Read A Tempting Christmas Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

A Tempting Christmas (5 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Christmas
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I let out a soft moan as I feel Jordon’s lips press against my shoulder. Immediately my skin tingles where his lips and my body connect, which send a warmth coursing through my body.

“Merry Christmas, Brittan.” Jordon murmurs into my hair as his lips work their way to my neck. He gently runs his nose along the sensitive spot behind my ear, making a slight giggle escape me. I’m extremely ticklish, especially when I first wake up.

Stretching slowly, I roll onto my back so I can give Jordon a proper Christmas morning kiss. As I move, my body aches in all the right places reminding me of the hot, amazing sex we had last night.

“Merry Christmas, Jordon.” I say as run my hand through his dark disheveled hair. Even with morning bed head, he looks like the sexiest man on the planet while I lay here with my maroon hair probably looking like a rat's nest.

I momentarily get lost in the piercing pools of aqua that are Jordon’s eyes. His dark hair that falls over his forehead, causing his eyes to pop out at me, make it impossible not to stare straight into them.

“Are you ready to open your present?” Jordon asks as he sits up and flashes me a killer grin. Seeing his smile combined with his ripped body of 100% pure muscle that stops with that oh-so-hot deep V pointing down to my favorite part of his body causes my heart to skip a beat. His sculptured arms flex before me as he digs in the bedside stand making the Asian dragon that covers his right arm dance before me.

Finally he turns back towards me holding out a small wrapped box with a big Christmas bow on top.

Grabbing the sheet. I tuck it under my arms and cover my naked breasts as I slide up and rest against the headboard. Jordon furrows his brows at me as one hand holds my present out towards me and his free hand tugs on the sheet, exposing my breasts to him. The cool air hits me, making a shiver shoot down my spine but the cold is quickly forgotten as Jordon lets out a low, deep growl and leans down taking my nipple ring between his teeth.

I playfully slap his head and snatch my gift from his hand. “Behave yourself. Presents now, sex later.” I tell him as I begin tearing the paper off of my gift.

Jordon falls back onto the pillows, propping his head up in his hand and watches me peel away the snowman paper in which he’s wrapped my gift. “I hope you love it. I searched for weeks trying to find you the perfect gift.”

I love seeing him like this. He actually seems nervous and not the cocky guy I’ve come to know so well. He has a vulnerability I rarely see in him. There’s a nervous yet contagious excitement twinkling in his eyes as he watches me toss the paper onto the bed.

My stomach is fluttering with excitement as I slowly open the small square box. As soon as I lift the lid, a soft gasp leaves my lips and my hand covers my mouth. I slide my eyes that are now wide from shock and excitement from Jordon's gift.

“Oh my god! Jordon, this is beautiful.” I tell him as I stare down at an Origami Owl charm necklace. It’s shaped like a heart with floating charms inside of it. One is a yellow ribbon for Cane that immediately causes tears to prick at my eyes as my vision blurs. I blink, trying to fight the tears threatening to fall. There’s also a microphone, a guitar, and a crystal butterfly. Dangling from the necklace is a silver guitar pick with a red ruby in the center twinkling at me and then a music note dangling beside it.

“Turn over the guitar pick.” Jordon says as a small smirk curls up in the corner of his mouth. I beam at him as I lift the necklace out of the box and finger the guitar pick. Turning it over, I see engraved words on the back ‘
Forever Yours, J.V.’.
As soon as I read it, the tears I was holding in freely fall.

Jordon did a cover of
by Journey acoustic style for me on the final night of our tour. It was amazing. Now, whenever I hear that song, all I can think about is Jordon and how crazy and amazing it is that he’s in my life. “Jordon…” I sigh as I flick the tears from my cheeks. I clutch the necklace against my chest and settle my gaze on Jordon’s. He steals my breath away every time his eyes lock onto mine. The fluttering in my belly intensifies as he moves towards me and gently brings his hand up to my face cupping my cheek. The pad of his thumb rubs a stray tear away that is slowly falling down my face before he asks me, “You love it? Like
love it?”

My love for him grows with every passing day, but today it has multiplied by a million. I love that he incorporated Cane in my gift. This is my first Christmas really celebrating and living my life since losing him. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve a second chance at love, but I’m so thankful that I have Jordon.

He’s my soulmate, my tatted up Knight in Shining armor, who rode into my life when I least expected it and saving me from myself. Jordon showed me that there is a lifetime of happiness waiting for me. I just had to choose to join him in this crazy adventure called life.

Shaking my head I laugh as I take in his question. “You really shouldn’t have to ask me that. I mean look at me. I’m crying tears of happiness right now, Jordon. Not sadness. You’ve made me so happy—this gift is more than I ever could’ve wished for this Christmas. I absolutely love it!” I set the box down and set the necklace back inside of it before wrapping my arms around Jordon’s neck. “I love you.” I whisper against his lips as I pull his mouth to mine.

As our lips come together, I feel the all too familiar ache build in the core of my stomach and my sex clench with the need to have Jordon buried deep inside of me. If I could, I’d spend every waking moment making love to this man.

Finally after a take-my-breath-away kiss that has my body tingling and both of our fingers tangled in each other’s hair, we break away gasping for air.

Pulling away from me, Jordon reaches for the box retrieving my necklace. He dangles it out in front of me with a panty melting grin plastered across his face. “I think you should put your gift on before we divulge in amazing Christmas sex.”

