A Boyfriend for Christmas (2 page)

BOOK: A Boyfriend for Christmas
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“Oh hell no, not you Monika. Brynn, just a sec.”


“Ok.” Brynn rolled her eyes at Barb who was watching her
anxiously and throwing a ball back and forth with her five-year-old son, Cory.


“Ok, I’m back. Now tell me everything that Daz said to you.”
Lucky’s voice was excited and worried at the same time.


“He didn’t really say much, Lucky. We weren’t exactly acting
like age-old pals. He did hit my car,” Brynn sighed.

“Oh well, that’s good I guess.” Lucky’s voice was wistful.
“Did he look really ugly and old?” she asked hopefully.


“No, not really.” Brynn’s voice was light but she felt her
heart thumping. Daz had looked really good. A lot better than she remembered
him looking. “Well, he did have a dash of gray in his hair but it didn’t look
bad.” It made him look more distinguished she thought to herself.


“Oh,” Lucky sighed. “I have to go now Brynn I’ll talk to you


“Wait,” Brynn screeched. “I have a favor to ask, can you
babysit Cory and Jane tomorrow night? Barb and I want to go to an office party
my law firm is throwing.”


“Are you joking? I’m coming with you bitches.” Lucky laughed
into the phone. “Maybe I’ll get me a nice hot lawyer.”


“Lucky.” Brynn sighed. “You can’t do anything crazy at my
office party.”


“I’ll be a good girl. But I’m coming.” Lucky paused. “Look,
I went to a party at a law firm a few years ago and they had private nannies
there to look after all the kids. Just bring Cory and Jane, it’ll be fine.”


“Hmm, do you think that’s going to be okay?” Brynn frowned.
“They never said anything about private nannies.”


“That’s because they assume you know all about it, duh.”
Lucky’s voice was patronizing. “It’s okay Monika, new dye jobs always sting the


Brynn gasped and looked at Barb shaking her head.


“Look Brynn, I gotta go. Monika may end up with green hair,”
Lucky whispered into the phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And then she hung up.


“So?” Barb looked at her


“She wants to come to the party
too,” Brynn sighed. “But she said that we can bring the kids and that there
will be nannies at the party.”


“Really?” Barb looked doubtful and
sighed as Cory went running through the house.


“Jane, Jane, we’re going to a
party tomorrow. Yay!” They could hear him shouting at his sister and they both
looked at each other in horror.


“You’re responsible for them
tomorrow night, Brynn. If there is no babysitter, you’re going to be
responsible to look after them. Or I’m not coming.” Barb looked at her seriously.

“That’s fine, Barb.” Brynn bit her
lip as she studied her friend. Barb was a little overweight, with long red hair
and green eyes. She was perpetually tired and always talking about losing
weight. Though that would never happened, if she continued baking cakes and
cookies every day.


“Ok, what should I wear?” Barb
jumped up in excitement. “We are going to have an awesome time. How sexy should
we go?”


“I don’t think we should go too
sexy, Barb.” Brynn laughed at her friend’s eagerness. “This is a work party
after all.”


“But I want the men to notice me.”
Barb laughed. “It’s about time I got a boyfriend.”


“Yeah,” Brynn sighed. “I’d like to
start dating again.” It had been six months since she had broken up with her
last boyfriend and she was ready to have someone in her bed again. She was
starting to feel very horny and toys were not as good as the real thing.
“Though, I don’t really know if I should start dating someone who works at the
firm.” She thought about Doug for a second and dismissed him from her mind.


“So that will be our Christmas
wish then.” Barb grabbed her hands. “Santa, if you are listening Brynn and I
would like boyfriends for Christmas.”


“Preferably handsome, rich and
loyal,” added Brynn.


“With big dicks.” Barb laughed.




“C’mon now Brynn, let’s be real. I
don’t want a three incher or a five minute man.”


“Quickies can be fun too.”


