Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection (8 page)

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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Dark, and light. Hard, and soft. Deep, and shallow. The contrasts almost overturned all her senses.

She tried to squirm away from him, but he only slapped her pussy again, this time harder. Fuck she was going to erupt if he did it again. Maybe he knew, so he stopped. Hanna drew in a loud, harsh breath as she thought it was probably over. Damian was very still.

Seconds later, she felt his weight leave the bed. Tied as she was, she couldn’t turn in his direction and see what he was doing. The not knowing had her mind going crazy. Then she heard the sound of his belt being pulled from his trousers. Oh shit.

Even before she could process that sound, she heard another.
A condom packet ripping open. At that familiar sound, her traitorous pussy began to pulse like a beating drum.

Then suddenly, Hanna felt him grab her hips right before he forced his big, hard cock inside of her.

“Fuck,” Damian breathed. Hanna couldn’t even think. He was fucking her. Hard and fast and deep. Plunging, ramming, pounding. She put her face into the pillow and bit down fiercely to keep from screaming the hotel roof down. Her legs were shaking and she could tell he was holding up all her weight. He used this to his advantage as he began to move her body on his cock.

“So-fucking-tight,” he groaned, and pumped her deeper with each word.

There had to be some line to pleasure and she’d crossed it, right into another zone of being. But whatever she’d felt before, it was nothing. Damian showed her this when without warning he doubled up the belt and laid it to her buttocks. It was a mere glancing stroke, but she felt it mightily. It added a new, titillating quality to the fact that he was filling her again and again with his cock.

“Oh my God,” Hanna gasped, when the belt connected with her flesh again, all in time to his thrusts. The angle and depth brought a sensation of wicked ecstasy that Hanna almost wasn’t equipped for. What do you do when pleasure became knife-edged, making your neurons snap like twigs with each drilling push of cock inside you?

Now, she welcomed the burn of leather on the fleshy tops of her ass. Damian shoved inside her with unrestrained energy, his pace unbroken for full minutes at a time. It took that continuous pressure to trip them both over the wire and Hanna knew it was moments more before they toppled together.

“Too close,” Damian gritted out. “I want to see your pretty face when I come inside you.”

With that she felt him pull out of her and turned her on her back once more. She looked into his penetrating eyes and face, edged with harsh passion. He looked like he’d lost control. But his wicked smile twisted her heartstrings as he pushed back inside her with a groan.

Yes yes yes
, chanted Hanna in her head as he ramped up speed while fucking her depths. His hands shifted up to bunch her breasts together so he could lick both nipples as they touched. Hanna cried out with pleasure, her every limb tingling.

As their eyes held, he reached up and closed a hand over her throat. It wasn’t restrictive in any way and she could easily breathe. But the sensation of being in his control got to her.
That as well as his balls slapping against her as he rammed her deep, taking his pleasure from her pussy. For some reason that made her even more turned on and this blended in with her own enjoyment of being filled snugly. He built up a mind-blowing rhythm and she couldn’t help the way her walls tightened and pulsated around him.

When his command finally came, she was ready. “Come, Hanna,” was all he breathed in her ear. The resultant climax shook her to her foundations. Round and round she spun, riding a rainbow-colored carousel to the ends of the world and back.

Damian rested half on-top of her, his heart beating against her chest. Hanna felt like she never wanted to move again for the next…week. She felt him undo his tie from around her wrists, and gathered her up against his shirted body. The fact that in all this time he still had on all his clothes while she was practically naked, made everything that happened seem even more wired up. 

Even though her body felt too stampeded to stir a muscle, her mind still stayed active as she mused on her next step. What now?


Damian held her tightly and soon realized his shirt was wet. He tilted her chin so he could look into her shimmering eyes. “Too much?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

“No…I’m alright,” she said quickly, shaking her head. “I mean, it’s not that. Yes it was intense, but…” She took a deep breath. “I’m just so confused.”

