Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1 (14 page)

BOOK: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1
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“Yes, fuck my pussy,” I gasp out.

“Turn over.”

I roll over and my breath catches at the fiery desire on James’s face. “Touch your breasts.” I reach up and pinch my nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. “Good girl.” After pushing my knees up with his hands, James then bends his head down between them. I groan loudly as his tongue massages my clit, and I try arching my back off of the bed. Pressing down on my knees, James holds me in place. I am getting closer and closer to orgasm when James rises up and reaches for a condom. Without losing much time,he pushes his hard cock into me. His thrusts are hard and quick. I twist my head back and forth on the pillow yearning for the pinnacle of pleasure that remains just out of reach.. “That’s it baby, come on,” I hear James growl out as if from a distance. Supporting his weight on one arm, he raises up to look down at our bodies as his cock thrusts in and out at a measured pace. “You are so hot. Your pussy is so tight.”

With one arm he reaches out to the bedside drawer and takes out a vibrator. Turning it on, he runs it over and around my nipples and down my stomach until it is resting on my clit. The sensation of the vibrator against my clit and his hard cock thrusting in and out of me send me racing into another climax. I look up to see piercing blue eyes staring down at me. James moves his hips in a circular motion and thrusts a few more times before taking his cock out and rolling me over onto my stomach. His arm pulls me from under my stomach so that my ass is pointed in the air, and James thrusts into me again from behind. He is pounding into me so hard the bed bangs against the wall. “Fuck… I’m going to come.” With that utterance, James groans and rockets into me, which sends me over the edge. We are both breathing hard, and our skin is damp with sweat. James disposes of the condom and pulls the covers up and over us, for which I am thankful since I am feeling too weak to move even an inch. James spoons me from behind as I drift off to sleep.




Gasping, I sit up and look around the dark room. Panic sends icy tentacles of fear surging through me. Out of the darkness I hear, “What is it, Lainey?”

James. The fog slowly lifts from my mind. James runs his hand gently up and down my back. “Did you have a nightmare?” 

With horror I realize that I am in the grip of one of the night terrors that I haven’t experienced in years. “I am so sorry I woke you.” My voice sounds weak and raspy.

“Well, I have to admit, the piercing shriek you let out did get my blood flowing. It must have been quite the nightmare. Do you remember what it was about?”

“No.” My response comes out a little too abruptly. I do remember my nightmare in every detail because I lived it, but the last thing I want to do is talk about it. I close my eyes and rest my head on my knees, which I have pulled up to my chest. Concentrating on breathing in and out, I try to regain my composure. The fright I experienced in the ocean today with Henry must have dredged up the old fears that I thought I had vanquished years ago. A sense of dread overcomes me as I contemplate the return of my recurring nightmare. I have to hold it together. My mind creeps towards that night seven years ago, but I refuse to let it go there. Desperately I try to focus on something else, anything else, but my mind is a blank. James is still making circular motions on my back, but I don’t want to be touched. 

I shrug off his hand and force myself to get out of the bed. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“What? Now? It’s three o’clock in the morning.”

I feel exposed standing there nude, so I make my way toward the bathroom. “It might help me go back to sleep,” I throw back over my shoulder.

Having made my escape, I step into the shower and turn the water on as hot as I can bear it. Tears mix with the spray of the water as I stand there. Although I try to hold back my sobs, I finally give in and cry in earnest. I feel a touch on my shoulder and look up to see James standing there. He pulls me into his arms. His comforting hold makes me cry even harder, and I don’t care anymore. He has already seen the worst. When my sobs subside, James turns off the water and dries us off. Wrapping me in a towel, he carries me into the bedroom and sits down on the edge of the bed, cradling me in his lap. “Are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

I am silent for a long while, but James just sits and waits patiently. I give a long shuddering sigh. “Something happened when I was in high school. Let’s just say someone I was close to died. I don’t want to… I can’t... talk about it… but I think the scare with Henry this afternoon must have triggered memories.”

“Ah, baby. I am so sorry.” James pulls me closer and kisses my temple.

“You must think I am a total basket case, but I haven’t had these nightmares for years. Not since before law school,” I assure him.

“It’s okay Lainey. What you went through today – yesterday – was pretty traumatic. Your mind is just dealing with the stress in its own way.”

I sigh. “I guess. It’s just the shock of having that nightmare again after so long… Well, it was upsetting.”

“Are you feeling better now?”

“Yea, I think I could go back to sleep.” I snuggle down against James, and I hear his chest rumble with a chuckle.

“Let’s get rid of these wet towels then and get back under the covers. We still have a couple of hours before morning.”

I get up and pull on a t-shirt and panties before settling back in beside James in the bed. He smooths the hair away from my cheek before dusting it with light kisses. We turn to our sides as one so that James is spooning me from behind. That is the last thing I remember before opening my eyes to bright sunlight.

James is no longer beside me, but I can smell coffee brewing. Dragging myself up, I use the bathroom and brush my teeth before heading out to the kitchen to find James. He is not in the kitchen, so I pour myself a cup of coffee and walk out to check out the view of the ocean. I find James sitting on the deck under a shade umbrella, scrolling on his smart phone. When he hears me, he glances up and looks me over thoroughly. Seemingly satisfied, he gives me a crooked smile. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

I feel myself flushing. “How late is it?”

James laughs at my worried tone. “Just before ten.”

“Oh no, I didn’t mean to sleep the morning away.”

“Come here.” I walk over to James, and he pulls me down onto his lap. “I was just teasing. We’re not on a schedule. This is supposed to be relaxing. You know – a day off.”

“Have you been up for long?”

“No, not long. Do you feel like a swim?”

I give him an excited smile. “Absolutely.”

James laughs. “Why do I get the feeling that you were born part mermaid?”

