Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2
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“Move on,” I repeated stupidly. “Look, Bay—” He never gave me a chance to finish my thought.

“So you’ll admit this—leaving the apartment, the flowers—is about moving on.” He turned to glare at me. “With all that’s happened, this is probably for the best.”

I stared at him, dumbfounded. “With all that’s happened
for the best?” I croaked out, confusion settling over me like a veil.

“Seeing as it’s obvious you aren’t clear on how you feel about me, and now I’m in a similar situation after all that’s happened, I think it’s best that we call off the engagement.” He looked pained but resolute. He turned and stalked toward the door. “It’s over, Maddy.”

I just sat there for a long moment.
“Bahlin, wait.” The implication of his words sank in slowly. I tried to stand and just barely made it, but I couldn’t get my bearings to go after him, to force him to listen to me. “Don’t leave me alone!” I yelled, ignoring the pleading in my voice.

He never slowed down and he never looked back. Yanking the door open, he said something to Clay before disappearing.

The other dragon hadn’t even made it back inside the room before my scream of frustration tore through the air. Grabbing for the bed, I pulled the covers to the floor as I collapsed. I lay there, the nylon carpet rejecting my tears so they formed a small pool at my temple. Clay tried to get me up off the floor, but I swung out at him, clipping his jaw.

“Leave,” I croaked, gathering the fallen sheet below my chin. “Just leave.”

He backed out through the bedroom doors, pulling them closed behind him. As they were about to latch he said, “I’ll be right here, Maddy. I’m not going anywhere.”


I lay there for hours, unaware of anything but those small sounds of silence which were no longer comforting but instead were just ambient noise. I counted the stripes on the bed skirt, let my fingers trace the knobby hem of the sheet and contemplated the presence of dust bunnies under the bed. I tried to think of anything except Bahlin. Sadly I wasn’t even remotely successful. Despite my initial distrust of fairytales and the concept of one true love, Bahlin had spent all of our time together coercing me into believing in happily-ever-after despite life’s long odds and the damnable prophecy. But his efforts appeared to have been pointless. It was ironic that, for all he espoused believing in us, he was the one to walk away from the commitment.

Maybe you were you just in love with the idea of being in love, Niteclif. Otherwise how could you claim to truly love each other and then both accept it’s over so easily?
There were no easy answers.

I pulled more covers off the bed and burrowed into them there on the floor, propping my head on my folded arm. There was no noise from the living area but I suspected Clay was still there. He’d only pulled the French doors shut to let me have a private rage then cry. He was a good man and an even better friend.

The sun had begun to set before he opened the doors and came in with more pain medication. I shook my head, but he continued toward me.

“You’ve got to take it, Maddy.” He held the bottle out like a shield.

“No one’s paying you anymore, so you don’t have to stay,” I croaked, my throat raw.

“This isn’t about payment, sweets. It’s about right and wrong. You need someone with you right now.” Setting the bottle on the bedside table, Clay gently scooped me up, covers and all, and deposited me back on the bed.

I pushed myself to sitting, and Clay adjusted the multitude of pillows behind my back.

“But, Clay—”

“If it bothers you that badly, I’ll tell you Bahlin’s still paying me.”

“What? Why? I don’t need his pity,” I snapped, my eyes daring him to argue with me.

“It’s nothing to do with pity, Maddy. It’s because you’re the Niteclif.”

Okay. That was an infallible argument. “Oh yeah. The High Council.” It figured it wasn’t personal. This was business. Had the whole relationship been a farce? Just business?

He got what he wanted from you, Niteclif—power. What did

Clay interrupted my thought process just before it got really ugly. “Look, Maddy, if you repeat what I’m about to say, I’ll deny it then fry you like a crisp first opportunity I get.” He stared me down and I nodded slowly. “Bahlin loves you, and he’s made a huge mistake today. I think he believes that by punishing himself he’s atoning for, particularly, the sin of patricide.”