He stroked her hair and she loved this gentle side of him. That was why she was so mixed up. There were so many facets to him and she didn’t know which one to put stock to.

“That’s fine,” he told her soothingly. “It’s supposed to be like this. Just like I never thought I’d get this chance with you.”

“How long has it been since you…felt this way?” She’d been about to say ‘since you fell in love with me’ but had corrected herself. Damian didn’t and could never love anyone least of all her. Even she could see that.

“Almost since the first moment I met you. You walked into my office and someone introduced you as my new assistant. My mind went blank for a moment and I know I said something really uncalled for and disparaging. From then on that was the mask I used because I realized it was the only way to fight the way you got to me.” He inhaled roughly.

Hanna let out a disbelieving laugh. “Now that can’t be just me. Everyone knows you have a reputation of being the toughest, most mean-spirited and disagreeable boss to work with.”

“And yet with you it felt different,” he said with a hint of laughter beneath his words at her description of him. “I kept wanting you to see me as a man, and not just your boss. Admitting that to myself was one hell of a wakeup call.”

His hand tipped her chin up again so he held her gaze. “I know you need time to come to grips with this. But if you think I’m going to let you go, you’re mistaken. Everything you used to know about me was true and I don’t deny it. I’ve been an insufferable,
hard-headed and conceited know-it-all with no remorse or compassion for those forced to work with me. But you’re the one woman who’s pushed me this far that I’d do anything for, do anything to make you mine.”

Hanna felt a stirring of anger at his words. So he wasn’t sorry for what he did. Maybe he felt it was his right to come between her and Chet. Once again, she saw clearly how far from perfect he was. It was okay to have a bad side but it irked her a lot that he seemed unrepentant about his role in her break-up.

She knew he could read the defiance in her eyes and she didn’t cloak her emotions. “I told you. I’m not going to be your property. Something you can toy with and then discard when you’re done. I’ve seen you with women, Damian. Remember? I know how little you value matters of the heart. But that’s okay, because I walked into this with both eyes open. I know the deal.”

Damian’s eyes narrowed with interest that had anger laced in his brow. “You do?”

“Yes.” Her voice was firmer now, her gaze unwavering. “This is just sex Damian and it works both ways. You don’t want any strings attached any more than I do. My boyfriend took off with some barely legal groupie. I guess I needed a pick-me-up from my hot billionaire boss. Now I guess Chet and I are even. I do owe him a real apology though because he told me about you. Maybe I can work things out with him, who can tell? He just might forgive me and want me back. If it comes to that, I already know what my choice would be.”

Hanna had pushed Damian to the wall this time and she could tell. She didn’t know how someone so furious could keep it reined in the way he did, fury etched in every line of his face yet his whole body left with no sign of agitation. That didn’t fool her for a second though. He still looked ready to smash a fist through the headboard.

“I’m going to leave now before I do something stupid,” he said with cold composure. “But you and I both know this: I can have you when I want you, Hanna.”

He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead, and Hanna stiffened at the warmth of his lips. “You do what you have to do. And I’ll do the same. Get some rest.”

And with that, he rolled off the bed and left after gathering his things.

Alone in her bed, Hanna stared after his departing figure as the door closed behind him.

She hated when he was right. Even now she itched with renewed need for the ways in which only he knew how to please her. She was as confused as ever now.

He’d always make her vulnerable, she could see that already. There were no half measures with him and if she let it consume her, it would. While he could always walk away – but only if it suited him.

She wasn’t ready to be Damian Rush’s passing fantasy.

Nothing would make any sense till she spoke to Chet again and found out where her heart really lay, Hanna couldn’t repress a shiver as she hugged her pillow closer beneath her cheek.

All Hanna could hope for was that she’d make the final choice that was best for her and no one else. So what was it going to be?










