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Authors: C. M. Stunich

Fuck Valentine's Day (6 page)

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pulled away from Quinn's mouth and sunk down, convinced that I was
totally blowing it with my Mystery Man by doing this, but sort of
unable to stop myself. I was a kink. Yes, I'll admit that. A
virgin kink. Do you know how hard that is? I thought about dirty
stuff, dreamed about dirty stuff, and never got to do dirty stuff.
Plus, you know, I blamed the upcoming holiday and all of its pushy,
lovey crap. Couples everywhere were amping up their PDAs, buying
each other kitschy shit, and just generally being assholes to the
rest of us that would like to have a sex partner. So maybe it wasn't
the 'right' thing to do, but right and wrong are relative and I
to do it. I wanted to suck Quinn Prentis's cock.

the box of chocolates worked?” Quinn joked as I examined my
prey and tried to figure out what to do with it. I resisted the urge
to flick him in the nuts and tried to concentrate.

said I wouldn't touch your dick
because you bought me a
box of chocolates. This has nothing to do with that.” And
then I just went for it, wrapped my mouth around the end of Quinn's
dick and swirled my tongue around in a circle. His hands came down
right away and tangled in my hair for dear life.

fucking rock, Andi,” Quinn growled which made my heart pump
faster and my skin tingle with need.
Shit, this is hot.
slid my mouth down as far as it would go until I felt the head of
Quinn's cock pressing into the back of my throat. “I think I'm
in love,” he groaned as I slid back, grazing my teeth gently
along his skin and pausing as I tried to recall some tips Gen had
given me. Whatever she said about sex, I believed because I had the
sneaking suspicion that she was a nymphomaniac and she had
of practice at the art.

the base of his cock with your hand and pump it while you suck the
tip. If he's uncircumcised, make sure you move that skin around with
your tongue; he'll love
that. This doesn't work for all guys,
but it's like BJ 101,
you know? You can't go wrong with this.

I did what she said and used my tongue to suck gently on Quinn's
foreskin while my hand worked the shaft of his cock. His grip on my
hair got tighter and his fingers were almost painful, but there was a
pleasure to it that made my lower parts throb and had me wishing I'd
taken him up on his offer to go somewhere yesterday. Oh yes, I very
much wanted to fuck Mr. Prentis.

got it,” he told me and seconds later, he was thrusting into my
face and coming. Without really thinking about what I was doing, I
swallowed it. It was hot and salty and kind of gross, but also sort
of sexy, too.
Goddamn, I'm a pervert.
“Holy shit,”
Quinn breathed as I stood up and watched him zip his pants in the
nick of time. A giggling couple came around the corner of the hedges
next to the classroom, swinging their hands and gazing at one another
with sheer, unadulterated affection.
tell me you'll go out with me tonight.” I wrinkled my nose and
glanced over my shoulder. It only took me about two seconds to find
what I was looking for. I spun around right away and just stared.

secret admirer had left me another Valentine's Day card with yet
another hunk o' burning love on the front. I knew it was from him
because there was a pink, glittery handcuff sticker on the lower
right hand corner. I wondered briefly how he knew I was going to be
the first one to get to it when the thought came to me.

my God, he was watching us,” I whispered as Quinn wrapped his
arms around my waist and started kissing my neck. My whole body went
up in flames and I nearly melted.

was watching us?” he whispered as I reached up and plucked the
card from its position next to a green flyer advertising a used
motorcycle. “'Cause that's kinda hot.”

I said as I spun around and tried not to think about Mystery Man
staring at me while I went down on the totally sexy badass/douche bag
that was Quinn Prentis.
What was I thinking?
“I'm busy
tonight. Call me tomorrow?” And then I took off, forgetting
that he didn't even have my number.

Fucking Valentine's Day, Bitch
the card that my stalker – grr, my secret admirer –
left me. Inside, in that tiny, perfect script it also told me that,
I would never talk to you like that – unless you wanted me to.
Come find me.
And then there
was an address, one that I knew well because it was across the street
from the campus.

