Read A Tempting Christmas Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

A Tempting Christmas (3 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Christmas
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“Wow! I never thought these words would ever come from my mouth, but you are one Elf I’d love to fuck.” Jordon says as he eyes me up and down in my nice Elf getup that I’m wearing for the annual Christmas party at Firehouse 41’s where his brother Eric is a Lieutenant at.

Rolling my eyes at him, I grab and pull on my red frilly skirt eyeing it before bring my gaze back up to his. “I’m glad to hear you approve but you don’t think it’s too much? I’ve tried to hide the girls as best I can but there is no hiding them in this dress. I swear you got the most revealing costume you could find Jordon! This is a children’s event.” I let out a nervous sigh as I eye the green and red dress with white fur trim, black leather belt and white and red stripped stockings. “I think that I should maybe run to the store and find something else.”

“No way in hell am I letting you take this off. I have plans for you and this naughty elf costume tonight. Now grab your coat because we have a party to get to.” Cupping my left butt cheek in his hand, he pulls me against him and presses a light kiss on my lips taking extra caution to not smudge my makeup I’ve done for the party.

There’s no sense in fighting him, so I grab my coat and leather gloves and follow him out of the apartment and to the parking garage. Twenty minutes later we’re finally pulling into the fire house. It’s the day before Christmas Eve so traffic is horrendous right now with everyone getting their last minute shopping done or traveling to see family for the holidays. Adding snow and slushy roads to the mix, and my anxiety was through the roof by the time we pulled into the parking lot of the firehouse.

There’s a storm on its way, and they’re calling for a foot or more for Christmas Eve. I’m excited for a real white Christmas but driving in the snow is not so fun.

Jordon jumps out of the car as soon as he puts the car into park and runs around to open the passenger door for. “Let me help you, love. I don’t want you slipping in those heels.”

He is seriously so damn sweet.

Taking his hand I gracefully as possible climb out of the car, “Awe. Thanks, babe.”

I walk alongside him into the buildings main entrance stopping to say hello to a few of the guys who are outside sanding a pathway into the building before everyone begins to arrive.

There’s a huge sign hanging above the door that says
Welcome to Firehouse 41’s Annual Christmas Party
with a Christmas tree and candy cane decorating the banner. Jordon told me they host this every year to raise money for the firehouse. People pay a five dollar fee to have a picture taken with Santa, and there're tons of snacks and refreshments for everyone. If they only knew their kids were getting pictures taken with Jordon Valentine, lead guitarist for the widely popular band Tempting Tomorrow.

I told Jordon more than likely I’ll be recognized. Just because I’m wearing an elf hat and curly toed heel boots and face makeup doesn’t mean I won’t be recognizable. Plus everyone in the firehouse knows Eric’s little brother is a big time celebrity now especially now that we’re a couple. The press has been eating it up over the last several months.

Jordon swears it’s a tight-knit group with everyone seeing him as Eric’s little brother they’ve all known since they were kids and nothing more. Which I think is nice. I hate when people treat me differently just because of who I am.

I’m still the same girl I was before the stardom just now I get paid a lot more to sing in big arenas compared to when I started out at Ocean Side Dive.

As soon as we step through the door we’re greeted by Jordon’s parents Eric Sr. and his mother Renee. Renee immediately stretches her arms out towards me for a hug. “Brittan! You look just adorable!”

“Thanks, Jordon picked it out for me online. I can’t wait to see the excitement on all the kids faces once they say Jordon dressed up as Santa.”

Releasing me, she takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze as she smiles a purely joyful ear to ear smile at Jordon and me.

“We’re so glad to have you here this year,” Eric says giving me a half hug. He is always so shy it’s adorable. It doesn’t help at all that I’m in this elf outfit with my girls all on display for the world. Definitely not how I planned on spending a holiday party with my boyfriend’s family.

“Well, son. Let’s get you in your Santa suit. Eric said he left it in a bag in the locker room for you.”

Jordon runs his fingers through his hair and turns to me giving me another soft peck on the lips. “I’ll be right back. You can go eat some cookies or punch. We have about twenty minutes until everyone should start arriving.

I waste no time filling a plate up with all the yummy goodies that are out on display on a large buffet style table. I spot Jordon’s brothers Eric and Benny setting up holiday goodie bags on a small table beside the chair and Christmas tree where Jordon and I will be greeting the kids and doing pictures at.

I’m chewing on my cookie chatting with Eric’s girlfriend Sam when Jordon comes strutting out in his Santa suit and beard I almost choke on my cookie. He must’ve stuffed a big ass pillow in his belly because his six pack is gone, and he’s now sporting a keg under that red coat.

“Oh my gosh. This is priceless! Normally it’s Eric Sr. who dresses up as Santa Clause for the kids, but seeing Jordon in that suit it too funny. I have to get a picture!” Sam laughed as she dug her phone out of her purse she has slung over her shoulder.