Flirting With Desire Book 3


It had all happened so fast. Hanna never gave herself the chance to think it through, but had let her treacherous libido lead the way. Not once, but twice in the same day she’d succumbed to the ravenous blast of need Damian evoked.

Hanna could hardly imagine having to look herself in the mirror after this. She’d always thought she had more sense, more self-control. But Chet had been right all along. And it ripped at her to think he’d known her more than she knew herself.

Thinking about Chet, she let out a groan of dismay. She had to face this sometime. So she got out her cell and called him. After a few rings, his distinctly deep voice came on the line.

“It’s great you called back, Hanna. I wanted to make sure you were OK,” he explained. “I was concerned about you.”

“I’m alright,” Hanna said, feeling anything but. All over she still tingled from Damian’s rough, deliciously wicked taking. But it went deeper than that; her head was in a whirl about her true feelings and where they stood.

She sighed deeply and added, “I mean I don’t really understand all that’s happening, but I’m getting it together. Chet, you need to be straight with me. Just how long have you been cheating on me?”

He let out an impatient sound. “Hanna, you had this infatuation with your…”

“What in the world? Chet, I was faithful to you all the years we were together. I loved you. And you could just turn around and pull that shit on me.” She couldn’t help the anger and betrayal, remembering how she’d felt when he’d walked out with that young spritely thing.

“I never wanted to go over this, not again,” Chet began heavily. “But, Hanna I heard you call him name when we had sex. This happened more than a few times. I tried to ignore it at first, but then even in your sleep, you spoke his name.”

Hanna sat back heavily on the pillows, her body going weak. “What?”

Chet went on relentlessly, “And then there was all that dressing up you did for him. You never cared to dress up for me. What was even worse were the constant trips – you couldn’t seem to wait to go. I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry. It just couldn’t work out anymore with him between us. Just think about it, Hanna. And how you’d react in my shoes; that just with hearing his voice on the line, makes your breath catch. How do you think that made me feel?”

It was Hanna’s turn to feel apologetic, all the while her mind reeling. She called Damian’s name while she had sex with Chet…even while she slept. This whole fixation with him had gone even deeper than she realized. Shit.

“I’m really sorry Chet. This is a shock to me. I know I’m not in love with him.” To her own ears, that declaration sound half-hearted, and she hated to acknowledge that.

“The thing about fighting the inevitable is that you only make it worse,” Chet said patiently. “I saw the signs but told myself it didn’t matter, that you weren’t like other women. But the fact remains that you couldn’t be true to yourself so how could you be the same to me?”

Hanna chewed on her lip hard. She
been true to herself. She knew that now. In a ‘safe’ relationship, she’d used it as her crutch to deny what she felt inside for Damian. He engulfed her soul, and now her body was his as well. He’d laid claim to all that was feminine and submissive within her and that was why it had been so easy all these months to do his will, even when she said she’d hated it. But was that love?

“I never meant to hurt you,” she told Chet quietly at last. “Damian is…different. I’ve never really met anyone like him and I truly didn’t want to fall. I can only wish the best for you. I hope she treats you right.”

She heard his gentle laugh. “And I hope you’ll finally put your head right and go for what you want this time. You deserve it.”

Did she really? Hanna wanted to laugh self-deprecatingly at that. No woman deserved a man like Damian Rush. You could desire him all you want but it was a fantasy best enjoyed from afar. Unluckily for her though, she let herself forget every element of survival tactics she’d learned over the last few months. Falling for Damian was a luxury she couldn’t afford and she knew exactly why.

This was just another conquest for him. He said it himself:
I can have you when I want.
He knew exactly the hold he had on her. Men like him thrived on the power rush they got from claiming that elusive prize. And yet now that he’d had her, he had no intention of letting go.

That told Hanna she had some power of her own.


The next day they had another set of meetings and it was time for them to check out so Hanna gathered up her things, knowing that Damian would be packing as well.

