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Authors: Emma Barnes

Wolfie (11 page)

BOOK: Wolfie
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Jessica has always planned to be a world-famous scientist one day. But her mother has just become a professional witch!

Who will take Jessica seriously now?

To stop her mother wrecking her plans (and breaking up the family), Jessica resolves to show her that no one needs to believe in magic these days. But her plans – like her mother’s
spells – don’t always have the desired effect…

How (Not) To Make Bad Children Good

Emma Barnes

ISBN: 978-1-905537-28-0 (paperback, RRP £6.99)


Ever since she bit Father Christmas when she was six months old, it’s been downhill all the way for Martha Bones. She is horrible to her baby brother, Boris, and elder
sister, Sally and her parents are in despair.

Far away Martha’s behaviour comes to the attention of the Interstellar Agency whose aim is to make bad children good. Fred – who has a poor track record – is sent to Earth as
Martha’s guardian agent. His mission: to transform Martha into a lovely likeable child. However, Martha has other ideas!

The King of the Copper Mountains

Paul Biegel

ISBN: 978-1-905537-14-3 (paperback RRP £5.99)


At the end of his thousand-year reign of the Copper Mountains old King Mansolain is tired and his heart is slowing down. When his attendant, the Hare, consults The Wonder
Doctor, he is told he must keep the King engaged in life by telling him a story every night until the Doctor can find a cure.

The search is on for a nightly story more wonderful than the last, and one by one the kingdom’s inhabitants arrive with theirs; the ferocious Wolf, the lovesick Donkey, the fire-breathing,
three-headed Dragon. Last to arrive is the Dwarf with four ancient books and a prophecy that the King will live for another thousand years – but only if the Wonder Doctor returns in time.

BOOK: Wolfie
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