Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4) (26 page)

BOOK: Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)
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It doesn’t matter how many years pass, they all feel like the same to me. The body count has been ridiculously high for both clubs. In the last two years Hunter has gone into hiding and nothing we’ve done has brought the fucker out.

They attack us but when we go to hit them back, he’s gone again and we only get his foot soldiers.

His blood for blood threat has always remained in my mind and the way things are going these days it’s that threat that is going to bring him out of hiding.

“What are you thinking?” Kitty asks, sliding her arms around my waist.

“That I need a plan to draw out Hunter once and for all and I think the only way to do that is to use someone close to me.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Something he once said to me after I killed his brother.”

She pulls away and pulls a face like I slapped her.

“Are you thinking of using me?” she shrieks as quietly as she can.

“Of course not.”

I reckon he’d love to take Kitty from me but it’s not her he really wants. Alannah is the one he’d love to get his dirty hands on and now she’s twenty-one he could be around any corner at any time.

“What exactly did he say?” she asks, taking a seat next to me.

“Blood for blood.”

“But, your only blood is Lana,” she says as if I didn’t already know that.

“I know that, babe.”

She bites her lip and her eyes get this busy crazy look in them and gets me worried.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, turning her question back on her.

“What if…”

Nothing ever ends well that begins with what if.

“What if you used Alannah to draw out Hunter? If he thought Alannah was cast out and alone he might come out from wherever he is and you can finally get him.”

“You are bat shit crazy woman, how in the world would I get away with casting her out and why would you think I would?”

“Think about it Michael, all you have to do is act the concerned uncle and tell her she deserves a better life away from the club. Make her stay at the house in town and put a prospect on her to watch out so you know if Hunter comes around. She’ll be away from everyone but still close enough to keep her safe. Nothing will happen to her if we do this right.”


“Yes we, I’m always with you Michael. You can finally end the Raging Riders club and all it takes it to use Alannah as bait. No one will know but us and it will finally end.”

I take a minute to think this through, at first I thought she was crazy but this doesn’t sound too crazy now it is sinking in.

A part of me genuinely wants different for Alannah, Rayna would have pushed her to go and see the big wide world, but the other part of me promised my brother I would always keep her safe.

“I told Mark I would protect her, I’m going to have to break that promise if I go through with your plan.”

“No you won’t. Put a prospect on her, he can live with her or whatever. Nothing will happen to her, Michael.”

“She still has another year at college, I don’t want anything messing that up.”

“Michael, this has been going on for years, what’s another nine months? When she graduates next year she’ll want to come home and that’s when you do it.”

It’s not a bad plan to be honest.

“There is still one problem,” I mutter.

“I don’t see one.”


They think I haven’t noticed, they think their little meet ups and secret kisses have escaped my attention. He could get in the way of these potential new plans, the club is all Cas has and when he was promoted to VP last month I had hoped he would leave her alone thinking he had more to lose now. Instead, over the summer they have gotten closer and closer. I’ve kept my mouth shut seeing where it was headed but now, I need it to stop. Cas didn’t strike me as a guy who take on an old lady as young as he is and as whorish as he is.

If it gets serious between them this plan won’t work because he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

“She’s the niece of his President. I’m sure you can pull rank and force him to stay away from her,” she says, before leaving me alone in my office.

She’s right, I am the President and it won’t look strange to anyone that I would be angry that one of the brothers is trying it on with my niece.

Leaving my office seconds after Kitty, I’m glad to see everyone is in the bar.

“I need the brothers in the garage now,” I yell making sure they all hear.

I don’t wait for them to follow and head for the garage myself, thinking quickly with every step about how this is going to go down.

Turning on the lights and pushing the tool boxes out of the way, I have my plan.

“What’s goin’ on, Michael?” Oak asks, being the first one in and everyone following him.

“Wait and see,” I tell him, making sure everyone is here.

They all congregate in a semi-circle and look at me in confusion as to why they have been called here.