She felt relieved he’d let her spend the night alone. Whether she’d have been able to send him back if he’d slid underneath the covers next to her, she couldn’t say. Thinking about the drive home, she winced. That should give them plenty of time to have that talk they hadn’t got the chance for yet, but Hanna wasn’t looking forward to it. The last thing she wanted was to come to terms with anything, especially not about her feelings for Damian.

They checked out in silence, their bags taken to the car by the
bell hop. Once on the road, neither spoke and the drive was quiet if not a bit tense. Hanna drifted off wondering how things would change now they were returning to reality.

It was three AM.
when Damian pulled in front of a house. Hanna stirred and recognized that they were at his place, not his.

She sighed. “I need to go home, Damian.”

He didn’t speak at first but got out of the car and went around to her side, opening her door.

She didn’t feel like struggling as he drew her out on her feet. His hand cupped her elbow as he gazed down into her puzzled face. “You are home. If you think I’m going to have you tempted to run begging after Chet, then think again. You definitely need saving from yourself.” He had a smirk on his face she longed to smack off and her eyes were blazing. He turned and walked up to the house and Hanna stalked after him, this time ready for a fight.

He threw her a glance over his shoulder as he unlocked the doors and led the way. “Besides, I bought this place for us. From now on, I intend to give you things he couldn’t, everything you deserved.”

Hanna was almost dumbstruck, stopping dead in her tracks. “How…why would you buy a house for…
?” She felt like she should be frightened. Maybe his controlling streak went beyond having a kinky side in bed or pushing her around at work. This was different – maybe even crazy. He couldn’t be serious, surely?

“I can’t imagine what’s so perplexing. After all you decorated it,” he reminded her seriously.

“I decorated it? Now what’s that supposed to mean?” she demanded, then frowned as she did begin to recall being instructed to handle the selection of the furniture for the place with the aid of the interior designer she’d hired.

Hanna pushed a shaky hand through her hair and tried to gather her wits. She saw Damian lock the door after her before coming to pull her up against him. “Come up to bed. We really don’t want to spend the rest of the night arguing, do we?”

Ignoring the silken sweep of his voice on her senses, Hanna strained away. “Being my boss doesn’t give you the right to order me to bed.”

“Ah, what
fire. I must say I love when you defy me – or try to. You always did give as good as you got though.” He kissed her lips and effectively put rest to any more protests. “Now let’s go to bed.”

Hanna’s soft cry of surprise filled the air when he swept her into his arms and carried her up to the bedroom before depositing her on the bed. He undressed her slowly and began to kiss every inch of her naked frame. Hanna shivered all through his ministrations though all the while she berated how easily she let him get his way. Or maybe…it simply suited her to let him think he was having his way all the time. Yes, that sounded like a better prospect.

When he reached up to catch her lips, Hanna chose that moment to push firmly on his chest till she had him on his back. Her little smile of mischief had his eyes narrowing into slits of heated desire.

“Allow me,” Hanna murmured, and this time she was the one to disrobe him. His tie, shirt, shoes and socks, followed by his trousers and then last to go were his black silk boxers.

Hanna was done being the placid little assistant. She certainly wasn’t in the mood to play his malleable submissive tonight. Yes, he’d shown her so much and she knew she still had a lot to learn about her deepest, hidden urges to surrender. But tonight, just this once she wanted to know what it felt like to be the one in command.

She got her first taste when she settled in between his thighs and he started up slightly. She pushed him back with a strength that surprised even her. “No. Don’t move.”

He leaned back, his broad chest rising, expanding till he exhaled in a harsh gust. She smiled.

“Very good,” she said demurely, her hands smoothing up his thighs. She knew feminine power then, when every muscle he had seemed to stiffen at her feathery touch. Not taking her eyes from him she let his thick, heavy cock fall into her palms. The weight of him sent her chest pounding till she felt breathless. His erection looked massive and angry within her small, light fingers. 

