Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)
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I told Mark I would only be a few days and I’m running out of time before he begins worrying about me like our dear old mother did. I’m trying to track down a friend who I know has major problems with anyone who isn’t me or his grandpa. Like me, his temper can vary from simmering to boiling in an instant, only taking the wrong look from someone to ignite it.

He hasn’t been in his usual haunts I have been to and I am praying he is in the last bar I am heading to, otherwise I haven’t got a clue where he would be.

Tommy Flynn isn’t like anyone I have ever met. He has told me a little of his background and it made me appreciate my sweet, kind hearted mother over his strict, religious parents. Some of the stories he has told me in confidence about how his parents raised him in the eyes of God makes me shudder. If that’s how God wants us to be then I’ll give it a miss and just believe in myself like I have always done. Three years ago when he was seventeen years old, he left home and hasn’t been back. He said he would rather live on the streets than stay under his father’s roof of unrealistic rules and full time preaching.

Squaring my shoulders as I walk through the door, I immediately feel on edge. This bar isn’t exactly frequented by nice people.

I find him brooding in the corner with half a bottle of tequila. Fucking hell, he must be in the shit.

“What’s got you hitting the bottle?” I ask, pulling out a stool to sit on.

His hmmph shakes his body as he slowly looks up at me. Tommy isn’t much of a talker. He only talks for necessity, nothing less. It’s probably why I get on with him so much.

He doesn’t seem to want to talk about it so I change the conversation.

“Did you find somewhere to stay?” I ask.

For a few weeks he pitched up at my place but then one afternoon I woke up after a heavy night of booze and women to find he had gone. That was a month ago.

“Here and there,” he mumbles.

“I’ve got something going on at the moment and I want you to be a part of it. You’ll make some quick cash and I can offer you a room.”

I wasn’t too sure about the room, but for Tommy I would find him somewhere at the Johnson place, there is plenty of room anyway.

“Like what?” he asks, suddenly interested in why I am here.

“Me, my brother and a couple of his friends, are starting up our own motorcycle club. You still got your Harley?”

He looks at me like I’ve asked a ridiculous question.

“Micky, my brother’s friend can get us work, it’s not exactly fuckin’ legit or anything but it’s not like we’re fuckin’ angels, is it?” I laugh.

This gets a smirk out of him and finally begins to talk fluidly.

“I can’t tell you much more unless you wanna come but I’m heading back after this so I need an answer now.”

I’m not giving him the chance to think things over. I know him and I know he needs this as much as I do.

I’m confident my brother and the others will be on board when they meet him.

“Why not,” he sighs, putting the cap back on the bottle, “Where we headed?”

I smile and stand up.

“Follow me. We’ve got one last stop to make and then we’ll be on the road.”


Our last stop was in fact to Benny. Benny is a good kid, quick on his feet and quick with his fists. He can hold himself in any situation and he gets by knowing everything about everything. I needed him to hook me up with some tables and stools and he didn’t let me down. He was my first stop when I got back. I told him what I needed and offered to take him back to Willows Peak if he came up with the goods and man did he came up good.

Tommy and I on our bikes and Benny in the truck with the furniture that he acquired very cheap roll into the Johnson place just after eight pm.

Like always, it’s already busy and people are still turning up and paying to come in.

Tommy follows behind me to park in my usual spot beside the house and Benny parks up next to the outbuilding Mark and Oak have been working on this week. I instruct them start to taking the furniture in and I will be back soon.

Feeling pretty good with myself I go in search of Mark. Half jogging to where our guys normally plot up on weekends like this, I come to a stop when I see Rayna in Mark’s arms and nuzzling into his neck as he talks with Micky. Before I left town she hadn’t seen him for a few days when he laid into that guy in front of her. She didn’t say anything about it but I assumed that she didn’t want to know him after that. Obviously, I assumed wrong.

Fuck her, if it’s Mark she wants, he’s welcome to her. Who needs to fucking change for a chick anyway. Who cares if she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon. I don’t need this shit. Mark catches me standing here and from his face I know their relationship has changed and she is now his. Fucker must have waited for me to leave before making his claim.

He jerks his chin, wanting me to go over and without dwelling too much on her, I will admit I am jealous and the thought of being around them makes me want to punch something until my knuckles split open and blood pours from my self-inflicted wounds.

I stay where I am and when he realizes I’m not going over, he detaches himself from Rayna’s perfectly supple body and walks towards me.

“I wanted to talk to you before you saw us together,” he begins, looking back to Rayna, “I know you have a thing for her but I really like man and she likes me too.”

“I kind of guessed it was you she likes, don’t worry about it. I have plenty of pussy to choose from here,” I smile, but it doesn’t reach the truth. He sighs and stares me down before accepting my word.

“Are you not coming over?” he asks.

“Nah, I just wanted to let you know I’m back, come and have a look what I’ve got us.”

He follows me and takes in Tommy and Benny when they come into sight.

“Are these your guys?”

“They’re not mine but yeah, I know them. And look,”

I take him inside the outbuilding and show him the goods I have acquired thanks to Benny.

“Where and how did you get all this from?” he asks, cautiously.

“Do you really want to know?”

“No, I suppose not as long as it doesn’t come back to bite us on the fuckin’ ass.”

“That’s the attitude,” I laugh, slapping him on the back.

I call over Tommy and Benny and make the introductions.

“Has Michael filled you both in?” he asks them.

They both nod and wait for him to speak. This riles me, not only did he get the girl while I was away but he seems to have taken up as our fucking leader.

