Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection (4 page)

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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She ignored the warning edge in his tone, the sound of her name gruff and raspy in his throat. She couldn’t see straight because of the fury inside her as she continued. “I begged you to change your mind and let me have this week but you refused, not for any valid reason but just because you could.
I hate you
. This is all your fault and you don’t even care that you’ve destroyed the one thing that matters to me.” She turned away sharply, hand over her mouth as she forced back a sob. Drawing in a ragged breath, she continued coldly, “Chet and I have been together for four years. And now he’s gone. I have nothing thanks to you. So save me your lecture, Mr. Rush. I’ll do my damn job but I want you to stay as far from me as possible.”

“That is not an option.”

His deeply growled words had her spinning around again in anger, only to realize he was standing so close they were chest to chest. Before she could react, Damian grabbed her by the waist and pounced, his lips closing over hers.

First she fought and resisted. The last thing she wanted was his mouth on hers. It didn’t matter how good he tasted, how firm and giving his lips were. She gasped in outrage, but he merely slid his tongue deep into her mouth, seeking to mate with hers. In the next second, her body imploded in a surge of sensation.

She reacted purely on emotion, her needs taking on a mind of its own as her lips, her body melted into Damian’s. But not for long. Common sense returned and she pounded at his chest, tearing her mouth away. “Let me go, damn you! How dare you kiss me? As if I’d ever want…”

A second, more overpowering kiss silenced her protests. Beneath her unquestionable fury, Hanna could not deny the way her nerve endings popped to life from the dominant sweep of Damian’s hungry lips. His hands molded over her curves and she trembled, especially when he covered her breasts and massaged them through her bodice. Ugh, she hated to respond to him this way. She hated him, she really did. So why did his kiss feel like fire? Why did she have this coil tightening in her stomach as his potent touch stole over her aching breasts?

She felt shamed by her raging hormones, and made one last attempt to shove him away. “No. This isn’t happening,” she gasped. “I hate you, remember. You cost me Chet. You…”

“Relax, Hanna,” Damian said on a low rumble, hands lifting to cup her face. She squirmed angrily, and his eyes darkened. “Don’t move.”

Oh, how she longed to defy him, but she couldn’t. Seemed physically incapable to. His body was a taut mass of muscle pressed against hers, making her aware of him as a man, a sexual being with the power to make her senses thrum with life like never before.

His gaze pierced into her like lasers. “Maybe you don’t want to hear this right now, but I’ll say it anyway. I may be sorry you got hurt, but I’m not sorry Chet left you. I’m glad because he never deserved you.”

“Oh my God!” cried Hanna. “You have some nerve. Can you really believe what you just said?” Even as she glared up at him, the sexual tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Swearing beneath her breath, she finally managed to break away and made to exit the room.

Damian caught her fast by her wrist. That portion where his fingers touched seemed to tingle alarmingly. Sparks set off all through her being. Hanna’s heart began to race and her breath sped up as his clearly dominant display had her body humming in secret places.

He tugged her hard against him and her nostrils flared from inhaling his stimulating, masculine scent. A quiver started up right at the apex of her thighs as that unique fragrance he possessed called to the primal hub within her.

Hanna knew now that she wanted him, but it was wrong. How could she desire him with such intensity after what he put her through?

His arms wrapped her in a warm embrace and for a few moments she seemed to float in a mental state of heightened arousal. She really, really didn’t want to want him. He was the opposite of everything she thought a man should be made of. Compassion, a core of human feeling, and a true aspiration to make a woman happy in herself.

Damian was all hard edges, unapologetic,
cave-man and…downright too sexy for her peace of mind.

But she’d never give in to this…this madness.

“Let me go,” she breathed furiously.

“Don’t, Hanna. Stop fighting me,” groaned Damian, keeping her crushed to him as with one hand, he pushed down the left side of her neckline to reveal a pale, soft shoulder to his view. He kissed her exposed skin and she gasped loudly.

“No, you can’t. I…Chet…” Hanna tried to make sense of what she was trying to explain but couldn’t.

