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Authors: C. M. Stunich

Fuck Valentine's Day (9 page)

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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God, Preston!
” I shouted as my stalker –
shit, secret admirer – thrust me into the metal lockers at my
back and then proceeded to spin us around and slam me into a tiled
wall near the showers. “Don't stop,” I growled as I
nibbled at the warm skin of his neck and tried not to let out full
blown screams in the middle of the locker room. We were alone for
now, but I had a feeling that if I let out the kind of bloodcurdling
screech that was crouching in the back of my throat, folks would come

Preston whispered as he somehow managed to maneuver us into the
shower stall and close the curtain behind us.
Thank God for coed
locker rooms,
I thought as we gained our bit of privacy in the
nick of time. Seconds after Preston started slamming me balls to the
wall, a group of guys entered the locker room laughing and joking
about God only knows what. I sure as hell wasn't listening.

shit, Preston,” I groaned as he thrust into me hot and hard,
grinding our hips together at the same time he was reaching around me
and switching on the faucet. Warm water cascaded over us and stuck
my clothes to my body, plastered my bangs over my eyes and still, I
couldn't have cared less. Heat was building up down below, climbing
the ladder of my spine up to my brain and exploding in brilliant
color behind my eyes. “Fuck me harder!”

as I like the words that are coming out of your dirty, fucking
mouth,” Preston said, pausing his oh so perfect rhythm long
enough that I wanted to stab him in the eye with my nail. “You
have to be quiet. We have company.”

you,” I said as I spit out a bit of water at him and watched a
smile spread across his mouth, evil and dirty as sin.
Some nerd,
I thought as he pulled away and let my feet drop to the floor.
That whole nice guy thing was a bit of a sham. Preston Ellis is a
fucking pervert.

you can't keep quiet, we'll have to move on to a different activity,”
he said and his voice, for a split second, was sweet as pie, nice and
gooey, gentle. Then he was reaching out and grasping me by the
shoulders, pushing me down to my knees hard. I hit the tiles with a
curse and a small surge of pain. Again, it was just enough to tease
my senses, to remind me that I was alive, and not enough to freak me
out or damage my body.
Oh my god,
I think this shit is
getting me off.
I had a sudden and irrational fear that I was
going to turn into Anastasia Steele and start spouting off things
about my inner goddess and referring to my fucking cunt as

I said as Preston began to slide his condom off, one painful inch at
a time.

word is kitten, remember?” he said and then he was tearing the
rubber off and flashing me with the dick from my pic. You know when
you get a package (pun intended) in the mail and go to review it
online and there's always that option that says,
Was this item as
Well, Preston's cock was a real life replica of that
perfect picture, long and curved and glimmering with a silver ring.

swallowed hard and closed my eyes. I wanted to suck him off, watch
him shudder in my mouth, but I had to put a brief stop to this, just
long enough that I could think. I hadn't been doing a whole lot of
that since yesterday, so wrapped up was I in this whole secret
admirer/Quinn/sex trip I'd been on. There was more to me than just
this, sure. I was a kick ass checker player, a fond patron of rare
cheeses, and a complete and utter sucker for poorly written romance
novels. I had to know that Quinn was after more than just some pet
he could parade around on command.

I said and I nearly cried when Preston sighed and squatted down next
to me. I reached out and brushed some wet hair from his forehead,
desperately wishing that he had on his glasses. Somehow those made
him seem easier to talk to.

the matter, Pussy Cat?” he asked and I couldn't help but
shiver. “Are we moving too fast?”

not here to play submissive for you,” I said and Preston
blinked his big, brown eyes back at me like I was an idiot. It was
hard to focus on them when his nipples looked so pert and yummy in
the steamy air of the shower. “I don't mind a bit of rough
sex,” I continued and didn't even blush when I said it. “But
I'm not a toy.”

Told you. You're a fucking perv.

I know, right? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if she
tried to pash either one of us.

told my inner voices to go screw themselves (in the privacy of my own
brain, thank you very much) and watched Preston carefully as his
smile lost some of its heat and took on some of that studious
confidence that had attracted me to him before.

know when I first knew that I liked you,” he began as he ran
his tongue across his moist lips.
“When you
gave that presentation in Intro to Genetics.” I stared at him
for a long moment while the guys outside our shower stall snapped at
one another with wet towels and engaged in other questionable

don't get it,” I admitted as my body pulsed and begged me to
cut the crap and save the heart to hearts for after the big O.

could tell you were strong,” he continued. “The way you
spoke, the conviction in your voice, the confidence in your face. We
can play rough, but trust me, I'd never want to break you.”

this just about sex?” I ventured. I mean, I wasn't going to
get down on my knees and beg the guy to marry me, but I also knew
that I wanted to explore a relationship outside of just the bedroom.
I think that's why I'd been so hesitant to hook up with Quinn,
despite my intense attraction to the man. I had a feeling that all
he really wanted was to bang bodies.

