Read Wild: Devils Point Wolves #1 (Mating Season Collection) Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle,Mating Season Collection

Wild: Devils Point Wolves #1 (Mating Season Collection) (6 page)

BOOK: Wild: Devils Point Wolves #1 (Mating Season Collection)
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Their eyes locked and he slowly pulled her down on him.

Holy fucking hell.
She flung her head back and wailed at the pleasure. Damien was huge, but her body was ready as it stretched to accommodate him. Everything inside her went haywire. She kept her eyes open and watched his face. The wolf still glowed in his eyes, but the rest of him was all man. Incredible, hard, amazing man who wasted no time moving his hands to her breasts to pull at her nipples. The fiery heat of sudden pain mixed with the all consuming pleasure between her legs to tip her over the edge.

His hands returned to her waist with a fierce, demanding grip as his hips drove up into her again and again. She might have been on top but he controlled everything.

“Harder, Faith.” he commanded as he shoved deep inside her. Eager to give him what he needed, she quickened her pace, throwing her head back again and riding him with everything she had. Moments later he was still fucking her but he also pulled her down to kiss him. With lips locked and sweat slickened bodies pressed together, he rolled her on the bed until she was underneath him.

His thrusts continued and she grabbed onto his back for leverage to meet them. Her nails dug into his skin and he groaned. Every move he made sent fresh pleasure pulses shooting through her as he made love to her. Out of this world mad, wild love.

When her orgasm hit, it caught her by surprise. Everything around her disappeared except Damien. Her head spun out of control.


“Fuck yes, baby. Squeeze my dick. Take what’s yours.”

With her body convulsing, Damien leaned down and kissed her neck in several places before replacing his lips with the points of his teeth. “I claim you too,” he said on a hoarse whisper before sinking his fangs into her skin.

With his mouth locked onto her neck, he thrust deep and groaned.

Heat filled her as her new mate found his release, while still pounding into her. When Damien finally collapsed on her, his mouth popped free from her neck and they both panted, unable to catch their breath.

Damien rolled over on the bed and Faith grinned as he gathered her in his arms. It had been so long since she felt this happy she wasn’t sure she recognized it. Other than it felt really really good.

She’d dreamed of one day finding a husband and settling down, but this–it was so much more. “That was incredible.”

“Yep. Blew my mind,” he said. “When do you want to do it again?”

Faith leaned into his side and laughed. “Shifters are insatiable aren’t they?”

Damien lifted his head and sifted his fingers through her hair. “Pretty much. Hope that's not a problem.”

“Hardly. Although I might need a minute to catch my breath.”

He hugged her closer and kissed her cheek. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”

Faith froze, her breath catching in her throat. Tears suddenly stung her eyes.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “My father used to say that to my mother. That they had all the time in the world.” Her breath hitched. “I’m sorry it’s silly.”

“No, Faith. It’s not. I’m so sorry for you loss. For both you and your sister. Losing a parent is one of the worst things that can happen. Losing them both at the same time. I don’t even know…” His voice trailed off and she couldn’t help but think he was getting lost in his own thoughts. So she pulled him back.

“I love and miss my parents, but even harder is the feeling I’ve lost my twin. We were so close before. I’ve become different without her and I don’t mean in a better way. I get scared a lot. And I struggle with feeling safe.”

“I’ve noticed you mentioned that. You’ll feel safe here once you get used to us all. The pack protects their own. You’re pack now.” He was tracing patterns on her lower back and it felt really good. His touch calmed her, made her start to feel drowsy.

She nestled deeper into his arms, where she could soak up more of his warmth. She did feel safer here. “I hope you’re right. But I still miss her. I need her to be okay.”

Damien used his finger to lift her chin until her lips met his. “Of course you do, baby. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t. Now kiss me so we can go to sleep because I have a feeling things are going to get better soon.”

Chapter Eight

Damien rolled over when the faint sound of his cell phone woke him. He fished it out of his pants and checked the caller ID, pressing the answer button as soon as he saw Diego’s name.

“You’ve got incoming,” his brother blurted before he uttered a word.


“Rebel, and she’s on the warpath. Dante collared your rogue, but not before he told the whole pack that your woman was marked. She attacked him herself and it took two of us to drag her off of him. She still got off a shot and the wolf’s got a nice sized hole in his leg.”

“Fuck. I knew that woman would be trouble.”

“Always is. Doesn’t change facts though. We’d better get used to her.”

Damien sighed. Things were still fragile between him and Faith. He’d laid everything on the line with her earlier and after a bit of an inquisition and a hell of a wild time in bed, she accepted him. The last thing she needed right now was to have to choose sides. Rebel was family and he knew as well as anyone, you protected your family at all costs.

“Thanks for letting me know.” He ended the call and stood, grabbing his pants from the floor.

“What’s going on?” Faith asked, her voice behind him soft from sleep. Made him want to crawl back in bed and bite her again. While he was fucking her of course.

“Nothing serious. You stay here and rest. You’ll need it for when I come back.”

“Promise?” she asked.

“Definitely, my little wild thing. I’ll be right back.”

He headed to the front door but before he could open it, it came crashing open, slamming against the wall. It would have bounced back closed except Rebel slammed her booted foot against the wood and held it open.

Red hair, tangled and wild, swirled around her head as she locked her anger filled gaze on his. “Hey asshole.”

His favorite wicked witch had arrived.

“You lied to me. Told me Faith would be fine and she’d be safe with you. Where is she? In your fucking bed?” She lowered the shotgun propped against her shoulder and pointed it at his heart.