“Kitten, he’s not here. It’s too bad he hurt you, but I’m glad he’s out of your life. Now you can no longer deny this, deny us.”

The rasp of need in Damian’s thick voice floored her. His hands seemed to move in slow motion but still too quickly for her to stop him as he shoved the dress down her arms, along with her lacy black bra so that her bountiful mounds sprang into view. The pink tips were already as thick and hard as rock candy. Hanna saw the blaze in Damian’s now dark gaze, his touch warm and smooth as he stroked her breasts, eyes pinned lustily to the engorged nipples. Hanna bit down a sob of pleasure at how much she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her body. Why did it feel so impossible to stop what he was doing?

Damn, Hanna

She felt his back ripple beneath her roving hands now skimming over his jacket of their own volition. She found herself responding helplessly to the way his hands manipulated her body.

“No, Damian. Please no.” Hanna heard her own voice and the protest sounded more like a plea. She didn’t understand it, nor even knew herself anymore.

“Finally, you called me by name. I thought I’d never hear you say it out loud. Fuck it sounds good from coming from your lips,” said Damian, his words muffled by the kisses he planted in the crook of her neck. Hanna shivered and bit hard on her bottom lip.

His words brought the juices frothing at her centre. Calling him Damian had come so natural. The word felt so good on her tongue, intimate and intoxicating. She was frightened by it all and it showed in her voice. “Chet told me you wanted me. I didn’t believe him. I thought he was just making stuff up as an excuse to leave me.”

Damian growled deep in his throat. “We can iron it all out in time, Hanna. But the way I want you right now…that can’t wait. Do you feel what you do to me?”

She felt it. It was a jarring echo of her own desire, with the way he pulsed and swelled against her belly. His arousal was a magnificent entity calling out for her capitulation, her ultimate surrender of self and soul.

Damian was powerful, virile. It all oozed effortlessly from his very pores. No man had made her so aware of him as a supreme male with the power in his touch to make her knees buckle. Only the last shred of her control remained and she grasped desperately for it.

“Damian, we can’t. The meeting…”

“We have over an hour. Plenty of time,” he rasped, shifting his lips from her exposed throat to claim her lips once more.

This time’s kiss was a fiery staking of absolute claim. Everything else shut down and the spotlight locked on the passion swirling in her bloodstream like a drug.

His hands scooped up her ass and Hanna felt him lift her off her feet. She eagerly hitched her legs around his middle as her dress rode up to expose her drenched apex to the hardened steel straining against his pants.

He was guiding them inside to the bedroom. His bedroom.

Hanna never dreamed she could feel this way. Lust overrode every other sensibility and his kisses made her feel like she was performing water ballet, desire washing over her as she fishtailed past all reason.

Her back hit the bed even before she knew it. Damian broke off the kiss to read the tormented hesitation in her eyes. His body covered hers and she could feel his clothed cock grinding into her weeping pussy, making her desire every stitch of clothing between them to be swept away.

“I dare you,” rumbled Damian. “Say you don’t want this. Deny you don’t feel the same as I do, that this isn’t something you want so much you’re panting for it.”

Hanna moaned. Her head flung to the side and she could only push weakly at his chest. Loathing her lack of control, she didn’t stop him as he stripped her of her dress, her bra, her panties. It wasn’t long that she lay naked beneath him. He stood briefly at the side of the bed and in hasty motions, peeled out of his clothes.

Hanna’s eyes widened at the sight of Damian in his naked glory. Holy shit. The beauty of his masculinity seared her from within. Hard, toned muscles in his shoulders and torso, handsome limbs and a cock that was like carved marble, pointing straight up to his navel. He was far bigger than she’d have imagined, and thick.
So thick. She’d never been with anyone that size and her tongue dipped out to skim her lips as she realized he was right; she was panting. For him and only him.