“You’ll have to send me pics my phone is in the car. I so need to make the pics of us as Santa and his little helper our Christmas cards next year!” I can’t take my eyes off of Jordon as I blue eyes are sparkling as they smile at me and grabs his belly shaking it at me. He is such a goofball.

“I’m sending this to everyone! It’s going to be a big hit on Facebook and Instagram. I’ll be sure to tag his ass on every picture.”

I love Sam. She is so down to earth and really fun to be around. It’s nice having someone I can talk to and just be me around and not the persona my record label has me pretend to be. Everyone loves the crazy rocker, and I like to be normal every once in a while. I have that with Roxie, Dalton and Matt back home but on the road I always feel so alone. That is until Jordon came into my life. I’m so grateful his family has been so welcoming and don’t treat me any differently because of who I am. They’re just really cool people.

“I for one cannot wait to read all the comments these are going to get.”

I leave her to her photo taking craziness and join Jordon over at our designated winter wonderland themed area.  Sliding his hand into mine Jordon squeezes and tugs me down onto his lap making my light laughter travel throughout the room. “Have I told you how fucking beautiful you look?” He whispers against my ear before biting playfully onto my earlobe.

Nodding my head up and down I nod yes, “Yes, you have. But I don’t mind hearing it again.”

“I can’t wait to get you home and do all kinds of naughty things to you in this dress. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the next two hours seeing you prancing around in this thing.” He says fingering my skirt. His scorching hot gaze travels from my legs up to my breasts that are dawning an adorable little bow in the center of them. His eyes linger on the swells of my breasts for a few beats before he clears his throat and tells me, “I better get you off of my lap before I say fuck this and give my dad the damn suit so that I can drag you into the closest fucking storage closet and pound my dick into your pretty, candy striped pussy until it’s filled with my cum and my balls are no longer throbbing.”

I feel my face flush a deep crimson as I climb off of his lap. “You need to behave yourself Santa. No more dirty talk.” I chase him and kiss his cheek before forcing my legs that are slightly wobbly to start moving as I walk around to the side of the chair where I’ll be standing for the next two hours.

The party was a huge success yesterday. I had so much fun taking pictures with all of the kids who came up to meet Santa Jordon. We had a few screamers, but overall it was a wonderful event. There was a lot of money raised which is fantastic.

Today the only thing on mine and Jordon’s agenda has been spending the day together watching Christmas movies. It’s our last day together alone before we have to go to his parents to spend Christmas with them tomorrow. I plan on giving Jordon one of his presents early, and I think he’s really going to love it.

Right now he’s in the kitchen cleaning up the Chinese takeout we ordered in for dinner tonight while I freshen up and get his gift ready. I’m slipping back into my elf costume from last night as step one of my gift even though I plan on slipping straight back out of it soon enough.

Leaning towards the mirror, I apply my favorite cherry flavored lip gloss. I made sure to pick my clear flavored one that isn’t sticky because this is all about Jordon. He really hates lipstick and sticky lip gloss like every other man on the planet. Too bad almost every single woman loves to wear it. I laugh whenever he gets all flustered before a show wanting to take me up against the wall of my dressing room but doesn’t want to get my lipstick all over his face and mess up my makeup artist’s hard work.

I tell him the wait makes the kiss and the sex that much hotter.

Walking through the bathroom, I reenter Jordon’s bedroom and find the universal remote for the surround sound lying on the bedside stand next to my side of the bed. I turn on the music so that it’s playing throughout the entire apartment and then scroll through Jordon’s iPod finding
Santa Baby
by Marilyn Monroe and press play.

“Babe?” I hear Jordon shout to me from the kitchen.

I bite back a smile as I sashay out of the bedroom and make my way through the open living room into the kitchen where he’s standing holding a dish rag in his hands. The sound of my stiletto heels on the hardwood floor mix with the sound of the music enter the kitchen and around the island he’s leaning against.

“It’s time for your Christmas present,” I tell him with a sultry tone as I run my candy cane painted index nail down his hard chiseled chest.

Tossing the towel onto the marble countertop with a devilish grin spread across his lips he reaches his hands out and slowly lets them travel along the outside of my thighs over my stockings stopping to finger my garters.

“But it isn’t Christmas yet?”

“Well, I don’t think this gift is appropriate to give you tomorrow in front of all of your family,” I tell him matter-of-factly as back away from his grasp and begin sliding my nails across the swells of my breasts.

I feel my body light up with excitement as I feel his red hot gaze burning into my skin as his eyes watch my fingers travel from my breasts up to my lips. I bite down on my fingernail as I bounce my perfectly arched eyebrows up and down at him playfully before spinning on my heels and sashaying back towards the living room.

“And what is this gift you keep referring to?” Jordon asks coming up from behind me and pressing kisses along my exposed left shoulder.