“If you’re in a car or a swimming
pool. In bed, five minutes is liable to get you kicked out.” The girls
collapsed on the couch laughing and looked at each other happily.


“Oh Barb, what would I do without
you?” Brynn gave her friend a quick hug and jumped up. “Okay, let’s go find
outfits. We need to look classy and sexy.”


“Easy for you to say.” Barb stuck
her tongue out at her friend. “You can fit into almost anything with your size six
8 figure. Now for me, at size fourteen, they just don’t make cute clothes for


“Barb, you have a lot more outfits
than me. And they look fantastic on you.” Brynn laughed at her friend. “All the
men at the firm will be after you.” Brynn spoke earnestly, “You have that magic
charm that attracts men.”


“Yeah, they sense that I’m a sex
goddess.” Barb laughed. “But then they leave,” she sighed. “You don’t think I
can lose 10lbs in twenty-four hours, do you?”


“Uhm no.” Brynn laughed. “Come on
goof, let’s go get outfits.”


“Cory and Jane, come here,” Barb
screamed out to her kids and they came running. Brynn loved Barb’s kids and as
their Godmother she spent a lot of time with them, but sometimes she wished she
just had the house to herself.


“Kids, we are all going to a party
tomorrow. I want you to go and choose some outfits, ok.”


“Yes, Mom.” They nodded
enthusiastically and ran off to their room. Cory and Jane were twins and it
never ceased to amaze Brynn how alike and in tune the two were.


“Well, that was easy.” Barb
grinned. “Let’s go choose some outfits.”




Brynn, Barb and the kids sat in
the living room waiting on Lucky to show up. They were listening to Michael
Jackson and drinking eggnog and each one of them was excited about the night.
Brynn had spent the day flirting with Doug and she was excited to see what
would happen at the party, though for some reason Daz kept popping up in her
mind. She had had a sleepless night the night before and had taken out her
butterfly toy to help her fall asleep. As she had masturbated, Daz’s face had
popped into her mind and she found herself thinking dirty thoughts of him as
she pleasured herself. She tried not to analyze her thoughts because they
weren’t important. She was unlikely to ever see Daz again.


Ding-dong, the doorbell went and
Cory and Jane ran to open the door and flung themselves into Lucky’s arms. “Auntie
Lucky!” they squealed in unison and she laughed as she hugged them.


“I wish I could find a man as
eager to see me as these two.” Lucky walked into the room and Barb and Brynn’s
eyes popped out. Lucky was wearing a short black skirt that barely covered her
ass and a low-cut silver sequined top with a push-up bra. Her hair was long and
black (due to a dye job) and her big blue eyes looked huge, thanks to a lot of
eyeliner and mascara.


“Wow!” Barb exclaimed staring at
Lucky. “You look ready for a fun night out.” She looked down at her own outfit
that had seemed so great earlier. She now felt tame and boring and contemplated


“Lucky, what are you wearing?”
Brynn sighed. Her sister was going to make the employees of the law firm think
that a group of strippers had been hired for the party. “Is that really

“C’mon Brynn. Don’t be such a
stick-in-the ass.” Lucky laughed and danced around with the kids. “Beat it,
beat it,” she sang.


Brynn sighed with exasperation and
smiled at Barb. They exchanged glances and walked to their rooms. “Okay, what
should I wear?” Brynn grinned at her friend. There was no way they were going
out looking dowdy if Lucky was going looking like a tramp. They’d never get any
attention from possible boyfriends looking like the plain stepsisters.


“Try on this dress.” Barb pulled
out a figure flattering black dress and handed it to Brynn.


“But it’s such thin material, I
can’t wear panties. Not unless I want a panty line.”


“Wear a thong.” Barb grinned.


“True.” Brynn pulled on the dress
and pulled her bra off. “I can’t wear a bra either.”


“You’re boobs look great, Brynn,”
Barb complimented her friend. “Now I have to decide what to wear.”


“Wear the red dress you wore to
the Halloween party we went to two years ago.” Brynn grinned at her friend.
“That was hot.”