Just before I’m about to fill them in Cas appears in the doorway and saunters in.

“Ah, now we can begin,” I start, “It’s come to my attention that a brother has been going behind my back with my niece.”

Pope jumps to his feet and looks pissed scanning each and every man. Surprisingly Oak doesn’t look like this is the first time he’s heard this. Then again, if I had caught them together then maybe he has too.

“Everyone here knows Alannah is not to be touched, she’s my niece and the founder of this club’s daughter. I take it as disrespect to my brother and personally myself. Did you honestly think you could get away with this, Cas?”

All eyes shoot to him and he purposefully lifts his chin and squares his shoulders. I knew the kid was fearless but against me, I thought he’d at least look partially guilty.

“What do you have to say for yourself? Do you deny it?”

He steps into the middle of the surrounding brothers and faces us all head on.

“I don’t deny it, I know it was wrong but I do have feelings for her, Michael. I was just coming to talk to you about her. I want your blessing to be with her.”

“You want my blessing?” I laugh, is he for real?

“Not a chance, I don’t want her with anyone here, least of all you. Do I make myself clear? I’m not asking you to stay away from her, I’m telling you,” I warn him, “And you must face the consequences of your actions. Each brother will take two hits out on you and then we’ll forget about this.”

“Michael, don’t do this. I think he gets the message,” Oak pipes up.

“Then this is making sure he fully understands. You have known her since she was in Rayna’s belly, you want someone like him with her?”

He doesn’t say anything and it makes my point.

Making the brothers do this will make them see nothing gets past me and that I rule this club the way I see fit.

One by one each brother steps forward towards Cas and sings their fists into his jaw and ribs. When it’s Sparky and Slade turn, they look sick but they do as instructed. By the time they have finished and it’s only me left, I clear the distance between us and bend down on bended knee where Cas is slumped on the ground.

“I really do like her,” he mumbles.

I drive my fist into his already beaten face and wipe his blood off my hand on his jeans.

“Do you love her?” I ask him.


“I asked if you love her.”

He stares me in the eye and I can see his internal debate but I wait patiently for his answer.

“No, I don’t love her.”

“Then stay away from her or I’ll strip your VP patch and throw your ass out of this club. I mean it Cas, stay away from her, and make sure she stays away from you. I don’t care how you do it, but do it.”

Leaving him on the ground, I leave the garages and breathe deeply. 

I can’t afford for anything to get in my way to ending the Raging Riders. The charade in the garages just now had to be done.


Listening to Alannah cry most of the night made me feel like a complete bastard, but this morning she’s acting like nothing happened.

Through the whispers in the club I heard Cas took it to the extremes and was fucking some whore and made sure Alannah walked in on them. Yet you wouldn’t think that looking at her smiling on the back of Sparky’s bike about to leave for college.

“Micky would be proud of her leaving for her last year at college,” Oak grumbles to Pope, choking up himself.

Sparky rides them off and everyone but Kitty and I stay outside.

“You haven’t mentioned Micky yourself in a while,” she whispers.

“There’s no need, when Lana finishes the year at college she won’t be coming back here. If there’s a chance her being away from us will bring Hunter out of the shadows to get to me then so be it. As for Micky, I’ve got something real special planned for him.”

“Care to share?”

“Next time he stops by I’m going to give him a message to deliver one way or another to our enemy. Details of our run. Not only will they kill him, they’ll make sure the Lost Souls know he died a rat. No one will give a shit he’ll be dead.”

Flo never survived after suffering from Cancer, the day after her funeral Micky came to me and went nomad. He only stops by here a few times a year so if he disappeared no one would notice for a while.

“And then it will be over?”

Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her in and kiss her neck softly.

“Yeah babe, it will all be over.”

When Alannah finishes the year it will be show time and after twenty-one years, I will finally have peace knowing everyone who had a part in Rayna’s death will be as dead as her. Killing Hunter and taking down the Raging Riders will only be a bonus.






BOOK: Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)
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