Humming along with Marilyn Monroe’s sultry voice I shimmy and wiggle away from him. I can’t contain my laughter as he lets out a low primal growl. I can see his dick is just how I like it: hard and ready for me as it presses nicely against his pajama pants that are hanging perfectly on his hips. He’s shirtless showing off his tattoos that I love so much. His full sleeve on his right arm that is donned with a magnificent Asian dragon that covers his entire right arm. Then a sparrow on each hip bow with ‘Carpe Diem’ tattooed in the center just above his waistband of his pants.

“I’m your present and I for one
cannot wait
for you to unwrap me—but first I want you to take a seat beside the Christmas tree.”

Not wasting a single second, Jordon maneuvers around the large brown suede sectional and sits down on the contemporary styled rug in front of the tree that’s filled with presents for his family underneath it and a few for him and me. It’s our first holiday together and I’m excited to spend it with him making new memories as a couple.

The fireplace is burning brightly, casting a gorgeous orange glow behind Jordon as he sits with his legs spread out in front of him; his hands planted firmly on each side of his body supporting himself while he watches and waits to see what I’ll do next.

I begin swaying my hips to the slow, soulful music getting lost in it momentarily as I close my eyes and let my hands take over as my mind drifts away. Even with my eyelids shut I can feel Jordon’s eyes on me. The intensity in them whenever he looks at me can be felt deep in my soul the connecting unbreakable between us.

My heart rate increases as I open my eyes and take a few slow strides towards Jordon straddling his lap as I continue to dance to the music. His left hand finds my calf and the spark that sparks against my skin causes my heart to skip a beat and my breathing to hitch in my chest. I’m so worked up that every little touch is almost enough to make my knees give out sending me tumbling into his lap.

I direct my eyes from his to my left high heel and tell him, “remove my shoes.” My voice stays smooth and dripping with sex even though on the inside every inch of me is shaking with need.

“Yes, ma’am.” He says enthusiastically before pulling my left shoe off and then my right and tossing them onto the floor with a loud thud beside us.

His hands roam up my calves, towards my thighs and stop when they reach my backside. He cups my ass in his hands and at the same time dips his head under my skirt running the tip of his nose along the inside of my thigh, all the while pressing soft kisses as his mouth works its way towards my core that is aching to be filled and dripping wet with desire.

I feel my knees give out slightly when his mouth presses against my damp panties. His tongue slides along the trace of my lips through the satin material making my eyes roll into the back of my head and my eyelids to flutter. I run my hands into his hair gripping it as if I’m holding onto the edge of a cliff right now.

“God, Brittan. You are my every Christmas wish rolled into one beautifully sinful package. You’re even dawning the big bow just beckoning me to tear into you. A part of me wants to unwrap you nice and slow savoring this moment.”

He sucks in a sharp breath as his fingers slip beneath my panties and slide along my slick wet lips. I can’t contain the moans as they leave my mouth. His touch is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It’s heaven and hell all wrapped into one delicious sensation as he teases my clit rubbing his strong, callused fingers roughly against my bud before sliding their way towards my burning hot core.

His teeth nip at my sensitive flesh inside my inner thigh as two of his fingers plunge deep inside of me. I clench my inner walls tightly around his fingers silently begging for them to finger fuck me just the way I like it. His words come out gruff as his head pops back out from under my skirt, and his eyes lock back onto mine. “But the animal inside of me is screaming at me to tear this fucking dress off of you and take everything you have to offer right here—right fucking now.”

I let out a shaky breath and lick my lips moistening them, “So how are you going to unwrap me?” I slowly bring my hands from his hair up to my shoulders and begin to push the puffed up shoulders of my costume down exposing more of my breasts all the while never taking my eyes off of his.

Jordon has the cockiest grin curling up at the corner of his lips as he slowly slides his fingers out of me. Opening his mouth he sucks his fingers into it and lets out the most erotic sound I’ve ever heard come from him before pulling them back out and reaching up encasing my wrists and tugging me down into his lap.

His usually tranquil blue eyes are dark and brooding as they stare into mine. “I’m going for the ladder,” is all he says before releasing my wrists and driving his fingers into my hair and fisting my wavy locks. His mouth crashes against mine forcefully causing our teeth to smash together as kisses my lips with such hunger as if he’ll die if he doesn’t taste every single inch of my mouth.

His tongue forces its way between my lips and I immediately feel warm hot liquid pool between my thighs as I grind myself against his erection that is pressing perfectly against my throbbing clit.

I feel an orgasm building with every stroke of his tongue against mine. I grind my sex harder against his thick cock that’s begging to be released from the confinements of his pants. I shudder against his chest as a ripple of ecstasy courses through my body and explodes the instant it reaches my core. I moan into Jordon’s mouth as I savor the orgasm but it isn’t enough. One is never enough. Especially with Jordon. I need him. I need his dick buried inside of me fucking me until I’m so high on him that I see or feel nothing but what he makes me feel.

BOOK: A Tempting Christmas
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