in a gentle shake good-bye.

After the door closed, Beth stood in the middle of the open floor plan living space and stared at him.  “I don’t know what to do,” she said.

“Just take it easy.  Tomorrow’s a big day, and you’ll get to see Lydia.”

“I’m too excited to take it easy.” Beth laughed, then hugged herself and practically danced over to the kitchen counter.  She picked up a pear from the bowl on the counter that separated the living room from the kitchen.

“Look how fresh these are.”  She opened her mouth to say something else, and then yawned.  After she was done she attempted to finish her comment but instead yawned again.

“That’s it.  Bedtime, little girl.”  Jack picked up her two suitcases.  “Follow me.”

“I can’t believe how tired I am.” 

He could.  He waited for her at the start of the small hallway.  “It’s the door at the end.  The one on the left is the guest bathroom.”

“Which one is your bedroom?”

“I’m bunking on the couch.”

“But it’s too small,” she protested.

“It’s fine.  If I’m too uncomfortable I’ll sleep on the floor.  Trust me, it’s better than one hundred percent of my assignments.”

“Assignments?”  Jack looked at her face as he put the suitcase on the bed.  He knew he’d screwed up, and pulled her into his arms.

“You’re not an assignment.  You’re a joy.  I meant compared to sleeping in the desert, sleeping outside your door is an honor, and a little bit of hell.”  He smiled to make sure she understood he was teasing.

“I’m so anxious.  I mean not only will I get to see Lydia, but next week Papa testifies.  Soon everything will be over with.”

Jack took a step forward and cupped her cheeks.  “Not everything.  I’m not letting you go, Beth.” 

“Jack,” she breathed out.

He put a finger over her lips. 

“Dammit, I shouldn’t have said that.  You go to sleep.  Just know you’re safe, and someone cares deeply about you, okay?”

“But, I don’t want you hurt.”

“I’m a big boy.  The most important thing is your happiness.  I know I need to back off.  Now, you get some sleep.  Remember, tomorrow is a big day.  It’s reunion day.”  A smile suffused her face.

“You’re right.  But, we’re going to talk about you and me.”

“Such a brave girl.  Now go to sleep.”

“Yes, Sir.”  She grinned, and he shut the door behind him.

Chapter Ten


othing went quite as expected.  The next day, when Jack and Beth went over to the duplex where Clint and Lydia were staying they found a very sober Lydia.  She tried to hide it, but it was obvious something was wrong.

“Lydia, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.  I’m so glad you’re finally here and we’re together again.  The Marshals even said they’ll bring Mama and Papa here very soon.”

Lydia offered Jack and Beth something to drink as they sat in the living room of the pretty home. 

“I don’t want anything to drink, Lydia.  I want to know what’s wrong.  Tell me,” Beth demanded.

Jack put his hand over Beth’s and looked at her sister.  “It’s really good to finally meet you, Lydia.”

“I’m so sorry, Jack,” Beth said. “I should have introduced you first thing.” 

“It’s okay.  But the real problem is Clint isn’t here.  He’s been deployed, hasn’t he?” he asked Lydia in a gentle voice. 

She looked at Jack with shiny eyes and nodded.  Beth crossed over to the chair where Lydia was sitting, sat on the arm, and gave her sister a hug.

“Oh Lyd, you should have told me first thing.  When did he leave?”

“Yesterday morning, at oh-God-awful-o-clock.  Sophia Anderson, Mason’s fiancée came over here for a visit and spent the night.”  Lydia bit her lip.  Normally Lydia was not a crier, except when she’d had pneumonia.  Beth hated seeing her so upset.

“I’m sorry, this was supposed to be our big reunion and instead I’m a shit companion.”  Lydia stood and pulled Beth into her arms and gave her the big hug of welcome Beth had been envisioning for well over a month.

“I’ve missed you so much, Lydia.”

“Me too, baby sister.”  Then both women started to laugh and cry at the same time.

Lydia turned to Jack who was still sitting on the sofa watching with a bemused expression on his face.

“So you’re Jack Preston, the man who saved my sister’s life.  I can’t thank you enough.”  She went over and stood in front of him with her arms outstretched.  Jack stood, and he towered over Lydia.  Beth was used to his size, so it was a bit of a shock to realize how big the man was in comparison to her sister.  She smothered a laugh, because Lydia was actually a little taller than she was.

“He’s a big one.”

“Damn, can you still read my mind?” Beth demanded good naturedly.

“It’s one of the perks of being the oldest.”

“You’re as beautiful as your sister,” Jack said.

“Something tells me you’re actually a little biased towards Beth,” Lydia teased as she stepped back from Jack.  Jack’s face flushed.

“Maybe a little.  Your sister is a very special lady.”

“Yes she is.”  Lydia glanced over her shoulder at Beth and gave her a smile.  She turned back to Jack.  “So you’re a SEAL too, huh?”

“Yes, Ma’am.  I mean Lydia, I guess saying ma’am is a Navy habit and it’s hard to break.”  Beth noted Lydia’s sad expression again, and Jack must have as well. 

“Why don’t I take you two pretty ladies to lunch?  I know a lot of great places here in the San Diego area.  Then you can tell me what it was like growing up in Mexico.  I can also practice my Spanish with two natives.”

“That would be really nice.  Let me get my purse.”  Lydia gave him a grateful smile.  While she went to the bedroom, Beth hugged him.

“What’s this for?”

“I think you’re wonderful.” 

“If offering to take two beautiful women to lunch gets me a hug from you, I’ll be doing it every day for the rest of my life.”  He looked at her, and for a moment she thought she might get kissed, but then she heard Lydia coming down the hall and the moment was gone.

“Come along ladies, your chariot awaits.”

As they made their way outside, Jack looked around and saw Terry and Chris and gave them a nod. 

“Lydia, where are your guards?”

“Frank’s over there.  His partner’s wife is sick today so I told him to go home.” 

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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