“No offence to my brother but if you’re acquainted with him then I’m guessing you don’t sell bibles and bake fuckin’ cookies?”

I haven’t seen Mark like this before. He has always been forward in finding out what he wants to know, but the way he is holding himself and speaking makes me feel like he’s superior to us. Maybe it is his natural personality built into him from his Marines days.

“I’ve only been to county once,” Benny tells him and looks darn fucking proud of the fact, as if he should have been there many more times.

I see the flicker of amusement on Mark’s face as he thinks the same as me and then looks to Tommy.

“What about you?” he asks him.

“No, sir. Not once.”

Mark is taken aback with Tommy’s manners and then laughs out loud. I should have known everyone would look up to Mark, no matter where he is or who he meets it is always the same.

“I’m not no sir, Tommy. As you can see this place is a work in progress. You’re welcome to help out with fixing it up and there are rooms upstairs for you to crash in. My friend, who you’ll meet later has lined up some work and there will be cash to be made if you’re up for it. In return, all I ask is that while you are here you keep off of the cops radar and stay loyal to us. Some of the work may require more than brain power and more force. If you don’t think you’re up for it, leave now.”

Mark doesn’t say anything else or wait for them to agree, he walks away and leaves us standing watching his back disappear through the door.

“You guys up for it?” I ask them.

“Hell yeah,” Benny says.

Tommy nods and looks around.

“What else are they plannin’ on doin’ here?”

I walk them through the building telling them what I was told before I left. I leave them upstairs going through the empty rooms picking one out each and Benny already informing Tommy he can get the beds and shit in the morning. To be honest, I think Tommy is happy to be away from everyone and everything he knows, it doesn’t matter if he has a bed or not.

Joining the party I bump into the pretty little red head I have had the pleasure of being inside over the last couple of months. She isn’t as beautiful as Rayna but she is good enough to distract myself with. Nice, little body on her with huge tits and a nice ass I can grab onto with locks of bright, red hair.

I couldn’t tell you her name but then her name isn’t what I want right now.

“Hi, Michael,” she chirps, hanging onto my arm as I pass by her and her friends.


She only comes up to my shoulder so it gives me a good advantage of being able to see down her top, which isn’t hard as I don’t think it is meant to cover up anything.

“You staying tonight, darlin’?” I ask her, removing her off my arm and slinging my arm around her neck.


“Go and get us a couple of beers and then come find me over there,” I point to where my brother is and she scuttles off.

Mark is telling the rest about Tommy and Benny. He doesn’t notice me until I sit across from him and drag his bottle of beer from him. He finishes speaking with them and then gives me his attention.

“Micky has set up a meet with Denzel Parker, we ride out to see him first thing Monday. Are you good with that?”

I am speechless for a minute, I assumed Oak would be his right hand guy, not me.

“Sure, are you sure you want me going with you?” I ask him, “Are you not afraid I’ll fuck it up somehow?” I add, just for good measure.

“Of course not, I want you there beside me. We’re in this together, remember?”

I nod and drain the rest of his beer.

“There’s a few guys who’s approached us to stay on after the party ends tomorrow, we’re going to see how we get on with them and find out how loyal they can be. We don’t want or need anyone we can’t trust. The kind of work we can get could put us away for years at a time occasionally so we need to trust who’s watching our backs. These two you brought back with ya, would you trust them to keep your ass out of jail and out of the ground?” Micky says.

I think about it seriously and nod again, I already trust them with my life if it came down to it.

Rayna and Flo join us at the same time the red head comes over with our drinks. She sits herself on my lap and wriggles about to get comfortable, the sight of Rayna in her short shorts and tight cut-off tee and the feel of a nice ass pushing into my groin is making me hard.

The red head feels it and gives me a promising smile and an extra little wiggle.

“Hi Michael, I didn’t know you were back,” Rayna smiles brightly.

“Only just, how you doing darlin’?”

Red head throws me a glare for calling her darling but she can fuck off, I’ll call whoever I want whatever I want.

“I’m doing good, did you get what you needed on your trip?”

This bullshit talking is making me angry. I want to be telling her about it while she lays in my arms after I’ve took my time pleasing her body after being away from her for a few days, not talking to her while she is cuddling up to my brother. The son of a bitch doesn’t know how lucky he is.

“Yeah, thanks. Come on red, let’s get out of here.”

I pull red head up with me as I stand and don’t bother to say we’re leaving, walking off gives that away.

“I’ve missed you, Michael.” Red head says, as we head up the stairs to my room in the main house.

Tonight will be the last time I sleep with this chick, she is getting a little too clingy for my liking, missing me? We’re only a hook up at a party for fuck sake.

“Yeah, I’ve missed your tits,” I grumble, pushing through the door and backing her towards the bed.





“Who’s the red head always hanging around Michael?” I whisper in Rayna’s ear.

“I think her name is Kitty. I’ve seen her around town but I don’t know her well,” she tells me.

I’ve seen them together at a few of our parties and I hope for Michael’s sake that it works out well for him. With Rayna and I together now it might not be such a big deal for him.

“She looks like she has it bad for him,” she adds.

“Let’s hope he has it bad for her,” I grunt.

I drain the rest of my beer and toss the bottle in the heap of bottles that have been steadily piling up tonight.

“I’m going to grab another beer, do you want one?” I ask Rayna, pulling my arm from around her shoulders and standing up.

BOOK: Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)
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