My mind flashes briefly to the years when I wouldn’t go near any kind of water. Pushing away my dark thoughts, I tilt my head to the side and shrug my shoulders. “What can I say? I’ve always loved the water.” I try to wiggle off his lap, but James holds me tight. “Where are you going?”

“I need to go get ready.”

“What do you mean? You are ready.” James says while stripping off my t-shirt. Lifting me into his arms, James carries me over to the edge of the pool. “I thought you understood that the dress code around here is no swimsuit allowed.” With that pronouncement he tosses me into the pool. I let out a shriek as the cold water hits me. I am so going to get him back for this. Sputtering, I swim to the edge of the pool. “Of all the underhanded, dirty tricks,” I toss up at him. He has the audacity to stand with his hands on his hips grinning down at me.

“You are so cute when you are riled.”

I scowl back at him before smoothing out my expression. Holding my hand up out of the water, I smile sweetly. “Could you give me a hand getting out?”

He laughs even harder. “I’m not falling for that one.”

“Oh, whatever,” I huff, scowling back at him again. My annoyance soon dissipates as I turn to look at the ocean view and breathe in the fresh sea air. I hear a splash behind me as James dives in. He swims up behind me and wraps his arms around me. “Am I forgiven?”

“I would feel better if you had let me pull you in.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.” I have no response to that. All I can think of is that James said there would be a next time. There is nothing I would like more than a repeat of this weekend with James – minus the drowning trauma, of course. 

After we swim for a while, we get out and shower. We pack up our stuff, and James tells me that he has a surprise for me before we drive back to the city. He only tells me to wear a swimsuit. I put on my light green bikini again and a pair it with a pair of white shorts. It is a gorgeous summer day in the Hamptons, and I am in a surprisingly lighthearted mood after the drama of last night. James drives us to a marina. We park and walk past a pool and tennis court before reaching the boat slips, where yachts are lined up. Most are medium-sized yachts, but there are some smaller ones too as well as a couple mega-yachts. James leads me to a sporty looking boat and gestures me aboard. I look at him questioningly. “We’re going out on a boat?”

“A thirty-four-foot Atlantis to be exact,” he says with a grin.

The boat is sleek and beautiful. It also looks like it was made for speed. I turn to James with a wide grin. “Can I steer it?”

He looks taken aback. “Have you ever piloted a boat before?”

“My brothers have taken me out a few times, but not on anything as big as this.” I look around curiously.

“Come on. Let me show you around.” James guides me to the pointed bow of the boat, which is
made for sunbathing. There is also a large seating and dining space in the aft area. James shows me how the seating area converts into a sun pad. Below that is another large V-shaped seating area in cream with muted beige accents. This space
can be converted into sleeping quarters, James says. 

“Is this Rex’s boat?” I ask, turning around in a circle to admire all the amenities that adorn the compact space.

“Nope, this baby is all mine.”

I snap my eyes back to James. “You own this?” 

He just gives me a dimpled smile and a little shrug of his shoulders. “What can I say – you know I like toys.”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “Trains, cars, and now boats.” Looking at the sofas thatpull out to make beds, I ask, “Have you ever slept here?” I blush when I realize what I have just said. It sounded like I was asking about his past girlfriends.

 James just smiles at me knowingly. “No, I mainly use her for day trips.” 

We hear a voice from the deck and walk up to find a woman dressed in chef’s whites holding a basket. “Ah, there you are,” she says, giving us a smile. “Here is the brunch you ordered. Please drop the basket back at the restaurant when you are done.” She hands the heavy-looking basket to James and steps back off the boat.

James sets down the basket. “Let’s get going.” Bending down, he unties the line holding the boat to the slip and throws it back towards the pier. I follow him as he moves to the pilot’s seat and starts the engine. We maneuver past the boat slips and are soon gliding out on the open water. The sunlight dances on the water, and I am glad that I have my sunglasses. James seems to be in his element as he opens up the throttle, and we speed up to a breakneck pace.

I hold on tightly to the rail and look up at James, who is more devastatingly handsome than usual with his windswept hair and boyish grin. “How fast will she go?”

“She can get up to 32 knots.” James eyes me challengingly. “You still want to give it a try?”

I nod back with enthusiasm. James slows down as he gives me directions on the controls. Under James’s tutelage I am soon piloting the boat. A feeling of exhilaration washes over me at being in control of such a large, powerful vessel, and I whoop with excitement. James laughs at my exuberance and practically has to wrest the controls back from me. “Come on, daredevil. I’m starving and want to eat what’s in that basket.” I show him a pouty face, letting him know that I am not cool with him stopping all the fun, but he just laughs harder.

I find that I am also starving, and we both attack the contents of the picnic basket with relish. There is fresh fruit and freshly baked bread with several spreads, meats, and cheeses. The highlight is the mini quiches with the lightest, flakiest crust I have ever eaten. James makes mimosas light on the champagne since we are piloting the boat. Once again James insists that I slather on sunscreen. Even so, I know that I am looking more sun kissed than at the beginning of the weekend. We lounge on the boat, talking sporadically as the waves rock us back and forth.

“You know the first time I saw you wasn’t on the LIR train.”

James looks at me with surprise. “It wasn’t?”


“Are you going to enlighten me?”

I give him a lazy smile. “I was one of the law symposium participants and listened to your talk on Negotiating.”

I can’t make out his expression under his shades, but I can tell I have surprised him. “Why didn’t you say anything on the train?”

I laugh. “I was going to, but then I heard you talking on the phone calling the law symposium guests idiots. At least that is what I think I heard.”

James scrunches his head in concentration. “I can’t remember much about the symposium except for the fact that I was there under duress. Oh, and Lawrence Tucker was there. I hate that guy.”

BOOK: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1
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