Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) (3 page)

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Deven saw Charli leave the tent enclosure and a quick check of the time revealed that soon he would need to bring her for the obligatory toast. He walked outside, humidity blanketing the night. He strolled along the beach toward the pixie-sized beauty clutching her dress hem with delicate fingertips. She always took his breath away, even when he pretended to ignored her. But this time, she made a part of him ache inside.

As his slow wandering brought him closer to her, he remembered the single time he had her in his grasp. The way she felt around him, sweet and spicy at the same time. There was something about her, and he couldn’t let it go. But as fantastic as the sex was, the fight afterwards left him confused. Even now a year later, he had spent numerous hours pondering and still there was no answer as to why she hated him in the first place. That afternoon she seemed fine, enjoying his company as much as he enjoyed hers. The sparks flew and each time he touched her forced the attraction higher.

But once they both came, limp and sweaty in a mutual heap against his brother Charyn’s front door, it seemed all bets were off and she was pushing him away. The argument after they finished fucking was stupid and started with a simple statement.

“I want you again.” He did. At that moment Deven was fully willing to pay any price to have more of her.

“Don’t sound so surprised
Her response was brusque and frosty, the tone telling him more than the words spoken did.

After that moment, she lambasted him. First, she called him several names. Then followed up with a, “What the hell do you think this is, Deven? I may not be your usual type of fling, but no one has had to put a bag over my head yet!”

Deven didn’t know what he had started in that moment, and took her home when she asked him to. If he knew then what he knew now he wouldn’t have let her sashay away that easily. But after he’d realized his mistake it was too late to change her mind about him. That first night led to many sleepless nights and thousands of minutes curious about her whereabouts.

She had no idea how bad off he was. He would give much just to possess her, to know for certain she would never share her juicy pussy with another man. He wondered how many men she had slept with in the year since he’d had her. Truthfully, he hadn’t touched but one other woman since their single interlude. No one knew his feelings, but he didn’t want another. Only she would do. The only other woman was anonymous, nameless, he barely remembered her face. All Deven remembered was that she was nice looking and let him take her in back of the club where they met. But the sex was less than stellar, and he went home unsatisfied again.

“Are you done with your smoke?” Deven asked, not really sure what he wanted to say.

Actually, he was sure of what he didn’t want to say. That he wanted her, for more than one night. Maybe if he’d gotten more of her, he wouldn’t have to feel this way. The sex couldn’t have been as good as he remembered. There was no way. He must have been under the weather or something. Never mind he hadn’t had so much as a cold in years.

“Yeah, I am,” Charli responded, a bit late, as she was lost in thought.

She tried to ignore Dev as he ignored her in the past. But she was still aware of him, in the primal way the hunted could feel a hunter in the wind. Charli felt the danger waft perceptibly from him and she knew she was in trouble. She had wanted him from the moment she saw him, at Makenzie’s old unit. Even after a full year of dodging him, she still wet her panties at the sight of him. It was hard on her to avoid certain events and dinners with her best friend to keep from seeing him again and giving away how he made her feel.

But his handsome visage was distracting her, even just the peripheral view. He was wearing half a tuxedo. No tie or jacket, just the shirt and pants. The color suited him, snowy-white top paired with black trousers both elegant, simple and tailored to perfection on him. The event was an eclectic mix of class and informality. Most the guests were barefoot, even in their finery. She just wanted to breathe without the scent of him teasing her nostrils. Was that too much to ask? She felt waspish and, especially tonight, brittle as worn out porcelain china. She walked away, knowing she could snap at any moment. He was an easy target, her attraction to him making her disgusted with him and herself. Why on earth did the one man to ever make her see stars have to be a self-serving misogynist?

Charli entered the tent, followed by Deven, both walking to the low table and taking their filled champagne flutes. She decided to get her obligation over. Maybe then she could be alone. She tapped the flute with her fork, the clinking silencing the pockets of chatter across the party.

“Hey, everybody, I’m Charlene, Makenzie’s best friend. I remember they day this couple met, and lemme tell you how funny life is. One minute you could be having the worst time of your life, and the next... Your soul mate could fall in your lap. Anyone who sees the two of them together knows they are deeply, madly in love. Our handsome groom even planned this event you’re at now. How’s that for love? The real love of your life will do anything for you, and, ladies, he’s out there looking for you. Men, that tells you the right woman will make you a better man to be with her. There’s nothing wrong with fitting the needs of your mate, no shame, no embarrassment. Only if they weren’t so smug and kissy faced all the time, maybe folks would find in their hearts to be happy,” Charli joked, and the group laughed. The entire batch of wedding guests saw the newlywed’s heated embrace earlier on the beach, ankle-deep in the surf.

Soon it was Deven’s turn, and his voice resonated through the tent, deep and strong.

“Well, as everyone knows, I’m Deven, Charyn’s oldest brother. The first time I saw them together wasn’t long after they met, but even then I knew they would be here. In as many years as we have been brothers, he never looked at anyone the way he looked at her. Her eyes were only for him, and being in the room with them will get you drunk. The chemistry is just that potent. I wish them many happy years, and all that they could wish for. They are each lucky and blessed to have met their match. We are not always that lucky in life, to meet the one that completes you. They are a bunch of kissy faces, and yeah, they sniff necks a lot, but who am I to judge? Guess that’s what being in love will do to you.” Deven laughed, the crowd laughing with him. The couple had the nerve to kiss again, and the watching crowd laughed more, some awing over the romantic newlyweds.