“Okay.” Barb rushed off to her
room and changed. Within five minutes, both girls were back in the living room
with Lucky and the kids and they all stared at Brynn and Barb with huge grins.


“You look beautiful, Mommy.” Jane
stepped forward and hugged her mom.


“Thanks doll.” Barb bent down and
kissed Jane on the forehead.


“You look good too, Auntie Brynn.”
Cory stared at her in amazement. “Like a princess.”


“Thanks Cory.” Brynn felt a swell
of happiness in her heart and gave him a big hug. “And you look like
Spiderman.” She grinned at Cory in his costume. The five of them looked like
the biggest mix-matched group and she knew that they were going to stick out at
the party like a sore thumb but she didn’t mind. They were her family and she
loved them as they were. She just hoped she wouldn’t get fired.


“C’mon guys. Let’s go party.”
Lucky danced towards the door and they all danced along happily as they left
the house.


Chapter 3


Lucky disappeared as soon as they
arrived at the hotel and Brynn sighed. Her excitement had faded as soon as they
had arrived at the Hilton and walked into the Grand Ballroom, where the party
was being held. There was no babysitter at the party and both Jane and Cory
were acting up, thanks to the coke, she and Barb had let them have before they
left the house. Brynn looked around the room and contemplated what to do. The
music was loud, the drinks were plentiful and she didn’t see anyone she knew.
She and Barb stood in the corner with the kids and both seemed a little


“These people look rich, Brynn.”
Barb’s voice was filled with concern. She felt self-conscious and out of place
among the rich and elite and Brynn was starting to feel the same way.


“It’s okay, Barb.” Brynn tried to
sound upbeat. “Didn’t we say we wanted rich boyfriends for Christmas.”


“I guess.” Barb sounded doubtful.
“I don’t know if any of these guys are going to want a big girl like me.”


“Don’t be silly, Barb,” Brynn
sighed. “Let me go and get us a drink.”




Brynn walked over to the bar and
ordered 3 drinks. She gulped one down as she waited for the other 2 to be made
and felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around with a happy smile
expecting to see Doug, and felt her smiled freeze as she saw Daz.


“I thought that was you.” He
looked at her with mirth in his eyes. “I hope you’re not going to be driving
after downing all these drinks.”


“What, what are you doing here?” she
sputtered in shock.


“I came for the party, of course.”
He grinned at her. “And you are here because?”


“I work at the firm.” She glared
at him. “I don’t think party crashers are allowed, you know.”


“Oh they aren’t?”


“No.” She turned around and grabbed
another drink and started gulping it. She didn’t want Daz to see just how
affected she was by his presence. It had been years since they had hung out but
she felt like she did when she had first seen him all those years ago,
lightheaded and giddy. She’d had a crush on Daz since high school, when he was
dating her sister and she had been devastated when he had cheated on her sister.
She’d never thought he would turn out to be that kind of guy.


“Whoa, Brynn.” He laughed. “Go
easy with the drinks.”


“You’re not my boss.” She glared
at him and continued chugging. She felt her body warm as he moved in closer to
her. He bent his face down to look into her eyes and he spoke with a half


“Not technically, I suppose.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She looked up at him with squinted eyes and licked her lips. If she moved her
mouth forward just an inch they would be kissing.


“It means that as a partner,
everyone in the firm technically works for me.” He smiled at her and she gasped
as she felt his tongue on her lips licking them. “I figured I would help you
out,” he spoke softly and sensuously as he removed his tongue from her mouth.


“What are you doing?” Brynn could
barely get the words out. She was mesmerized by his eyes and the feel of his
tongue on her lips. She wanted to grab him and to stick her tongue in his
mouth. She wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss him, deep and hard.
She had been thinking about kissing him for years, and she was inches away from
making it happen. “And wait, what?” She snapped back to reality. “You’re a

BOOK: A Boyfriend for Christmas
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