hope not,” Preston said and that was that, I was done talking.
His face was too cute and his mouth, despite being absolutely filthy,
really was dangerously kissable. “Andi,” he said,
pulling back, voice low and husky. “Ever since I watched you
go down on Quinn, all I can think about is your mouth.” I
stared at him, but he didn't let me rest there gawping for long.
Instead, Preston rose to his feet in a smooth, graceful motion that
had drool threatening to drip from my mouth yet again (thank God for
the shower).

watched?” I asked, and although I had sort of suspected that
all along, it was an odd thing to think about. “You just stood
there and watched me suck Quinn's dick?”

like to watch,” he said and then flashed me his perfect cock
for just a moment before grabbing me by the hair and tugging me
forward, slipping himself between my lips and burying his dick as far
back in my throat as it could go.

he groaned as he began to thrust, and I had to reach out and grasp
his shaft before he bruised my throat. I wanted him to press his
hips into my face, fuck my mouth like it was a pussy, but I didn't
think I could take it all in, so I made do, reaching up and massaging
his balls until his breath was ragged and heavy, until he was
practically panting for me. “You have no idea how much I've
been wanting to do this.”

slid my tongue around the head of Preston's dick, nibbling at his
piercing with my teeth as he slid forward with barely restrained
passion. I could tell he wanted to pound the shit out of me, but was
holding back.
How nice.

me I'm better than Quinn,” he growled, but I could in no way
indulge him with that bit of ego petting. My mouth was full of him,
hard and insistent. When I didn't answer, Preston began to get more
vigorous, driving into my face with such fury that he was really
testing the limits of my gag reflex. Just when I was about to give
up and call uncle, or kitten, whatever, he grabbed my hair hard, drew
tears from my eyes and shot his wad into the back of my throat. When
he pulled back, he knelt down and kissed the fuck out of me, swirling
the taste of him around in both our mouths. His cum was sweeter than
Quinn's, less salty.
Who knew jizz came in different flavors?
Guess you learn something new everyday.

put my hands up on Preston's chest and pushed him back as I forced
myself to swallow the unfamiliar taste.

turn?” I asked, and honestly, I wasn't surprised when he was
more than happy to oblige. Pervert is as pervert does, I suppose.
Lucky me.

I sat through calculus with my panties in a tizzy and my heart
beating an ode to Preston's ass as he took over for our pervy
professor and started working out equations from the homework I most
certainly did not do.

stopped by your place three times this weekend,” Quinn
whispered as he leaned over and stared at me from under the fabric of
his red beanie. I should've felt guilty about blowing him and then
getting with Preston, but I didn't. I was a modern woman along for
the ride, and frankly, I was enjoying myself. Things with Preston
had become … interesting, so I was going to go with him.
Sorry Quinn. Hey, no hard feelings. I mean, the guy did send me
a dick pic. How romantic was that?

I whispered back at him, trying to focus on the numbers when all I
could really think about were the hours that Preston and I spent in
bed last night exploring one another. It was like we couldn't get
enough of each other's bodies. I shivered.
wasn't put off by my sudden lack of interest. I took that to mean
that I was quite skilled in the blow job department, but you can
think what you want.

to hang out after this?” Quinn asked, totally and completely
ignorant to the glares that were being thrown our way. When I'd seen
him coming for me, I should've relocated to the back row. Quinn was
not a front row sort of a guy. After all, it was a bit hard to spank
the monkey when you had three hundred other students at your back.

you really mean is, do you want to fuck after class?” I
whispered as I thought about the wooden box in my room and the
naughty handcuffs that Preston and I had yet to break in. I was
looking forward to it though. Believe you me, I was practically
creaming my panties at the thought of that metal wrapped around my
wrists, of Preston's hard cock splitting me open and pumping into me
with fast, furious strokes while I … I shook my head and
pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingers. Seriously, Andi? Get
a grip on yourself. Admittedly though, much as I accused Genevieve
of being a nympho, I was strongly starting to suspect that I might be
one, too. I had to admit that, in my humble opinion, the title of
Sex Goddess fit me much better than Old Virgin, so I was sort of
happy about that.

yeah,” Quinn said as he slumped back in his seat and proceeded
to pick at his black nail polish. “That's pretty much exactly
what I meant. I'm not exactly that great at being subtle, you know?”
I noticed that the professor was glaring at us, too, which kind of
ticked me off because moments before, he'd had his eyes glued to the
tits of the busty coed next to him.
I really should go file a
sexual harassment case against that bitch,
I thought, and then
quickly dismissed the idea. Ms. Busty was going to have to take care
of herself. I had plans. With Preston Ellis. Yay me!

do you want from me, Quinn?” I asked quietly as I turned to
face him and leaned in, so I could really get a good look at his baby
blues. “Do you just want to screw me for the hell of it? Do
you want to be fuck buddies? Or is this your attempt at redeeming
yourself and showing the world that bad boys have hearts, too, and
that they're more than capable of teaching the poor campus virgin a
thing or two about herself?” Quinn blinked back at me and
scratched at the tribal tattoo on his right bicep.

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