Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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Jack’s face darkened.  “Why don’t the two of you head over to the SUV? I’ll be there in a sec.”  He headed towards the car where Frank was seated.  Frank sat up straight and looked worried.  Beth thought he should be.


had a great time today, thank you so much,” Beth said as they got home.

Jack tipped his chin to the two men stationed outside the bungalow as they made their way inside.

“I did too.  Your sister is as nice as I imagined she’d be.”

“She is, isn’t she?”  Beth headed towards the kitchen.  She was full of excited energy and it was a joy to watch.

God, she was gorgeous.

She was holding a coffee cup and turned around to look at him.



“You’re staring.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“I’m not really, but I like it when you say I am.  Now, is it too late for you to have coffee?  You always seem to drink it no matter how late it is.  I’ll brew you some, but I’m having tea.”

Jack shuddered.  “Coffee.  Definitely coffee.”  He watched in fascination as she hummed, and then started to softly sing a song in Spanish.

“What song is that?”

“Oh.” Beth laughed.  “I didn’t even realize I was singing.  Lydia and I used to drive Mama crazy with this song.  It was popular about ten years ago—a boy band.  I actually don’t like it all that much to tell you the truth, but it brings back happy memories.”

Beth handed Jack his cup of coffee and got the milk and sugar for her tea.

“What’s the age difference between you and your sister?”

“Three and a half years.  She’s the smart one.”  Jack watched as she stirred, taking in her relaxed expression.  Beth meant exactly what she said. 

“Tell me more about Lydia.  What was it like growing up with her?”

“It was great.  She looked out for me.  She was fierce.  You would’ve thought with how beautiful she was she would’ve been one of the popular girls, but she was a computer nerd.”  Beth looked at him with a huge grin.  “I was lucky to have her.  She’s always protected me.”  With those few words, Beth was no longer smiling.  Jack knew she was lost in a jungle.

“Hey sweetheart, let’s focus on today, shall we?”

“Yes, you’re right.  I know Lydia’s upset because Clint was deployed, but I’m so happy she has him.  She deserves him...well he deserves her.”  She stopped and looked at him, her eyes sparkling.  “They deserve each other, in a good way.  They’re good people,” she said with a long sigh.

“You deserve it too, sweetheart.”  Her smile lost its sparkle, and she looked at him with a resigned expression.  “Don’t look at me like that. I think
deserve each other.”  He stepped closer so their bodies touched.  Her eyes widened, and her breath quickened, but he saw no fear in her eyes.  What he saw was shy interest.  He smiled as he bent close and parted her lips with his.

It took a long moment, but eventually her eyes fluttered shut.  Jack wrapped one arm around her back, and sifted the other through her hair until he could tilt her head just so.  His eyes drifted shut as he took the kiss to a whole new level.  He tasted the heady flavor that was Beth.  He shifted his knee and she moved so her legs surrounded it, and her core pushed against his upper thigh.  He moved it upwards and her fingernails bit into his biceps, and she nipped at his lips.

They were little advances, but coming from Beth it made him hard as a rock.  He slipped his hand under her blouse, and luxuriated in the smooth skin of her tummy.  He loved how round and soft she was, she felt so good to him, and she’d feel like heaven underneath him.  He pressed harder with his thigh, and he heard her moan. 

He traced his fingers along her ribcage, and he felt her breath catch.  She arched further into the kiss her tongue tangling with his.  His heart began to gallop, but he kept all of his responses in check knowing this was new to her.  He slid his hand up her side, then around to her front, and smiled as he felt the cotton of the serviceable bra she was wearing.  No lace for his girl.  She twisted and moaned.

He gently cupped her breast, loving the feel of the warm weight in his palm, and the way she shifted against his hand.  It took a moment for him to realize she wasn’t moving towards him, but away.  

He broke off the kiss and looked at her, but saw only a slight bit of panic. Thank the Lord.

“Beth, it’s all right.  It stops now.”

She sucked in a deep breath.  “I’m sorry.  I wasn’t expecting you to touch me there.”  Her big black eyes held remorse and sorrow.  “I told you this wouldn’t work between the two of us.”

“Sweetheart, I just took you by surprise.  You said so yourself, you weren’t expecting it.” 