She’d fought the feeling so hard it didn’t seem real now: the way her whole self wished to engulf him till he flowed through her veins. As she stayed kneeling between his legs, Hanna at last understood Chet’s final words. She had to go for what she wanted, and stop denying herself what she really craved. Watching the agony etched on his handsome face, Hanna pumped him slowly, his girth wrapped in her delicate fist. She stilled, and then leaned forward to rest her lips on the glistening head, so broad and spear-like. She felt an unhurried enjoyment seeping through her skin and she welcomed it, darting out the tip of her tongue and flicking it over his entire cap.

Damian groaned, his thighs growing taut as his hips strained slightly off the bed. Hanna closed her eyes briefly in delight as she parted her mouth and drew him in inch by shallow inch. With her mouth sealed around his firm, rigid flesh, she sucked hard, holding his mushroom cap in and twirling him with her tongue. She glanced up quickly at him and saw his lips move in an almost soundless yet heart-felt curse while his hands were knuckle-white, clutching at the sheets.

Hanna wasn’t done yet. There was so much she wanted to explore. Like how much deeper she could take him than the last time she’d had him in her mouth. And how far she could push him before he found it impossible to hold back. She wanted his all; every single jet of his cum spilling into her throat and only then would she be content.

It was the sweetest task she’d ever set for herself. So this was power. This was being in control of your lover’s every gasp and groan. Damian clenched up, lifting to meet her mouth, which stretched wider to take more of him, and more. How satiny his cock felt in texture, yet how steely in substance. He throbbed against the roof of her mouth and she moaned, the vibrations causing a deeper growl to escape from his lips.

Her fingers stroked his balls and moved daringly lower, to tease that secret place as she bobbed energetically up and down his shaft.

“Hanna. You’re…
Killing me,” grunted Damian, his hips canting forward as he cupped the back of her head. Hanna read his movements and the sounds of his pleasure and knew just when he drew too close. She’d slow down on her active motions, instead wrapping him round with her dancing tongue and jacking his thick base with hands now damp from her dripping slurps and sucks. She felt as pushed to the edge as he was, and there was no line she wasn’t ready to cross. She noted how his belly sunk in with a pant as she rubbed on his secret entrance. She used tiny, teasing spirals till his cock seemed ready to explode within her lips. Not thinking twice about it, she pushed in just the slightest bit with her moist index finger. Her mouth shoved even further down his cock till he hit the back of her throat and her lips almost brushed the nest of dark curls at his crotch. One second later, he let out a roar and was gushing streams of thick, warm sperm to fill her mouth.

Damian shuddered with every blast of his seed into her gullet. Hanna had never thought of the time she’d ever consider swallowing cum; she’d certainly never
did that with Chet’s. But with Damian it was a personal choice she made to swallow each last trace of his essence, reveling in the taste of him that clouded her senses till she felt intoxicated. Then she carefully cleaned off each stray droplet from her lips and his tip. It was then she realized how much her pussy throbbed in between her legs and how her folds rubbed together in swollen wetness.

She moaned when his fingers sank into her hair and drew her up to meet his kiss. It was a wild, hot kiss heavy with wicked promise that told her he was far from sated even if his cock had just been.

They drew back at the same time and Hanna stared into his face which seemed chiseled from marble, his eyes now blue-black and liquid, for once seeming to soften his sharply handsome features. His hair, rich and dark, was a sexy mess she wanted to sink her fingers into.

She’d always felt invisible to him, like she could never get through his hard shell. But now, instinct told her he was the source of all these strange feelings and notions taking her over. How could she have been in love with Chet if she’d so easily tumbled to Damian’s mastery? Quickly, Hanna lowered her eyes to conceal the vulnerability that suddenly flooded her. She felt lost, frightened, even with her
new-found power. He firmly tipped her chin up again so that he held her gaze and she grew wetter just watching him. Hanna could feel something pulling at her soul, and she gasped with all the weight of need brought on by this man.

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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