Rolling my eyes, I grab my hair and pull it to the side exposing my neck for Jordon and shift on the bed turning my back to him. I feel the all too familiar electric charge crackle between us as he hooks the necklace on me and runs his fingers along my shoulders followed by my arms before coming to a stop with his hands firmly gripping my hips. Within seconds, his lips are on my skin as he trails a fiery path of kisses and gentle nibbles along my body as he begins exploring every single inch of me.

We spend the next hour tangled up in the sheets of his bed savoring each other. Our normal animalistic lovemaking is put off until later. Instead, we take it nice and slow--making sure to attend to every single inch of our bodies.

By the time we finally make it out to the kitchen to brew our cups of coffee and come to rest by the tree so Jordon can open up his present, we’re both feeling relaxed and sated from some of the best sex of our entire lives.

Jordon flashes me a goofy grin as I set my coffee mug on our now destroyed fireplace. The lights we worked so hard to make look perfect beside the tree are now all disheveled from our kinky Christmas Eve sex we had last night.

“Get your head out of the gutter.” I tease as I lean under the tree to grab his gift. I scream out in shock as I feel his hand connect with my bare ass peeking out of the bottom of my silk robe I’m wearing.

“When I’m around you, babe, my head is always in the gutter. If there ever comes a time it isn’t, commit my ass.”

“You’re something else.” I tell him as I shove his present into his lap.

He stares down at it before glancing up at me. “This is a pretty big gift. Feels kinda heavy? Hmmm…I wonder what you could’ve gotten me. I assumed the hot ass Santa’s little helper sex last night was my gift, which was good enough for me. Though I’m excited to see what you got me.”

He looks a like a little kid as he begins to tear into the present, shredding the wrapping paper. I hold my breath the entire time and am unable to speak. Jordon is the most unmaterialistic person there is. I had no clue what to get him. I put an iTunes gift card in his stocking and got him some vintage concert t-shirts I found at a thrift shop a few months back while in New York City. But I wanted to get something that would blow his mind and make our first Christmas together unforgettable, just like he has with my necklace.

I sit fingering the charms of my necklace as Jordon opens the box containing his gift. Finally, after chucking the lid of the box behind him, he reaches in and pulls out the large poster sized frame.

“Holy shit, babe! Is this like legit? The real fucking deal?” He asks me with shock and bewilderment on his face. He just keeps looking from his gift to me over and over again as his mouth falls open and then closes like a guppy fish.

I can’t help but laugh at his excitement and look of total shock.

Nodding, I tell him, “Of course it’s legit. It’d be a twisted joke to give you something like that and have it be a fake.”

“Wow. It’s autographed. Like seriously fucking autographed!” He shouts as he climbs to his feet and holds the poster of Nirvana out before him. “This bad boy is going above the fireplace. I think I need to put some kind of electric shock security thing on it like you see in the movies and shit. Because there’s no doubt Zane will try to steal this. It’s the Goddam holy grail, babe!”

Walking over to the fireplace, he sets the framed photo that is autographed by the late Kurt Cobain and the other two band members Dave Grohl, and Krist Novoselic. Nirvana is Jordon’s all-time favorite band and Kurt is like God to him. He told me he listened to them nonstop when he worked at the record store when he started teaching himself how to play guitar. I had to stalk eBay to win this bad boy.

“I’m so glad you love it.” I say as I climb to my feet and walk up to Jordon, wrapping my arms around his waist. He just finished hanging the framed photo and setting the old painting his mother hung up by hand when he and Eric first moved in. It is just the skyline of Chicago, which to them was good enough. Men are not all into the whole decorating thing like women are.

He presses a kiss to my forehead before squeezing me tightly against him in a tight bear hug. “Love it? I don’t just love it, Brittan. I fucking love it. This is the best Christmas ever. Thank you.”

The smile I’m sporting is so big my cheeks are aching. “I couldn’t agree with you more. This is a great start to a pretty amazing day.”

After Jordon took about a hundred pictures of my gift and posted it on every social media outlet possible, we finally got ready for Christmas at his parents’house.

The remainder of the day flew by in a blur of presents and amazing food. I FaceTimed with my parents and Roxy, showing off my present from Jordon along with a few other things he got me that we waited and opened together at his parents' house. His family is so welcoming and made the entire day that much more special.

When Jordon was helping his mother clean up the mess of wrapping paper, I used the moment to excuse myself to the bathroom. I didn’t really need to use it, but just needed a moment to be alone so I could properly wish Cane a Merry Christmas. For the first time since losing him, I made it through an entire day without shedding a single tear from sadness. Every tear that fell today was a tear of joy.

              When I lost Cane, I thought I’d spend forever alone and miserable until the day I died and finally was rejoined with him. But to my surprise, Jordon came into my life. Now I feel like I’m getting a do over with life. God is giving me a second chance at a happily ever after I know one thing is for sure: it is all Cane’s doing. He must’ve pulled some strings with the big guy upstairs by bringing Jordon into my life.

I will forever be grateful to Cane for loving me. I hate that he’s gone, but everything happens for a reason. I know Jordon is the man with whom I’m supposed to spend forever. Cane will always be in my heart and a key to my past, but Jordon is my now and my future.

For the first time in a long time, I'm truly happy and I’m looking forwards instead backwards. I’m definitely want to spend many more Christmas’ like this one with Jordon. I’m excited to see where life goes for us from here.




The End!


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