She looked at him with a considering expression.  “Did you like everything else?” he asked.

“Yes, but,” her voice trailed off.

“Do you trust me?  I mean
trust me?”


He’d known the answer, and he knew the answer to the next couple of questions, but
had to know them.

“Do you think I’d ever physically harm you?”

“God no!”

“Before me, did you ever think you’d want to hold a man’s hand?”


“Hug a man?”


“Sit in his lap?”

“No.”  Her eyes began to sparkle.

“Kiss one?”

“You know the answer.”

“Tell me anyway,” he coaxed.

“No, before you I never wanted to kiss a man."

“Have you enjoyed doing those things with me?”

“Oh yes.” This time her smile was radiant.

“Isn’t it safe to assume with time we might explore other things you might like?  If we take it slow, and if we don’t take you by surprise?”

He watched as the light faded from her eyes, and she shifted away from him. 

“You don’t understand.”

“Then help me too.” Damn, they’d been so close.  Even now the faint scent of her arousal teased his senses.

“I can’t.  It just won’t work.”  She pushed against his chest, and he let her go.  “It’s not you, it’s me.” 
Were there any words a man hated more?

“I’m tired, Jack.  I want to go to bed.”

He watched as she made her way down the hall to the bedroom.  He winced as she shut the door behind her. 


our days later the US Marshals brought Mr. and Mrs. Hidalgo to Southern California in the middle of the night.  They would be staying in a hotel in Orange County, halfway between San Diego and Santa Monica.  It was decided the best place for the family to meet would be the bungalow in Santa Monica. 

Jack still wasn’t happy the US Marshals knew Beth’s whereabouts, but he’d been assured only a select few knew, and they’d been vetted by the leadership within their organization.

Jack watched as the older couple came into the house.  The girls were the spitting image of their mother.  Gloria Hildalgo was overwhelmed at seeing her daughters.  But Jack stood in back of Lydia and Beth, both literally and figuratively watching Mr. Hildalgo.  He knew he was their father, but his actions had gotten them targeted for execution.  Yep, he had Beth’s back, and since Clint wasn’t here, he had Lydia’s too.

“My babies!”  Mrs. Hidalgo ran to her girls with tears streaming down her face.

Both women rushed towards her, their arms open, and all three enveloped one another in one big hug.  Rapid fire Spanish made it so Jack could barely keep up. 

Mr. Hidalgo stared at the group, and then looked at him.  They assessed one another.  He knew Jack was judging him, nodded, slowly walked towards his little family, and wrapped his arms around the three women.  He said nothing, just rested his chin on his wife’s head.  It would have been a touching scene if Jack could have gotten past the vision in his head of Beth being attacked by the men in the jungle.

Beth had dinner all prepped in the kitchen.  Finally Jack made a move towards the open kitchen, and was immediately swarmed by the three Hidalgo women, led by Gloria. 

“Absolutely not, no man is allowed in the kitchen when I am here.”  She bustled past Jack, and Lydia followed with Beth in the rear.  Beth shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes, as if to say, ‘what can I do’?  Jack headed back towards the living room where Ricardo Hidalgo stood hunched over with a defiant look in his eyes.

“I don’t think we were properly introduced.  I am Ricardo Hidalgo, and I believe you are Jack Preston, a Navy SEAL, yes?”

“Yes, Sir.”  Jack shook the man’s proffered hand.

“It is also my understanding you are responsible for saving my daughter’s life.  I owe you a debt as I owe many of your compatriots.”

“You owe me nothing.”  Jack didn’t want any debts owed either way between the two of them.

“Fine.  There will be no more talk of this.  But you seem to be very protective of my daughters.  This I do not understand.  You will explain yourself,” he demanded arrogantly.  The man was no longer hunched over. 
Very interesting.

“Why should I explain anything to you?”

“I have made mistakes.  Grave mistakes.  I have had much time to consider them.  I will be here to make amends with my daughters if they will allow it.  It will be between them and me.  However, I will do everything in my power to protect them going forward.  This includes ensuring they come to no further harm.”

“Let me get this straight.  You acknowledge I saved your daughter’s life, and now you’re saying I’m going to harm her?”