The rest of the night flew by. After the wedding reception, she and Jamie were cleaning the beach tent used for the party. The exuberant bride and groom were riding away in the couple’s Hemi Barracuda. Charli tied cans and painted the back window earlier in the day, and they drove the redecorated vehicle to the airport to catch their ride with Deven. He was piloting in his Gulfstream G200 jet, and left an hour early to get the plane ready for takeoff. It was his gift to the newlyweds, whose final destination was Nadi, Fiji, where they would spend the honeymoon.

* * * *

Deven was performing the preflight check on his plane, and it would be finished fueling shortly. He would fly Charyn and Makenzie to LAX, and from there they would take the charter to Nadi, Fiji. He was going to stay overnight and fly back into ILM after he had the chance to rest. While the couple would take the resort flight with one stop in Honolulu, there they would refuel and arrive about seventeen hours later. They were staying at the Poseidon Undersea Resort, in the Nautilus Suite. The newlyweds would spend two weeks there, ten days on land and four underwater.

Charyn asked Deven to take him and his new bride to Los Angeles so he could have his fill of conjugal rights on the way. As Charyn explained it, he would be unable to indulge in unbridled wedded bliss for the next twenty-eight hours if the resort picked them up on their chartered flight straight from the reception. So the couple opted to fly to LA and spend one day there before making the trip halfway around the world for their honeymoon. He had the preflight check completed and climbed in the jet, looking over the passenger cabin. He had a concierge service come out the prior day to prep the plane for the cross-country trip. They did their job well. The minibar was stocked and the plane cleaned to like-new condition. They even strung the icicle lights he requested since no candles were permitted. From there he climbed into the cockpit, checking his instruments.

Ten minutes later, the couple pulled up to the private strip used for charter planes. Deven greeted them, escorting the giddy husband and wife inside. He would consider himself lucky if they weren’t screwing by the time he took off. Apparently he wasn’t going to be able to claim good fortune on this flight.

Charyn was inside his wife before the plane taxied the runway. The only concession to their location was the seat belt they shared on the Gulfstream couch.

Deven felt his ears pop when they went higher as he was dumb enough to remove his headphones before hitting the proper altitude, and he heard the screams accompanying the couple’s lovemaking in back. He could only imagine what it must have felt like. That was one of the few things he hadn’t had the chance to do. He had banged one girl over the entire craft from the cockpit to the back passenger seats, but since he normally flew himself, hadn’t joined the Mile High Club yet.

His brother took it a bit further than he would have thought to. The pressure at takeoff must have been orgasmic, and he’d bet the entire year’s earnings that either one or both of the wedded couple had come. Actually, Mak probably came twice. She was still screaming when they hit the slight turbulence. Wind buffeting the small plane, Deven pulled his attention from his hard cock to the matter at hand. In the short term, that meant getting everyone to LA without crashing. The cockpit, already small for a man his size, grew smaller with his hardness trapped in tuxedo pants.

By the fifth hour, Deven was half crazy and ready to spurt. They didn’t stop, the newlyweds in back showing their apparent hunger for the other. He knew they had to be tired. No way in the world they had any energy left. There were leftovers from the ceremony to eat, but he knew they couldn’t have eaten much. Since the moment he heard the food being prepared there was only a few minutes of blessed silence broken by more screaming sex. His cock was going to explode, Deven thought as he squirmed in the leather seat.

By the seventh hour of continuous fucking, the entire cabin and cockpit were filled with the scent of lovemaking, semen and orgasmic musk. Deven was about to go mad when he finally reached his destination and upon landing, whipped his cock out. He barely had the room to maneuver, but he had to relieve himself now. Otherwise, someone was going to lose an eye. When he finished coming in the waiting hand wipe, he was still hard and still wanting. The only woman who’d ever fully sated him was back in Wilmington, and she hated him. Deven could feel it around her, the aura of disgust projected around her. He knew he pleased her body, but beyond that he didn’t know her. If she had her way, he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to make himself vulnerable to her that way, even if it were up to him. Or so he tried to convince himself unsuccessfully.

Makenzie was knocked out. Apparently she passed out when she came the last time, as the plane descended. Even in repose she was lovely. The hours of lovemaking rendered her skin with a deep healthy flush. Charyn however, was a former shell of himself, as if he’d had his soul sucked out by a succubus. He was panting, half-nude, and the only claim to modesty was his pants. His wife was in a slip of some kind, the dress crumpled beneath her. Deven just smirked at his brother.

“Did you even take a break?”

“Nope, not till now. I haven’t had her in over a week.” Charyn’s head leaned against the couch, still panting.

“Well, hopefully you two are good enough to make your flight to Nadi, especially since it will be another seventeen hours or so to get there.” Deven laughed, the sound stirring the sleeping siren next to his brother. She yawned and clenched her husband, who helped her stand. Her legs must have been like rubber, as she couldn’t hold herself upright. Charyn took her in his arms, but his legs weren’t much better. They crumpled back to the couch, just sitting still, eyes unfocused. Deven decided to let them get dressed, so he cleared his throat.

“I’m going to get the luggage and do the rest of my post-flight check. Give me fifteen, and I’ll come back for you.”

With that, he left, exiting the cabin into the early hours of morning. The flight took seven hours, and they left at midnight. With the time change, it was four something-or-the-other in the morning, and he was through. If he could check in to the hotel within an hour, he could get in bed by six and be back on his way home no later than three in the afternoon. Dev walked the plane’s perimeter, checking everything three times. When done, he steeled himself to go back to the cabin and he sorely hoped his brother and sister-in-law weren’t at it again. He didn’t think he could take hearing, seeing, or smelling anything more associated with sex. When he approached the door, it opened and the pair wobbled down the steps more than a little rumpled. Once they reached the ground, Charyn carried his wife to the waiting car, a chartered limo, to take the trio to the hotel.

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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