“That makes no sense. He’d challenged his dad for the position of Glaaca and would have killed him anyway.”

“Not necessarily.” Clay handed me the bottle and, without thinking, I took a swig, grimacing at the sickly sweet, artificial cherry flavor of the syrup. “He could have let his dad live and just forced him out of the weyr. Winner’s choice.”

“Wouldn’t that have been just as bad?”

“Sure, but it allows room for reconciliation, doesn’t it? He could have, probably
have, reintroduced his da to the weyr at some point. Whereas death is just death, and there’s no undoing it.” Clay sighed, set the bottle on the nightstand and motioned for me to scoot over.

I did, curious, and could only gape at him when he stripped to his plaid boxers and slid under the covers with me.

“Don’t look so shocked, Maddy. I’m tired, this is the only bed, and I’m not leaving you alone any more than I’m sleeping in my jeans. I promise you, though, that I’ll keep my hands to myself. You look a bit, uh,
today.” He snuggled down under the covers and closed his eyes.

The pull of the narcotics was stronger than my disbelief at Clay’s actions, so I lay down beside him and turned on my side, giving him my back.

“Rest well, Maddy,” he said softly just as I felt him begin to gently stroke my head.

Sleep pulled me under so quickly there wasn’t time to answer.


I woke up comfortably warm. The sunlight shone softly through the window, a kaleidoscope of rainbow patterns shining through the cut glass of the French doors. I could see small patches of blue sky beyond the curtains that had remained open through the night. Realizing I’d slept all night, I did a mental celebratory shimmy. I snuggled under the covers, and a strong arm tightened around me.


But he didn’t smell right.

Uh oh.

I rolled my eyes up and found Clay still sleeping. At some point we’d wound ourselves together like lovers. I put my hand on his ribs and pushed back a little, and he slowly opened his soft brown eyes, looking down at me. He closed the distance I’d created and dipped his head in one swift motion. Our lips met, his soft and persistent as they moved slowly back and forth over mine, coaxing. He nipped at my lower lip and I pulled farther back, confused but not angry.

What the hell was it with me? I’d spent my entire life in relative anonymity but once I entered the supernatural world, everyone wanted a piece? Gaah.

“Clay, you need to back off, buddy,” I murmured into his lips. He didn’t stop. “I mean it, Clay.”

He tilted his head back, his dark eyes assessing my intent.

“Don’t try me on this, Clay. Move back. Now.”

I could tell the moment Clay fully came awake and realized what he’d been doing because surprise darted across his face like a fast-moving comet. He’d started to move away when he was ripped out of bed, arms and legs flailing for purchase.

“The lady said to move the fuck back,” Hellion said, throwing Clay to the floor. Hellion stood beside the bed, his face mottled with rage, his flat black eyes like unpolished chips of obsidian beneath sculpted brows. This ruggedly handsome face had scared me shitless more than once, and today was sadly no different. He was still huge, still well muscled and still scary, but somehow with his rage turned on someone else he seemed less menacing despite the two-dozen roses decorating my dresser. What settled uncomfortably over me was that same inexplicable feeling of familiarity I had every time I looked at him.

“Wait. You openly threaten me less than a month ago and you’re here to kill me, but you’re going to protect my honor before acting on that threat?” Disbelief colored my tone. The only weapon I had at hand was sarcasm, and I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to wield it. Of course, swinging it about with wild abandon probably wasn’t wise.

Clay jumped up, his eyes flashing as he turned to face Hellion. He leaned forward on the balls of his feet, muscles trembling and fists clenched, his fury tightly—but barely—controlled. “Leave the woman alone,” he hissed, his voice guttural and deep.

