A Boyfriend for Christmas (3 page)

BOOK: A Boyfriend for Christmas
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“Yup.” He smiled and stepped back.
She felt disappointment that he hadn’t attempted to kiss her. “So be careful
with the drinks. I wouldn’t want to have to garnish your checks for another car


“That was your fault,” she growled
at him.


“I don’t think so.” He watched her
frown up at him and smiled. “You’re just lucky that you’re Lucky’s sister.”


“She’s here!” Brynn exclaimed.
“Lucky’s here.”


“She is?” He looked at her
intensely, his eyes focused and happy. “That’s great. Where is she? I want to
talk to her.”


“Why?” Brynn frowned feeling


“We need to discuss what happened
all those years ago.” He studied her face seriously. “I want things to be set


“Oh.” Brynn sighed. “I see.” So he
wanted to get back together with Lucky it seemed. It figured. Lucky always
seemed to have the best luck with guys.


“If you’ll excuse me.” He grabbed
her waist. “I’m going to go and find her now.”


“Sure.” She felt butterflies in
her stomach as he touched her. “Go and find her.”


“I’ll see you later.” He kissed
her on the cheek and walked away. Brynn watched him search for Lucky and a wave
of sadness and desire washed over her. He looked debonair in his black suit.
The suit emphasized the gold in his hair and the greenness of his eyes. But her
feelings for him stemmed from more than lust. She had tried to forget how in
love with him she had been when she was younger. It had been wrong for her to
lust over her sister’s boyfriend but he had always been so sweet and nice to
her. She had thought they’d had a connection. But then he had cheated on Lucky
and broken her heart and she had never seen him again. She sighed and picked up
the drinks and walked back to Barb.


“Here you go.” She handed Barb a
drink and they sat down at a table with food. The kids grabbed a bunch of
sandwiches and cakes and dug in.


“Sorry, you’ve been stuck with the
kids.” Brynn frowned at her friend. “I can watch them if you want to go dance,”
she offered.


“It’s no problem.” Barb smiled at
her friend. “I don’t know that I’ll be dancing tonight.”


“Brynn, so good to see you.”
Doug’s booming voice came from behind them and Brynn grinned up at him.
He looked handsome and friendly and she
was happy to see that someone was happy to see and hang out with her.


She stood up and gave him a hug.
“Doug. Thanks. It’s good to be here.” She smiled to herself as he hugged her a
little longer than was polite and saw that he was checking out her outfit as he
pulled away from her.


“You look beautiful.” He smiled
down at her. “I love the dress. It’s…how can I put this, very sexy.” He


“Well thanks.” She smiled back at
him. Doug wasn’t the type of guy that she normally went for but he seemed kind
and decent and well, the sort of guy a girl should marry. And it wasn’t that
she didn’t find him attractive. It was just that she didn’t feel an animal
magnetism for him, like she did for Daz. She sighed to herself at her thoughts
and was interrupted by Barb clearing her throat.


“Oh sorry,” she apologized and
grinned at her friend. “Doug, meet my best friend Barb and her two kids Cory
and Jane.”


“It’s a pleasure to meet you,
Barb.” Doug took her hand and kissed it and Brynn thought Barb’s face couldn’t
get any redder if she tried. “Twins?” Doug looked at the kids stuffing their
faces and smiled.


“Yes, sorry.” Barb stood up and
flattened her dress. “We thought it would be okay to bring the kids.”


“It’s fine.” He smiled generously.
“We love kids at the firm.”


“Thanks.” Barb and Brynn both
answered him and they all laughed. Brynn liked that he liked kids. That was a
good trait in a man.


“So what do you do, Barb?” he
inquired of her friend. Another point to tick off on her list. Friendly and
interested in her friends.


“Oh, right now, I’m just a mom.”
Barb blushed.


“She’s an artist,” Brynn
interrupted. “She paints. And she’s very talented.”


“Oh really?” Doug looked at Barb
with interest. “I studied Art History before I went to law school. I love art.”