“Dammit, Rebel. Your sister is fine. She’s safer here than anywhere else in the world. You should know that.” He took a deep breath and reached for some calm. He could move a hell of a lot quicker than the woman in front of him, but he couldn’t take the chance she’d be hurt.

She shook her head. “I know you lied. Again. I’m not sure anymore that any of you can be trusted.”

“What’s going on out here?” Faith ran into the room with a sheet wrapped around her lush frame.

“Aaaahhhh!” Rebel yelled, her finger moving to the trigger of the gun. “Liar,” she screamed. “She had a life. A safe and happy one. And you stole her! This is not where she is supposed to be.”

Faith stepped between him and the gun and he growled. “Get out of the way, Faith.”

“Shut up!” They both yelled at him.

“Rebel Jayne Harris, what the hell is wrong with you? Put that gun down and start explaining yourself.” Faith had her hands on her hips giving her sister what for and all he could think about was that she belonged to him now.

The wolf growled.

“You don’t belong here. You have a life in Seattle. You’re going to be a scientist. You can’t be one of them now. You can’t go off the rails, that’s my job.”

“Good lord. No pressure. Since when did I end up on a pedestal with the perfect life? Are you crazy? My life has not been perfect. I lost the same things you did and I had to struggle through that on my own. Alone. Now I’ve chosen a different path and suddenly you’re going to freak out and claim to know what’s best for me?”

Rebel lifted her chin and sniffed. “You’ve been trying to manage me for years. I think I’m due.”

Faith sighed and walked up to her sister. “You don’t need this here.” She grabbed the gun from Rebel and handed it back to him. It was then he realized he’d been holding his breath watching these two women argue.

“Why don’t we go in the kitchen and I’ll fix us all something to drink.” He certainly needed it.

His mate turned and threw him a grateful smile. “Make it alcoholic and you’ve got a deal.”

“Done,” he said. Leading the women through the living room of his cabin he thought about how boring this place was. He’d gone to a lot of trouble building the place with all reclaimed wood and the best construction materials money could buy and then never taken the time to properly furnish or decorate the place, instead filling it with castoffs from other pack members and the requisite bachelor leather furniture and big screen television.

Since he spent most of his time at Club Diablo it never bothered him until now. Time to implement some changes. He settled the women at the large kitchen island and went to work on fixing their drinks. He had the ingredients for the usual margaritas and mojitos that his patrons and guests ordered, but this situation called for something different. So he pulled out three tumblers, filled a bucket with ice and a bottle of Disaronno.

“Rebel, you gotta find a way to deal with this. It’s too late for me to turn back now. That boat sailed the minute that rogue wolf bit me.”

“How do you know this asshole right here didn’t trick you all along and he was the mysterious rogue out on the bridge who took the chunk out of you? He’s pretty convincing, but he’s also willing to do just about anything to get what he wants.”

“Hey!” he objected.

“That’s absurd. He barely knew me. Besides, no one but you could have known I was coming to the island that night. I told no one except your voicemail.”

“Make him prove it. He can shift into a wolf and you should be able to tell whether he was the wolf that attacked you or not.”

“I will no–”

“I’ll do it.” Anything to get Rebel down from her latest rampage. “But,” he turned to Rebel, “when I prove it wasn’t me, you have to get chilled. You’ve been hysterical for days and it’s getting old. We’re wolves not mutant zombies here to eat your fucking brains.”

Rebel huffed. “I’ll do what I can, but I’m not ruling out some freak of nature alien bullshit.”

Damien shook his head and walked over to his mate’s sister draping his arm across her shoulder. “That’s Sir alien to you. You’re still my employee.”

“Hopefully not for long,” Faith mumbled while taking a sip of her drink.

He moved into the middle of the living room and began unbuttoning his shirt. He then unfastened his jeans and slid them down his legs. When he reached for his underwear, Faith shrieked.

“Do you have to take it all off?”

Rebel snickered. “He sure does.”

“If I’m wearing clothes when I shift they pretty much get shredded and ruined. I’ll turn around how about that?”

His mate nodded, but the stricken look on her face remained. She really had no idea how not a big deal this was. There wasn’t a person in the pack who hadn’t already seen everything. They often shifted and ran together and naked in their human form was pretty standard by the end of the night.

“Don’t worry, sis. It’s not anything I haven’t already seen.”

“Not helping,” Faith seethed through clenched teeth.

Ready to get this over with, he pulled on the strength of his wolf until he felt fur moving under his skin and then pushing through. It wasn’t going to be this easy for Faith the first time she shifted. He remembered that moment as painful and not fun at all. But with him there to ease her transition he was confident it wouldn’t be that bad.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Damien sighed at the sound of Dante’s voice behind him. Was there no sacred space among pack that he couldn’t take his clothes off without someone new showing up unannounced?

“Damien here is going to shift into his wolf form and prove to Faith that he is not the rogue wolf who bit her. At least not the first time.”

Dante’s eyes widened. “You mated her? Hell to the fucking yeah, it’s about goddamn time.” Dante grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

“Uhm could we do this after I get my clothes back on?” He pulled free from his brother and scooped his pants from the floor and yanked them back up his legs.

“This is ridiculous. Rebel doesn’t need proof you’re not the one who bit her sister, she confronted the asshole responsible and even shot him.

Faith jumped from her stool. “You did what?”

“What’s the big deal. He’ll heal. Isn’t that what you magical werewolves do? Healing a little gunshot to the leg should be a breeze.”

BOOK: Wild: Devils Point Wolves #1 (Mating Season Collection)
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