Hellion wandered casually over to the flowers, effectively putting distance between himself and Clay before dismissing the younger man. “You won’t shift in the room. It’s too small to contain your dragon form. And you can’t take me hand-to-hand, no matter what you think, so stand down, boy.” Clay glowered as Hellion turned to me. “Actually, I came to see if the news reports were true and our newest Niteclif was, indeed, dead by near decapitation.” He let his eyes roam over me with open insolence. “Obviously, the newsmen have reported in haste. At least you’re alive to enjoy your gift. Do you like them?” He reached out with his massive hand and snatched up a rose, crushing it and letting the destroyed petals fall to the floor before turning to me for my answer.

“Frankly? It’s damned creepy. Look, is there something I can do for you? You had the perfect opportunity to kill both of us but you didn’t. Why are you here?” I challenged. Okay, it was admittedly more like I asked him firmly. After all, it’s hard to really challenge anyone while you’re so bruised you look like an eggplant and you’re sitting in bed wearing nothing more than a T-shirt and underwear.

Hellion took a quick step toward the bed, but Clay moved toward him at the same time.

“Back off, lizard boy,” Hellion snarled in his low baritone.

Clay growled deep in his chest but paused to look at me before jumping the other man. There was something to be said for those who respected leadership, no matter how poor it was. I figured I’d take what I could get. Shrugging, I shook my head, and Clay went back to watching Hellion closely.

Hellion looked at me, his eyes carefully assessing. “How hurt are you?”

I thought about how to answer. I was definitely too hurt to defend myself against him. “I suppose hurt enough isn’t a sufficient answer?”

“Can you walk?”

Huh. “Yes, but I still need someone to help me when I first stand.”

“Works for me.” He lunged for the bed. Too fast for Clay, he had his hands on my throat before the dragon could get to me. Our skin touched without interference.

My ears popped and the world went black before immense pressure everywhere pushed my skin into my bones. I screamed, but the sound seemed restricted to the inside of my head. I was suspended in space and time, Hellion in front of me with his hands wrapped tightly around my throat. We hung there like abandoned marionettes.

“Odin,” Hellion whispered, his eyes going wide and glazing with shock.

Immobile, I had no way to know what was behind me. All I could do was listen.

A smooth, deep voice filled the void. “The prophecy foretells a love of the ages between the Niteclif and an unnamed man.”

No, no, no. Not this. Not now,
I screamed wordlessly.

“I hereby name that man. Hellion, son of Markalon, you are destined to love this woman, to serve her well, and to fight for her in every sense. You will cherish her above all else, and—”


Hellion looked pained, and he closed his eyes.

“—she will love you as she has loved no other.”

Chapter Three

I felt a shift, and Hellion’s arms came around me just before I was blinded by a flash of light. I shrieked and reached up to cover my eyes.

“It’s over, Madeleine,” Hellion whispered into my ear. “We’re here.” His arms were around me, his front pressed to my back, and for all the sense it made it felt like he was cradling me as we lay on the floor.

I was breathing hard and shaking like a flag in the wind, great, wracking tremors that hurt. I grabbed my stomach and retched. Hellion tightened his hold and put one hand to my forehead. The nausea eased with his touch though the pain in my stomach was fierce.

“Please,” I whispered in agony, “please let go of my stomach.”

He dropped his hand quickly and I rolled away, coming to rest on my side on the carpeted floor. I lay on the floor, eyes closed.
It can’t be Hellion
. Desperation pushed my fight-or-flight response into overdrive but I was too hurt to do anything about it.
It can’t be Hellion.
I opened my eyes slowly, my heart thundering in my ears and my breath coming short. I lay there shocked and scared, even if I only admitted the latter to myself. Apparently a divine prophecy had been rendered on us when we had touched each other.
It can’t be Hellion.
Now the man who had demanded my life as preferred coin for repayment had me at his mercy, and I had no way to call for help.
Why did the room look—
I blinked out for a minute and when I opened my eyes I was lying on a bed that looked very similar to the one I’d left in my room only minutes ago. I shifted to adjust the covers to my waist while Hellion took the seat nearest the door. “Where exactly are we?”

BOOK: Wrath: The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2
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