“It is my right.  I am her father.  I am the head of this household.”

“Yes, you are her father.”

am the one who will care for her, and ensure her safety.”

Jack stifled a laugh, and Hidalgo’s face flushed dark with anger. 

“Do not take me lightly, boy.”

For long moments Jack considered the man.  His Southern upbringing came into play—this was his elder, and father of the woman he loved.  As such he was due respect.  As a matter of fact, he was asserting his rights to protect his daughters, so he should be applauded.  But all Jack wanted to do was throat punch the bastard.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Gloria and Lydia were busy talking and laughing, but Beth was watching them.

“Sounds wonderful, Ricardo,” Jack said loudly enough for Beth to hear.  After she turned back to her mother and sister, his gaze slid to Hidalgo.

“Listen here old man, you work really hard to make amends with your daughters. They deserve to have a father who licks their shoes for the rest of their lives after what you did.  But don’t think you can threaten me, or for that matter Clint, ever again.  We’re the men who are going to protect Lydia and Beth from now on.  We’re responsible for their safety, and we’ll never put them in harm’s way like you did.  If you do one more Goddamn thing to cause them one more tear in this life you’ll answer to us.  I suggest
don’t take
, lightly.”

“Jack, how’s it going in here?  Are you and Papa about ready for dinner?” Beth asked as she came into the living room.

“We’re having a great time, aren’t we, Ricardo?”

“Yes.  Yes, we are.” The man was once again hunched over as he gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek.


’m going to the hotel with your parents and the Marshals.  I want to talk to them about their security,” Jack said.

Beth and Lydia looked at each other, perplexed at first.  “He wants to make sure they don’t have any fucking leaks like they did with me,” Lydia said after she realized his intentions.  Jack had already left, but Beth watched through the front room window as he got into the SUV. Lydia was probably right.  Their watchdogs were still in place, too.

“He’s pretty damn protective of you,” Lydia said as they plopped down on the couch.

“Like Clint isn’t the same way,” Beth countered.  “Have I told you how happy I am for you?  Clint is so wonderful.  I loved the way he took care of you in the jungle.  You’ve deserved wonderful for forever.”

“He is, isn’t he?”  She shook her head in amazement.  “He wants to marry me.”

Beth closed her eyes and gave thanks.  She took her sister’s hands in hers.  “I hope you said yes.  If you didn’t I’ll cut off your hair in your sleep.”

They laughed, remembering when Beth had tried to do it with her dull childhood scissors when she was four. 

“He hasn’t officially asked me.  But yes, I said yes.”  Beth’s relief was palpable. 

“What about you?  Your big blonde god is amazing.  Jack certainly looks like he adores you.  But even better, you allowed him to touch you.”

Beth’s face heated, she looked away, and then turned back.  “I need to talk to you.  I’m so confused.”

“What, baby girl?”

“He’s talked about a future with me.”

Lydia tucked a strand of hair behind Beth’s ear.  “That’s wonderful.  You two seem great together.  Am I missing something?”

“He’s too good.”

“That’s not possible.  Nobody is too good for my sister.”

“You’re biased.” Beth forced a weak laugh.  “Anyway, I keep freezing up on him.  He thinks I’ll get past it, but I know I never will.”  Lydia stroked her arm.

“Okay, can you tell me about it?”

“I haven’t been completely honest.  Something happened before the cabin.  I was scared of men before then.  The cabin solidified it.”

Lydia stared at her for a moment with dawning comprehension.

“Oh baby, why didn’t you tell someone?  Our parents?  Me?”

“I couldn’t.”

“Yes you could.”  Lydia grabbed her hands, and pulled her closer.  “Tell me now.”

“It happened one of those times at Papa’s office.”

“Oh fuck.  I think I know where this is going.”  Lydia looked scared and mad.


“Tell me.”

“I was a sophomore.  Remember when I used to help with the filing?”  Beth’s thoughts hyper-focused to one of the moments in her father’s office. 

“Papa’s office was such a place of pleasure.  The files gleamed brightly and it was my responsibility to make sure everything was in order.  I used my best printing to make sure every tab was readable, and everything was color coded so Papa could find them easily.” 

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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