“Really?” Barb beamed at him.
“Well, I’m no Monet or Picasso.” She laughed self-consciously. “I just dabble
here and there.”


“That’s not quite true,” Brynn
interrupted again. “Barb was just commissioned to do a piece for the mayor’s


“Really? You must be good.” Doug smiled
at Barb and then turned back to Brynn. “I should have known you would have
talented friends.”


“Oh why?” Brynn looked at him


“Because great people attract
great people.”


“Oh, thanks.” Brynn smiled widely
at him.


“I just have to go chat with some
of the partners but I’ll be back.” Doug bowed in front of the women and
whispered in Brynn’s ear before he walked away, “I don’t know if it’s legal for
me to feel this happy and excited right now.” He winked at her and walked away
and Brynn flushed. So there it was she thought. Doug is interested and he is
letting her know. She felt disappointed that it hadn’t been Daz who had
expressed interest in her but she brushed off the feeling. She did not want to
start crushing on Daz again.


“He seemed nice.” Barb grinned at
her friend. “Is he a lawyer?”


“Yeah.” Brynn’s answer was
distracted because she had just noticed Daz walking with Lucky and they seemed
to be having an animated chat.


“I wonder if he is single?”


“Yeah. He is,” Brynn answered
without looking at her friend. If she had, she would have seen the excitement
and happiness on it.


“Oh, looks like one of us may have
a chance at having our Christmas boyfriend wish granted after all.” Barb’s
voice was happy and she played with her hair.


“Yeah. I guess so.” Brynn’s voice
was low. She knew she should be happy that Doug was interested in her and that
he seemed like a good catch but she just didn’t feel that sexual magnetism to
him as she had to other men. Well, one other man in particular.


“I’m going to go and get us some
more drinks. Watch the kids, okay?” Barb walked away and Brynn smiled.


“Sure, thanks.” She watched as Daz
and Lucky left the room and sighed and turned to the kids. “Who wants to dance
with Auntie Brynn?”


“Me, me, me.” Jane jumped up and
giggled while Cory continued stuffing his face with cheesecake. Brynn knew that
she should stop him from eating and that he was likely to get sick from all the
food but she just didn’t have the heart.


Barb came back to them with two
tall drinks and joined them in the dance. Brynn tried to enjoy herself and
eventually got Cory to join them and they danced around the table, to the
amusement of the other guests. About an hour later, Lucky joined them and Brynn
looked at her sharply, eager to know what had gone on with her and Daz.


“Hey, where have you been?” she
questioned her sister.


“I was with Daz.” Lucky smiled


“And?” Brynn looked at her sister
with narrowed eyes.


“We’ll talk later,”
sighed. “I have some things to tell you.”


“Like what?” Brynn tried to hide
her aggravation and anxiety from her sister. “Don’t tell me you forgave him
just like that?”


“Oh Brynn.” Lucky looked at her in
concern. “I hope you don’t harbor any resentment towards him.” She bit her lip.
“Look, let’s enjoy tonight and we’ll talk tomorrow.”


“Lucky, where are you going?”
Brynn called after her sister as she walked away.


“Going to get laid.” Lucky laughed
back as she disappeared into the crowd and Brynn felt her heart sink. Well that
was that. Lucky and Daz were back together again. She gulped down her new drink
and tried to ignore the pain she felt.


“Excuse me, are you Brynn?” A
waiter walked towards her with a card.


“Yeah?” She peered at him
curiously. “Why?”


“A man asked me to deliver this.”
He handed her an envelope and walked away.


She opened it, read it and bit her
lip. She wasn’t sure what to do. The note read:


Hey Sexy. I’ve never seen you look as sexy as you look tonight. Make me
a happy man and join me in Room 403 ten minutes after you get this note. I’ll
be waiting.


