Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1 (11 page)

BOOK: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1
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I feel James shift behind me. His hand, which had been resting on my breast, starts to tease my nipple. Incredibly, a zing of desire shoots through me. Turning onto my back, I trail my fingers down James’s stomach and feel his hard ab muscles tense. I move my hand down further and allow it to skim his erection before grasping it in a firm hold. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, I decide to be bolder. I sit up and trail my lips down the same path that my hand had just made. When I get to his cock, I run my tongue up the base to the tip and swirl my tongue around the bulb before easing in more. James curses and bucks his hips as I slide his cock in and out of my mouth. His fingers tangle in my hair as he helps guide me up and down.  I pause to suck and lick before sucking him back into my mouth again and taking him as far back as I can manage. Giving head was something I had never really enjoyed before, but the sound of James’s pleasure turns me on. I feel an overwhelming need to make him lose control with my mouth on his cock.

I could tell that he was getting close when he pulled me up and over his body. “Condom,” he says, gesturing toward the bedside table. I lean over him and grab one, opening the package before sliding it down his cock. With his hands on my hips, James guides me down onto his erection. He roughly grips my hips, pulling me back and forth. At the same time, he arches up into me until I am sure I can feel his cock hitting my womb. “Oh, yea… like that,” he says before moving his hands up to my breasts and teasing my nipples. I arch back to give him better access, and he moves his one hand to my clit, drawing circles around it with his thumb. My body grows taut, and I close my eyes, feeling my impending orgasm about to rush over me. “Look at me.” I hear James as if from a distance, and open my eyes. My gaze meets his as another raging orgasm rushes over me. As limp as a rag doll, I fall down over his chest and luxuriate in the feel of his hands stroking my back. All too soon I sit up so that James can dispose of the condom. 

We shower together, and as we are getting dressed, James suggests ordering burgers in. I realize that I am famished, and I hope I don’t seem too enthusiastic as I agree. While we wait for our burgers to arrive, James hands me my cell phone. I had forgotten to ask about it this morning. Several unread messages appear in my inbox. Two from Nick and five from Sam, with each getting
more anxious than the last. I send Sam and Nick short texts reassuring them that I am still in the land of the living.

Our burgers come and we make short work of them in silence. James gestures toward the onions that I have picked off my burger. “You don’t like onions?” 

Heat rises to my face. Generally, I have nothing against onions. I just don’t like kissing someone with onion or garlic breath. “I can take them or leave them,” I reply nonchalantly and quickly change the subject. “I have decided that I will go to the Hamptons with you on one condition.”

“Isn’t it a little late for conditions? I hate to tell you, but the cat is already out of the bag,” James says giving me a leering grin that has my toes curling.

“I’m serious. Things can’t go any further between us unless you agree to my stipulation.”

“Let’s hear it then.”

I clear my throat. “I don’t want anyone at the office to know there is anything going on between us.”

James blinks. “So... what does that mean?” His eyebrows rise. “We would be having a secret affair? Have you thought this through?”

“Yes, absolutely. I don’t want anyone to think that I am getting
extra privileges because of my relationship with you. I have worked hard to get this far, and I want to continue to be successful under my own hard work and merits. Not because I am sleeping with the boss.”

“First of all,” he says grimly, “I am not your boss. If I were, a relationship between the two of us would be
unethical. Second of all, what does it matter what anyone else thinks?”

“I feel
strongly about this, James. I am just starting at the firm, and I would like everyone to get to know me as myself and for my work first. Can you understand that?”

James sighs. “If that is the only way I can get you to the Hamptons with me next weekend, then I’ll go along with it. But I’m reserving judgement about whether it is a good idea or not.”

“Thank you. “I let out a dejected sigh. 

James eyes me. “What’s wrong?”

“I am just not looking forward to my walk of shame.”

Looking completely unsympathetic James suggests, “You could wear those clothes home.”