His body spread over hers again, his weight kept on one arm as he kissed her lips,
her neck while his hand kneaded her full flesh. He whispered words telling her how beautiful and sexy he found her body, and now Hanna couldn’t stop him if she tried. She was awash with swirling emotions. After nibbling at her throat, he shifted to her breast, sucking tantalizingly at her jutting nipple. The pleasure was almost too much, shattering through her system. He alternated from breast to breast, his teeth sinking slightly into the areole as his tongue lashed at the tips. His hands were also busy, cupping each mound, kneading and stroking. Hanna’s fingers dragged into the sheets, bunching them in her fists.

She felt him move away from her breasts, and she whimpered, lifting her head to see him edging slowly down her belly. Oh. He glided over her skin, kissing his way to her inner thighs. Then he pushed his face into her pubes and drew in a deep breath of appreciation. Hanna blushed deeply.

“Spread for me, kitten,” Damian commanded huskily. “Want to taste you.”

Spurred by her need for him to place his mouth on her, Hanna opened her legs wider and knew he could see how wet, how hot she was for him. Her scent seemed to permeate the room and her breathing came in short spurts.
Damian’s lips. There. His tongue, pleasuring her folds in ways that her former lover never could.


How could her body respond so sublimely to him that one sweep of his tongue over her slit had her screaming in ecstasy?

None of that mattered an ounce right now. Damian inserted his tongue deep within her, groaning deep in his throat with clear enjoyment. He licked and tasted her, before seeking out her clit and sucking it into his mouth like he had a burning thirst. Hanna’s fingers released the sheets, sliding into Damian’s dark, silky hair while she eagerly humped his face. The pressure from her core was maddening, rising fast. Her nectar flowed freely now and Damian lapped at every drop. Keeping his lips latched to her tingling nub, he slipped a long finger into her crevice. Slowly fucking her with that single digit, he pulled on her hood and the button embedded within.

“Ooohhh. Oh my God!” screeched Hanna, bucking and writhing.

She looked down with glazed eyes and met his thrilling gaze. At that very moment, he joined another finger inside her and hooked inwards. Hanna was blown away, each drill of those fingers making stars shower on her vision.

She didn’t even see it coming, not till it was all but bearing on her like a herd of bulls. Seconds later, it slammed into her, the biggest orgasm she’d ever experienced. It pooled outwards from her lower belly and consumed her to the depths of her being. “Damian!” she exclaimed, her body rocking upwards till he had to pin her down to keep her in place, letting her seep onto his tongue until her tremors and moans subsided.

When he lifted himself over her once more, her eyes flitted open, almost speechless from the force of her unexpected release. “Wow. Damian, I…it’s never felt so…”

“I know, kitten. Believe me, I know,” was his hoarse response. Awed, Hanna touched him, his face, shoulders and chest. Felt his indrawn breath as she ventured lower. Finally, her fingers closed around his cock as she gasped. He felt so big. So hard. She pumped her hand slowly, and heard his feral groan.

Suddenly, a fierce and fearless need enveloped her. She had to taste him, just as he’d tasted her. She pushed him on his back, and worked her mouth on him, listening
for his groans and grunts of pleasure. She nibbled at his collarbone, his nipples, and those gorgeous abs. When she finally got to his cock, he looked almost painfully hard. By then she was already wet and ready for more.

She glanced up at him and then couldn’t look away. Her two hands came up to stroke him and the hooded heat of his gaze was an enticement she was powerless to resist. Wanting more, she dipped her head and flicked her tongue over the precum glistening at his tip. Dazed by his sweetness, she sucked his whole cap into her mouth. Damian hissed.

Hanna understood what it meant now to find pleasure in pleasuring someone. She used her lips and tongue, and moaned harder when he began to thrust in and out of her mouth. It thrilled her to hear his growls of deep pleasure, his fingers cupping the back of her head, guiding her to take more of him. “
Hanna…feels so fucking good in your mouth.”

Hanna never wanted to stop. He felt amazing. She felt his body stiffen and spread her lips even wider, taking him further past her tongue till his tip jabbed at the back of her throat. She gagged slightly, and could hear him rasp out her name mingled with a lust-laden curse.

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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