It wasn’t signed but Brynn was
pretty sure it was from Doug. She was surprised that he was so forward; she
hadn’t thought he was that type of guy. But she figured that there was no time
like the present to see if they were sexually compatible. She hadn’t had sex in
so long and she was looking for a good guy to date. If Doug was also good in
bed, then maybe she would actually feel a bit more for him than she was feeling


“Hey Barb, I’ll be back in a bit


“Is everything alright?” Barb
danced around with her kids and smiled at her friend.


“Yeah. Everything is great. I’ll
see you in a bit.”


Brynn walked briskly towards the
door. She wanted to go to the bathroom to freshen up before she went to room
403. She quickly reapplied her makeup and sprayed herself with some perfume
before walking to the elevator. She felt her heart beating with anticipation as
she got off on the 4
floor. She took a couple of deep breaths and
banished Daz from her mind as she knocked on the door. Daz was with her sister
again, she needed to forget him and focus on Doug. She felt that she should be
happy that she had even met Doug. They’d only known each other a few days but
she felt like they had some sort of budding genuine friendship going already.
She felt in her gut that she had met him for a reason.


As she stood there, she realized
that the door was open already and she pushed it inwards and walked in. The
room was completely dark aside from some lit candles. She blinked as the door
behind her closed shut, trying to get her eyes accustomed to the dark. She
could barely see anything,


“Hello?” she called out. She
couldn’t see Doug anywhere.


“Hello Brynn.” She heard a muffled
voice and saw a body walk towards her. She could barely make it out in the


“Hey, it’s so dark in here.” She
wanted to ask him to turn on a light but she didn’t want to ruin the mood.


She felt a finger pressed against her lips and then felt his mouth crushing
down on hers. His lips were firm and moist and she felt a jolt of electricity
run through her as his tongue entered her mouth. Now this was what she was
talking about. She kissed him back hard and moaned as he pushed her against the
wall. His hands were on her ass and she felt him massaging it through her dress
as he pushed himself into her. She reached up and put her hands into his hair
and rested her head against the wall as he kissed down her neck.


She groaned as he moved his head
up and caressed her breasts through her dress. He pushed the front of the dress
down and her breasts popped out easily.


“Easy access, I love it,” he
growled into her ear before bending down to suck on her nipples. She wriggled
against him and the wall as she felt his teeth tugging on her nipple.


“Oh,” she gasped as he nibbled on
one nipple and pinched the other one. Her body was on fire with desire. She’d
never felt this alive before and she felt herself get wet. She pulled him
closer to her and tugged at his pants. She unzipped him and stuck her hand into
his pants and grabbed his cock. It was hard and long and it grew in her hands
as she stroked it. She was surprised when she realized he had no underwear on,
Doug hadn’t struck her as the type of guy to go commando. Not like Daz. His
face flashed in her mind and she groaned out loud. Daz was the type of man who
would go commando and be happy to do so. She closed her eyes and imagined it
was Daz that was sucking on her tits. As she felt Doug’s hands lifting up her
dress and pulling her thong to the side, she imagined it was Daz’s fingers
running along the creases of her pussy, working their way to her clit. She
gasped as she felt his finger enter her and she readily wrapped her legs around
him as he lifted her up against the wall.

He lifted his head to kiss her and
she kept her eyes closed. She screamed out as she felt his cock enter her and
she felt herself coming right away. She’d never had an orgasm so quickly
before. And never without the man playing with her clit as he entered her. She
felt his cock slam into her deeply and her pussy lips closed in on his cock
like they never wanted it to leave.


He grunted as he fucked her and
her tits bounced against his chest. She rubbed his back with her hands as she
held onto him tightly and he sucked on her neck as he pounded into her. She
felt the moment that he was about to climax because she was about to come again
as well. He stilled and gripped her and he groaned as he came into her. She
cried out in passion and delight and all she could see was Daz’s face in her
mind. As he pulled out of her, she trembled and pulled up her panties. She felt
extremely guilty—she had just fucked Doug and the whole time she had been
wishing it was Daz.

BOOK: A Boyfriend for Christmas
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