I give him a scornful look. “Sure, this would look great with four-inch heels. No, thank you.”

“It’s up to you,” is all he has to say.

“I guess I had better get a move on before Sam decides to send out a search party.” I walk back to the bedroom to change into my outfit from the night before. When I come back out, James tells me that he has ordered a car for me and teases me about my walk of shame, making me laugh. Before I step onto the elevator, he reminds me to be ready to leave for the Hamptons from work on Friday. I depart with the happy knowledge that I will be spending the whole weekend with him.



Monday morning comes all too early, and I find myself slaving away at the usual tedious tasks. There is one bright spot in the day when Elizabeth informs me that the class-action suit is a go. We set up a meeting for later in the week to strategize on reaching claimants and start setting up a process for making a claim. True to his word, James does not acknowledge me at work, but in the late afternoon my phone chimes with a text. Glancing down I see it is from James.

I see you have recovered from your walk of shame. Can’t wait to fuck you again this weekend.

Looking around I see that no one is paying any attention to me. I reply back.

You are so romantic. 

As a precaution I give James a codename in my contacts. I also set up a password for my phone.

By Wednesday, I am longing for the weekend. Besides catching glimpses of him coming to or from meetings, I have not seen or heard from James since Monday afternoon. I remind myself that this is exactly how I want things as I glumly head for the kitchenette for an afternoon pick-me-up cup of coffee. Becca, who had worked with the unlucky Sonia, is there with another junior associate who I do not know. They are absorbed in their conversation and don’t acknowledge me as I come in. Looking over the selection of coffee capsules, my ears prick up when I hear Elizabeth’s name.

“I heard they were almost engaged when her boyfriend dumped her.”

“Do you think it’s true that she had an affair with G-man?”

“One of the admins on my floor says that they were making out at the last firm party.”

“Do you think they’re together?” Looking up, Becca sees me, and I choose a random flavor of coffee. I pop it into the machine to disguise the fact that I have been eavesdropping. “Hey Elaine,” says Becca, giving me a smile that seems a bit insincere. “You work with Elizabeth, right?”

Opening the refrigerator for milk, I answer as noncommittedly as possible. “Yes.”

“So does she have a boyfriend? Is she seeing anyone?” 

Despite my earlier interest in their conversation, I do not want to be a part of any office gossip, so I deflect. “I don’t know anything about her personal life… Are you seeing anyone?”

“Who has time for a steady relationship with a workload like ours?” she scoffs as she flips her long dark hair over her shoulder. She smiles mischievously, “Although I am not against squeezing in the occasional hookup.”

My coffee finished, I make an awkward but quick escape as Becca ranks the lawyers in the firm she would like to hook up with. G-man, whoever he is, is at the top of the list, but I also hear Alex’s name a little further down. I wonder if I should give him a heads up, but then think better of it, not wanting to rehash the entire incident. This conversation has definitely reinforced my decision to keep my relationship with James private. There is no way that I want to become grist for the gossip mill at Houghton Mills.

Friday finally arrives and the day creeps along at a slow pace. During the summer everyone in the firm works extra-long hours Monday through Thursday so that they can take off early on Fridays, so by noon the office starts to clear out. Elizabeth comes out of her office around two and walks over to my desk. She looks well put together as always in black dress pants and a houndstooth fitted blazer. The notched neckline and zippered pockets give it a modern, sexy look. “Well, Elaine, another week under your belt.” She eyes my packed duffel bag that I had shoved under my desk. “Are you going away this weekend?”

I give her a bright smile. “Yes, to the Hamptons.”

“That sounds nice. Are you going on the Jitney?” The Hamptons Jitney is a bus service that runs from Midtown Manhattan to the Hamptons. It is popular with twenty-somethings because of its low price and convenience.

“No, I am driving out with a friend. How about you… Any big plans for the weekend?”

