Read Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) Online

Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)
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The waitress placed our food onto
the table and looked at us as we sat in what was now uncomfortable silence.
"Erm...if you need anything please let me know." She managed a smile
before scuttling out of the way.
"Let's hear it," Ramsey turned to Spike and I was a little concerned
by the way he spoke to him as Ramsey was still only a prospect. I hoped there
wasn't going to be an argument.
"I'm your sponsor Ramsey so you know I'm not going to hold my
tongue." Spike wagged his finger between the two of us, "I'm only
going to say this once. It's up to you if you want to take the advice from an
old man."
Ramsey sniggered, "You're like twenty-eight or something!"
"Well okay, a man older than you. If you are thinking about seeing each
other, you need to go about it the right way.
"But we're not...I mean...we're," Spike held up his hands and I
trailed off.
"That may be the case Lauren and I'm not disputing it, I'm just saying
that if you think about seeing each other then you need to go about it the
proper way. Look at the shit caused by you taking Chloe to a fucking football
Ramsey sniggered, "Yeah I know and I get it. Look my dinner's getting
Spike clipped him around the back of the head, "See you're not too old for
a smack."
"Fuck off, you'll mess my hair up."
I smiled at the interaction between them. It was good natured with no malice,
Spike was just looking out for him.
"Right I'll leave you to your meal," Spike stood and dug into his
jean pocket. He pulled out his wallet and threw several notes on the table.
"That's for ours and yours," he gave me a wink and put his shades on
before he casually strolled from the building.

"I think I've lost my
appetite!" I stated sinking into the chair.
"Don't be silly, Spike's great he's only watching out for me." Ramsey
picked up the serving knife and placed a slice of pizza onto my plate before he
served himself.
"Lauren you need to chill and start eating or do I need to feed you?"
he raised his brows playfully waiting for a response.
I leaned forward, "Okay okay, I'll start eating." I used my knife and
fork to cut my pizza and placed a small piece into my mouth. "This is good
really good," I cut another piece but stopped when I heard Ramsey
sniggering and looked up to see his smirk, "What's up?"
"I just knew that you were a knife and fork kind of girl."
"Is that a bad thing or maybe code for something else?" I was
enjoying our playful banter, I'd never had this before and found that he got me
on so many different levels.
"Nah, I just have this horrible feeling that you may be out of my
league." We were interrupted by Ramsey's phone ringing. He glanced at the
screen and groaned, "Sorry babe I need to get this."

"Yeah...Maggie said she
wanted me there by I'm not doing anything special...okay I'll
see you soon." Ramsey let out a sigh as he placed his phone back onto the
table. "Sorry babe, I've gotta get going. The joys of being a prospect are
that you're on call twenty-four seven." Ramsey picked up a slice of pizza
and took a huge bite, chewing it quickly before he washed it down with a swig
of his coke.
"I promise I'll make this up to you, I've enjoyed our banter this
I placed my knife and fork onto my plate and for the first time this evening really
looked at him. Ramsey had many sides to him and I was hoping that he'd allow me
to see each side in more depth.
"So have I," I said quietly.
His face lit with a smile as he stood ready to leave. "If you want a ride
babe we need to go now as I need to be at Maggie's."
"I'm going to stay if that's okay, I need some proper food to build up my
strength before my exams next week." I stated throwing his words back at
He sniggered and bent down to kiss me on the cheek, "I love your smart
mouth." Ramsey kissed me again before he stood. "And I didn't mean
what I said on the phone, this was something special." Ramsey smiled
before he strolled from the restaurant leaving me to ponder this afternoon's