Mystery Man lived in Crest Haven Apartments.

slapped the card against my forehead and tried to breathe. Going to
a creepy apartment complex alone was not a good idea. I needed to
take someone with me. Gen had already left with Lance for the
weekend and I couldn't imagine any of my other friends being much
help in a dangerous situation of any sort. They were all
limp-wristed toots as far as I was concerned.

had to call Quinn. Or Preston, I
added unconsciously. But then, why would he come along? I mean, he
did kiss me, but I still didn't know what that meant. Quinn, well,
he owed me. Sort of. I mean, it wasn't like I was a prostitute or
anything, but I did blow him off in the courtyard in front of our lit
class, so I was guessing that if I asked him out, he'd say yes. I
didn't exactly have to tell him what I needed him for, did I?

stood up, tucked my new card in my handcuff box and picked up my
phone to call Quinn. As I scrolled through my contacts, I started to
get irritated. It was nearly four in the afternoon and he hadn't
called me, not once. Then I got to to the end of the alphabet and
realized that he didn't have my number. Fuck.


stood up and kept scrolling, desperate to find someone, anyone, that
I thought might be able to protect me against my possibly dangerous
secret admirer. I was still of the mind that he was going to be one,
hot tamale, but then there was always a chance that my pulsing clit
and raging libido were clouding my mind.

Why don't you just go hire a hooker? They've got
some nice, clean ones in Vegas.

Why fork out the dough when she's got Quinn around?
I bet that boy would be damn good in bed. I mean, with the thousands
upon thousands of practice sessions he's no doubt participated in,
his skill shouldn't even have to be called into question.

He does have tattoos …

Yes, yes, he does.

you guys shut the fuck up?” I said aloud which was probably a
really bad sign. At least there was nobody around to hear me losing
it. That's a good thing, right? I paused in the
and noticed that I had Preston's number. “When the fuck …
” I began and then remembered that he was once a project leader
in my bio class and gave us all his number then. I chewed my lip
until it was sore and squeezed my eyes shut. I pressed send and
waited with a sick feeling in my gut for Mr. Ellis to
answer the phone. It didn't even ring. It was like he was waiting
for my call and suddenly, he was just there on the other end of the

was hoping you'd call,” he said and his voice friggin' oozed
through the speaker and fucked my
What the hell?

hi,” I said, and I sounded like a high schooler calling up her
crush for the first time. I cleared my throat and tried to sound
nonchalant and carefree, like I was just checkin' in about that whole
kiss thing or whatever. “Hey, are you familiar with that big
white apartment building across the street from the north entrance to

Haven?” Preston asked, sounding completely and utterly
Nice, he fucks my ear, and I don't even
acknowledge that fact. I've been crushing on this guy for two years,
and this is the best I can do?

um, do you think you might be able to head over there with me today?
I have a friend who's sick and needs me to stop by for a second, but
I don't trust that neighborhood … ” Preston laughed and
my lady parts got all giddy and started sending these tingly signals
to my brain that made me feel
like I was floating on candy clouds.

Preston said and then paused. “Was that friend me?” he
asked and my heart leapt into my throat.
Oh my god …
is it … is it him?
swallowed hard, too stunned to speak. If the first and second man on
my crush list were one in the same, then Quinn could kiss my ass,
because I was going to be handing Preston my virginity with a fucking
bow and some sparkly wrapping paper. When I didn’t respond, he
cleared his throat. “I mean, I live here. I thought you knew


Andi started to speak, but I silenced her with threats to not only
read the
Twilight Saga
, but
also to watch it. She went silent.

no, sorry, but my friend, he lives in … ” I scooted
back into my room and checked the card again, just to make sure I had
the number right. “Apartment thirty-six.” I could
practically hear Preston smiling through the phone.

that's E.'s apartment. I know him well.” I paused.


that's what all his friends call him over at the boxing gym.”
Aha. Pieces started to come together. E. I wanted to ask what it
stood for, but figured that would kind of blow my cover, so I just
laughed and pretended like I'd known that all along.

I said. “Sorry, I just usually call him by his full name.”

you do,” said Preston softly. “Meet you in the lobby in
twenty?” I nodded, realized he couldn't hear me and started to
speak. Too late I realized he'd already hung up.

was standing outside the glass front doors of the apartment building
with a tight, white T-shirt on over some dark blue jeans. His dark
hair was slicked back and his glasses were sitting on the bridge of
his nose, resting there precariously as he flipped the page in his
book and smiled.

swooned and practically crashed to the sidewalk in a cloud of lust.
If Quinn had a porn star mouth, then Preston had a kissable one with
soft, full lips that would probably feel good damn good down below as
well as up above.

he looked up and saw me stumbling down the walkway like a drunken
idiot, he closed his book and moved forward to greet me, chest
muscles bulging gently beneath his shirt. It was just enough of a
peek at his body that I not only craved more but absolutely, one
hundred percent felt like I had to have it.

look really pretty today,” he said softly as he hugged his book
to his massive chest and smiled gently at me. That whole ear fucking
thing seemed a long ways off from the soft spoken man before me, and
I couldn't help but wonder what that was all about.
always the quiet ones,
my brain
thought as I tried to not to mentally measure the width of Preston's

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