“Nothing too exciting. I’ll be staying in the city. Maybe meeting up with some friends.” I smile expectantly at Elizabeth and she adds, “You should get out of here soon. You don’t want to get caught in traffic.”

“I’ll try my best.”

“Well, have a good weekend.”

“Thanks Elizabeth. You too.” As I watch Elizabeth walk back to her office, I can’t help wondering who she had made out with at the last office party.

I work at my desk for another twenty minutes when I receive a text from James.

Can you leave now?


Meet me downstairs. I’m parked on the street.

I shut down my computer and head to the ladies’ room. After using the restroom and washing my hands, I inspect my image in the mirror. I had put on my light pink skater dress because it could fit dressy or casual. It also didn’t hurt that the heels I wore with it made my legs look particularly good. Since it is hot, I pull my hair back into a low pony tail. I also apply a little bronzer and lip gloss before going back to my desk to retrieve my bag. 

Walking out into the hot afternoon sun, I scan the sidewalk for James. I see him standing down the street in front of a sleek, black car. As I walk up to him, he just nods and takes my bag, loading it into the trunk of the car. I walk around to the passenger side and get in. People are exiting our building but no one who I recognize. It probably wasn’t a good idea to meet James in front of our building if I want to keep my relationship with him a secret. James opens his car door and gets in. Turning to me with one of his devastating smiles, he asks, “Ready?”

I return his smile and give a nod. He turns back, covering his blue eyes with aviator sunglasses before pulling into traffic. It doesn’t take long to leave the Midtown traffic behind us. Although there is some congestion, we seem to be making good time. The car has a distinctive new feel to it, and noting the Audi symbol on his steering wheel, I ask, “Is your car new?”

“I just upgraded to an RS5.”

“What did you have before that?”

“An Audi S7.”

I take a moment to appreciate the smooth hum of the engine while running my hand up and down the soft leather seats. “I’ve never owned a car. Living in Manhattan, you don’t really need one.”

“That’s true, but I like to drive sometimes.”

I laugh and say, “Little boys and their toys – first trains and now cars.”

James responds with a grin, “I guess you’ve got me all figured out.”

The Black Eyed Peas comes on over the speaker, which is connected to an iPod. “I’m surprised you listen to them.”

“Why?” Raising one eyebrow, he glances over at me before looking back to the road in front of him.

“I just didn’t think they would be your style.”

James laughs and shakes his head. “Looks like you don’t have me that figured out after all.”

I listen to the next couple of songs. “You have an eclectic taste in music,” I finally determine.

“If you say so.”

“I do.” James smirks at my confident reply. 

He takes one of his hands from the steering wheel and rests it on my bare thigh. Stroking my leg with his thumb, he says, “That dress does incredible things to you. I almost couldn’t resist tearing it off of you when I saw you in the office earlier. Damn…I’m getting hard just thinking about it.” His hand slides further up my dress and my breath hitches. I feel his pinky touch my thong, and then he is pulling his hand away. “Safety first,” he says, placing his hand firmly back onto the steering wheel.

I know I should appreciate his concern for safe driving, but I am a little too worked up at the moment. I give a little whimper, indicating my displeasure.

“All in good time, Lainey. Anticipation is the name of the game. I know. I have been anticipating this all fucking week.” 

The sexy rumble of his voice almost has me panting in need. Desperately, I try to think of something to redirect my thoughts. “What is the plan for this weekend?”

James leers at me over the top of his sunglasses. “Fucking, fucking, and more fucking.”

“Okay,” I say, drawing the word out. “Is there nothing else on the agenda? Don’t you have to meet with a client?”

“Don’t remind me,” James groans. “I have to meet my client for brunch in the morning. It will most likely involve tennis, but I hope that it won’t take longer than a couple of hours. I would take you with me, but this client can be a bit, well, let’s say moody.” James looks over at me as if he expects me to be upset. I would rather not spend my day off schmoozing with a difficult client.

BOOK: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1
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