I sat on my own and ate another
couple of slices of pizza. There was too much for me to consume but I asked the
waitress to box up the leftovers as Mark was due home this evening and I'm sure
he'd polish it off.
I paid for the meal using Spike's money and took a slow walk home. My stomach
was full and it was best that I walked some of it off before I started studying
this evening otherwise I'd be uncomfortable.
"Shit!" I said aloud, I'd only left my bloody bag in Ramsey's van. I removed
my iPhone from my pocket and searched through my contacts before calling him. I
pressed my ear to the screen waiting for him to answer as I continued to walk
home, I wasn't far now and could see my front garden from where I was.
"Hello beautiful," he answered with ease throwing me off kilter.
"Erm...yeah hi, erm I forgot my bag that contains all of my reading
material for this evening." I was stammering like a bloody idiot but
that's the way he made me feel.
"Good job I'm outside your house then, how long you going to be?" As
I neared the property, I noticed the van parked outside and Ramsey standing
beside it with my rucksack hanging over one of his shoulders. He looked like a
model on a photo shoot and I couldn't help but take in the sight.
"Hi," I said as I approached.
"I thought you may be needing this," he lifted my bag and passed it
to me. "You really need to be taking stuff out of there, it's far too
"Consider me told," I mock saluted taking the piss out of his bossy
side as he rolled his eyes. "Well thank you, I'll leave you to get back to
your party."
"Oh it's like that is it, you totally dismissing me?" he asked
humorously. That's what I enjoyed about his company, he didn't seem to take
anything too seriously.
"I've got so much work to do."
"Yeah I know but there's one last thing I've got to give you before I leave."
I racked my brain trying to think what I may have left in his van earlier but I
was stumped.
"You're going to need to elaborate Ramsey." I placed my rucksack onto
the ground and brought up my hand to shield the sun that was shining directly
into my face.
Ramsey stepped closer and cupped my cheeks in his hands before pulling me
gently closer to his face to place his lips on mine. Our mouths touched softly
at first exploring each other trying to find out what we both enjoyed before it
was too much and desire took hold. I opened my mouth ready for him to take and
he obliged moving his lips and tongue masterfully.
Ramsey moved one of his hands to cup the back of my head and I followed suit my
hugging him and resting my hands on his lower back. The movement pulled him in
closer to my body and I was able to feel his erection and the indication of his
desire towards me.

Ramsey gyrated his hips a little
trying to find some friction but it was short lived as I stepped away to break
the connection.
"You're a bloody good kisser like me," he injected a little humour
into the situation although looked puzzled for the sudden stop of enjoyment as
he casually wiped his mouth. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that but I
couldn't help myself." Ramsey leaned back onto his van assessing my
I pointed behind me towards the house, "I know...Mark will be
home soon."
"Yeah that's cool, I don't want to be here when he arrives. I'll catch up
with you soon." He nodded his head and opened the door to his vehicle.
He turned to look over his shoulder, "Yeah!"
"You're actually a bloody good kisser like me." I gave him a cheeky
wink, turned on my heels and floated down the path towards the front door. I
heard him chuckle as he started the engine and drove down the street bibbing
his horn.

On entering the house I headed
straight for my bedroom, I had so much to prepare for and had already lost a
couple of hours by going for dinner with Ramsey. Not that I minded, in fact it
had turned into an enjoyable time although cut short because of his duties to
the club. The last couple of weeks had been challenging to say the least, I'd
managed to box my thoughts and feelings about the attack and had decided not to
revisit. It was my coping mechanism and it worked for me.

"Lauren, are you in?" I
heard Mark throw something heavy onto the floor and stomp around as if he was
looking for something. "Ooh Pizza."
"Yeah I'm in my room," I shouted so he could hear me.
Mark pushed my door open and peered in eating a slice of pizza, "Good
evening and how are you?" he looked grubby, which was surprising as Mark
was always immaculately dressed.
"I'm all good, I haven't been in long but I'm going to hit the books again
this evening." I held up one of my text books letting him know of my
"Always working Lauren, you need to adopt a good balance or you'll burn
yourself out." Mark leaned on the doorframe as he ate the last of the
I smiled, "My exams are next week, after that I'll let my hair down a
"I'll tell you what, why don't we plan something for that weekend. I've
neglected you recently so it would be nice to spend some quality time with
I nodded, "Yeah I'd like that."
"Okay then it's a date." Mark pushed from the doorframe, "I'm
going to hit the shower and then I'm off to a Paige's homecoming party."
"Are you hoping to bump into anyone in particular?" I asked trying to
hide my smirk.
He narrowed his brows with an amused expression. I wasn't one for banter with
Mark so my smart mouth had taken him by surprise. "It would be nice to see
Chloe but that's not the reason I'm going."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that." I turned
from him and removed the rest of my books from my bag, I heard him snigger
before his footsteps faded down the hall.
His forbidden love for Chloe would most certainly get him into trouble. He'd
been told to stay away but I knew their pull was too much. He'd assured me that
he wouldn't put himself in harm's way but a person in love didn't always think
rationally either. I just hoped he knew what he was doing.



"Hello beautiful." I
couldn't help but brush my hand along her lower back as I passed Chloe to stand
beside her.
"How have you been?" she asked casually not looking at me directly as
she took a sip from her drink.
I hadn't seen Chloe for a while now because of the surveillance and
investigating I was carrying out for the club but it was true what they say,
absence made my heart grow fonder. I was yearning to touch her and I knew from
her body language that she was feeling the same.

"I miss you," I
whispered getting the reaction I wanted as a smile grew across her face. Chloe
kept her glass held in front of her mouth shielding her excitement from the
rest of the partygoers as she continued to play it cool. "I think about
you every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake, hoping that
one day we will be together."
I heard her breath hitch and my close proximity was affecting her body, her
breathing became shallow and Chloe crossed her legs grinding her thighs
I knew I had her attention now but I wasn't finished, I wanted her to want me
regardless of the many obstacles. "Do you still think of me Chloe? Do you
think of me when you use your vibrator or finger to get yourself off?"
Chloe glanced in my direction, her face flushed from our conversation although
I made it look to the rest of the world that we were simply chatting about the
"I don't know how long I can go on like this," Chloe whispered as she
glanced around the garden. Her eyes widened, I followed her eye line until I
noticed Duke stomping in our direction.
"By the look on Duke's face I'd say that he's not happy that we're talking
to each other but by the acceptance of Cade into Paige's life, I'd say that we
may not have to wait as long as we originally thought." I smiled and
winked cheekily before walking to greet Duke.

"Don't get your knickers in a
twist, we were simply catching up as it's been a while since I've seen
Duke narrowed his eyes, "It better be all it is."
I rolled my eyes and took a quick sip from my bottle, "You've told me to
stay away so I have."
"Okay that's fine, I don't want to be covering old ground." Duke raised
his bottle and clinked it with mine. "Sorry mate I've just gotta speak to
Ash, I'll be back in a minute." Duke waved catching Ash's attention and
quickly scurried across the garden. It made me smile how those two had finally
got together. There was a lot of
and froing but they eventually worked it out and I
couldn't be happier for them both.
I heard a whistle that caught my attention, I glanced around the garden looking
to see where it had come from but everyone was deep in conversation which was puzzling.
I brought my bottle to my lips when I heard the noise again. I stopped what I
was doing and this time turned to see Chloe peering around the shed door at the
back of the garden beckoning me over. A smile spread quickly across my face,
"Dirty bitch!" I muttered under my breath as I checked out the
garden. People were still oblivious, deep in their own thoughts and chatting
among friends that I simply slipped away further down the garden pretending I
was going for a leisurely stroll.

I opened the shed door greeted by
Chloe's huge smile. "Did anyone see you?" she asked excitedly.
I shook my head, "No."
Her smile grew wider, "Good." Chloe stepped closer and placed her
hand on my chest. "I've missed touching you." She ran her hand up my
chest and over my shoulder until she was holding my neck firmly. Chloe stepped
closer so our bodies were now touching and I saw her facial expression change
from cheeky to wanton when she felt my arousal.
I grabbed Chloe around her waist holding her firmly as I grinded my hips. By
inviting me in here, I knew what she wanted and I was prepared to give it all to
her. I took her mouth deeply, releasing all of my pent up frustration from
recent weeks. Our teeth clashed and our tongues twisted together on impact,
this was raw desire, we both needed this. I roughly shoved my hand inside her
top feeling her soft skin as I made my way to her tits. She had wonderful
mounds and I needed to feel them. I squeezed hard, Chloe broke the kiss and flung
her head back breathing heavily. I managed to pull her bra away from her breast
giving me access to her nipple and pulled it roughly between my thumb and
"Oh you like that babe," I whispered close to her ear.
She simply nodded and wrapped her leg around me pulling me closer. I lifted her
slightly and walked her back until her arse touched the shed wall and pushed my
body upon hers. I let go of her mound, Chloe's eyes flew open questioning my
motives but I was quickly awarded with a smile as she noticed me tugging on my
flies before I pulled down my jeans and boxers to reveal my hard cock.
Chloe pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal her black laced panties, she
placed her thumbs inside the elastic waistband and slowly pulled them down her
body until they were around her ankles. Chloe stepped from the material and
kicked them to one side, "Now what are you going to do with me?" she
asked playfully.
I took my hard cock in my hand and rubbed it up and down feeling the pre cum on
my fingers from my excitement. I needed to be inside her and I wasn't going to
wait any longer. I pulled her flaps apart and positioned my cock between her
folds before pushing slowly inside her. I felt euphoric, I allowed myself time
to savour the moment before I grabbed her arse and lifted her. Chloe
instinctively wrapped her legs around me fastening them at her ankles to lock
me tightly in place as I started to fuck her against the wall. She was already
wet for me, helping my cock to move freely and take her deeply. "You're
fucking beautiful," I couldn't help but tell her because she was. I needed
to find a way in order for us to be together, I couldn't think of anything at this
moment but I was determined to come up with a plan in order for this to happen.
I put my thoughts to one side as I increased my tempo fucking her against the
wall, I just couldn't get enough I needed to be deep inside her.

BOOK: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)
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